The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 849: Zhao Yun first


Facing the three shadow assassins who are like flies and mosquitoes, the bad handsome is in a hurry. It's not that he can't beat them, but these three are too disgusting.

He wanted to fight back, but the shadow thorn fled thousands of miles away after every attack.

The rapid retreat speed made his counterattacks fail again and again.

The bad people around have been killed by Xinghan and Bai Yexing. The next battle will be a three-on-one gang fight!

It was at this time that Bad Shuai discovered the power of Ranger Assassin.

Whether it was a strong stealth or a strong attack, he could not avoid the attacks of the three Shadow Thorns. For that fierce attack, even he who is half-step ghost and **** realm has to be extremely careful.

These Assassins of the Apocalypse Empire are too strong!

Can you use top-level strength to fight against a bad guy who is half a step up from the altar? It would be nothing short of fantasy if it was said out loud!

However, it is not easy for the three shadow thorns at this time.

The main attacker is the Shadow Stab, and the main defender is also the Shadow Stab.

Xinghan and Bai Yexing's bodies were too fragile, and they couldn't resist a bad handsome blow.

Being able to take the opportunity to attack a few times is already Xinghan and Bai Yexing's greatest contribution to this battle!


The sharp dagger sliced ​​across Bad Shuai's lower back, leaving a bloodstain in the gap of the inner armor.

Deadly toxin seeps through the wound.

But in the next second.


A huge aura erupted from the body of Bad Handsome. Not only did he shake all the toxins from the wound out of his body, but he also knocked out the shadow thorns that were too late to retreat.

The huge force made Shadow Thorn's chest ache, and he swallowed the blood that had already flowed to the tip of his tongue forcibly.


Bad Shuai took the opportunity to strike with a sword.

The speed like streamer appeared in front of Shadow Thorn in the blink of an eye.


At a critical juncture, Shadow Thorn let out a cold snort. In the next second, when the sharp sword touched his body, he disappeared instantly.

The sharp sword fell into the air, and the fierce sword energy left a deep sword mark on the ground!

"As timid as a mouse, as timid as a mouse!"

Seeing the shadow thorn disappearing again, the bad guy immediately cursed.

He didn't dare to hide himself, fearing that the three shadow assassins would take the opportunity to escape.

Under his unique means, ordinary concealment skills have lost their effect. Only the shadow thorns and their strong stealth skills are not restricted.

This is also the only capital for the three shadow thorns to fight against him.

"Go to hell!"

But just as he was cursing, a sharp dagger grazed his throat.

The frightening cold front on the dagger makes people shudder. It's just that he turned his head in an instant, making the shot miss.

The dagger wanted to turn to assassinate, but Bad Shuai had already reacted.


He snorted coldly and made a fist with his right hand.


With one punch, Xinghan flew upside down in an instant. At this time, his chest felt like a heavy hammer, and his hard sternum was broken.

If it wasn't for the bad guy's lack of strength, his chest would have sunken by now.


Xinghan's serious injury gave Bai Yexing a chance.

While the bad guy was attacking Xinghan, Bai Yexing's dagger pierced into his lower back.

Grind the bad guy to death with one blow? After fighting for so long, they found that doing so would only make them die here too.

Ever since, it is better to sacrifice one person to fulfill everyone.

Xinghan made a move to attract the attention of the bad guy, and Bai Yexing was behind to kill the bad guy with one blow!

Of course, a single blow from the back cannot kill a bad guy. But such a fierce attack and the higher level of toxin on the dagger will make the bad handsome not die but also seriously injured.


Under the pain, Bad Shuai let out another roar.

In an instant, Bai Yexing also flew out backwards. The mighty power of that half-step ghost and **** realm caused him to be seriously injured in one blow.


Bai Yexing spat out a mouthful of blood. After the whole person fell to the ground, he suppressed the pain in his body and screamed: "I'll leave it to you!"

He and Xinghan were originally not meant to be on stage.

The combination of the two can injure the bad guy, and they have played 500% of their combat effectiveness.

