The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 825: Drunk back to the strongest God's punishment

"Hehe, why should the devil be angry?"

Seeing Hei Ling suppressing his anger, Fist Demon sneered and said, "Now that I am the Eternal Demon King, why doesn't Father Demon join me in building the hegemony?"

"As long as I eat you, this king will be the real eternal devil king, the eternal devil king above other devil kings!"

The moment he sensed the breath of Hei Ling, he descended here. The purpose, of course, is to devour the black order as soon as possible.

The consciousness of the two eternal demon kings merged together.

The fused Eternal Demon Lord will advance to the most powerful of the Demon Race—the Eternal Demon Lord!

"I bother!"

Hei Ling cursed. If I hadn't been trained by Cheng Mu, I would have become a cultured cat, otherwise I would have rushed to give it a few big ears.

What's wrong with calling yourself a father devil? I don't have such an unfilial son!


But at this time, Cheng Mu also let out a sneer, and said, "If you just came here to talk nonsense, then you and this body have no need to exist."

Run up to yourself and mock your pet? Only vocal threats?

Then the new Eternal Demon King's methods are too low!


The Boxer's eyes suddenly froze, and he threatened: "Give it to me, or you will surely howl under my demon power!"

How dare a mere ant be disrespectful to him? I don't know how to live or die, and I cannot forgive you.

"Wait for the king's army to come in person, wait..."

It's still threatening.

But the voice wasn't finished yet.


Cheng Mu raised his hand and crushed Fist Demon, and the new Eternal Demon King's consciousness was also crushed to pieces.


He shook his hands in disgust, as if he had touched something extremely disgusting.


Afterwards, he turned around and said to Hei Ling: "Be more honest in the future, your successor, I will help you solve it."

The last person who was rampant in front of him, now the grass on the grave has grown three feet high.

Is the Eternal Demon King very strong?

But at Cheng Mu's moment, he felt that he could easily crush all incoming enemies.

Invincible, now only the strong in the Divine Palace Realm are truly invincible!

"Hey, I'm so mad at this king."

Hei Lingqi's hair burst, and he said angrily, "You catch it, I'll eat it!"

He has already lost his body, so he is definitely not as powerful as the new Eternal Demon King.

Ever since, it thought of a good way.

The new Eternal Demon King wants to eat it to complement himself, and why doesn't he want to devour the newly born will.

As for the demons, it’s the way you eat him and he eats me.

"It's easy to say."

Cheng Mu slapped Hei Ling on the head again. The crisis in Shenzhou Province has been resolved, and he can be regarded as a little relieved.

Now the monsters in the entire Zhangzhou Prefecture have turned into hills and rivers, which can be regarded as compensation for the damaged land.

That hundreds of meters high mountain is a great testimony of Cheng Mu's feats in this battle.

"Roar! Roar!"

But at this time, there was still a surviving monster on the ground.


The crocodile, which was originally fierce and powerful, became extremely frightened and docile under Cheng Mu's hands.


It stammered in human language.

Cheng Mu had already released it from its shackles. In the next second, it rushed to Cheng Mu's feet and licked the soles of Cheng Mu's feet meekly.

It's too scary.

If it was afraid of the magic power of the Black Order at the beginning, then its attitude towards Cheng Mu now is to kneel and worship.

A creature that can be recognized by the Eternal Demon King as its master, it suddenly believes that Cheng Mu is just an old monster that looks like a human.


Seeing a half-step altar-level monster bowing his head to him, Cheng Mu felt an indescribable sense of relief.

You know, Hei Ling's acknowledgment of the master was forced by him.

"Sure enough, as long as the strength is strong, there is no need to deliberately recruit famous generals."

He nodded in his heart. As long as he is strong, the powerful followers will come one after another.

Is this crocodile inferior to a famous general?

At least for now, when Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun and others are still struggling in the Divine Gate Realm, this crocodile demon is already a genuine strongman in the Divine Platform Realm.

Without the restriction of this world, the strength of this crocodile might not belong to Yu Ji back then.

"Boss, if you like it, then stay."

At this time, Hei Ling flew over obsequiously.

Since Cheng Mu agreed to help him eat the new consciousness in his body, it immediately became Cheng Mu's loyal licking dog.

The Eternal Demon King can bend and stretch!

"Won't it affect other people?"

Cheng Mu was moved.

It must be fun to keep a crocodile as a pet.

In this way, I can study the demons from time to time.

The so-called know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. Hei Ling's words are sometimes nonsense, and only by touching the demons can he know more.

"No, no. Leave everything to me!"

Hei Ling slapped the ticket, and followed it to take a big breath: "Whew!"

In an instant, the devilish energy that affected the human mind dissipated completely from the Demon Crocodile's body.

Although the strength of the crocodile demon has decreased somewhat, its race has not changed.

"it is good."

Cheng Mu waved lightly.

In the next second, the huge body of Crocodile Demon appeared directly in Tianqi City.

When the guards had frightened expressions on their faces, his voice came down: "This is the Crocodile Demon, please take care of it!"

When the words fell, he appeared on the battlefield in Mingzhou Province.


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Seeing Cheng Mu's arrival, Qin Ning, Xiao He and others were relieved.

