The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 832: Zhao Yunjin Shenmen

Rumble! Rumble!

But at this moment, all eyes on the battlefield were fixed on Guan Hai.

Behind Li Shimin's army, suddenly there was a galloping sound like the earth shaking and mountains shaking.

Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, the 200,000-day cavalry army cut through the earth.

The Heavenly Cavalry Army rushed over with lightning speed. Its powerful power seems to destroy everything!


Seeing the soldiers of the Heavenly Cavalry Army rushing towards him, Li Xuanba showed a trace of mockery on his face.

In order to protect Li Shimin, he ordered his Xuanjia Aegis to surround him tightly.

In his eyes, the heavy golden shield, which looked like a wall of copper and iron, was a natural moat on the battlefield.

Although the strength of Tianqi is strong.

But it is not an easy task to break through such a heavy shield.

Ever since, a schadenfreude rose in Li Xuanba's heart.

‘The mysterious armored cavalry under my command suffered setbacks on the battlefield in front of the sky, and you cavalry are also coming to die at this time. '

‘Hehe, this is all retribution! '

In an instant, he was expecting these two hundred thousand cavalrymen to be smashed into flesh.

Courtesy is reciprocated, courtesy is reciprocated!


Li Shimin also snorted coldly.

Want to attack and kill yourself? This young general of the Apocalypse Empire is really desperate.

At any rate, he is also a strong ghost and god, and a mere half-step **** is daydreaming.

"Kill them all!"

He gave the order to die.

Since these people are so reckless, he will kill them all.

Although the Great Tang Empire is in turmoil at this time, it does not lack this super god-level unit.

As emperors, it would be their honor to recruit Jiang. Stubborn? Then go to hell!

Rumble! Rumble!

Tianqi continued to gallop.

The shining golden shield wall is already close at hand. Under the dazzling sunlight, the golden light everywhere is so dazzling.

"Tianqi, charge!"

Zhao Yun's face was firm and resolute, and he went forward without hesitation.

His heavenly knights have never encountered an enemy that cannot be broken!

So what if the enemy's shield wall is more dazzling?

Under the Heavenly Rider, everything is invincible.

Near, near.

Zhao Yun had already seen the ferocious face of the enemy hidden behind the shield.

Facing the mighty Heavenly Cavalry army, the Xuanjia Aegis soldiers would also feel fear involuntarily.

The rolling iron ride is like a torrent of white steel.

Under the torrent, everything is destroyed!

However, in Li Xuanba's eyes, the might of the Heavenly Cavalry Army was like child's play.

Looking at the two armies that were about to collide, a mocking smile appeared on his face.

In the blink of an eye, he burst out with a huge momentum again.

In order to retaliate, he did not hesitate to endure his injury and take another shot. The boundless energy solidified into a black shield on the shield of the Xuanjia Aegis.

With its heavy aura, the Xuanjia Aegis soldiers seem to be holding the ground at this time.

"Cough cough."

Li Xuanba spurted out a mouthful of blood.

But he is happy, he will soon see all the 200,000 cavalry crashed to death on the shield wall.

This battle was also to avenge Guo Ziyi's Zhenlong Jingqi.

"what is this?"

He thought angrily: "This is repaying the body with the same way!"

On his face, the cold smile became brighter and brighter.


The sudden appearance of the black shield made Zhao Yun pause.

In the blink of an eye, his heart couldn't help shaking.

The aura emanating from the black shield made even him feel a little troublesome.

When he had to use all his strength to break through the black shield, how could these top-level heavenly knights break away?

But the shield wall was so close that he had no time to turn.

On the nick of time.

For the lives of the 200,000 soldiers under his command, Zhao Yun's face turned pale.

"Seven in and seven out!"

In the second before it hit the shield wall, a sharp roar resounded across the battlefield.

Zhao Yun tried his best and burned all his origins.

He can die, but the soldiers under his command still have to kill the enemy for the country!



There was a loud noise like a landslide, and a dazzling white light rose. In an instant, day turned into night again.

In the pitch-black night sky, in the vast world, it seemed that there was only this white light left.

Li Xuanba was astonished.

He felt a burst of power not weaker than him.

In the dazzling white light, another handsome figure galloped rapidly.

next second.


It was a devastating explosion.

Although there was no trace of fireworks from the huge explosion, the flying armors were the best fireworks in the dark night!

Zhao Yun was desperate.

He burned all his origins, and tore through the shield wall with the big move 'seven in and seven out'.

Of course, this is far from enough.

The 200,000 Heavenly Cavalry soldiers behind him were also drawn by an inexplicable force.

They followed closely behind Zhao Yun, all their strength gathered together.

This is not the 'seven ins and seven outs' of one person, but the seven ins and seven outs of two hundred thousand and one people!

When 200,000 people bombarded out with an unstoppable force, the sky could be smashed into pieces!

The huge power is really ruining the world.

The murderous Gangfeng swept away the entire Anbei Protectorate's Mansion in that instant.

Under the strong wind, everything does not exist.

Grasslands turned into loess, and gravel into rocks.

At this moment, the huge power carried countless sand and stones and turned the entire Anbei City into a basin.


Li Xuanba spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His smile stopped abruptly, and he fell into crazy self-confusion.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?"

He struggled to get up, but four or five consecutive serious injuries made him sluggish.

At this moment, even Dacheng's physical body could not quickly recover from his injuries.

He, Li Xuanba, has now become a useless person.


Li Shimin's face was terrified, and he was furious.

The Xuanjia Divine Army is the most powerful army under his command. Lost like this? He couldn't believe it.

The corpses all over the sky have fallen, and at this time his heart has completely fallen into the abyss.

Crash, clatter!

The endless corpses fell to the ground, just as spectacular as the rain of monsters just now.

Wait for the white light to dissipate, and wait for the 200,000 Tianqi to reappear in everyone's field of vision.

On the battlefield at this time, there is no place to stand the Xuanjia Aegis.

At the same time, an unusual aura began to envelope the world.

The moment he felt this breath, Li Shimin's face was ferocious, and he roared sharply: "Kill him, kill him!"

This is the breath of a newborn God's That is to say, someone on the battlefield at this time is about to break through to the God's Gate realm.

When he didn't have a half-step god-level powerhouse under his command, the identity of the breakthrough was self-evident.

That Zhao Yun not only destroyed his Xuanjia shield wall, but also lived to death when he was dying, and stepped into the gate of God.


But at this moment, a cold snort shocked everyone.

Cheng Mu's murderous voice came: "I'll see who dares!"

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