Apocalypse City, Imperial Palace.

In the Palace of Qinzheng, Cheng Mu frowned as he looked at the piles of information on the dragon case.

He found that he still underestimated the scale of the monster's arrival.

It may be that the Black Order is here, and at this time there are more than a dozen monster armies in the entire Apocalypse Empire.

These monster armies all have a common goal, that is Tian Qi City.

"The scourge!"

When he was upset, he kicked Hei Ling far away again.

This black order is really capable of causing trouble, and every time it is provoked, it is a huge commotion!

"His Majesty."

Zhuge Liang stood at the bottom and reported: "General Li Cunxiao is still fighting in Qingzhou Province. The demon army in Shenzhou Province needs your support."

In Shenzhou Province, there are two half-step altar-level monsters at this time.

When Guan Hai and Li Cunxiao were not around, then Cheng Mu was the strongest among all the ministers.

After Zuo Ci Yuji ascended, the Apocalypse Empire was still a bit stretched in terms of the number of the strongest.

"Well, I know."

Cheng Mu nodded. He didn't pay much attention to the two half-step altar-level monsters. What he is worried about now is the demons in other states.

"Kong Ming, you ordered Mr. Li and Mr. Zhang to stick to Mingzhou!"

At this time, the entire Apocalypse Empire was attacked.

Shenzhou, Mingzhou, Qingzhou, Shazhou, Manzhou.

Shadows of monsters appeared in all the five regions.

Among them, there are three half-step altar-level powerhouses in Qingzhou Province, led by Guan Zhong, Lin Zexu and Li Cunxiao to kill them.

There are two half-step altar-level powerhouses in Shenzhou Province, which needs to be solved by Cheng Mu alone. There is no way, because Zhuge Liang is busy with political affairs, his strength has just reached the middle of Shenmen.

He has no advantage in the face of half-step altar-level monsters.

Although the white lupine can enhance his strength, the huge Apocalypse Empire needs someone to maintain its operation.

Zhuge Liang is the most important minister and cannot be transferred easily.

Let Zhuge Liang handle state affairs by himself? No, no, Cheng Mu would rather kill the enemy by himself.

After reading too many memorials, he got a headache.

There is a half-step altar-level monster on the sandbank, and Cheng Mu sent Lou Shide there.

Thunder Shield was revived again. For the second resurrection, his aptitude has been reduced to S rank.

This is the side effect of the Hall of Valor, a pain that many powerful people cannot bear.

When he realized that he could not return to the peak, Lei Dun begged several times for the title of King of the Sand Clan that Cheng Mu had taken away.

But Cheng Mu firmly told him that the current King of the Sand Clan must be him, Lei Dun. Cheng Mu even threatened the entire Sha Clan.

So under Cheng Mu's threat and encouragement, Lei Dun regained his fighting spirit.

He led the strong Sha tribe, together with Lou Shide, to guard against the demons.

The huge sandbar, the powerful sand clan. Deep in the yellow sand of the sandbar, there are still a few old sand monsters hidden.

The number of demons descended in Mingzhou province is the largest.

A total of five half-step altar-level monsters put the entire Mingzhou province into a desperate situation in an instant.

Shi Dakai, Ye Xuan and others have led troops back from the Han Empire, but the speed of their raids cannot compare with the speed of the demons going south.

At the critical moment, Mr. Li reunited with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Lin.

The three guardians of the Apocalypse Empire joined forces with Xiao He, Qin Ning and others to block the five half-step altar-level monsters from Dongting Lake in Huguang.

So what Cheng Mu has to do now is to rush to help Mingzhou Province after solving the monsters in Shenzhou Province.

Although he only has the strength of the first stage of entering the gods.

But he is the lord of the Apocalypse Empire, and the majestic power of national fortune can elevate his strength to the altar of gods.

This is no ordinary middle or back stage of the altar.

When Cheng Mu himself was already a strong man in the back realm of Shenmen, the powerful force of national destiny pushed his strength to the peak of the realm of Shentai.

As soon as the powerful divine sense came out, he instantly took control of the entire empire!


After a huge gale, Cheng Mu appeared in Zhangzhou City, Shenzhou Province.

Monsters climb up from the sea.

That endless quantity turned the entire Zhangzhou Mansion into a dead end.

The auspicious unicorn, the divine animal protecting the country, came first on the colorful auspicious clouds, and resisted two half-step altar-level monsters with its own strength.

However, due to its lack of strength, Auspicious Qilin can only trap the monsters in Zhangzhou.

At this time, a huge mountain of monsters has already been stacked on the seashore.


Seeing Cheng Mu appear, Xiangrui Qilin uttered aggrievedly.

It itself only has the strength of a half-step altar stage, and with the blessing of the national fortune, it can step into the altar. But it is an auspicious unicorn, not good at fighting.

It has tried its best to trap two half-step altar-level monsters here!

"Well, it's been hard work."

Cheng Mufei went over and touched its head, and ordered: "You go back and rest first, then leave it to me!"

There are only two half-step altar-level monsters.

Now that I have touched a brand new realm, how can I let the monsters run rampant again?

"Kneel down!"

With a roar, a distant and ancient breath surged out of his body.

In an instant, under the sweep of the breath, the boundless sea of ​​monsters turned into powder residue. That huge mountain of monsters actually condensed into a boulder of land at this moment.

