The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 823: Anxi City has been conquered


Xie Xuan struck down with a sword.

In the sky, the huge blood-colored tyrant knife descended on the head of the phantom again.

In an instant, boom.

A boundless palpitation came from Jiuyou, slowly lingering in everyone's heart.

Xie Xuan wanted to go further, but a terrifying force bound him tightly.

In the dark sky, a pair of magic eyes of the sword demon emitted a purple light.

At this time, he was dark and deep, and his tone was as cold as ice: "You, **** it!"

Although Xie Xuan is no longer a pig, the sword demon believes that he has betrayed the demon clan.

Terrifying turbidity emanated from the sword demon's body, Xie Xuan only felt that he was in the Nine Nether Purgatory.

Horror, horror, whether he opened his eyes or closed his eyes, what he saw was something terrifying.

And on the ground.

The horrible turbidity only leaked a breath, and more than three million soldiers fell into the abyss.

Soldiers with mental retardation were completely insane at this moment.

Many soldiers were also affected by the turbidity, and their whole bodies began to mutate violently.

Beast head, scale armor, snake tail, abomination, bloodthirsty...

Chen Liansheng and Nieba wanted to stop them, but they turned into pigs in front of the turbidity.

Two filaments of turbid air penetrated into their bodies.

In an instant, boom!

Both of them mutated at the same time. The body began to swell and grow, his hands became sharp claws, and a pair of giant red eyes made people shudder.

"Roar! Roar!"

After being controlled by the turbid air, the two lost their minds in an instant.

Behind him, in the army formation.

The continuous changes completely confused the three armies.

Some people couldn't bear to raise the butcher's knife to their former comrades-in-arms, and some died at the hands of their mutant comrades.

The battlefield was completely chaotic at this moment.


The boundless terrifying force attacked Xie Xuan, he wanted to resist, but he couldn't move in front of the turbid air.

A smile appeared on the sword demon's face.

Although he was defeated, if Xie Xuan could be transformed into a demon, then his mission would not have failed.


While roaring, a purple light flew out from his forehead.

This is his consciousness, his magic thoughts.

After the divine punishment had condensed in the sky, he separated his demonic thoughts from his body.

As long as Xie Xuan can be taken away, then he can be reborn.

Using Xie Xuan's body to drive the power of turbid energy, maybe he can escape the punishment of the power of heaven and earth!


But at this moment, a dazzling thunder roared down.

Its huge power is even stronger than the Nine Heavens Thunder that appeared when Li Cunxiao was promoted.

This thunder represents the power of the entire world.


Under God's punishment, there were no bones left.

The sword demon's proud demon body was annihilated under the divine punishment, and not a single hair fell to the ground after the explosion.

Everything that does not belong to this world will be melted away by God's punishment.

At the same time, boundless thunder power followed the turbid air.

Wherever the turbid qi went, divine punishment wreaked havoc.

Before these mutated soldiers showed their great terror to the world, the boundless thunder also tore them into pieces.

Chen Liansheng and Nieba wanted to resist.

But under a thunderstorm, they flew out backwards. The huge body fell to the ground, life and death unknown.

Many monsters advanced under the blessing of turbid air, but were destroyed by divine punishment in the next second.

Countless monsters want to run away? But where can they go?

During the roar of divine punishment, the ground on the battlefield sank several meters.

In mid-air, Xie Xuan's frown suddenly relaxed when he saw the sword demon Mo Nian flying towards him rapidly.

next second.


A golden dragon flew out from between his eyebrows, and swallowed the unsuspecting Sword Demon Mo Nian in one gulp.


The golden dragon even made a satisfying chewing sound when the magic thoughts entered the mouth.

The terrifying sword demon's evil thoughts were devoured by the golden little dragon at this moment.

After the golden dragon flew back between his eyebrows, Xie Xuan suddenly opened his eyes. In the next second, a golden light flashed from his eyes.

This is the Fortune Golden Dragon of the Apocalypse Empire.

Every general of the Apocalypse Empire is the most favored object of the National Luck Golden Dragon.

