The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 822: sea ​​of ​​monsters

The sword demon sucked up the last ounce of the power of the Guiyi army's army soul.

In an instant, his strength became even stronger.

The sealed realm also became ready to move at this time.

But when the turbidity of a higher level just leaked out, the situation changed suddenly. Above the Sword Demon's head, countless thunderclouds were gathering.


Feeling the supreme divine punishment in the thunder cloud, the sword demon finally suppressed his own strength rationally.

He knew that if he dared to reveal the slightest bit of turbidity, then no mortal would need to use a knife.

The power of judgment in this world will split him into pieces!

The demons originally did not belong to this world, and would be backlashed by the power of this world when they first descended.

But after so many years of fighting, the power of the demons has penetrated.

The low-level magic energy has long been recognized by this world, and has been fused into a part of the power of the world.

This is also the reason why the sword demon was not backlashed by the power of heaven and earth when he slaughtered the giant lion army soul.

However, the turbid air, which is one level higher than the power of the demons, is the original power of the demons. At present, the turbidity has not yet integrated into this world.

The sword demon naturally dare not use the power that is rejected by this world.

So when facing Xeon God's Punishment, he still hesitated.

On the contrary, the arrival of Xie Xuan personally leading the army, let him sweep away the bad luck and resentment in his heart.

"Boys, eat them up!"

In an instant, a cruel smile appeared on the face of the sword demon again.

His whole body turned into a gigantic sword with monstrous demonic energy, and he stabbed straight at Xie Xuan.


Behind him, the endless sea of ​​monsters also turned around.

Facing the majestic Beifu army, the monsters roared and rushed over.

"Crush them!"

Xie Xuan, alone with a sword, looked at the menacing sword demon, and the Shattering Delusion Golden Sword in his hand bombarded away with the power of breaking the sky.


This is the clash of swords and swords.

The earth-shattering power instantly turned day into night. That dazzling light was even more dazzling than the great sun in the sky.

The hurricane formed by the collision swept across the entire Western Region in one breath.

Many weak monsters were turned into dust under this blow.

A huge sandstorm appeared on the sky, and its appearance was even more terrifying than the doomsday!

Chen Liansheng rushed over, Yu Qi blocked the impact for the army under his command.


Xie Xuan was shocked back by the huge force. At this moment, he felt as if he was slashing on gold and iron. The huge counter-shock force made his hands numb and his blood vibrating.

At the same time, the demonic sword demon was also sent flying.

At this time, a piece of the magic sword in his hand was shattered, and a strong energy of destroying evil was corroding his magic sword little by little.

He uses his hand as a sword.

The damage to the magic sword also meant that he fell into a disadvantage in the first fight.


He swept the disgusting breath away from his magic sword, and let out a growl.

"Pig, go to hell!"

It was the first time he was injured by a pig, and even the damage of fur was an unforgivable crime.

"I'm going to devour you bit by bit!"

In an instant, he had forgotten the deliciousness of the military soul just now. In his eyes, only Xie Xuan was left.


Under the sword, the devilish energy shook.

Xie Xuan raised his sword again to block. But facing this unrivaled sword, he was still sent flying.

His tiger's mouth has been shattered, and blood is flowing out.

This is the essence and blood that he finally congealed after he finally became a flesh.

"Monster, die!"

The severe pain made Xie Xuan's expression turn cold.

At this time, he stabilized his figure and stood straight in midair.

next second.

Huh huh huh huh.

The Pohuang Golden Sword in his hand turned into thousands of golden sword lights, and the sword lights shot towards the Sword Demon like a violent storm.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

There was a restless sound of metal clashing.

The sword demon increased the magic sword in his hand dozens of times, and a huge magic sword blocked all attacks.

But after bursts of golden light passed, the magic sword in his hand also made a hissing sound.

what is this? This is the power of the evil-breaking golden sword that is corroding the demonic energy of the sword demon little by little.

The Delusion-Breaking Golden Sword restrains all evil and negative energy in the world.

And how can the low-level demonic energy of Sword Demon compare with Zhigang Zhiyang's delusion-breaking power?

Looking at the pitted traces on the magic sword in his hand, the sword demon was furious.

"you wanna die!"

It was the first time he met such a hateful ants. The weapon used by this ant can actually restrain his strength.

In an instant, his determination to kill Xie Xuan became more and more firm in his heart.

"Today the Japanese devil will eat your flesh and blood!"

While roaring, his strength became stronger and stronger. A trace of inaudible turbidity gushed out of his body, causing him to explode with power that would destroy the world.

At the same time, a huge monster black shadow appeared behind him.

The appearance of the black shadow caused the whole world to cry and howl.

Xie Xuan only felt a force from Jiuyou staring at him, as if he was going to drag him into the abyss of **** step by step.

on the battlefield below.

Due to the influence of the shadow of the monster, the remaining 200,000 Sand King Army soldiers were the first to collapse.

They fell into a desperate situation of demons and began to attack everyone around them indiscriminately.

The death of Lei Dun, the King of the Sand Clan, was a huge blow to them.

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Seeing that King Sha's army was out of control, Chen Liansheng roared sharply.

He wanted to save him, but the boundless devilish energy was eroding his will little by little.

In the sky, terrifying thunderclouds are slowly gathering. But at this time, the sword demon has no scruples at all.

At this time, he was walking on thin ice, struggling between divine punishment and power.

It's not that his strength is weaker than it was at the beginning, but because his enemy is too powerful.

Xie Xuan, a ghost fairy, displayed a strength even stronger than that of the half-step Shentai Realm when he was half-step Wangchuan Realm.

