The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 853: Northwest 2nd Army Convergence

Chang'an City.

Guan Hai led the army to arrive here unimpeded all the way.

At this time, Chang'an City was already a dead city, and the millions of people in the city had all fled.

Nowadays, there is a saying among the people of the Tang Empire: The Tianqi Empire is as cruel as a tiger!

The prestige of the cavalry army Tianxiong that day can stop children from crying at night!

"Take a break!"

Looking at the empty city, Guan Hai led his troops in without any hesitation.

Zhao Yun has not fully recovered his strength, so he plans to rest here for a few days.

As for whether there is an ambush in the city? Of course there is. It's just that these shrimp soldiers and crab generals are not worthy of his vigilance.

Xie Xuan has conquered Lanzhou. They only need to wait here for a day or two, and the Beifu Corps will arrive in Chang'an City!

At that time, several armies will gather together.

Even if Xue Rengui's Longmen formation is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den, everyone dares to go in and make a breakthrough.

The Shadow Thorn has been paying close attention to the development of Jinzhou in the past few days.

The tens of millions of troops gathered outside Jinzhou City will be the last obstacle they want to defeat.

There is actually another important reason why Li Chengqian set the location of the decisive battle in Jinzhou.

Go all the way and go forward!

Jinzhou relies on the Han River, and there is no way to retreat.

If these tens of millions of soldiers want to survive, they can only do their best to break through the enemies ahead.

So, what Guan Hai has to face at this time is tens of thousands of mourners!

Under desperation, even an ordinary person may inspire super potential.

No one has absolute confidence in the battle in Jinzhou City at this moment that nothing will happen.


Chang'an city.

Not long after the Apocalypse army stepped into the city, countless rangers emerged from the corners and alleys of Sifang.

The dense crowd of rangers roared and rushed over with various weapons in hand.

This is the last guardian of Chang'an.

Most of the hundreds of millions of Tang Empire rangers had died in the previous battles, and after removing some of the rangers who had defected and fled.

At this time, only the hundreds of thousands of rangers are left to guard Chang'an City.

Their strength is not high.

However, they are not afraid of life and death, and vow to live and die with Chang'an City!


Guan Hai showed no mercy.

It's just a group of weak rangers. At this time, even if these rangers have unique skills, they can't make any waves.

The strength of this group of rangers has been out of touch with the development of the times.

"Fight! Fight!"

The leading ranger roared.

They are actually a group of outcasts, a group of people who are disliked and looked down upon.

The strongest ranger army in the Tang Empire is Yan Changyun's Chang'an Army. But in the previous battle in Qingzhou Province of the Apocalypse Empire, Yan Changyun and his Chang'an Army overthrew most of them.

Although it was formed again later, it still could not escape the fate of dying at the hands of the Excalibur Army.

In the end, Li Shimin called up the ranger army twice more.

After all the mighty Tang rangers died in battle, the rest of the rangers in the country are a bunch of crooked melons!

There may also be a few rangers who have reached the first-class level.

But what's the use?

Facing the Tianxiong army's butcher knife, the first-class ranger can only hold grudges at this moment.

"Mage! Mage burn them!"

Seeing the Tianxiong heavy infantry approaching at every step, someone screamed and wanted Fa Ye to take action.

The powerful and powerful thunder flames of the Faye seem to be the capital of their counterattack.



Arrows of flames all over the sky fell.

Those pharaohs who were still holding the juxtaposition were shot into hedgehogs before they could react.

The raging fire ignited, and in the end their bodies were burned to ashes!

"Run away! Run away!"

Boundless death enveloped the hearts of everyone.

After seeing their companions die tragically one after another, the Chang'an rangers who were not afraid of life and death were terrified.

Smelling the nasty stench, they turned and ran.

Guard Chang'an City? Swear to live and die in Chang'an?

"Bah! Anyone who wants to keep it can do it, anyway, I'm quitting!"

When the boundless aura of death enveloped the entire city, how could there be any strong-willed people?

The previous pledge of eternal love, the previous alliance of blood, all of them have been abandoned by them at this time!

Your own life matters!

Some people even started to shoot at their companions in order to survive, hoping that their companions would back him up.

