The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 851: Li Chengqian's self-confidence

"Kill them all!"

The strength of the soldiers of the general **** is just right, Zhao Yun chooses to kill the grass and root it out once and for all.

Since this is the last army of the Tang Empire, they should complete their final mission.

Fight to the last moment, fight until every soldier dies for the Tang Empire!

"Ah! I don't want to die!"

"Surrender, I surrender!"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Help! Help!"

"Fight! I will fight with you!"

Facing the butcher knives in the hands of the soldiers of the Heavenly Cavalry Army, the remaining soldiers of the God General knelt down and howled.

They want to run, but have nowhere to run. Kneeling and howling did not help.

Those who rose up to resist? In the end, they were just the souls of the dead under the sword of the soldiers of the Tianqi Army!

Under one blow, there is no enemy!

One after another, the generals and soldiers of the gods fell, whether they resisted or not, it was a fatal situation.

Slowly, boundless wailing spread throughout the world. Sorrowful emotions linger in everyone's heart.

It was at this time that one day, the soldiers of the cavalry army wanted to withdraw their swords out of kindness.

But Zhao Yun, who was in charge of the overall situation, woke everyone up with an angry reprimand: "Don't be fooled!"

Howling? dolor?

The wailing of General Shen is true, but the sorrow and sorrow lingering in the world are all false!

Righteousness does not control wealth and compassion does not control soldiers! When facing the enemy, it is a big taboo to be soft-hearted!


Under Zhao Yun's suggestion, the soldiers of the Tianqi Army returned to calm. They looked at the enemy in front of them extremely coldly, and once again raised their butcher knives.


But in the next second, a cold snort made everyone feel chills. That frosty voice came: "Such bloodthirsty, only a tyrant of a tyrant can support such a brutal army!"

In the distant sky, a figure holding a whisk slowly approached.

With every step he took, he covered a distance of several thousand meters.

The sorrowful atmosphere between the heaven and the earth was spread by him, in order to arouse the benevolence of the Tianqi Army.

But so far, he seems to have failed.

This is a brutal and vicious army without a trace of benevolence in their hearts!

"Who are you?"

Seeing the man approaching step by step, Zhao Yun frowned.

He wasn't afraid, but rather surprised. He got the news that there were not many strong ghosts and gods in the Tang Empire.

Where did the man volleying now come from? Why doesn't he know him?

"My name is taboo? Hehe, how can you cruel people have the right to know my reputation?"

The man sneered, and said in a cold tone, "It's your blessing to die under my hands!"

"Let's go!"

I saw him waving the whisk lightly in his hand. In an instant, the soldiers of General Shen, who had died tragically, suddenly got up.

They looked at themselves in disbelief, as if what happened just now was just a nightmare.

"Soldiers, kill the enemy!"

The man gave an order. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the God General began to rush towards the cavalry without fear, as if stunned.

That majestic power instantly raised their strength to super **** level!

"Really, it's in the way!"

Seeing that he was about to kill all the enemies blocking the way, now the new man actually denied all the results of his battle just now?

Could it be that this man can still resurrect the tragic death of Qin Qiong?

When he killed Qin Qiong just now, a huge amount of life energy had poured into his body and turned into a part of his physical strength.

In this way, is it possible that what Zhao Yun ate can be forcefully spit out?

"Hehe, hehe!"

The man continued to sneer. But Zhao Yun's guess was wrong, he did not resurrect Qin Qiong.

Instead, he placed several restrictions in front of him.

In the next second, these restrictions suddenly intertwined, and then a huge formation enveloped the entire world.

The man's name is Yu Shinan, one of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion.

Although his reputation is not obvious, he is also one of the five quintessences of "virtue, loyalty, erudition, writing, and calligraphy" in history.

In fact, Yu Shinan had already been there.

It's just that he didn't show up all the time because he was setting up this great array of heaven and earth.

He used himself as an eye to resurrect the soldiers of the million **** generals who died in battle.

