On the sea in the distance, Guan Hai broke through layers of huge waves and came roaring.


Seeing the fallen Mrs. Zheng, his heart felt like a knife.

After receiving the news that Sun Quan was going south, he immediately led his army north.

All the way up and down, but in the end it was still a step too late.

It takes too long to cross the entire coastal area of ​​the Apocalypse Empire from the Datang sea area!


Zhang Shun's arrival surprised Sun Quan. Why didn't he know that the Apocalypse Empire still had reinforcements?

It's just that when he saw Zhang Shun coming alone, he was so relieved!

"kill him!"

If one person comes to help, it is simply life-or-death!


Seeing Zhang Shun hugging the corpse and howling, Lu Meng stepped forward with a murderous look. He had already burned his own origin to kill Mrs. Zheng, so killing another Zhang Shun wouldn't be too much!

The power of the most powerful Shenmen peak made him feel that Zhang Shun was just an ant.

"Hehe! Hehe! Hehe!"

Zhang Shun smiled miserably. Seeing Lu Meng approaching at every step, a mad killing intent suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Madam, rest well. I will avenge you for my husband!"

He put Zheng Yisao's body down gently, and slowly stood up.

He stared at Lu Meng, those blood-red eyes were like a ghost crawling out of hell!

"You all will die!"

The cold words spread throughout the world, and the boundless chill turned the solstice into winter.


Holding a broken knife, Zhang Shun rushed towards Lu Meng with a murderous look.

That fearless aura made Lu Meng smile contemptuously.

"Mere ants!"

Lu Meng scolded and fought back with a gun. How dare a mere ant come up to die? That is really not knowing how to write dead words!

"Ants, today the Japanese general will show you what the difference in strength is!"

The White Dragon Spear in his hand was aggressive and sent Zhang Shun flying with just one blow.

So what? What about madness?

Zhang Shun was originally a ghost, and the ghosts were weaker than the strong ones in the Shenmen realm in the early stage.

Today's Zhang Shun, who is strong in the ghost gate, is only as powerful as a strong man in the middle of the **** gate.

A mere person in the mid-level of the divine gate wants to challenge himself who is half-stepped into the divine platform? Lu Meng decided that Zhang Shun was seeking his own death!


Zhang Shun's body was slammed into the sea.

But in a moment, he rushed out of the sea again.


That sharp knife knocked Lu Meng back several steps with one blow. A huge force came from the gun body, Lu Meng only felt his hands go numb.


Sensing the change in Zhang Shun's strength, Lu Meng showed surprise.

With just one blow, he sensed that Zhang Shun suddenly possessed the strength of the backstage of Shenmen.

How is this going?

However, just when he was wondering.

Zhang Shun slashed horizontally with his saber, and slashed at him again.

But this time.

The sharp White Dragon Spear firmly blocked the blow. Even under Lu Meng's counterattack, Zhang Shun was kicked and flew out.


Zhang Shun fell into the sea again. It was the endless sea water that became his inexhaustible motivation to keep fighting!

"come out!"

Lu Meng stared at the sea.

Zhang Shun's first attack from the sea was extremely powerful, so he was extremely vigilant.

At the same time, some impatience rose in his heart. After fighting for so long, 30% of his original power has been burned.

If Zhang Shun couldn't be dealt with, then Lu Meng would be seriously injured if he didn't die!


Zhang Shun in the sea fulfilled his wish.

But this time, Zhang Shun roared out as a giant dragon with its feet on the water.


While the giant water dragon roared, one person and one dragon rushed towards Lu Meng.


The broken knife collided with the long spear, and the huge dragon tail swept over at the same time.


Lu Meng scolded angrily, and a majestic momentum exploded from his body.


The huge water dragon was smashed to pieces in an instant. Countless drops of water fell into the sea, like a downpour.

After all, Lu Meng was still too strong.

With his strength at the half-step **** stage level, he can still crush Zhang Shun, who has already advanced in strength.

The spear pierced Zhang Shun's left arm, and the crimson blood soaked his skirt in an instant.

In just a moment, Zhang Shun had completely turned into a blood man.

His body was covered with scars, and his breath became sluggish.

Although the sea is boundless, it is impossible to bless him into a superman after all.


In the final blow, Lu Meng's spear was like a world-shattering dragon.

Even though Zhang Shun had raised his knife to block, he still shot Zhang Shun into the sea.

A deep bone-deep wound appeared on Zhang Shun's chest.

His sternum had been broken, and the broken bone pierced his heart.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"

In the deep sea, Zhang Shun spurted out his heart and soul. His aura is getting weaker and weaker, and the power of life is passing away with the sea water.

But even so, Lu Meng did not let him go.

Seeing that Zhang Shun's body did not come up, Lu Meng rushed into the sea himself with a gun.

Looking at Zhang Shun, whose breath was sluggish like a dying lamp, a smile appeared on his face.

He used his momentum to shake away the sea water around his body, and walked to Zhang Shun step by step.

His voice was extremely sharp and cold: "Remember, Lu Meng who killed you!"