Now that the two have left the field with serious injuries, it will be up to Shadow Assassin whether they can kill the bad guy.

Of course, the poison on the dagger is also very important!

If not, all three of them would have to die here.

"it is good!"

The Shadow Thorn stood in front of Bad Shuai.

At this time, he is the last shelter of Xinghan and Bai Yexing. If he hides any longer, then Xinghan and Bai Yexing will immediately die in the hands of bad handsome.

They were seriously injured and could no longer activate their strong concealment skills.

"Oh, no more hiding?"

Seeing the Shadow Thorn who showed up proactively, the bad guy who had been tense for a long time finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as these mice show their figures, that's enough.

Next, he will crush all three mice to death little by little!


Shadow Thorn was not afraid at all, he took the initiative to attack again.

The poison on Bai Yexing's dagger has begun to seep into the skin of the bad guy, he just needs to avoid the bad guy's fatal attack.

Then he will live to the end!

"act recklessly!"

Seeing that Shadow Thorn, who had lost the advantage of invisibility, dared to rush forward, the bad guy scolded angrily.

In the next second, his whole body turned into a streamer... a streamer...


Accompanied by a scream, the bad guy abruptly stopped his attack and killing. The sharp pain coming from behind made him grin his teeth.

"how is this possible?"

He couldn't believe it. Wasn't the toxin smeared on the mouse's dagger just now forced out of the body?

Even the wound on his back seemed to be slowly recovering.

But why is it so painful? Why? !

He touched it with his backhand.

next second.


The violent corrosive poisonous water began to eat away at his fingers. In just one breath, his right index finger was corroded and scorched black!


Bad Shuai felt ruthless.

The long sword fell, and the scorched index finger was chopped off by him.

His face was already pale, and he couldn't help but tremble with fear.

He underestimated the poison on Bai Yexing's dagger. Not only him, but everyone here underestimated the poison of corrosion.

The moment the poison of corrosion from Mrs. Zheng's hands came into contact with flesh and blood, it immediately revealed its ferocious face.

First of all, it numbs the perception of bad handsomeness, and then devours his body bit by bit.


At this time, the attack of Shadow Thorn arrived.

The sharp dagger stabbed the bad guy's chest, but was immediately blocked by the bad guy.

"Get out!"

Bad Shuai let out a roar, turned and ran after forcing the shadow stab back with a sword.

He has already noticed at this time that the poison of corrosion behind his back is eroding his flesh and blood under the skin.

If he wasted any more time here, he would turn into a puddle of blood within a quarter of an hour.

He didn't want to die, so he turned and fled.

"Want to go?"

How could the repelled shadow thorn make him escape. After paying the price of the serious injuries of Xinghan and Bai Yexing, how could he let the spoils escape.

If all the bad people in the Tang Dynasty can be killed here, it will be a great achievement!

"Strike! Die!"

Shadow Thorn launched his attack skills. His whole body instantly appeared behind the bad handsome, and the sharp dagger pierced the bad handsome back again.

Under the erosion of the poison of corrosion, most of the inner armor on Bad Shuai's body has been corroded.

At this time, the attack of the shadow stabbing, that is, every knife goes straight into the flesh and blood!


Bad Shuai screamed again.

He was terrified, and the great fear drove him to run forward without looking back.

He is a high-ranking bad handsome, a super strong man who has the opportunity to step into the realm of ghosts and gods.

How could he be killed here by a few mice?


But another blow.

The Shadowstab's dagger pierced through his heart. The running bad handsome continued to run forward for dozens of steps, before his body fell to the ground with a thud.

The heart is crushed and the body is corroded.

The dozens of steps he continued to run were nothing more than the inertia of the bad handsome body.


A big mouthful of painstaking effort spewed out from Shadow Thorn's mouth. The internal injury he had endured for a long time could finally be suppressed after killing the bad guy.

His breath was sluggish, and his whole body fell into extreme weakness.

He really risked his life to bring Bai Yexing and Xinghan, two top-level talents, to fight against the bad guy who was half-step ghost and god.

