The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 821: Guiyi Army destroyed


The sword demon slashed down with his sword.

In an instant, the power of the terrifying demon clan roared out.

If he was teasing Zhang Yichao just now, then he is showing his true strength now.


The turbulent power of the demon clan rushed straight into the sky with the breath of corrosion, withering, and darkness.

When the blood-colored giant lion roared, the dark sword energy bombarded its body.


Zizi, Zizi, Zizi~

After the huge impact, it was the gnawing sound that made tens of millions of people stand on end.

The sword demon is devouring the blood-colored giant lion bit by bit with his own devilish energy!


The demonic energy lingering around his body made the giant **** lion feel uncomfortable, and it roared.


In the next second, its claws swept towards the sword demon with boundless power of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the pitch-black devilish energy in the sky was swept away by it.

The power of the military soul is the most powerful and rigid force in the world.

It and the demonic energy of the demons restrain each other. The energy of the demon race can wear down the power that devours the army soul, and the power of the army soul can also burn the power of the demon race.

Next, we have to see who is better!

"Hehe, alive and kicking food."

Facing the monstrous claw, the sword demon below not only showed no fear, but even showed a smile.

Immediately, the magic sword in his hand emitted a cold light.


The magic sword slashed down, and at this time its hand suddenly grew a thousand times larger, and the magic sword hit the blood lion's giant claw like a pillar of support.

The huge power is earth-shattering, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

On the ground, Zhang Yichao was deafened in both ears by the huge impact, and he staggered from the shock, almost falling to the ground.

And behind him, nearly a million soldiers of the rebel army felt as if they were being hammered hard at this moment.

Under the protection of the Scarlet Giant Lion, although they were exempted from most of the aftermath of the battle.

But this sword of the sword demon directly cut off the giant claw of the blood lion. The powerful backlash caused the soldiers of the Guiyi Army in the city to suffer injuries.


He was seriously injured in one blow, and the blood-colored giant lion couldn't help roaring due to the severe pain.

Although it re-condensed its claws with the power of the military soul, the **** aura around it could be seen to have dimmed with the naked eye.

Coupled with the power of the demons that devoured its body all the time, the Scarlet Giant Lion was completely at a disadvantage.

"Rush out! Rush out!"

The disadvantage of the Scarlet Lion made Zhang Yichao completely desperate.

"Instead of sitting here and waiting to die, it is better to follow me to kill the enemy for the country!"

"Guiyi Army, kill!"

Under his howls, millions of soldiers of the Rebel Army rekindled their fighting spirit.

They are heroes, their strength is not strong but their fighting spirit is still there.

As long as they die for the country, none of them will retreat!

"Kill, fight with these monsters!"

"His grandma's, want to eat me? See if I don't break your teeth!"

"Kill one back, kill two back to the original, kill three Laozi worthy of the ancestors!"

"Returning to the Rebel Army! There is death but there is no life!"


Amid roars and roars, a steady stream of Guiyi soldiers rushed out from the gap in the city gate.

At this time, they are fearless, facing the demons far outnumbering them, and facing difficulties!


Zhang Yichao has one sword per man.

The majestic sword energy tore tens of thousands of monsters in front of them into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Taking advantage of the fact that the sword demon was attracted by the blood lion, he led the soldiers of the Guiyi army to tear open a gap in the sea of ​​monsters.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Seeing the human beings who were willing to send them to the door without knowing their lives, the monsters roared excitedly one by one.

In an instant, the boundless sea of ​​monsters began to move.

The monsters on both sides of the gap began to squeeze the living space of the Guiyi Army soldiers little by little.

It seems that these millions of volunteer soldiers are just a wave in the sea of ​​monsters.

The waves will rise, but they will also fall.


Zhang Yichao killed the monster that was rushing towards him with a sword.

At this time, tens of thousands of monster corpses were lying under his feet, but in his eyes, there was no end to the continuous stream of monsters.

His feet have been rotted by the poisonous blood of the monster, and his bones have been devoured and melted little by little.

But even so, he still did not give in.

Every time the sword was swung, hundreds of monsters were cut off.

And behind him, millions of volunteer soldiers were as brave as him.

Someone killed several monsters and made a lot of money. There are also people who have been torn to pieces by monsters before they even started, and their bones do not exist.

When the poisonous blood of the monsters gathered into a stream, the casualty rate of the soldiers of the Guiyi Army rose rapidly.

They can chop monsters into pulp, but they cannot be immune to the toxin damage carried by some monsters.

When the stream formed by the poisonous blood flowed to their feet, the soldiers of the Guiyi Army melted in the stream one by one.

A strong dead air began to envelope the battlefield.

With the blessing of death, the strength of these monsters has become stronger!

"Go away!"

Zhang Yichao roared again.

In an instant, a majestic momentum burst out from his body. The huge wind formed by the momentum immediately knocked away the surrounding monsters.

Even the poisonous blood stream under his feet was scattered in all directions by the shock.

Crackling crackling!

Blessed by his power, the poisonous blood hit the monsters like a violent storm and a golden iron blade.

In an instant, tens of thousands of monsters died again.

It's just that after one blow, the extremely brave Zhang Yichao also began to become exhausted.

He also wants to kill more monsters, but people are not machines after all.

After swinging the sword a thousand times and ten thousand times, he knew that he had reached his limit.

At the same time, the monster that had just been cleared rushed over again.

They are fearless.

The flesh and blood of Guiyi soldiers That is a fatal temptation for them!

"Haha! Die!"

In mid-air, the sword demon has completely gained the upper hand.

He gave up his momentum advantage, and instead fought the blood lion personally.

At this time, his whole body turned into a weapon, and he shot and raised his feet at will, scarring the blood lion stabbing many times.


The blood lion didn't know how many claws he had broken.

Although the Guiyi Army, which regards death as home, has strengthened its strength, it is crushed by its powerful strength and makes it desperate every step of the way.


Another sword struck.

This time, the sword demon turned into a sharp sword.

With unstoppable power, the sharp sword split the blood lion in half with one strike.

The power of the boundless military soul began to scatter.

But with a light grip of the sharp sword in the sword demon's hand, in an instant, the power of the army souls in the world was captured back.

At the same time, the strength of the Guiyi Army soldiers on the ground was rapidly weakening.

Facing the endless monsters, they have lost their ability to resist.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Seeing the soldiers under his command being swallowed up, Zhang Yichao's eyes were full of blood and tears.

His lower body has been completely corroded into bones, and the clothes on his body have also become tattered, like rags.

But even so, the sharp sword in his hand was still waving tirelessly.

A three-eyed demon pierced his body with a laser, and a three-legged demon pierced his heart with a sharp blade... …

When he was dying, he suddenly saw thick smoke rising from the sky, and a terrifying momentum swept across the entire battlefield in an instant.

In mid-air, the sword soul greedily sucking the power of the army soul, saw the smoke and dust appear the moment.

A smile appeared on his face again:

"It's... endless... delicious food delivered to your door!"

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