The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 831: Guan Hai fight to the death



The Xuanjia cavalry galloping at the front collided with the Tianxiong infantry.

In an instant, a world-shattering power erupted.

Zhang Wanlong finally activated his big move. Under the shield of the sky, all the Xuanjia cavalry in the front crashed to death on the golden shield wall.


Seeing the appearance of the huge shield wall, Li Xuanba snorted coldly.

I saw him stomping his feet lightly.

In an instant, the golden shield wall like a sky curtain fell apart. Zhang Wanlong flew upside down, breathless.

Even though Li Xuanba was seriously injured, he was still a half-step altar-level powerhouse.

Zhang Wanlong, who has not yet entered the divine sect, is like an ant in front of them.

When Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong were still at the half-step Divine Sect Realm, Zhang Wanlong, who was one level lower in aptitude, was seriously behind all the ministers.


The golden shield wall appeared very quickly, and shattered very quickly.

After the first wave of Xuanjia Godriders failed, the Xuanjia Godriders behind stepped on their corpses and rushed up.


Tianxiong heavy infantry withstood the pressure.

With the blessing of Wei Wu's soul, they exerted 200% of their fighting power.

They were originally at the top level, but their strength stepped into the peerless level at this moment.

That thick shield once again made the enemy hate it.

However, when a steady stream of mysterious cavalry rushed in, the huge impact still shook the defense line of Tianxiong's heavy infantry.

In the face of absolute quantity, in the face of absolute arms restraint.

With their numbers and unstoppable power, the Xuanjia cavalry shook the shield wall of the Tianxiong heavy infantry.

Zhang Wanlong has already left the field with serious injuries, and the 200,000 Tianxiong heavy infantry has lost their backbone at this moment.

During the trampling of the cavalry, a hole was torn open in the thick line of defense.


At this time, Li Xuanba's face did not show the slightest bit of joy.

Although the Xuanjia Godriders tore through the line of defense, they were unable to penetrate the formation of Tianxiong's heavy infantry.

A Xuanjia cavalry rushed in, but soon died under the knife of Tianxiong's heavy infantry.

Inspired by Wei Wu's soul, these Tianxiong heavy infantry soldiers, who were composed of Wei Wu's soldiers, went to death one after another, and their morale was like a rainbow.

Although no one commanded them to fight, they only needed to raise their long knives at the enemy in front of them and fight to the death.

The battle situation became anxious at this moment.

Although the Tianxiong heavy infantry could not completely resist the charge of the Xuanjia cavalry, the Xuanjia cavalry could not tear apart the formation of the Tianxiong heavy infantry.

In the fierce fighting, both sides suffered heavy losses.

On the city wall, Huang Zhong looked embarrassed at this moment.

He wanted to help Tianxiong's heavy infantry, but it was a pity that the two armies were completely intertwined.

Shooting arrows at the Xuanjia cavalry will also affect the heavy infantry of the day.

You know, his flaming longbowmen are the nemesis of heavy infantry. Under the raging fire, the slow-moving heavy infantry are living targets in the sea of ​​fire!


However, in the next second, the sky was full of arrows.

The sharp arrows shot at the city wall, instantly splashing the bricks and stones of the solid city wall.

Many soldiers of the Tianyu Army were pierced by arrows, and their bodies were pinned tightly to the city wall.


Looking at the enemy thousands of meters away, Huang Zhong turned his arrow.


A huge arrow condensed in his hand.


Huge arrows hundreds of meters long tore through the air and bombarded the formation of the Xuanjia Divine Bow.

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded. Thousands of Xuanjia archers died in the explosion.

At the same time, Huang Zhong's arrows became the signal for the soldiers of the Tianyu Army to counterattack.

On the city wall, the rest of the Tianyu Army soldiers drew their longbows and began to clean up the mysterious archers in the distance.

We are all 200,000 people. The attack of Xuanjia Divine Bow is powerful, and one arrow is enough to pierce heavy armor.

But the Sky Feather Flame Longbowmen have magic damage.

In the scorching flames, even the most elite Xuanjia Divine Bow could only howl.


But at this moment, Li Xuanba made another move.

He extinguished the fire on the ground with great power.

Although two shots in a row aggravated his injury and delayed his recovery.

But Xuanjia Shenjun is Datang's last face. He can only win this battle, not lose!

"Too much deceit!"

Guan Hai is in trouble.

He thought he could fight two with one, killing Fang Xuanling first and then Du Ruhui.

But he underestimated the cooperation between the two.

Although Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui were only civil servants, their methods of controlling qi were really amazing.

At this time, the power of the whole world is under the control of the two of them.

Guan Hai wanted to kill them, he was really fighting against the whole world.

The power like a mountain was pressing on him, making it extremely difficult for him to move.


Fang Xuanling clenched his hands tightly, and instantly countless fireballs bombarded Guan Hai.

At the same time, Du Ruhui held a sharp sword and attacked Guan Hai's back with the skill of controlling the sword.

Guan Hai wanted to kill the enemy in close quarters, but every time they could flee thousands of miles away.

Looking at the scorching ground battlefield, looking at his scarred back. Finally, he broke out.

"Go to hell!"

While roaring, he once again fed the magic knife with blood essence.

In the next second, a huge amount of energy was fed back into his body from the blood prison knife.


Before Fang Xuanling could react, Guan Hai turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of him.

The Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife in his hand slashed down, and took away his arm in an Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! "

The blood spilled on the ground, Fang Xuanling let out a miserable cry.

At the juncture of life and death, he burst out with unprecedented energy.

When Guan Hai's second knife was about to cut off his head, he fell backward like a stream of light.

Guan Hai wanted to chase after him, but a sharp sword appeared behind him.

It's Du Ruhui, the annoying Du Ruhui is here again.


But at this moment, Guan Hai suddenly turned around.


Another sound.

The fierce Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife split Du Ruhui's sharp sword in an instant.

The powerful backlash made Du Ruhui spit out a mouthful of blood.


At this moment, Du Ruhui felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and the breath in his body also began to become disordered.

Seeing Guan Hai who was like a demon god, he was afraid.

"I'm here to help you!"

At the critical moment, Wang Xuance flew over.

He slashed at Guan Hai's body with a sharp sword in his hand, and the tremendous power made Guan Hai retreat several steps.

At the same time, Li Xiaogong also rushed over.

The monsters on the ground have almost been resolved. The next step is to bring the war on the right track.

They wanted to give Guo Ziyi a chance to make meritorious deeds.

But Guo Ziyi didn't live up to it and died.

For such a great achievement, don't blame them for being rude.

"Just grab it."

Seeing such a brave Guan Hai, Li Shimin suddenly wanted to recruit him.

The generals under his command suffered heavy losses, so why not recruit Guan Hai?

In his consciousness, most people are afraid of death. The stronger and more talented a person is, the less he wants to die.

"Bah! Dreaming!"

Looking at the four enemies in the front, back, left, and right, Guan Hai looked disdainful. Even if I die on the battlefield today, I can't surrender!

His eyes were red, and he really looked like a demon **** in the world.

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