
Lu Meng took the lead in launching the attack.

The spear in his hand attacked like dense rain, forcing Zheng Yisao to retreat steadily.

Although Zheng Yisao cast dozens of water curtains. But the water curtain, which was indestructible in the past, is now as fragile as thin paper under Lu Meng's hands.

He is too strong.

That sharp spear seems to have a natural restraint effect on shield skills.

"Dragon of Corrosion!"

Zheng Yisao will fight and retreat.

At this time, she not only had to cast the water curtain to block Lu Meng's surprise attack, but also summoned the dragon of corrosion to fight back.

Under the roar of several Corroding Dragons, Lu Meng finally slowed down his pace.

"sucker Punch!"

However, he was not afraid of the roaring dragon of corruption.


With a light stab of the spear in his hand, the corroded dragons turned into residues.

The flames gushing out from the tip of the spear completely burned away the poison of corrosion.

People under Sun Quan's command are all playing with fire.

Whether it's Gan Ning, Zhou Yu, or Lu Meng, Sun Quan. When they raise their hands and feet, they can arouse the flame attack effect!

"Demon girl, go to hell!"

Behind Mrs. Zheng, Zhou Yu completely opened her folding fan.

At this moment, an incomparably terrifying breath gushed out of his body.

With the blessing of the power of the folding fan, his strength has reached the half-step altar level. Sun Quan's power is very weak compared to an empire.

But under the command of the overlord of Jiangdong, how can there be no strongest?

Even if it is a half-step altar that was forcibly blessed by Gongjin Fan, it is still a half-step altar!

"Phoenix dancing in the sky!"

While Gongjin danced with her fan lightly, a fire phoenix flew out of the fan with hissing.


The fire and the phoenix mingled in the world, with infinite power!

The huge fire phoenix rushed towards Mrs. Zheng with raging fire.


The fire scorched the air, and there was a crackling sound out of thin air.

The red wings, like a sharp sword of gold and iron, fiercely pierced towards Mrs. Zheng who was in front of her.

At the same time, Lu Meng's attack rushed forward.

A white dragon whizzed out from the tip of his spear, and blue and white flames ignited on the dragon's body. Under the roasting of the blue flames, the temperature of the whole world soared rapidly.

"Prison of Corrosion!"

Faced with the double attack of the fire phoenix and the white dragon, the unavoidable Zheng Yisao released a corrosive cage on herself.

Click click click.

In an instant, the indestructible corrosion cage firmly sheltered her.

The sharp wings of the fire phoenix cut on the cage, making a crackling sound.

Although there are flames pouring into the cage. But under Zheng Yisao's resistance, Huofeng's first attack was blocked.

But at this moment, the white flood dragon also flew over the cage.

Kazizi~ Kazizi~

The sharp dragon claws scratched on the cage, making a piercing squeaking sound.

At this time, Jiaolong is not grabbing a corroded cage, but a hard metal iron block.

Of course, this piece of metal iron is poisonous, corroding the claws of the white flood dragon.

Under pain.


I saw the white flood dragon roaring, and the dragon's tail swept across.

The indestructible corrosion cage was swept away by a single tail.

At the same time, raging flames gushed out from Huofeng's mouth.

This is a raging fire that is more ferocious than raging fire. Under the scorching flames, the solid corrosion cage begins to dissolve.

Zhou Yu, who is half-step altar-level, is simply too powerful.

Zheng Yisao, who has just entered the backstage of Shenmen, does not have any strength advantage when facing him.

Even resisting his attack in battle is already extremely difficult.

"Triple...cough cough."

Blood gushed out of Mrs. Zheng's mouth. Facing the joint attack of Zhou Yu and Lu Meng, she was hit hard.

But even so, she still did not give up.

"Triple Sea of ​​Corruption!"

With a stern shout, she also began to burn her original power!

She is not afraid of death, the most is that all her efforts come to naught.

So what if the strength becomes an ordinary person? If she could become an ordinary person, she would rather cook meals at home and wait for her husband to come home!


Under Zheng Yisao's desperate fight.

The originally trembling power of heaven and earth became restless. Between lightning and thunder, the entire sea set off huge waves.

Under the waves as huge as the sky, the Tianlong Fujian was already as weak as an ant.

Sun Quan's Sun Clan boat capsized long ago, and countless Jiangdong Huwei were buried in the sea.

During the turbulent waves, the Jiangdong soldiers who fell into the sea could not come out no matter how good the water was.

As for the crossing tiger warriors and Jiangdong tiger guards who rushed onto the Tianlongfu ship, they could only hold on to the hull, shivering in the strong wind and rain.

You can't even stand still, how can you kill the enemy?

Although the Shenyu army and the fierce shark army are a little better than them, it is difficult to kill the enemy.

Although they are pirates, they are also very familiar with the situation at sea. But in the face of such a huge wave, it is impossible to compete with manpower!

And their opponents Jiangdong Tiger Guard and Crossing River Tiger Warrior, these two armies were carefully trained by Sun Quan.

Its water quality and sea combat capability are not much weaker than the Shenyu Army and the Shark Army.

In the turbulent sea, let's see which lucky ones can persist until the end!

"Hmph! You're stubborn!"

How could Lu Meng and Zhou Yu agree to see Mrs. Zheng wanting to drag ordinary soldiers into their backs before she died?

Together, they suppressed the huge waves with great power.

Many Jiangdong Tiger Guards and Tiger Warriors crossing the river who fell into the water surfaced again at this time.

But a second.


The boundless sea has turned into a sea of ​​corruption!

Zheng Yisao condensed the triple sea of ​​corrosion with the power of life. A single drop of poisonous corrosive water dripping from the sea of ​​triple corrosion will erode the entire sea area.