For a long time, every general of the Apocalypse Empire has a national fortune body protector.

And the sword demon's evil thought became Xie Xuan's delicious tonic for the golden dragon of domestic fortune.


Feeling the boundless power in his body, Xie Xuan gently raised his hand: "Scatter!"

In an instant, the stale air pouring into the soldier's body was swept away. Those soldiers who had mutated due to the turbidity regained their sanity at this moment.

God's punishment all over the sky lost its target and slowly disappeared.

After a while, the dark clouds cleared and the sun shone brightly.

When the warm sunlight fell on the ground, the soldiers on the ground suddenly felt reborn.

"I... what's wrong with me?"

"I just had a horrible dream, I seem to have killed a lot of people?"

"Hell, I just saw hell!"

"Is it a dream? No, it's real!"

When they saw the devastated land and the disappearing comrades in arms, a deep sense of self-blame welled up in their hearts.

Within tens of seconds of the raging turbidity, 30% of the three million troops died in battle.

In other words, nearly one million troops died in this battle. They did not die at the hands of monsters, but at the hands of their comrades who were alienated by the turbid air.


Seeing the soldiers blaming themselves, Xie Xuan's words spread throughout the battlefield.

"Everyone, this battle is not your fault."

"How can you resist a demonic thought that even the strongest can't resist?"

"It is your good fortune to be able to survive now!"

Even myself was almost swallowed by the turbid air, let alone these ordinary soldiers?

If 70% of the soldiers survive this battle, then this battle is also a big victory!

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"

"Thank you General for saving your life!"

"Please rest assured, general, I will definitely kill more monsters and avenge my comrades who died in battle!"

"Brothers, kill them!"

Xie Xuan's warm words calmed many soldiers down. Under Xie Xuan's comfort, they once again inspired their fighting spirit.

Facing the sea of ​​monsters that had not been completely wiped out, they rushed in like war gods.

At this time, they must kill all the monsters!

Roar! Roar!

Facing the brave and invincible Apocalypse soldiers, the monsters were finally afraid at this moment.

After losing the backbone of the sword soul, many monsters have lost their fighting spirit.

Under God's punishment, they even regret that they came to this world.

It's just that they want to escape, how can the Apocalypse soldiers let them escape.

There are still millions of monsters on the battlefield at this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. com They have become an excellent target for the soldiers to vent their anger.

After bursts of killing, most of the millions of monsters were killed.

The highly poisonous devil's blood began to pollute the earth into a restricted area.

Under the corrosion of the devil's blood, everything in the area hundreds of miles away was withered, and not a single blade of grass could grow.

Without the protection of the most powerful, the soldiers of the Apocalypse want to wade through layers of blood to kill monsters? That was already an extremely difficult thing.

crucial moment.

Xie Xuan, who had been watching the battlefield in mid-air, finally moved.

I saw him cut through the space with a sword.

"Forget River!"

Suddenly, a galloping blood-yellow river appeared in midair. Lonely souls and wild ghosts howled in the river, and poisonous insects were everywhere.

The moment the Wangchuan River appeared, a powerful attraction attracted the fleeing monsters.

"Roar! Roar!"

There are monsters trying to struggle, and there are monsters struggling to escape.

But Wang Chuan just showed a little grace in the mortal world, and made everyone kneel down and worship him.

Five seconds, it only takes five seconds.

Wangchuan disappeared, and all the monsters in this world were swallowed up.


Xie Xuan spurted out a mouthful of blood. Forcibly summoning the Wangchuan River in the half-step Wangchuan state, which took a lot of energy from him.

"General Xie Xuan!"

Nieba regained his sanity and concealed his injuries. He flew up in a hurry and held Xie Xuan tightly.

At this time, the way he looked at Xie Xuan was looking at his benefactor!

Chen Liansheng was punished by God and took his life. He felt that he was so lucky.

"Ahem, it's okay."

Xie Xuan supported his body. He looked down at himself, then at the ground.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he asked: "Report to Your Majesty, Anxi City has been conquered!"

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