The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 854: Longmen Formation (1)


The continuous sound of horns sounded.

After Xie Xuan led the Beifu army to rest for a day, several armies set out together.

In this battle, 600,000 soldiers from the Apocalypse Legion and a million ghost soldiers from the Beifu Legion gathered in the city of Chang'an. In addition, Chen Liansheng's Qingzhou Army and Nieba's Ba Dao Army combined into one army, making up hundreds of thousands of soldiers capable of fighting.

In other words, in this battle, they will lead an army of more than two million to break the Longmen Formation formed by Xue Rengui's army of tens of millions.

The soldiers not only have to fight one against five, but also have to face the unfathomable formation.

"Just according to yesterday's strategy, my Tianxiong soldiers will go in first!"

The three Zhang Wanlong spoke together.

The shields of Tianxiong heavy infantry are thick and indestructible. If you encounter danger, you can also stick to it and wait for help.

After the 300,000 Tianxiong heavy infantry have all been promoted to the top level of strength, it is impossible for mere miscellaneous soldiers to break through their defenses.

The last elite army general of the Tang Empire was wiped out outside the city of Longzhou.

At this time, aren't the tens of millions of soldiers under Xue Rengui's command just a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals?


Guan Hai nodded.

With the strength of the initial stage of the altar, he sits in the middle army and controls the overall situation.

Now there may be only one strong man in the altar realm left in the Tang Empire, and Xie Xuan alone is enough to attack.

As for who is that strong man in the altar realm? The only possibility is Changsun Wuji.

After the empress lifted the restrictions on heaven and earth, even Guan Hai and Xie Xuan were able to set foot on the altar and Wangchuan. As the ministers of the Great Tang Empire and the head of the twenty-four ministers of Lingyan Pavilion, the eldest grandson Wuji, how could he not be fascinated? tower?

"My Beifu Legion, the main force to break the formation!"

Xie Xuan stood in mid-air, one person coercing the whole world.

He locked his killing intent on Changsun Wuji, as long as Changsun Wuji dared to make a slight movement, he would rush forward without hesitation!

And the immortal Beifu ghost soldiers under his command are the strongest blade to break through Xue Rengui's Longmen Formation!


Following Guan Hai's order, 300,000 Tianxiong heavy infantry marched forward.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every step they took, their uniform movements made the ground tremble.

Three hundred thousand people have the same pace and the same spirit. The aura that was as thick as a mountain immediately pressed against the Longmen Formation.

"Xue Aiqing, leave it to you!"

Li Chengqian stood on Jinzhou City and roared.

Although the Tianxiong Army led by Zhang Wanlong was aggressive, the boundless power of the Longmen Formation gave him full confidence.

What about 300,000 super god-level soldiers?

As long as they dare to step into the Longmen Formation, those thousands of sharp blades can tear 300,000 people into pieces.


Xue Rengui regards himself as the eye of the formation.

Tens of thousands of soldiers formed the ten army formations exuding a majestic power, this majestic power merged together, and finally poured into Xue Rengui's body.

At this time, with the blessing of the tens of millions of troops and the Longmen Formation, his strength has also stepped into the realm of the altar.

Although this altar state is fake, but in the Longmen Formation, he can fight Guan Hai and Xie Xuan!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Tianxiong's infantry marched to the front of the formation.

There was a gap in the huge dragon gate formation, which was the gate of the formation. The gate of the formation was opened like the mouth of a giant beast, waiting for the entry of the Tianxiong army.

The unknown depths are exuding endless murderous aura at this moment.

"Haha! Kill!"

Zhang Wanlong was not afraid at all.

Armed with huge shields, they led a hundred thousand people and charged forward bravely.

Longmen formation? Ha ha, I'm afraid it's not something to brag about, right?



The moment after the Tianxiong Army entered, the huge Longmen Formation closed the gate.

In the next second, the entire giant formation began to rotate. When Zhang Wanlong was dazzled, the surrounding enemies had been replaced by light armored cavalry.


Zhang Wanlong was surprised. What's the meaning? Xue Rengui wants to use light armored cavalry to defeat his own heavy armored infantry?

How is it possible, this Xue Rengui is probably stunned by training soldiers?

Light armored cavalry attacking the heavy infantry formation is simply asking for death!

"Boom! Boom!"

But at this moment, the surrounding light armored cavalry suddenly galloped quickly.

The target of their gallop was not the Tianxiong heavy infantry, but started to circle around the Tianxiong army.

At the same time, the arrows in their hands also began to show their power.