All of a sudden, the entire city of Chang'an became chaotic and panicked.

Countless people screamed and ran away like crazy!

It's a pity that Guan Hai didn't give them a chance to live.

The street where ten cars can run side by side has become an excellent Mercedes-Benz avenue for the Celestial Cavalry Army.

On this wide and straight road, the 80,000-day rider only needs to close his eyes and gallop.

Battle of Longzhou.

Although Yu Shinan died in battle, Qin Qiong and his generals were wiped out.

But behind the Tianqi army, there were also great losses.

Sixty percent of the more than 200,000 cavalry soldiers died in battle, and only the remnant army of more than 80,000 still has the ability to fight at this moment.

Of course, 80,000 cavalry troops are enough to hunt down the remnants of Chang'an.

Rumble! Rumble!

On the wide streets paved with bluestones, cavalry cavalry galloped.

Those Chang'an rangers who hadn't run far before became the stumps of the Tianqi army's iron cavalry in the blink of an eye.

Some people want to resist, but only the cold butcher's knife is facing them.


The army galloped all the way.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Tianqi Army ravaged the road running through the north and south.

The street has become a **** road, with stumps and organs everywhere.

The smell of blood enveloped the entire city, and even Li Chengqian, who was far away in Jinzhou, felt sick when he smelled the strong smell.

The soldiers of the Heavenly Cavalry Army were full of murderous intent, their faces were cold.

At this time, the enemy under their feet seemed to be lifeless, and they only needed to gallop away.

Many Celestial Cavalry soldiers had already closed their eyes.

No matter how many people he trampled to death under his cavalry, he just needs to kill all these enemies!


"Your Majesty, Chang'an City has fallen."

Changsun Wuji looked at Chang'an City from a distance, and he burst into tears as he spoke.

He has spent most of his life in Chang'an City, and this city seems to be more important than his life.

If... if Changsun Wuji's life could be exchanged for a city of Chang'an or the stability of Tang Dynasty, then Changsun Wuji would definitely exchange it.

It's a pity that Cheng Mu's eyes are on the Tang Empire, not Changsun Wuji alone!

"There are hundreds of thousands of rangers in the city, they should be able to last for a few days!"

Li Chengqian looked as usual.

The tens of millions of troops gave him courage and confidence, so at this time he became more rational and more imposing when speaking.

It's just a city of Chang'an, just build another after it is destroyed.

As long as it can stop the enemy, as long as it can damage as many soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire there.

Even if Chang'an City was reduced to ruins and ashes, Li Chengqian would not feel distressed.

Is it possible that the huge Tang Empire can't find a city to be the capital of the country?

"I wish! I wish!"

What else could Changsun Wuji say at this time.

He has tried his best and tried to persuade him several times.

When the news of Yu Shinan's death came back, his heart completely died.

Although the tens of millions of troops gave Li Chengqian confidence, it was still a deep despair for Changsun Wuji.

If an army of tens of millions is useful, how could the Xuanjia Divine Soldier, whose combat power was equivalent to that of an army of tens of millions, fail?

It's just that Li Chengqian has never controlled such a huge army, never felt such surging power.

Naturally, Li Chengqian fell.

The tens of millions of troops gave him invincible confidence and the courage to meet gods and kill gods, and demons and demons!

"Uncle, don't worry about gains and losses, worrying about nothing!"

Li Chengqian said proudly: "I have such a powerful army under my command, coupled with such a huge formation."

"Even if Cheng Mu personally leads the army, I will let him come and never come back!"

Xue Rengui's Longmen Formation has begun to take shape.

Standing on the city wall and seeing such a majestic Longmen Formation, how could Li Chengqian not be so ambitious?

The so-called Longmen Formation is a super army formation formed by Xue Rengui based on the fusion of the ten ancient and modern formations.

It includes the one-character long snake formation, the two dragons coming out of the water formation, the three-talent Taiyi formation, the four-element Luohe formation, the five tigers and sheep formation, the six-character formation, the seven-star Beidou formation, the eight-door golden lock formation, and the nine-curve Yellow River formation. , Ten sides ambush formation.

Although Xue Rengui is not necessarily familiar with some formations.