Qin Qiong's strength is too strong, he can't be resurrected!

"I see, this is your trick?"

The appearance of the Great Formation of Heaven and Earth made Zhao Yun suddenly realize. This Yu Shinan came prepared, he seemed to have a plan in mind!

"Break the array!"

Yu Shinan sat cross-legged on the eye of the formation, coldly spit out the word "breaking the formation".

He didn't want to talk to Zhao Yun at first, but the character of a scholar told him to be kind to others.

The enemy is cruel, but how can Yu Shinan lower his status to care about the enemy?


Seeing Yu Shinan who regarded himself as noble, Zhao Yun sneered. In the next second, his momentum froze and his strength soared.

When he was promoted to the Shenmen Realm, although he had experienced the gift of Thunder. But there is only a slight difference from the middle realm of Shenmen.

But now, Qin Qiong's massive life energy made up for his regret.

When he really set foot in the mid-level of Shenmen, he truly felt the mighty power that was completely different from the initial level of Shenmen.

The surging power pouring into his body made Zhao Yun firm in his mind!

"Go to hell!"

After a roar, Zhao Yun charged at Yu Shinan with a gun. His rapid speed was like a stream of white light, and the silver dragon gun appeared in front of Yu Shinan in the flashing light.

But at this moment.


A silver long gun galloped towards him. The two long spears collided, and Zhao Yun's attack was immediately resolved.


Zhao Yun was puzzled, but in the next second, the silver spear disappeared.

Only the trace of the same aura as the Silver Dragon Divine Spear remained, which made Zhao Yun puzzled.

He could see clearly that the silver spear was his own Silver Dragon Divine Spear.

But why did the silver dragon gun that he was holding tightly appear to block him? And then suddenly disappeared?

"Go to hell!"

Zhao Yun, who didn't believe in evil, made another move.

The silver dragon sharp gun swept towards Yu Shinan's head, and it seemed that he was going to cut his head off with one blow.


However, at this moment, a silver dragon divine spear swept over.

The same long spears collided with the same force, and the menacing Zhao Yun was sent flying again.

But finally at this moment, Zhao Yun suddenly realized.

"Can you actually copy the general's attack?"

This Yu Shinan didn't know what method he used, but he was able to copy all the moves that attacked him.

In this way, isn't Zhao Yun's attack a battle between himself and himself?

"Hmph! A despicable general in a poor country, ignorant and ignorant!"

Yu Shinan glanced at him, then immediately turned his head away with a look of disdain.

At this moment, he was sitting here quietly, without him needing to kill the enemy himself, he could consume all the incoming enemies to death.

Zhao Yun died in Zhao Yun's hands? That was so much fun!

At the same time, the soldiers of the Heavenly Cavalry Army who were fighting on the ground also encountered something that shocked them.

The newly resurrected General God was crushed by them again.

But under their wide-eyed gaze, the stumped limbs and broken bones all over the ground once again condensed into a human appearance.

When these twice-dead enemies rushed towards them again, the soldiers of the Sky Cavalry began to fall into confusion and panic.

Unkillable enemies? How to fight then?

"Relax, concentrate!"

In mid-air, Zhao Yun shot out like a dragon.

At this point he appears to be at war with himself. But from Yu Shinan's restless breath, he found that this Yu Shinan was not really invincible.

Whether it is copying his moves or resurrecting the soldiers of the **** general who died on the ground, these are all energy-consuming!

In less than a quarter of an hour, Yu Shinan's breath had already begun to float.

Although the Great Formation of Heaven and Earth borrowed a lot of power from heaven and earth, it greatly reduced his burden.

But he forcibly set up such a large formation with half the power of the altar, which is a huge burden in the first place!

Zhao Yun knew that as long as he made more shots, the soldiers under his command would kill the enemy more times. Then this Yu Shinan will eventually be unable to hold on!


Datang, Jinzhou.

Li Chengqian led all civil and military officials to arrive here.

