The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 848: hidden dragon to bad people

Datang, Fengzhou.

The Apocalypse Legion led by Guan Hai rushed here.

According to Cheng Mu's intention, while Zheng Zhilong was on his way north, he was going to destroy the Tang Empire.

At this time, Datang basically had no resistance, and the naval fleet had no enemies in the waters of Datang.

That being the case, it's better to let Zheng Zhilong disgust Liu Che first.

After Guan Hai flattened the Tang Empire, all the troops under his command went north together.


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

In Chang'an City, news like bad news reached Li Chengqian.

In the Anxi Protectorate's Mansion, the Beifu Legion of the Apocalypse Empire had already reached the Yumen Pass.

The defenders of Yumen Pass had been in a stalemate for less than an hour, and the entire city was reduced to ruins.

Most of Xie Xuan's injuries have recovered, and at this time he is leading the Beifu Legion to drive straight from Yumen Pass!

In the Anton Protectorate.

Wei Xiaobao's Qingzhou Army has already breached Youzhou City, presumably soon, he will lead the army south.

At this time, the Great Tang Empire was on the brink of destruction.

The wind and rain are precarious and about to overturn.

As long as the army of the Apocalypse Empire pushes in, Li Chengqian will have no chance of jumping into the sea and committing suicide.

After all, in the waters of Datang, there are still two navies of the Apocalypse Empire.

Guan Tianpei and Shen Baozhen.

After they surrendered to the Apocalypse Empire, they turned their guns on the Tang Empire again!

"Hateful Apocalypse Empire! Abominable Apocalypse Empire!"

Facing such a precarious situation, Li Chengqian is like an ant on a hot pot.

Sweating profusely, the six gods have no master.

Li Shimin has died in battle, and there are not even one general under his command.

How can the surviving generals of Qin Qiong resist the third-line advance of the Apocalypse Empire?

"Your Majesty, don't panic, don't panic!"

Changsun Wuji is back again.

After learning the news of Li Shimin's death in battle, he frantically wanted to rush to Anbei City to find Cheng Mu to settle the score.

But after regaining his senses, he dismissed the idea again.

Now was not the time for him to die desperately.

Now that Li Shimin has died in battle, he must keep this precarious country even more.

In this way, Li Shimin's trust and respect for him will not be in vain!

"Uncle, the enemy is close at hand, what should I do, what should I do?"

It's a pity that what Changsun Wuji said couldn't make Li Chengqian feel at ease.

How many days has he been enthroned? He doesn't want to be the shortest-lived emperor in the world!

"Your Majesty, the current plan is to move the capital to the south!"

Changsun Wuji didn't sleep for several days and nights. After thinking hard, this was the only way he could think of.

The army of the Apocalypse Empire has reached Fengzhou, and the road ahead is almost smooth.

After learning about the strength of the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire, he actually had no confidence in Qin Qiong's general.

Since there is no hope of resisting, why not move the capital south and avoid the edge temporarily?

"No! No!"

However, facing Changsun Wuji's proposal to move the capital, Li Chengqian immediately shook his head.

The capital is Chang'an, this is the rule set by the ancestors.

Wouldn't it be disloyal and unfilial to move the capital to the south? He was worried that if he entered the underworld after his death, he would be beaten to death by Li Yuan and Li Shimin!

"Your Majesty! It's not too late!"

Changsun Wuji earnestly persuaded.

Relocation is the only way to continue the life of the Tang Empire. Only by gathering the power of the whole country can we have the possibility of fighting the Apocalypse Empire.

It's too late to recruit King Qin's army now!

"No, no."

Li Chengqian was still shaking his head, he hadn't convinced himself yet.

Just leave like this, what if the person sitting on the dragon chair is not me when I come back next time?

He didn't want to leave the throne that he had waited so hard for.


But at this moment, a guard rushed in to report.

"Your Majesty, the army of the Tianqi Empire has captured Fengzhou and is marching towards Xiazhou!"