But the rudiments of the ten large formations have all been revealed at this time.

The ten formations are interlaced and cooperate with each other.

Under Xue Rengui's command, every change in a large formation is to induce changes in other large formations.

In other words, Xue Rengui's Longmen Formation has hundreds of reforms.

Once an enemy falls into it, there is no possibility for them to come out alive!


Xue Rengui's Longmen Formation gave Changsun Wuji a little bit of comfort.

However, he was also prepared for both hands.

If Longmen Formation can win, then the Tang Empire still has a chance to breathe.

If he failed, he decided to take Li Chengqian to the sea directly by water. In the vast sea, there will always be a glimmer of life for them.

After failure, rely on the Yangtze River to resist the Apocalypse Empire? This is fake.

At this time, all the combatable soldiers of the Tang Empire gathered here, even old men in their 40s and 50s were pulled over.

Rely on the Yangtze River to resist? What can I pay for it?

In this battle, only by killing Guan Hai and his Apocalypse Legion can Datang have such a glimmer of life!

"Keep practicing! Change! Change!"

Li Chengqian didn't care about the worry on Changsun Wuji's face at all. To him, it was just an old man's unfounded worry.

Instead of worrying, it is better to watch Xue Rengui practice the Longmen formation.

Every change during the practice of the Longmen Formation can amaze him!

"Too powerful! Really too powerful! Invincible, invincible!"

Seeing more and more reforms in the Longmen Formation, and seeing the tens of thousands of troops prohibited by morality, Li Chengqian now has the lofty ambition to fight hundreds of millions of enemies!


Two days later.

Xie Xuan led Beifu soldiers to resist Chang'an City.

The battle in Chang'an City has long since ended, and none of the rangers of the Tang Empire in the city escaped.

The corpses had been cleaned up, and millions of troops gathered in Chang'an City, adding a bit of vitality to the desolate Chang'an City.

"My lord!"

After Xie Xuan arrived, he bowed and saluted. Although Guan Hai is ten years younger than him, but in terms of official title, Guan Hai, who is the Minister of the Ministry of War, is his immediate boss.

Official titles cannot be messed up.

"General Xie, you are welcome!"

Guan Hai hurriedly stepped forward to support him: "How is General Xie recovering?"

Xie Xuan fought against the demons in Anxi City, and he had received the news a long time ago.

Xie Xuan was able to kill the demons outside the territory with half the strength of Wangchuan Realm, that Xie Xuan is really ferocious.

Only by personally feeling the strength of the demons can one truly understand the difficulty of fighting.

Wasn't the invincible Li Xuanba back then in a fight with the demons that ended up hurting both sides?

"Hehe, a little effort!"

Xie Xuan let out a little breath, and Guan Hai understood in an instant.

He withdrew his hands excitedly, and then solemnly clasped his fists in salute: "Congratulations, General Xie!"

The breath that Xie Xuan emitted was the breath of the Forgotten River Realm.

In other words, Xie Xuan stepped into the realm of Wangchuan.

At this stage, there is actually no difference in strength between Wang Chuan and Shentai. Even, in some respects, the combat effectiveness of the Forgotten River Realm is even stronger than that of the Divine Platform Realm.

Why is Guan Hai not excited to have such a powerful comrade-in-arms as his companion?

"Hehe, congratulations, congratulations!"

Xie Xuan smiled and grabbed Guan Hai's fist. They are all from our own family, so there is no need to salute and cup our fists to express our thanks.

Everyone has worked so hard to improve their battles, all to make the Apocalypse Empire stronger.

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"

Inside the city, Zhang Wanlong, Zhao Yun and others have been waiting for a long time.

But when he saw Zhang Wanlong, a small episode happened.

Three Zhang Wanlongs with exactly the same strength and demeanor appeared in front of him which surprised Xie Xuan.

"This... General Xie will know about it later."

If you want to explain, it may be a lot to say.

Xie Xuan will understand the magical effect of the magic eye at a glance.

Then, in the palace hall that was evacuated.

The generals of all armies gathered together to discuss matters related to the war.

I heard that Xue Rengui's Longmen Formation is invincible in the world, so they must make a breakthrough!


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