Those soldiers who were still in the sea turned into dry bones and sank to the bottom of the sea at this moment.

In an instant, more than half of Sun Quan's Jiangdong Tiger Guards and Crossing River Tigers were lost.

Although there were also many divine fish soldiers and fierce shark soldiers who also fell into the sea and died of corrosion. But the soldiers have long regarded death as home!

Taking advantage of the slight slowdown of the ship, they roared and killed the enemy.

"Fight with them!"

Mrs. Zheng was in a desperate situation, and Zheng Chenggong was completely at a disadvantage at this time.

Next, it's time for them to die for their country!

In desperation, the Shenyu Army and the Shark Army displayed super combat effectiveness.

The remaining enemy troops on the Tianlongfu ship were torn to pieces in less than a quarter of an hour.

At this time, they were like killing demon gods, with fierce eyes and blood all over their bodies.

A tragic atmosphere began to permeate the sea.

In the momentum of the soldiers of the Shenyu army and the fierce shark army going to death, the souls of the two armies also roared and mourned.


The huge blood-red **** fish and the blood-colored giant shark bit the enemy.

Just a face-to-face meeting, and the two Tiger Army Spirits under Sun Quan's command were bitten by the neck.

The giant shark is fierce? At this time, the **** fish has completely turned into a god-eating evil fish!

"Quick battle!"

Seeing the retreating soldiers under his command, Zhou Yu's face suddenly flashed fiercely. He thought he was sure of winning, but he ignored the determination of the Shenyu Army to fight the Shark Army.

Although Zheng Yisao fell into a disadvantage, the corpses of the two Jiangdong Tigers were scattered across the field by the Shenyu Army and the Shark Army under her command.

The incomparably huge army soul also fell into a complete disadvantage at this time.

Seeing that the two tiger army souls were about to be torn apart, Zhou Yu decided to kill Zheng Yisao first, and then kill the enemy army souls!


The entire battlefield was also in front of Lu Meng's eyes, and the fierce and invincible Shenyu army and fierce shark army made him feel chilly!

"What kind of armies are these? Are they so unafraid of death?"

While roaring, he kissed the white flood dragon and rushed towards Mrs. Zheng, and blue flames roared out from the dragon's mouth.


Flames gushing, melting gold fossils!

Boundless blue flames surrounded Zheng Yisao, and the scorching high temperature was like a **** on earth!

What about burning the power of the source to advance to the half-step altar?

In terms of strength, Zhou Yu can step into the half-step altar with only a Gongjin fan. The gap in strength cannot be made up by Mrs. Zheng's burning origin!

"On the road!"

Huofeng also attacked from behind at this time.

Rumble! Rumble!

Under the scorching fire, under the attack of the fire phoenix and the white dragon, Zheng Yisao, who was in a corrosive cage, felt as if she had fallen into a fire pit, and her world was spinning.

Although the sea of ​​triple corrosion has been recovering her strength, she faces Zhou Yu, who is still stronger than him, and Lu Meng, who is vicious and vicious.

She can only hold on hard!

Zizi! Zizi!

An unknown number of corrosion poisons were born in the sea of ​​triple corrosion. But each time, these corrupting dragons were no match for the fire phoenix!

Seeing the eroded sea of ​​corrosion getting smaller and smaller, Mrs. Zheng quietly flashed a trace of determination on her face.

"Let's go together!"

With a sharp roar, she took the initiative to disperse the corrosion cage.

The corrosion cage that condensed most of her power fell into the sea, and the triple corrosion sea began to become restless.

For a moment, the breath from **** surged.

A gigantic **** dragon crawling out of the sea little by little with breath like the underworld.

Mrs. Zheng's complexion was pale at this time, and she was like a ghost with a dying candle. But she didn't fall down, she supported her body and drove the ghost dragon of **** to rush towards the enemy.


The fire phoenix wanted to fight back, but the **** dragon only gave it a light claw.


As soon as the huge fire phoenix came face to face, it was shot away by the poisonous **** dragon~www.readwn.com~ The ghost poison from **** corroded the body of the fire phoenix, making the originally bright and colorful fire phoenix whine.


Lu Meng drove the white dragon to attack.

Boom boom!

However, with a sweep of the dragon's tail, Lu Meng and the white dragon under him were also sent flying.

The huge dragon body flew backwards for a long distance, and then suddenly fell into the sea.

The bone-eating nether poison corroded several large holes in Bailong's body in just a few breaths.



The **** dragon is really too strong.

Zhou Yu and Lu Meng were bleeding from their mouths at the same time, their faces pale.

Zheng Yisao summoned the ghost dragon of **** with all her life force, that is to pull all the enemies to be buried with her!

Zhou Yu? Lu Meng? Sun Quan?

Hehe, these people are nothing but withered bones under the claws of **** dragons!

"Let's die together!"

A final smile appeared on Mrs. Zheng's face. She was a little bit reluctant, but it seemed like a relief.

"Kill her! Kill her!"

Zhou Yu was terrified, and roared ferociously.

He still underestimated Aunt Zheng.

Femme fatale! Snake man! The more beautiful a woman is, the more poisonous she is!

"I go!"

Lu Meng roared.

He also tried his best, and the white dragon under his seat turned into a stunning spear again.

With a glimpse of the spear, he rushed in front of Mrs. Zheng.


The tip of the gun pierced Zheng Yisao's chest, and the cold front pierced out from her back.

But the billowing blood he expected didn't spurt, and the spear in his hand was like piercing a dead wood.


Lu Meng withdrew the spear viciously, and Aunt Zheng, who had lost all vitality, fell into tears.

But at this second.

Zhang Shun's sharp roar resounded through the world.


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