The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 842: Sun Quan went south

"All generals!"

Seeing the excited soldiers under his command, Cheng Mu said aloud, "The mirror body will become your left and right arms."

"Please cooperate well! With the same mind, you can exert a combat power that is several times greater than your own strength!"

Where is this triple happiness?

This is four or five times or even ten times the happiness, okay?

At first, Cheng Mu thought that thirty would become sixty, sixty would become one hundred and two, and one hundred and twenty would be copied into two hundred and four...

But it is not.

Hei Ling told him that only the body of life can be copied by the magic eye.

Moreover, 600,000 soldiers of the Apocalypse Army have been copied, which has reached the limit of the magic eye.

After all, the strength of these 600,000 soldiers is all the strength of the magic eye itself!

If you want to continue to copy, then the magic eye needs to advance!

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The soldiers of the Apocalypse Army knelt down to thank them.

They are connected with the mirror body mind, so there is no fear and fear.

As time goes by, they seem to be one mind. It's just that one of his heads controls three bodies.

Such a novel experience made them extremely excited!

Seeing the soldiers in high spirits, Cheng Mu knew that the last moment had come.

"Soldiers, listen to my orders and flatten the Great Tang!"

The elite 900,000 Tianqi Legion is enough to sweep the entire Tang Empire.

Li Shimin is dead, and there is no need for the Tang Empire to continue to exist!



Tang Empire, Chang'an City, Daming Palace.

The bleak city of Chang'an is covered with snowflakes. This is not deep winter, but the death of Li Shimin triggered a vision of heaven and earth.

Looking at the gloomy national fortune, Li Chengqian's face was pale. Because he is not a complete emperor, and the fortune of the Tang Empire is bleak.

The backlash he suffered from the fate of the country at this time was negligible.

Even the fortune of the country is about to dissipate, so how can it backfire? Li Xuanba, Li Xiaogong and others do not recognize Li Chengqian as the master, so what does their death have to do with Li Chengqian?

"Uncle! Uncle!"

Looking at the bleak national fortune, Li Chengqian hurriedly called to his eldest grandson Wuji: "What happened?"

Snow in June, visions of heaven and earth, could it be that there are evil spirits in the world?

He is far away in Chang'an City, the Central Plains of the Tang Dynasty has not yet been ravaged by the demons.

Therefore, he didn't pay too much attention to seeing the demons.

"His Majesty."

Changsun Wuji hurried in. He has already received the news that the Supreme Emperor Li Shimin is fighting fiercely with the Lord of the Apocalypse Empire in Anbei City.

Fearing that Li Shimin would lose, Xue Rengui, who was seriously injured, ran back to rescue soldiers.

At this time, there is still the last force in the Tang Dynasty, Qin Shubao and his army of generals.

Qin Qiong has been playing the role of firefighter now. After the Leizhou of the Tang Empire came down to the demons, he led his army to eliminate the demons.

Calculating based on time, he should have ended the battle!

"What? Father was attacked?"

Hearing Changsun Wuji's report, Li Chengqian's face changed in shock.

He hastily ran down and took Changsun Wuji's hand, and said anxiously: "Let's go to support Father! We want to support Father!"

Li Shimin cannot die.

Some people may think that after Li Shimin's death, those old officials would turn around and join him under Li Chengqian's command.

But that's not the case.

After two lifetimes, after seeing so many things, Li Chengqian found that his father's generals were terrifyingly loyal.

If it is Li Shimin's normal birth, old age, illness and death, then he still has a glimmer of hope.

die in battle?

Then all those veterans will die in front of Li Shimin! He, Li Chengqian, couldn't catch a single hair!


Seeing the irritable Li Chengqian, Changsun Wuji showed a hint of relief on his face.

It seems that this Li Chengqian is still filial and loyal in this life.

Being able to take the initiative to rescue Li Shimin, and being more impatient than him, it doesn't count that he has devoted himself to assisting him for so long.

"Your Majesty, the old minister has sent news to Duke Hu and Qin Qiong that he is on his way back with his army!"

"The Supreme Emperor, please don't worry, Your Majesty!"

Changsun Wuji still has some confidence.

After all, Li Shimin is going to fight here, with five million elite soldiers under his command, and six strong men in the Divine Gate Realm. This is the most powerful force in the Tang Empire!

Even if the Apocalypse Empire gathers the power of the whole country to attack, he believes that Li Shimin can retreat calmly.

Xue Rengui came back only because he was accidentally kicked out of the battlefield.

With a serious injury, he could only leave the field first!


With the eldest grandson Wuji, Li Chengqian felt much more at ease.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, bad news came all the way from outside the hall.

Overlord Li Shimin died in Anbei City!


At this moment, the entire city of Chang'an was shrouded in thunderstorms.

Li Chengqian was stunned, and Changsun Wuji also looked terrified.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Changsun Wuji muttered to himself, unable to believe this fact. He sternly said: "Anyone who dares to shake the hearts of our Tang people will be killed without mercy!"

Li Shimin could not die, nor could he die.

Even if Li Shimin's body was in front of him at this moment, he couldn't believe it! His majesty is wise and powerful, Li Xuanba, Li Xiaogong and others are invincible in this world, how could they die in battle?

Who can kill Li Shimin under the protection of five million super god-level soldiers?