Qin Qiong's divine general was persuaded by Changsun Wuji to return when he traveled to Qingzhou.

At this time, the North Dao and Dong Dao of the Tang Empire did not have any power to defend against the enemy.

From Fengzhou to Xiazhou, one day is enough.

After Guan Hai completely occupied Xiazhou, Xiazhou was less than two days away from Chang'an.

In other words, it doesn't take three days for Chang'an City to be on fire!

"Report! The enemy army from Anxi has broken through Ganzhou, and they are marching towards Liangzhou!"

At the same time, the battle situation from the northwest also came in.

Seeing Fengzhou and Ganzhou fall one after another, Li Chengqian finally became anxious this time.

"Move the capital! Move the capital immediately!"

He doesn't want to die.

Among the two choices of being beaten to death by his ancestors after entering the underworld and being killed by the people of the Tianqi Empire, he still chose to be beaten to death by his ancestors on the road to the underworld.

After all, he is still alive now, and he doesn't want to meet his ancestors so soon!


"Hurry up and pass the news of Li Chengqian's move to the capital to General Guan Hai!"

In a thatched hut outside the city, Xinghan ordered the Yinlong Envoy under his command.

He spent a long time in ambush in Chang'an City before he found out such important information.

Li Chengqian wants to run? dream!

Tianniao can only go with the army. A mid-level Hidden Dragon Envoy like Xiang Xinghan is not yet qualified to drive Tianniao.

Therefore, when transmitting some information, the role of the hidden dragon envoy is still very important.


Several hidden dragon envoys in the house nodded hurriedly, took the message and went out to Xiazhou.

At this time, the army led by Guan Hai was marching towards Xiazhou. As long as the news is passed to Guan Hai, Tianniao will be able to pass the news to Cheng Mu within an hour or two.

However, at the moment they just went out.


Several sharp arrows roared towards him, and a hidden dragon envoy who had just stepped out of the door was shot into a hedgehog before he could react.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Xinghan and the others in the room reacted immediately.

They all disappeared and hid in every corner of the house.


The second wave of arrows struck. This time it was a flaming arrow burning with raging fire, and the people outside wanted to burn Xinghan and the others to death in the hut.

"rush out!"

In desperation, Xinghan made a decisive decision.

He was the first to rush out of the house, and the dagger in his hand cut off many arrows that shot rapidly.

However, when he landed, he didn't find any enemies around who showed their figure.

In other words, the enemies who attacked this time were assassins just like them.

"Be careful, it's a bad person!"

Xinghan immediately understood, and he disappeared after he sounded the warning.

The duel between assassins and assassins is an invisible hunt!


But before his words fell, another wave of arrows shot from all directions.

When he rushed out of the hut just now, the bad people around locked his position.


Xinghan snorted, and disappeared in place in a single instant.

The densely packed arrows also successfully helped him lock the enemy's position.


A scream came, and the first bad person died under his knife.

At the same time, this scream became a signal for both sides to attack.

On the empty ground, from time to time there are the sounds of weapons clashing, the sound of daggers piercing into flesh, and miserable shouts...

If there is no one here, otherwise people will think that this place is haunted!

"Hmph! Some strength!"

Seeing the dead bodies of bad people one after another on the ground, the handsome bad boy looked cold.

He simply showed his figure and actively attracted the hidden dragon envoy to kill him.

He exudes an aura of strength in the early stages of the peerless realm, just like a tempting cake exuding a delicious aura!

"I'm really not afraid of death!"

Xinghan cursed. He really wanted to rush over, but he noticed something unusual.

He is already a top expert.

But in the face of a peerless handsome guy, the assassin's sixth sense kept him away.

If the Peerless Realm was the real strength of Bad Shuai, he would rush forward without hesitation.

But now it seems that this peerless strength may be deliberately revealed by the bad guy to lure him into the bait.


I found that no one approached me for a long time, and the bad handsome waited impatiently! He knew that the fish was not hooked.