In order to block the five half-step altar-level monsters, Mr. Li did not hesitate to fight two with one.

After paying the price of serious injuries, the two monsters were repelled.

Qin Ning's strength has also set foot on the back of the gods, and touched the threshold of the gods.

But due to her own ability characteristics, she dances on the tip of the knife every time.

When the dagger was unable to pierce and stab the huge monsters, she could only take risks and attack the vital parts of the monsters.

For example, eyes, throat, heart, back court...

With very few attacking parts, she tried her best every time she fought.

Xiao He used [Zhi Ge] to block a monster, but the residue of [Shanhe Jian] flew around under the attack of other monsters.

This fetish, which was restored and blessed by the national fortune, can only struggle to support it when facing monsters at this time.

Several times, it was the army under his command who used the power of the army soul to block the impact of the monsters.

It's just that when the army spirit dissipated, it was necessary for Mr. Li, Xiao He and others to use their lives to stand up.

"Everyone has worked hard."

Seeing the panic-stricken people, Cheng Mu was moved.

Although none of the most powerful under his command died here, the three elders of Tiandixuan were seriously injured, which was a huge blow to the Tianqi Empire.

Many soldiers died due to the aftermath of the battle between the army spirit and the monsters, which is also a loss to the country.

Plus Dongting Lake that has been completely turned into a magic pool?

I am afraid that it will take hundreds of years for Dongting Lake to recover from this injury.

"Your Majesty, come on!"

Qin Ning clenched his small fist towards Cheng Mu.

Been outside for so long. After meeting Xiang Yu, Ying Zheng and others, she turned around and realized that only her majesty was the most handsome.

He controlled such a huge empire in a weak year, not only powerful but also personable and ambitious.

After seeing Cheng Mu, how can she still see other men?

In the past, Qin Huang Han Wu, Tang Zong Song Zu, whom she yearned for in the past, are actually not much different from each other!

"Hehe, please bear witness!"

The powerful power of national destiny allows Cheng Mu to control everything.


With a roar, the five half-step altar-level monsters immediately wailed.

At this moment, they felt a tremendous force pressing on them, and their strong bodies were vulnerable to this force.


A monster roared and wanted to die with Cheng Mu.

But Cheng Mu was only moved by his mind.

In an instant, the Cold Chi Spear exuding blue-gold light roared out.

Click! Click! Click!

The spear is like a dragon.

After the Han Chi Spear flew a few times, a monster in the front fell to its knees with a plop.

The huge movement shook its huge head down.

This is a rhinoceros demon. The huge rhinoceros head and horns fell to the ground like a boulder.

The sharp rhinoceros horn, with the slightest residual power, cut the earth in half with a click.

Rolling demon blood flowed, and Dongting Lake became even darker at this time.

"Aww~ Aww!"

There is a wolf demon who is unwilling and wants to kill Cheng Mu to save himself.

It's just that when facing the murderous Han Chi Spear, no matter how strong the wolf demon is, he can only drink his hatred here.

In just one breath, Cheng Mu killed two half-step altar-level monsters.

Crushing, massacring.

When the powerhouses in the altar realm are all ants in front of him, let alone the monsters in the altar realm.


A sword demon and boxing demon teamed up to break through the shackles.

While the two demons were roaring, they directly chopped off the head of the other crocodile In an instant, a wave of magic came over. From the crippled neck of the crocodile demon, there suddenly flowed a frenzied aura of destroying the world.

Just the moment they smelled this breath, Sword Demon and Boxer Demon were exempted from Cheng Mu's suppression.

At this moment, they had fully recovered their mobility, roaring and killing Cheng Mu.

"This is? A higher level of magic energy?"

Cheng Mu sensed something unusual.

With the blessing of turbidity, the strength of Sword Demon and Boxer Demon is still soaring. In the blink of an eye, they returned to the strength of the **** stage.

In the sky, huge black clouds have begun to gather.

As the thunder roared, this was the most powerful divine punishment in this world.

At the same time, a trace of turbidity also hit Cheng Mu. It wanted to get into Cheng Mu's body, and then let Cheng Mu die under this divine punishment.

From the moment the turbid qi in the crocodile demon's body was released, these monsters had no intention of surviving.

"Hehe, what a trick!"

Sword Demon and Boxer Demon are very powerful, and every step is earth-shattering.

The turbid air exuding the aura of the ancient nine secluded worlds was also very strong, triggering the most powerful divine punishment just after appearing for a second.

But so what?


With Cheng Mu's roar, he swiped the Hanchi Spear lightly in his hand, and in an instant, Sword Demon and Boxer Demon flew upside down.

Ants in the realm of the gods, wanting to kill gods?

A golden light burst out from his body. The originally turbid air that destroyed everything melted and disintegrated instantly when it touched the golden light.

In the face of the fate of the country, no matter how powerful the turbidity is, it can only be destroyed with hatred.

Not only that.

Cheng Mu's word "roll" was not just for Sword Demon and Boxer Demon.

Under the deterrence of his powerful aura, the thunderclouds in the sky quickly dispersed, and the most powerful Heaven and Earth God's Punishment also took the initiative to retreat.

With Cheng Mu here, why do you need your supreme punishment?

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