"Huh? It's refined iron! It's refined iron!"

After a while of jingling, exclamations spread throughout the battlefield.

Hundreds of thousands of Jinfan thieves looked confused.

Seeing the hull made of refined iron, they immediately felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

How could it be like this?

Is this Apocalypse Empire rich and powerful? Such a huge giant ship is all cast with refined iron?

What an upstart, this Apocalypse Empire is definitely an upstart!

Only the nouveau riche Apocalypse Empire can do such an act of mobilizing heaven and earth!

"Go up! Go up!"

Seeing that it was hopeless to scuttle the boat, some Jinfan bandits found other ways.

Although the Tianlongfu ship is huge, they can still climb up if they work hard.

Instantly, whoosh whoosh.

Countless claw hooks were thrown onto the side of the ship, and one after another, Jinfan bandits climbed up towards the Tianlongfu ship.

They clasped tightly with both hands and held sharp knives in their mouths, like geckos climbing on the hull of a ship.

At this time, the soldiers of the Shenyu Army who had rested for a while finally stood up.

The godfish archers drew their longbows.

For a while, arrows flew randomly.

Although they cannot attack the enemy troops climbing outside the ship, they can kill each other.

Anyway, as long as they are enemies in sight, they can't escape their shooting.

what! what! what! what!

In just a few breaths, thousands of Jinfan thieves were shot to death.

They climbed on top of the hull, and that was an excellent target.

The densely packed Jinfan thieves did not need the godfish archers to deliberately aim at them.

Anyway, their arrows can't shoot through their own Tianlong Fujian, and only the enemy can be shot in!


Gan Ning sent Zheng Chenggong flying with a single blow.

He looked at the tragic battlefield. Although the white mist blocked his line of sight, his powerful divine sense sensed it.

The Jinfan thieves of their own family had already suffered heavy losses before they boarded the boat.

Each of those sharp arrows could take the life of a Jinfan thief.

The Jinfan army he was so proud of fell into a disadvantage in front of the Apocalypse Empire Navy?

"Hmph! It must be the advantage of the ship!"

He refused to admit the result of the battle, and only believed that Zheng Yisao's Shenyu army had a high advantage.

Ever since, he thought of a countermeasure.

"The waves rise!"


Under his control, the originally restless sea became rough.

The tens of meters high waves carried the Shuochong Ship and rushed towards the Tianlongfu Ship.

Although they are small, they can stand shoulder to shoulder with Tianlong Fujian if they ride the waves!


With the help of huge waves, Jinfan soldiers jumped up in a leap.

They leaped a distance of tens of meters, and jumped onto the Tianlongfu ship with a bang.

At this moment, the first batch of Jinfan soldiers who boarded the ship smiled.

Now, it's their turn to fight back.

"Haha, go to hell!"

Their strong self-confidence drove them to rush towards the soldiers of the Shenyu Army, which were several times larger than their own.

Click! Click!

But before they rushed far, several Shenyu Army soldiers drew their swords out of their sheaths.

In an instant, several heads rolled to the ground.

Before these Jinfan thieves knew what happened, they were already decapitated!

However, the death of a few people did not make Gan Ning realize the seriousness of the problem.

Under his control, a steady stream of Jinfan thieves rushed to the deck of the Tianlongfu ship riding huge waves.

In an instant, there were shouts of killing.

At this time, the soldiers of the Shenyu Army who had been waiting for a long time showed no mercy.

They just stood quietly on the deck and killed every enemy that flew up.

None of the Jinfan thieves who flew to the Tianlongfu ship survived five seconds.

Finally, at this time, Gan Ning sensed something was wrong.

A steady stream of soldiers under his command rushed up, but why didn't even a single enemy ship be captured after so long?

He shook the white mist away in surprise.

In the next second, a scene he will never forget appeared.

A steady stream of Jinfan thieves jumped onto the Tianlongfu ship, and were hacked to death before landing.

His method full of confidence caused tens of thousands of Jinfan thieves to lose their lives!

"Damn it!"

Gan Ning was furious.

These Jinfan thieves are his personal soldiers, his exclusive arms.

Every time before attacking a ship, their Jinfan bandits would go forward bravely and kill the enemy first.

But now, the invincible Jinfan thieves are actually lost here?

For a while, he couldn't find a suitable excuse.

His family's Jinfan thief was crushed by the navy soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire!

"Oh! What other means do you have?"

Zheng Chenggong looked at him panting.

Gan Ning led more than 200,000 people to die. This Gan Ning is very interesting.

Although he was exhausted, his original power could still make him fight for a long time.

If it wasn't for the fact that the elixir had just been eaten while killing the monster, he wouldn't need to burn his original power at all!


Gan Ning was angry and furious. He really wanted to fight Zheng Chenggong to the death, and the sky was dark.

But the soldiers under his command who were constantly dying made him stop rationally.

He suppressed the waves, not wanting to let the soldiers under his command die in vain.

But the next second.


Gan Ning's complexion changed in shock.

He originally wanted to suppress the raging sea and restore the appearance just now.

But he didn't want to, the sea surface became more violent under his suppression.

Hundreds of meters of waves hit, and countless rushing boats were swept up in the squall.

The Jinfan thieves on the ship were thrown high, and then landed on the Tianlongfu ship one after another.

In an instant, seeing the lamb falling from the sky, the smiling faces of the soldiers of the Shenyu Army on the Tianlong Fu Ship were all deformed.