That being the case...

I saw a huge force bursting out from his body, and the resulting gale blew everyone around into a mess.

Everyone also showed their figures at this moment.

Xinghan looked intently, and saw that all of them had been completely surrounded by bad people!

"Finally caught you!"

Bad Shuai looked at the Xinghan people who were like trapped animals, and he sneered.

Most of the assassins and spies in the Tang Empire were wiped out by him, leaving Xinghan and his group as invisible as mice.

But now it's all right, he wants to take it all in one pot!

Bad guys like them are useless on the frontal battlefield, but cleaning up spies in the rear is their forte.


Xinghan cursed. He sensed the strength of Bad Shuai, a half-step ghost.

In other words, he is now going to use his top-level strength to resist a strong man at the pinnacle of Zhenguo.

He didn't show his strength just now, it's just that this bad guy is playing with them!

Fortunately, he didn't take the bait!

"Kill them all!"

The bad guy who has the chance to win gives the order.

There was no need for him to take another shot, and the bad people around rushed forward.

Dozens of people besieged and killed four or five Yinlong envoys, it was no accident that the corpses were broken into pieces!


But at this moment, a sharp dagger appeared behind Bad Shuai.

With a cold snort, Bai Yexing flew out in an instant.

The next second, another dagger struck. The sharp aura on the dagger made the bad guy frowned.

He dodged the blow sideways, but when he tried to raise his hand to fight back, the attacker was already far away.

"Kill them all!"

The same words came.

It's just that this sentence was spoken to the Yinlong Envoy, and his commander was also a member of the Apocalypse Empire.

The shadow thorn's figure is revealed.

As the founder of the Yinlong organization at the beginning, his strength stepped into the state of the country with the blessing of a god-level dagger.

The attack and killing that made the unscrupulous handsome man back away just now was done by him!

"I don't know how to live or die! I just don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing Bai Yexing and Shadow Thorn who threw themselves into the net, there was a hint of anger on Bad Shuai's face.

He originally wanted to watch these rats in the Apocalypse Empire be torn to pieces bit by bit by his subordinates. But it now appears that a biting mouse has appeared in this pile of mice.

What to do if you see a mouse that bites? Let's trample to death first!

While cursing he took the initiative to rush towards the shadow spur.

What he held was a sharp sword, and the shadow thorn was sent flying with just one strike.

But Xinghan and Bai Yexing beside them are not vegetarians.

Although their strength is crushed by bad handsome. But if you don't enter into ghosts and gods, the bad handsome is still a body of flesh and blood.

warm bodies? They don't know how many flesh and blood they have killed!


Two sharp daggers pierced down, and the cold light shone, and the handsome man froze for a moment.

In the next second, the two fluttering pockets sent the two of them flying.

What about flesh and blood? With his flesh and blood, he can display strength comparable to ghosts and gods!

Xinghan and Bai Yexing, which are only top-notch, are still not enough to watch!

But at this moment, Shadow Thorn appeared behind him again.

The dagger glowing coldly stabbed at the back of his heart.


Although the dagger pierced into the bad handsome coat, it was blocked by the inner armor inside.

The dagger rubbed sparks on the inner armor, and the Shadow Thorn could only run away once again.

"How to do?"

Seeing the bad guy who was almost invincible, Xinghan and Bai Yexing looked at each other helplessly.

It can't be beaten, and the attack can't break the defense. The next battle is almost hopeless!

"Grind him to death!"

Yet the Shadowthorn's fighting spirit is strong.

Are you wearing underwear? But you didn't wear inner armor pants, did you?

The power is very strong, and you will die after the blood is drained, right?

Assassins sometimes have to kill with one hit. However, in the case of being unable to kill the enemy with one blow, flexible combat methods can also be used to grind the enemy to death.

So not long after Shadow Thorn decided to kill Bad Shuai, many scars appeared on Bad Shuai's body.

Although the scars are small, if they accumulate too much, they will be fatal!

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