Relying on the Han River, Jinzhou has been easy to defend and difficult to attack since ancient times. At this time, Li Chengqian was also determined not to leave.

He underestimated Zhao Yun's strength.

When Qin Qiong turned into a door **** and flew back to return, he knew that he had no chance to run away.

The door god, Qin Qiong's innate skill.

Skill effect: After death in battle, it can turn into a spirit body and attach itself to the target person, which can be used as the patron saint of the target person.

Li Shimin had already died in battle, so Qin Qiong's guardian naturally became Li Chengqian.

Of course, there are two important reasons for Li Chengqian not to leave at this time.

First, the momentum of moving the capital is too great, dense crowds of people occupy all the roads, moving like a turtle. If you go any further, you will only be caught up and killed by Zhao Yun.

Second, most of King Qin's army from all over the country has arrived. In just a few days, tens of millions of troops will gather in Jinzhou.

The hilly area in the south cannot accommodate tens of millions of troops. So in order to destroy the enemy with one blow, Li Chengqian decided to face all the enemies of the Apocalypse Empire here!

Tens of millions of King Qin's army gave him the courage to fight decisively!

"Oh! I only hope that Bo Shi can hold on for a few more days."

Seeing the mighty army gathering, Changsun Wuji sighed softly.

Bo Shi is Yu Shinan's name, and Yu Shinan is also a good friend of his eldest grandson Wuji.

Changsun Wuji has always insisted on his idea, moved the capital to the south, and continued to go south.

Only in the fertile land in the south can the Great Tang Empire be reborn.

It's just that the army of Wanqin Wang gave Li Chengqian incomparable confidence.

He is not leaving.

Changsun Wuji tried hard to persuade him with a sincere look.

But when Li Chengqian asked back: If I leave first, what will these people do, Changsun Wuji was speechless for a while.

According to Changsun Wuji's intention, Li Chengqian was asked to abandon these people, even most of the officials, go into battle lightly, and head south quickly.

In the south, re-establish a court.

It's just that Li Chengqian's question completely blocked his mouth. Speak the words of abandoning the people in front of everyone? His eldest grandson Wuji couldn't do it!

Therefore, since Li Chengqian wants to fight to the death, let's fight to the death!

"Uncle, don't worry!"

Li Chengqian's demeanor at this time was unparalleled, without the slightest panic and confusion at the beginning.

Seeing more and more soldiers gathering outside the city, he said confidently: "No matter how many people come from the Tianqi Empire, I will let them be destroyed here!"

The Qin Wang army outside the city is the main force to kill the enemy.

After Jinzhou City, Jinzhou City, which relies on the Han River, can receive a steady stream of nourishment from the south.

Short of soldiers? It's shipped from the south.

The city is trapped and lacks supplies? It's shipped from the south!

At this time, Li Chengqian, who was in Jinzhou City, felt that he was invincible!

"I hope so! I hope so!"

Changsun Wuji murmured and nodded.

Although there are thousands of words in his heart, he can only bury them all in his heart at this time.

In fact, there is another advantage of the decisive battle here, that is, if they fail, they can also take a boat all the way south from the Han River.

The Han River is an inland river, and the huge ships of the Apocalypse Empire cannot enter it.

So at this point, Li Chengqian and all of them should be safe at this time!

Can the enemies of the Apocalypse Empire be killed here?

Changsun Wuji had such a glimmer of hope.

As long as all the troops from the Apocalypse Empire are killed here, they will no longer have to move their capital south!

There is always a glimmer of hope in a desperate situation. It's just that some people chased after seeing this glimmer of hope without hesitation.

As for whether there is despair behind the hope? They didn't see Outside the city, Xue Rengui was counting the troops after recuperating and recovering.

Only at this time did he, the super commander, display his true strength as a famous general.

Under his command, several armies were conducting drills in an orderly manner.

After surviving by luck, Xue Rengui is determined to use his housekeeping skills to fight to the death with the enemies of the Apocalypse Empire!

"Dragon Gate Formation!"


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