Coupled with the restraining effect of the Pohuang Golden Sword, the mighty Sword Demon fell into a disadvantage at this time.

So in a state of rage, he inspired the Shadow of the Demon Race to increase his strength.

"Army Soul!"

Facing the haunting specter, Xie Xuan felt calm.

He ordered the soldiers under his command to arouse the army souls to counteract the negative influence of the phantom.

in an instant.


Three huge army souls appeared on the battlefield. Under the suppression of the three army souls, the mighty phantom instantly withdrew its breath.

Beifu, Badao, and Qingzhou.

Almost all of these three armies are super-god-level legions, and the strength of the condensed army soul has half the power of a **** even if it is suppressed.

A mere ghost? How can it be rampant?


Nirvana took the lead. After eliminating the influence of the phantom, he drove the huge blood-colored tyrant knife to slash toward the phantom.


In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

Zizizi, Zizizi.

The sizzling sound like boiling water tumbling sounded on the ghost's body.

The Scarlet Overlord Knife not only smashed half of the phantom's body, but also dissolved the huge phantom in a circle.

The Soul of the Overlord Sword, this is also the strongest and most powerful force.

In the face of monsters, Ba Dao Army Soul can deal 150% damage effect.


In mid-air, the Sword Demon spat out a mouthful of black blood.

He looked at Xie Xuan in disbelief, and at the three army souls in disbelief.

He couldn't understand, were the pigs on Earth so powerful? What happened to the army and the people who were as weak as ants in the city just now?


Taking advantage of the sword demon vomiting blood, Xie Xuan went up with the sword.

Although he has always maintained a peerless demeanor, the golden sword in his hand is deadly.

"Go away."

When the flesh and blood on the shoulder blades were cut off, the sword demon was completely at a disadvantage.

He wanted to resist, but the magic sword in his hand had been broken dozens of times by Xie Xuan.

In close combat, although the bone sword behind his ankle has achieved results. But the injured Xie Xuan was like a normal person, the power of the golden sword in his hand has not diminished at all.

Yes, Xie Xuan is a ghost, how could he be afraid of pain?

Even if all the flesh and blood on his body were cut to pieces, he could still display his strongest fighting power with his bones straightened out.

Although ghosts and immortals will lose many of the beauty of human beings, such as some beautiful experiences in the seven emotions and six desires.

But in return, it is endless fighting power.

At the same time, the state of the Beifu ghost soldiers on the ground was the same as that of Xie Xuan.

Facing the endless sea of ​​monsters, the ghost soldiers of Beifu fought ten against one, and one hundred against one.

The long knife in his hand is harvesting the lives of the monsters heartily.

Although the vicious devil blood would corrode the ghost soldiers' bodies, even if they were corroded to slag, they would crawl out of the ground in the next second.

In less than a quarter of an hour, millions of Beifu ghost soldiers had killed millions of monsters.

But their battle damage is still zero.

Nirvana's Ba Saber Army is also extremely brave.

With the close cooperation of the rangers, the solid lines of defense crushed the monsters.

The thick heavy shield ranger in front of him, one person and one shield is a natural moat.

And behind the heavy shield ranger, the mages of various schools harvested the lives of monsters in large groups.

Thunder, Fire, Frost, Spikes, Flood......

At this time, the monsters outside the shield wall seemed to be in the end of the world, and these man-made natural disasters made them all terrified.

Coupled with the intensive care of the archer's arrow rain, blasting arrows, magic-breaking arrows, sniper arrows and many other arrows in the rear, the corpses of monsters outside the shield wall soon piled up into a hill.

The fire was burning on it, and the whole world was filled with a foul stench.

Although the poisonous blood of the monsters turned into a trickle.

But before the poisonous blood flowed to the rangers' feet, it was frozen into a glacier by the ice mages.

The boundless glaciers have been extending outwards, and the impact speed of the monsters has become Army, kill the enemy! "

How can Chen Liansheng show weakness when he sees the Beifu Ghost Soldiers and Ba Dao Army showing great power?

He personally led the fine cavalry, and pierced through the sea of ​​monsters from another direction.

The huge power shook, shaking away all the poisonous blood of the monsters.

At the same time, the huge army soul of the Qingzhou Army put on a layer of blood-red armor for the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army.

Under the protection of the scarlet armor, the soldiers of the Qingzhou Army began to exempt from the poisonous blood of the monsters.

The boundless sea of ​​monsters began to shrink rapidly under the horizontal push of the three legions of the Apocalypse Empire.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Seeing that the sea of ​​monsters under his command was being devoured little by little, the Sword Demon in mid-air showed an expression of disbelief.

Before he came, he was sure that there was no power in the Earth Planet that could counter his Demon Race.

The battle in Anxi City just now proved his guess to be correct.

But what happened to the three new armies?

"You are not ordinary people! You are not ordinary people!"

When the power of ghosts and immortals began to leak from Xie Xuan's body, the sword demon suddenly realized.

I saw him roaring angrily, "You and I are of the same kind, why do you want to sacrifice your life for these pigs?"

Ghosts and immortals are not human beings, they belong to the category of ghosts.

Sometimes, if a ghost goes one step further, isn't it a demon?

In fact, Mozu is a big concept.

All cruel, terrifying, bloodthirsty, and negative creatures can be called demons.

So ghosts are not human anymore, isn’t it negative?

"Ha ha?"

Hearing the roar of the sword demon, Xie Xuan smiled contemptuously: "How can I be a lowly creature like you?"

Cruel, devouring, rude, immoral...

Call yourself a pig?

In Xie Xuan's heart, the demons are the real pigs, the most humble creatures!

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