The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 852: break the formation

Outside Longzhou city.

The huge array of heaven and earth enveloped the entire Longzhou.

Although the common people in Longzhou didn't feel anything, Zhao Yun, who was inside the formation, found that the formation was not as simple as he imagined.

The Heavenly Cavalry Army under his command has already killed General Shen five times.

Tens of thousands of cavalry soldiers have died under the siege of General God.

But the strange thing is that the God General can be resurrected, but the Heavenly Cavalry Army cannot. Could it be that while copying his attacking moves, Yu Shinan was distracted to distinguish which ones were his own?

Although these Sky Cavalry soldiers copied by the magic eye are not so precious and valuable.

But at least, Zhao Yun couldn't let the only Tianqi army die here.

"Go to hell!"

So he stepped up his attack.

With every blow, Zhao Yun tried his best.

Although he was blown away by his own attack every time, he still did not give up.

Slowly, his hands were shaking. The tiger's mouth of those hands has been split open by the shock, and blood is flowing profusely.

The feeling of fighting against yourself is really bad.

But the good news is that Yu Shinan is also pale and heavy at this time.

Zhao Yun's full attack also forced him to do his best.

Every attack that has been replicated now is a great consumption for him.

Coupled with the repeated resurrection of the **** general under his command, Yu Shinan couldn't stand it anymore!

"Hundred birds face the phoenix!"

Afterwards, Zhao Yun roared again, and one hundred and one silver spears appeared in midair again.

The power contained in each silver gun is enough to open mountains and crack rocks!

Under the silver gun, many people have the illusion that they will be cut into pieces by thousands of knives and pierced by thousands of arrows.

But soon, one hundred and one spears suddenly appeared behind Yu Shinan.

The power of each silver spear is exactly the same as Zhao Yun's Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix.

Seeing such a powerful Yu Shinan, Zhao Yun suddenly grinned: "Have you taken the bait?"


Yu Shinan looked surprised. how? Does this Zhao Yun have a backup?

But before he could fully react, a hundred and one silver guns roared towards him.

The all-conquering fierce momentum made the whole world tremble uncontrollably.

"Hmph! To actually use such a powerful attack move? You really don't know how to live or die!"

Yu Shinan didn't notice anything unusual, and when he made sure that this attack was not much different from the one just now, he snorted coldly, and the one hundred and one silver guns behind him also roared away.

He roared angrily, "Die!"

The power of Zhao Yun's attack is so great, which also means that Zhao Yun himself has to bear the attack of one hundred and one silver spears.

Rumble! Rumble!

Two hundred and two silver guns collided together.

Its enormous power shakes the heavens and the earth.

A smile was already on Yu Shinan's face. With such a huge power, Zhao Yun will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Zhao Yun is the main body of the attack, and will be backlashed by powerful skills. But Yu Shinan is different, he just copy and cast.

The copied offensive has nothing to do with him after the attack!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

But Yu Shinan's expected scene of Zhao Yun flying out did not appear.

Following the sound of violent explosions, his expression changed suddenly.

"How? How?"

He had an unbelievable look on his face.

The one hundred and one silver spears that Zhao Yun unleashed, the Hundred Birds Chaofeng, actually exploded?

The huge explosion power shattered the Hundred Birds Chaofeng he copied into pieces.

Afterwards, the remaining power bombarded him like cannonballs.

In the next second, Yu Shinan, who was the eye of the formation, flew upside down.

He didn't replicate the explosion effect of the Phoenix Spear.

So in this fight, he lost!

"Huh~ Not bad!"

Zhao Yun suppressed the restless Qi and blood.

The skill of Bai Niao Chao Feng suddenly had a burst effect, which he learned from Qin Qiong's offensive.

Qin Qiong's golden spear can turn into thousands of golden lights to blast and injure the enemy, so can Zhao Yun's silver spear.

What's more, Zhao Yun not only learned Qin Qiong's explosive offensive, but also integrated the explosive effect into the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear.