If the poison of corrosion on Bai Yexing's dagger hadn't made great contributions, the three of them would really have died here.

Bad Shuai's shock at first was just shock.

The protracted combat ability of an assassin is ultimately inferior to that of a swordsman.

In the beginning, they were evenly matched, but the three of them relied on the ranger's powerful skills.


Xinghan and Bai Yexing who were lying on the ground were finally relieved at this moment, they thought they were going to die just now.

But it turns out that three mice can still kill a giant!


Shadow Thorn braced his body and wanted to go over to check the specific injuries of the two.

But at this moment, a huge energy poured into his body.

His injuries fully recovered at this moment, and his personal strength also stepped into the late stage of Zhenguo at this moment.


Feeling the surging power in his body, the haze in Shadow Thorn's heart was swept away.

He showed a smile, and he fought hard to kill the enemy, but there was still something to gain in the end.

At the same time, two other smaller energies poured into Xinghan and Bai Yexing's bodies.

In the next second, the injuries of the two of them also recovered rapidly.

The huge life energy also allowed their strength to break through and advance.

Top-notch, peerless, town-state.

With only the life energy of Bad Shuai, all three of them can achieve a leap in strength!

Shadow Thorn entered the late stage of Zhenguo, and Bai Yexing and Xinghan, who were a little less powerful, entered the early stage of Zhenguo.

In other words, the strength of the hidden dragon of the Apocalypse Empire has also been greatly improved in this battle.

Although Qin Ning is a half-step god-level powerhouse, he also has several ghost-god level powerhouses under his command. But the most powerful Ranger Hidden Dragon Envoy has to be the Shadow Thorn, Xinghan, and Bai Yexing.

Ranger is destined to be the protagonist in the future.

Their growth today will be the powerful capital of Yinlong in the future.


Later, after seeing the strength of the two recovering, Shadow Thorn ordered: "You report the news that Li Chengqian is about to move the capital to General Guan Hai."

"Bai Yexing, you come with me to intercept and kill Li Chengqian!"

The powerful strength makes the shadow stab soaring.

At this time, he was no longer satisfied with the mere result of killing bad handsome men.

If he succeeded in attacking and killing Li Chengqian, then his contribution as a shadow assassin would not be weaker than that of an army general!


Although Xinghan was a little unhappy, UU read www. uukanshu. com but a command is a command.

At the same time, he knew that the post of Dragon King of Tangzhou Province should be given to Bai Yexing.

Although he has regrets, he is not discouraged.

Even if he is ranked third, he can become the next Dragon King. Whether it is Hanzhou Province or Songzhou Province, the huge Tianqi Empire will eventually have a place for Xinghan!


Soon, news of Li Chengqian's move to the capital reached Guan Hai.

And Guan Hai didn't let Xinghan make a trip in vain.

He asked Xinghan to go north first, and his Apocalypse Empire was about to attack the Han Empire!

There, there is a large area of ​​meritorious deeds waiting for Xinghan.

"Thank you General!"

Xinghan left happily, he knew his chance had come!

After Xinghan left, Guan Hai summoned Zhao Yun.

"Zilong, it's going to be hard for you to go ahead!"

The Tianxiong infantry and Tianyu archers under his command only had two legs, so even if they ran with all their strength, it would take at least three days to reach Chang'an City.

three days? When he arrived, Li Chengqian probably ran so fast that he couldn't even see his tail.

Therefore, Guan Hai asked Zhao Yun to lead Tianqi to rush to Chang'an City first.

Even if you can't stop Li Chengqian, you still have to hold him back!


Zhao Yun didn't shirk it, but a tinge of joy rose in his heart. If you lead the army first, then the great credit will fall into your own hands.

After stepping into the realm of the gods, he, who was originally indifferent, also wanted to fight.

This is not a personality change, but a result of strength.

The realm of ghosts and gods is to compete with people, countries, and heaven and earth. Fight for people's lives, fight for the luck of the country, and fight for the power of heaven and earth.

The power of heaven and earth in the world is fixed, and there will only be more and more powerful people.

Want to be strong? Then you have to keep fighting.

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