No one can!


Li Chengqian's eyes were blank right now, and his father Li Shimin died in Anbei City. Doesn't that mean that all the soldiers under his command died in Anbei?

Datang's last hole card, all five million super god-level soldiers were wiped out?


He felt that his sky was falling!

Click! Click!

Outside the Daming Palace, thunder and lightning flashed.

Numerous snowflakes mixed with hail fell together with the torrential rain.

The entire city of Chang'an is in mourning.

Millions of people hid in their homes, weeping.

Compared to Li Chengqian who just took office, Li Shimin is their emperor!

Now the emperor died in battle, and the people howled!

The sad atmosphere extended from Chang'an City to the entire country, and soon spread throughout the entire Great Tang Empire.

Changsun Wuji had already fallen into madness, he rushed out like crazy.

If he didn't believe it, he would definitely see Li Shimin's body with his own eyes!


Shannan Road, Tongzhou.

Qin Qiong had just led his army to gallop here when he heard the news of Li Shimin's death in battle.

At this moment, he fell from the horse and fell to the ground. His eyes were red, and he knelt down and howled!

He was Li Shimin's subject, but in the end he failed to protect Li Shimin's safety.

He, Qin Qiong, felt deeply guilty, and his heart was like a knife.

"General Shenjun, avenge the late emperor!"

After wailing for a long time, he suddenly raised his head, roaring sharply, and decided to lead his army northward.

The thief from the Apocalypse Empire must still be in Anbei City, he wants to enter Anbei City to avenge the late emperor!


The armies of the two countries galloped.

It was at this time, in the whale sea area of ​​Mingzhou province.

Zheng Chenggong and Zheng Yisao are facing a strong enemy.

They wanted to lead an army to attack the coastal cities of the Han Empire, but they didn't want to encounter monsters in the sea halfway.

This is the real sea of ​​monsters.

Endless monsters crawled out of the ocean and began to attack the fierce shark army and the **** fish army.

The huge mountain-like bodies of the monsters made Tianlong Fujian lose its size advantage for the first time.

The huge body fell down, and the Tianlongfu ships were destroyed one after another.

However, fortunately, the warriors of the fierce shark and the warrior of the **** fish were brave and tried their best to cut countless monsters under the knife.

Zheng Chenggong and Zheng Yisao even teamed up to kill a shark demon who was half-stepped into the altar!

However, just when they breathed a sigh of relief and thought that all the enemies had been dealt with.

From the rear, a large army suddenly attacked!

The Sun Ziqi, which was blown harshly by the sea breeze, made Zheng Chenggong and Mrs. Zheng's expressions change.

"Haha! Kill them all! Steal them all!"

Gan Ning led the Jinfan bandits under his command, and they came on a scorpion to break through the waves.

These rushing ships, which were originally only suitable for inland river battles, can gallop invincibly in the ocean in his hands.

"Fend off the enemy! Fend off the enemy!"

The soldiers of the Shenyu Army had just sat down to rest, when the fierce enemy attack forced them to stand up immediately.

Seeing the enemies coming through the waves, every soldier of the Shenyu Army showed a trace of panic on their faces.

They are so tired.

How can I have the strength now to resist new enemies?


Gan Ning attacked with a knife.

The whole person jumped up high, and the flame knife in his hand slashed down with great power.

His goal was a Tianlongfu ship full of soldiers.

They had already found out the identities of Mrs. Zheng and Zheng Chenggong. After receiving the news from Liu Che, Sun Quan finally waited for such an opportunity!


But at this moment I haven't waited for Mrs. Zheng to make a move.

Zheng Chenggong flew in one by one.


The two collided together, made a deafening noise, and then separated quickly.

Gan Ning is a half-step ghost and god, and so is Zheng Chenggong!

Since joining the Apocalypse Empire, Zheng Chenggong's strength has soared. Soon he was promoted from Zhenguojing to half-step ghost.

"Oh? A little talent!"

Seeing Zheng Chenggong who can confront him head-on, Gan Ning showed a smirk on his face.

The fiery red flame ignited in his hand, and his flame knife really turned into a long flame knife at this time.

"Go to hell!"

Holding the flame long knife, he attacked Zheng Chenggong again.

He likes talented and powerful opponents.


Zheng Chenggong braced his body and took the initiative to meet him. Although he is also exhausted, he can still carry a knife!

If there is no hot flame, then he will use endless sea water to defend against the enemy!

Zizi! Zizi!

The flames scorched the sea water, making a sizzling sound. A boundless white mist appeared, instantly covering the entire battlefield.

It was at this time, taking advantage of the white mist.

Tens of thousands of Shuo Chong ships rushed to the bottom of the Tianlong Fu ship.

A dense group of Jinfan thieves dived into the water, trying to pierce the mountain-like Tianlong Fujian.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

There were continuous knocking sounds.

Seeing that the enemy was digging the ship at this time, the soldiers of the Shenyu Army on the ship breathed a sigh of relief.

They just lay quietly on the side of the ship, quietly watching the enemy wield the chisels in their hands.

They want to recover as much energy as possible by taking short breaks.

And being attacked by the Tianlongfu ship?

Hehe, how can a few small daggers and small chisels be able to pierce the hull of a ship that cannot even be shot by sharp arrows?

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