Under a wave of arrows, the Tianxiong heavy infantry in the rear fell to the ground one after another.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Wanlong wanted to lead his army to kill the enemy, but before they got close, the surrounding light cavalry expanded the encirclement.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of light cavalry kept a safe distance from Tianxiong heavy infantry, and then attacked with bows and arrows in their hands.

Under the light cavalry galloping in circles, the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army would always show their backs to them.

And the neck gap without armor protection on the back became the only target for the light cavalry to attack.

Although ninety-nine out of a hundred arrows were blocked by heavy shields and heavy armor. But only one arrow is needed to pierce the neck.


In less than a quarter of an hour, thousands of Tianxiong heavy infantrymen died in battle.

Their speed is just too slow. Facing the arrows attacking from behind, before they could turn around, the arrows pierced their necks.

After losing their advantage in speed, Zhang Wanlong and his Tianxiong heavy infantry were beaten in front of the extremely fast light armored cavalry.

Although not many soldiers of the Tianxiong Army died at this time, if Zhang Wanlong did not take measures.

The 300,000 soldiers of the Tianxiong Army will all be ground to death here.

"Fend off the enemy! Fend off the enemy!"

When he found that he could not touch the light cavalry, Zhang Wanlong immediately changed his fighting method.

He made his soldiers also form a circle.

The thick shields were piled together, forming a three to four meter high shield wall in an instant.

The surrounding arrows hit the shield wall, and all the crackling arrows were bounced back.

Zhang Wanlong is not a fool.

I can't attack you, so don't even try to attack me.

Under his command, the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army turned into a steel fortress, indestructible!

At the same time, Guan Hai, who was in control of the overall situation outside the formation, also began to change his tactics.

"Sky Cavalry, kill the enemy!"

Zhao Yun's Heavenly Cavalry Army is only 80,000 in number.

But 80,000 people face hundreds of thousands of light armored cavalry, it is still crushing!


Rumble! Rumble!

Under the leadership of Zhao Yun, 80,000 Tianqi began to charge.

The majestic impact made Xue Rengui, who was in the formation, couldn't help frowning.

He was wondering whether the heavy infantry at the outermost edge of his Longmen Formation could hold back the 80,000 cavalry.

If you can't stop it...

After thinking about it, he ordered the Longmen Formation to open the gate again.

Letting Zhao Yun mess around might cause the formation to lose control, so he felt that it was safest to let Zhao Yun in.

"Five tigers and sheep formation!"

The moment Zhao Yun led the Heavenly Cavalry Army into the formation, the Longmen Formation changed again.

A huge formation of five tigers and sheep surrounded Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun's Tianqi army met a formidable enemy before halfway through the charge.

This is a heavy cavalry.

Although their strength has not yet reached the top, their strength can be regarded as the elite of a country.

Hundreds of thousands of heavy horses galloped, showing the spirit of seeing death as home.

Rumble! Rumble!

The two cavalry rushed together.

Just a face-to-face, the Heavenly Cavalry Army pierced through this heavy cavalry.

It's just that after the heavy cavalry, there are actually densely packed heavy shield soldiers. Armed with heavy shields and spears, these heavy shield soldiers waited for a long time.

"Pierce! Die through!"

Zhao Yun roared sharply.

There are at least a million of these densely packed heavy infantry.

The speed of the Celestial Cavalry has been slowed down a bit when they pierced through the heavy cavalry just now.

Now it is extremely difficult to penetrate the million heavy infantry. Coupled with the densely packed Changge, they will also cause a huge obstacle to the horse.


The 80,000-day rider galloped again. It's just that the densely packed Changge became the most obstructive thing at this time.

Seeing Tianqi's speed getting slower and slower, Zhao Yun roared angrily.


In an instant, he and the soldiers behind him turned into silver streamers.

In the flickering light, the million heavy infantry was cut through in an instant, and Xue Rengui, who was the eye of the formation, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood at this time.

This is the cavalry skill that Zhao Yun comprehended at the beginning, and it can also be said to be the ultimate move of the Celestial Cavalry Army.

After the streamer, the formation of five tigers and sheep was broken!

The light armored cavalry who besieged the Tianxiong army appeared in front of Zhao Yun.

Next, it became a one-sided massacre.


Xue Rengui endured the injury in his heart and stabilized the the formation of five tigers and sheep was broken, it does not mean that Zhao Yun killed a million heavy armored infantry in one strike.

Under his control, the Dragon Gate Formation turned again.

The light armored cavalry who were hunted down disappeared after fleeing into a passage.

Zhao Yun led his army in pursuit.

It's just that when the Tianqi soldiers rushed in, what appeared in front of them was densely packed heavy armored infantry!


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