So Yu Shinan, who has never seen such a move before, how could he not fall for it?

"Haha, die!"

After a successful blow, Zhao Yun rushed over immediately.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Taking advantage of the moment Yu Shinan flew upside down, he was about to take Yu Shinan's life!


But at this moment, a white whisk flew over. When the silver dragon gun was about to pierce Yu Shinan's body, the white whisk entangled the silver dragon gun tightly.

Zhao Yun wanted to shatter the fly whisk.


But when the aura of the middle realm of Shenmen poured into the whisk, the whisk remained motionless?

Even after Bai Fuchen absorbed his power, he began to nourish the injured Yu Shinan.

"Go away!"

In desperation, Zhao Yun could only draw back the silver spear.

Suck your own energy to replenish Yu Shinan? This white whisk is probably not a good thing, is it?

"Scumbags! Despicable gangsters!"

Seeing Zhao Yun plot against him, Yu Shinan cursed aloud.

"You are so vicious at a young age, be careful of retribution in the future!"

Hidden tricks in tricks.

Zhao Yun's offensive almost made him capsize in the gutter!


Facing Yu Shinan's insult, Zhao Yun sneered. If you can't beat yourself, just follow those women's mouth to decide the winner?

So, why not prepare a new set of clothes for Yu Shinan?

Flowery clothes and red pants, then Yu Shinan must like it very much!


After a sneer, Zhao Yun went up again.

The attack just now was still effective. Yu Shinan had already left the formation.

Although he stabilized the formation in time, tens of thousands of **** generals on the ground have not been resurrected just now.

That is to say, as long as Yu Shinan does a few more somersaults, the general's soldiers on the ground will be completely dead, and they will never get up again.

"I don't know how to live or die! I don't know how to live or die!"

Facing Zhao Yun's attack, Yu Shinan was extremely vigilant at this time.

Because he was worried that Zhao Yun would hide his tricks, he simply set up a hard barrier in front of him.

The barrier as thick as mountains and seas immediately became the moat between Zhao Yun and him.


The Silver Dragon Divine Spear hit the mountain and sea barrier, and the huge formation couldn't help but tremble.

But soon, under Yu Shinan's suppression, the trembling heaven and earth formation returned to calm again.

Yu Shinan stopped fighting Zhao Yun.

His task is to delay Zhao Yun and create time for King Qin's army to arrive in Jinzhou.

If Zhao Yun could be killed, it would be just an unexpected joy of his trip.

Now, after discovering that Zhao Yun is not that easy to kill, Yu Shinan chooses to settle for the next best thing.

As long as Zhao Yun is blocked here for three days, then he can return to his life.

If you can hold Guan Hai again?

Even if Yu Shinan died here, it would be a great achievement!




On the ground, the surviving soldiers of the Heavenly Cavalry Army were completely stunned.

In the face of endless and tireless enemies, their arms are shaking.

too tired.

too tired!

The God General has been resurrected five times!

In other words, their 200,000 people killed 5 million enemy troops.

Even Iron Man was already exhausted by this time.

"Fend off the enemy! Fend off the enemy!"

In mid-air, Zhao Yun also saw the current plight of his soldiers.

If the Divine General is resurrected twice, then all the 200,000 cavalry troops under his command will be lost here.

Do not! He is not willing!

Since the source of this array is all on Yu Shinan, then he will kill Yu Shinan!

"Seven in and seven out!"


After a roar, Zhao Yun turned into a beam of light and attacked Yu Shinan.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Every time the Silver Dragon Divine Spear hits the mountain and sea barrier, it exudes earth-shattering power.

At this moment, the whole world was trembling, and Yu Shinan, who was originally pale, had completely lost all color!

"Definitely! Definitely! Definitely!"

He roared loudly.

He mobilized the power of the entire formation, and firmly stabilized the mountain and sea barrier in front of him.

The mountain and sea barrier cannot be broken!

once broken?