When the black devil blood flowed on the earth, the earth watered by the devil blood began to bloom graceful little flowers.

This is the breath of life.

All things rotate, and spring returns to the earth.

If Cheng Mu were to describe this new power, he could only describe it in two words: "Creation!"

In the past, he didn't even know what the state of the shrine was.

But now, just feeling the aura of the Divine Palace Realm, he realized it.

One thought destroys the world, one thought creates the world.

The existence or non-existence of a world is only in the thought of a strong person in the Divine Palace Realm.

It was also at this time that he understood the good intentions of the Empress.

If a strong person in the Divine Palace Realm is allowed to appear on the earth star, then the survival of the earth star will depend on his one thought.

How can this be?

When a strong person at the Divine Platform Realm can harm this world, how can a strong person at the Divine Palace Realm survive?

"Roar! Roar!"

Seeing that all the monsters under his command had turned into dirt mountains, the two half-step god-level monsters howled and raged.

One of them is a fist demon with two hands, and its black body is covered with thick scales.

That pair of giant fists can affect the minds of others even if they don't make a move.

And the four-legged monster next to the boxer is the big horror.

This is a five-meter-tall beast-shaped monster with four giant feet thicker than a pillar.

Above the giant feet, it was a body fatter than a fat pig.

But is it a fat pig? no.

The crocodile's mouth full of sharp teeth is trickling down with stinky saliva.

Coupled with two huge arms and a black magic knife, the strength of this monster is much more terrifying than that of the Boxer next to it.

Cheng Mu gently raised his hand.

In an instant, Hei Ling who was far away in the palace was brought over by him.

"Explain, what kind of monster is this?"

There are too many types of demons, and Cheng Mu also feels ignorant at this time.

"Crocodile Demon, Crocodile Demon!"

Hei Ling had a strong desire to survive, so he hurriedly spoke out to answer the question.

The way to identify a monster is actually very simple, just look at what its head looks like.


Cheng Mu was a little surprised, and questioned: "Except for the head that looks like a crocodile, where does the other body parts have the shadow of a crocodile?"

Is the classification of demons so simple and crude?

"My lord!"

Seeing Cheng Mu's disbelief, Hei Ling was complaining for himself: "How can such a low-level monster have a nice name?"

"When you first see what he looks like, that's his name."

There are too many types and numbers of demons, so even the former Eternal Demon King Hei Ling cannot distinguish them one by one.

To be able to recognize that this is the Crocodile Demon, it has tried its best!


Cheng Mu heard something unusual from Hei Ling's words, and he asked, "A monster with such strength is a low-level monster?"

"You better not lie to me!"

This is a half-step altar-level monster, and its strength was sealed when it came.

If this crocodile demon is allowed to completely unseal its strength, then its lowest strength is comparable to that of a god-level powerhouse.

When did the powerhouse at the altar level become so worthless?

"Is it a low-level monster?"

Hei Ling looked confused and extremely aggrieved.

"A monster that doesn't even have a separate name is a low-level monster among our demons."

Only with a name can a monster have status. The status of monsters is sometimes not only based on their strength, but also whether they have a name.

"Okay, okay."

Feeling that he was digging deeper and deeper, Cheng Mu immediately lost interest.

He never asked how strong He Ling was. But from the current point of view, the demons are more terrifying and powerful than he imagined.


The appearance of Hei Ling made Boxer and Crocodile more restless.

They felt the breath of Hei Ling, it was their king!

However, the eyes of the screaming Fist Demon suddenly flashed.

In an instant, he broke free from the restraints, and his whole body turned into a streamer and appeared in front of Cheng Mu.

That pair of giant fists ~www.readwn.com~ surrounding this boundless demonic energy was about to hit Hei Ling.


At this time, a powerful aura burst out from Hei Ling's body.

Boundless demonic energy surged out, instantly sending the fist demon flying.

The mere ants want to assassinate the devil? Even now that Black Order has lost the body of the Demon King, it is still the Eternal Demon King.

"Roar! Roar!"

Feeling the boundless magic power in Hei Ling's body, the crocodile on the ground fell to its knees with a plop.

It kowtowed violently, begging Hei Ling to spare its life.

"Ha ha!"

However, at this moment, a palpitating voice came from the mouth of the boxer.

When he heard this sound for the first time, Cheng Mu felt himself in a trance.

"This is... your successor?"

Sounds alone can affect people's minds, so isn't the person who chuckles the new Eternal Demon King Hei Ling said?


Hei Ling had a cold face at this moment, with murderous intent raging in his eyes. If it wasn't for Cheng Mu's presence, it would have gone berserk!

"Hehe, would Father Demon like this king's gift?"

The Boxer continued to speak. At this time, its eyes turned white, and the whole demon was like a puppet on a string.

It's its name, calling Hei Ling the father devil.

It was born in Hei Ling's body, and it can indeed be called Hei Ling's son.


It's a pity that Hei Ling doesn't recognize this son.

It said angrily: "When this king returns, I will definitely wipe you out!"

I have lived well on Earth and Planet, so what is your newborn consciousness? It's like it was fighting outside, and before it came home, someone told it that his wife was married.

Another man lived in its house and became the owner of its house. Sleep with his daughter-in-law and beat his son.

What's more, this person wants to kill it now.

Are you angry?

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