After the words fell, the White Dragon Spear completely pierced Zhang Shun's heart. Immediately afterwards, Lu Meng turned his wrist lightly.

The White Dragon Spear shattered Zhang Shun's heart while spinning.

Zhang Shun's eyes were wide open, he felt the last trace of life force leaving him, and the boundless breath of death descended.

But he didn't fall down, the boundless sea water supported his body.

Just when death comes.

The shattered heart slowly turned black under the erosion of the power of death.

The sea water washed away Zhang Shun's battle armor, revealing a chest full of bones.


The unusual aura caught Lu Meng's attention.

He pulled the White Dragon Spear from Zhang Shun's shattered chest, and with his backhand he was about to slice off Zhang Shun's head.

However, at this moment.


A black broken knife lay across Zhang Shun's body, blocking the blow for Zhang Shun.

next second.

Click! Click! Click!

The sea began to freeze, and Lu Meng was tightly trapped by prisons of water.

Zhang Shun's eyes had completely turned black, and the shattered heart was fused into a black heart under the erosion of the power of death.

The black heart started beating thumpingly, and Lu Meng, who was so close at hand, didn't hear any beating sound!


Looking at Zhang Shun who had come back from the dead, Lu Meng was horrified. This person is actually able to turn death into life, from death to life?

For a moment, he felt that things were out of his control.

"Is it my turn?"

Zhang Shun clenched his right hand tightly, and the black broken knife flew back into his hand in an instant.

The boundless breath of death emanated from his body, and his strength immediately stepped into the half-step Wangchuan state at this moment.

He is a ghost, and he is a person who died once.

Back from the dead? no no no! Zhang Shun has always been dead.

The beating heart at the beginning was just the vitality given to him by Zheng Yisao.

Vitality dissipated, death came.

But after the boundless power of death enveloped Zhang Shun, his strength increased rapidly like a divine enlightenment.

Ghost way, ghost gate, half-step Wangchuan. At this time, Zhang Shun's strength had reached the same level as Lu Meng's.

An evil ghost from Huangquan crawled out from the bottom of the sea, roaring and rushed towards Lu Meng.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Feeling that Zhang Shun's aura was not weaker than his own, Lu Meng's face was frightened and he couldn't believe it.

How could this person be like this? After killing him, he actually made him stronger?

In the world, how could there be such a weird person?

He roared and wanted to rush out, but countless ghosts from Huangquan had already rushed over.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

With roars, he held the White Dragon Spear and killed all the evil spirits that rushed over.

But the ghost of Huangquan is not Zhang Shun's ultimate move.

Water cages flew over.

Lu Meng wanted to break through, but at this moment all his attacks were absorbed by the sea water.

Zhang Shun has been promoted to half-step Wangchuan Realm, coupled with the blessing of talent skills.

In just a moment, his strength has surpassed that of Lu Meng.

"Zi Ming!"

Seeing that the sea was suddenly frozen, the expressions of Sun Quan and Zhou Yu on the ship changed suddenly.

The Jiangdong people all use fire magic. The coldness of the ice gave them a chill in their hearts.


Zhou Yu endured his injuries, trying to break through the thick ice.


However, accompanied by a crisp impact sound, his sharp sword seemed to be piercing on a gold stone at this moment.

His tiger's mouth was swollen and painful from the huge counter-shock force, but the hard ice surface did not show the slightest damage.

Zhou Yu's strong period has passed.

He who was seriously injured ~www.readwn.com~ How could he penetrate such a solid ice surface?


Sun Quan's eyes were filled with worry.

He rushed down from the kingship, feeling the thickness of the ice, his face was heavy.

"Leave it to me next!"

He, Sun Quan, is not a feeble scholar with no power to restrain a chicken. Two generals under his command have been injured, so how can he, the master, stand by and watch?

"Power to control the world!"

With a roar, the entire power of heaven and earth trembled.

At this moment, no matter the mountains, rivers, seas or the sun, the moon and the stars, they all knelt before Sun Quan like courtiers.

The power of countless mountains and rivers, the power of rivers, the power of the earth, the power of the sun and the moon, the power of the stars... are all condensed here, and slowly condensed in Sun Quan's hands to be driven by him.

Under the erosion of various forces, the originally hard and thick ice surface began to melt.

Under the illumination of the power of the sun, moon and stars, the icy cold air became extremely docile.

Seeing that the ice is about to be broken.

But at this moment, under the deep sea, a broken knife pierced Lu Meng's heart.

In the next second, before Lu Meng could utter a scream, the black knife cut off his head again.

How Lu Meng treated Zhang Shun back then, Zhang Shun returned it all to him at this time.

"you you....."

Lu Meng's head was floating in the sea water, his mouth was opening to say something.

His body has been torn into pieces by the ghosts of Huangquan, and there is nothing left of his body except his head.

He wanted to speak because he did not want to rest in peace!

Obviously the winner is him, obviously he smashed Zhang Shun's heart first......



The thick ice surface was finally broken by Sun Quan at this moment.

It's just that when he saw Lu Meng's floating head, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Zi Ming!"

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