Do not! Yu Shinan didn't dare to imagine the consequences of breaking the mountain and sea barrier!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

However, Zhao Yun's attack continued at this time.

Seven in and seven out, seven attacks!

When Zhao Yun attacked for the fourth and fifth times, the originally suppressed mountain and sea barrier was bombarded again until it trembled.

Yu Shinan's hands could barely hold the whisk.

He still underestimated Zhao Yun's strength.

Zhao Yun, a strong man who has just entered the middle stage of Shenmen, can actually attack at half a step of the stage of the gods.


last blow!

At this time, there was only a silver light left in the whole world.

Under the silver light, it was a huge silver dragon exuding boundless power!

The silver dragon scales gleamed under the sunlight, and the fierce dragon claws just waved gently...


There was a cracking sound like the sky collapsing and the ground sinking.

The soldiers of the Heavenly Cavalry Army on the ground were so shocked that their eyes went black, and they all fell to the ground with a thud.

And the soldiers of the weaker **** general were all killed by the huge explosion.

This time, the soldiers of General God who were shocked to death never got up again.


Yu Shinan spat out a mouthful of painstaking effort, and he flew upside down.

Zhao Yun's seventh shot, he, a half-step altar-level powerhouse, couldn't catch it.

The mountain and sea barrier, which was as thick as mountains and seas, became fragmented in this instant.

The silver dragon's power remained undiminished, roaring and knocking him into the air.

The originally indestructible formation of heaven and earth has also become precarious at this time.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"

Zhao Yun coughed violently, coughing up mouthfuls of hard work.

Seven in and seven out took all his strength.

At this moment, he could only barely stand upright by relying on the Silver Dragon Divine Spear.

Yu Shinan is too strong, the barrier of mountains and rivers is too strong, and the formation of heaven and earth is too strong.

Zhao Yun had to do his best to hit an attack comparable to a full-strength blow from a half-step altar-level powerhouse, in order to be able to defeat Yu Shinan's defense.

And it turns out that Zhao Yun did it.

The mountain and sea barrier, which was almost impossible to break through, was shattered under his hard blow.

It's just that there is still a little bit of strength left in the crumbling world formation.

Yu Shinan will not die, and the formation will not be broken!


But at this moment, a **** knife struck from outside the sky.

Before Yu Shinan felt rejoicing, a blood knife full of murderous intent split his heaven and earth formation in half.

The blood knife's power remained undiminished, and the huge knife pierced through Yu Shinan's body.


After a scream, Yu Shinan, who was half in the altar state, instantly became two halves.

The blood knife sucked all the blood from his body, and the whole blade exuded a strange light.

"Zi Long!"

Guan Hai flew over from a distance at this time.

He led the army to gallop, and finally arrived at the battlefield at a critical moment.

Just now, Yu Shinan still had a little energy left. If he hadn't appeared in time, Zhao Yunji might have died in Yu Shinan's hands after releasing his ultimate move.

But now, the crisis is lifted.

Under one blow, only a mummy remained of the mighty Yu Shinan.

"Brother Guan Hai."

Zhao Yun never let himself fall.

Even when Guan Hai came, he still tried his best to resist the weak attack.

He was not supporting himself in front of Guan Hai, but because he wanted to defeat himself and refused to admit defeat. Who said that after releasing the ultimate move with all its strength, it will definitely fall into weakness? He didn't want to give in so easily.

"Brother Zilong, don't force yourself!"

Guan Hai supported him with great took out the elixir from his bosom to replenish his blood energy and physical strength.

Seeing Zhao Yun who was still strong, he knew that his knife might have saved Zhao Yun, or it might have taken away Zhao Yun's military exploits.

Of course, none of this matters now.

Yu Shinan is dead, and the general of the million gods will no longer be resurrected. At this time, the Apocalypse Legion will have an unimpeded journey in the rear.

"Brother Zilong, you must have a good rest! Recover as soon as possible!"

Guan Hai warned: "I heard that Xue Rengui set up a dragon formation in Jinzhou, let's try it together!"


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