There is such a good thing?

Seeing the Jinfan thieves who were still in a sluggish state, they were not polite.

Click click click!

In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of Jinfan thieves were killed.

Their bodies were thrown into the sea, and the soldiers of the Shenyu Army cleared the deck, waiting for the arrival of the new lamb!

"Stop! Stop for General Ben!"

Gan Ning's canthus is about to burst.

He didn't want to, these waves were not caused by him. I wanted to avoid the edge temporarily, but why is there such a violent wind and waves on the sea?

He wanted to rush forward to rescue the soldiers under his command.

But Zheng Chenggong stood in front of him one by one.

"Think about the past? Then die here first!"

Now, it's finally his turn to control the situation!

With Zheng Yisao, a powerful person from the back of the gods, sitting in the army, he is very at ease!


But at this moment, an even bigger momentum surged over.

That fierce power instantly shattered all the huge waves that filled the sky.

Countless rushing ships crashed into the sea, and the Jinfan thieves on board were thrown to pieces.

"Oh? Finally couldn't help but shoot?"

At this time, Mrs. Zheng's cold voice came.

These huge waves hundreds of meters high are her handwriting. Gan Ning led the army to come and go whenever he wanted? Then you have to ask Mrs. Zheng Yisao's opinion first.

"Using the big to bully the small is really an act of a little woman!"

Mrs. Zheng's words elicited a response.

A man flew up in the air.

I saw him in a brown robe, with a bun on his head, long hair draped over his shoulders, and sharp eyes.

The folding fan and sharp sword at the waist are enough to tell that this is a great talent capable of writing and martial arts!

"Who are you?"

Mrs. Zheng flew into the air. Looking at the man who was on par with her own strength, she asked coldly.

From the man's sharp eyes, she seemed to be seen through.

"I, Zhou Gongjin!"

Zhou Yu made a gentleman's gift to Mrs. Zheng from afar. When he looked at Mrs. Zheng, his expression was not disturbed, because the beauty of Xiao Qiao at home was not weaker than Mrs. Zheng.

At this moment, in his heart, he only regarded Zheng Yisao as an enemy.

"You are Zhou Yu?"

Aunt Zheng had obviously heard of Zhou Gongjin. After all, she is a descendant, so how could she not know Zhou Yu who was mad at Zhuge Liang?

"It's right here!"

Zhou Yu did not deny it. The huge wave had already been suppressed by him, and the remaining ten or so Wanjinfan bandits fled quickly under the leadership of Gan Ning.

He was still waiting, waiting for all the Jinfan thieves to retreat to safety.

"It seems that the prime minister's talent is more outstanding."

After carefully looking at Zhou Yu, Mrs. Zheng came to this conclusion. She chuckled lightly and said, "I wonder if you will sigh again in this life: How can you sigh when you are born?"

Zhuge Liang is in the Apocalypse Empire. If she knew that Zhou Yu was coming, she would have invited Zhuge Liang over.

Fateful duel, I don't know if Zhou Yu can wash away his shame in this life!


Seeing Mrs. Zheng uncovering her scars mercilessly, Zhou Yu felt sullen.

Where did I say the words "Since Shengyu He Shengliang", these are all fabricated by those storytellers, okay?

Those hateful storytellers made him the laughingstock of the ages!

In a moment of desperation, it happened that the Jinfan thieves had finished retreating.

Ever since, he roared and went up with his sword in hand.

"go to hell!"

They are enemies, there is no possibility of any peace talks! As long as Zheng Yisao is killed here, that is the beginning of Sun Quan's hegemony.


The sharp sword pierced the water curtain summoned by Mrs. Zheng.

The sharp sword collided with the sea water~www.readwn.com~ unexpectedly made a sound as crisp as metal!

"Arrow of Corrosion!"

At the same time, Mrs. Zheng summoned dense corrosive arrows and shot at Zhou Yu.


Countless arrows tore through the air and appeared in front of Zhou Yu in an instant.


Zhou Yu snorted coldly.

In the next second, a red shield appeared around his body.

The hot shield not only resisted all the arrows of corrosion, but also dried up all the poison of corrosion that came from the surprise attack.

The poison of corrosion and the flame shield blended together, making a sizzling sound.

"Corrosion cage!"

Seeing Zhou Yu hiding herself in the shield, Mrs. Zheng simply gave him an extra shield.

A huge corroded cage trapped Zhou Yu tightly.

The deep poison of corrosion began to corrode the flame shield on his body little by little.


Seeing himself in a cage, Zhou Yu roared angrily.

In an instant, a huge momentum burst out from his body.

The corroded cage that was finally assembled hadn't lasted for a second before it was immediately dispersed by Zhou Yu's power.

The power like flames remained undiminished, and she rushed towards Mrs. Zheng with majestic force.

Isn't war just reciprocity?


Mrs. Zheng's face was already filled with murderous intent.

She raised the staff in her hand, and another water curtain appeared in midair.

The mighty flames broke through the water curtains one after another, and the sound of sizzling resounded throughout the world. White mist rises, and the five fingers are unclear.

In the end, after breaking through the fifth water curtain, the power of the flame impact had all dissipated.

But I haven't waited for Mrs. Zheng to fight back.

"Sea of ​​flames!"

In an instant, a boundless fire appeared at Zheng Yisao's feet.

The roiling heat wave hits and melts everything!

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