The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 855: Longmen array (2)

"This is endless, isn't it?"

Zhao Yun was furious.

This densely packed heavy shield infantry made him feel irritable.

He really wanted to lead his army to crush these million heavy shield soldiers. But looking at the mere 80,000 soldiers behind him, he stopped rationally.


Since there are heavy shield infantry in front, it's okay to attack in another direction, right?

Looking at the shields on the left and right that were as thick as high walls, he did not hesitate.


With one blow, the shield wall on his right was instantly torn apart.

Behind this shield wall were the fleeing light cavalry.

"Found you"

Zhao Yun's mind turned cold, and he led the army, ignoring the heavily shielded infantry and chasing towards the light armored cavalry.

The so-called technique has specialization.

The Celestial Cavalry under his command are suitable for killing some enemies with relatively low defense, and these light armored cavalry are the most suitable!

At the same time, the Tianxiong army who had relieved the trouble also stood up at this time.


Under the leadership of Zhang Wanlong, nearly 300,000 Tianxiong heavy infantry also marched in the same direction.

That was Xue Rengui's position at the center of the formation.

There is nothing wrong with going in this direction!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the advance of Tianxiong's heavy infantry, the originally thick shield wall of the Longmen Formation was instantly torn apart.

Xue Rengui wanted to order his heavy infantry to resist.

But there is a gap between heavy infantry and heavy infantry.

Don't look at the large number of soldiers under Xue Rengui's command. But in the face of the horizontal push of the 300,000 Tianxiong army, the millions of Tang heavy infantry are not their all-in-one enemy.

Under that sharp sword, the heavy infantrymen of the Tang Dynasty were cut in half with their shields.

The Tianxiong Army is different from the Tianqi Army.

The advantages of the Tianqi army are speed and high attack, while the Tianxiong heavy infantry needs to move forward step by step.

There is one obvious advantage to step by step.

That is, under the horizontal push of 300,000 Tianxiong heavy infantry, no one can be defeated, and no grass will grow!

"Sunder armor!"


In front of the battle, Xue Rengui looked grim when he saw the one-sided battle.

He sprayed all his heart and soul into the very center of the Longmen Formation.

In the next second, a boundless sharp aura enveloped the entire formation.

With the blessing of Xue Rengui's armor-piercing skills, the weapons of the Tang soldiers in the formation glowed with a cold light.


A heavy infantry soldier from the Tang Dynasty slashed at the heavy shield of Tianxiong's heavy shield soldier.

In the next second, a scene that shocked Zhang Wanlong appeared.

The originally indestructible shields of the Tianxiong heavy infantry were split open at this time.

Although the broadsword with a cold light did not split the shield, it was already a bad start.

Click! Click! Click!

While he was stunned, there were continuous slashing sounds.

Some Tianxiong heavy infantry raised their swords to block the front attack, and there were also dense attacks falling on the heavy shield.

for a while.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heavy shields were smashed into pieces, and the heavy infantry of Tang Dynasty who were weak like ants actually split the thick shields of Tianxiong heavy infantry!

"Kill them! Kill them!"

Zhang Wanlong roared sharply.

He knew that Xue Rengui was responsible for all this. With Xue Rengui's hard work, he gave his soldiers a sharp weapon to kill the top-level powerhouses.

If Xue Rengui vomits a few more mouthfuls of blood, is that okay?


Zhao Yun also encountered difficulties at this time.

Although the Tianqi army under his command can crush the light armored cavalry of the Tang Dynasty.

But following Xue Rengui's command, more and more light armored cavalry surrounded them.

"Don't you guys like to kill these light cavalry? This general will let you kill as much as you want!"

At this time, millions of light armored cavalry appeared around the Tianqi army.

The sharp sword endowed with the armor-piercing effect became the greatest threat to the Eighty Thousand Heavenly Cavalry.

Although ants are weak.

But once they have sharp weapons, and relying on their huge numbers, ants can kill gods!

"rush out!"

Facing the siege of the Tang Dynasty's light armored cavalry, Zhao Yun could only choose one direction to attack.

If they don't leave, they may really be besieged and killed here.

And after the millions of Tang light cavalry, there are still densely packed millions of heavy armored infantry.

Although Xue Rengui has no powerful generals under his command. But the number of soldiers is constant.

At this time, there are tens of millions of Tang soldiers in the Longmen formation.

Even if five million people were killed in battle, half of them would survive.

Guan Hai wanted to defeat tens of millions of Tang soldiers with a mere two million? From the current point of view, Xue Rengui is sure that Guan Hai is just talking about a dream!

"Haha! Kill them! Kill them!"

On the city wall, Li Chengqian danced excitedly when he saw his soldiers surrounding the Tianqi Army and Tianxiong Army.

So what if your Apocalypse Empire has super god-level soldiers?

Under Xue Rengui's Longmen formation, isn't it the same as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered?

"His Majesty!"

Changsun Wuji was extremely vigilant at this time. He cautiously reminded Li Chengqian: "Your Majesty, please pay attention to your manners!"

He didn't mean to worry that Li Chengqian would lose his royal majesty at this time.

The main reason is that he himself is now tightly locked by Xie Xuan. When Li Chengqian was dancing, Xie Xuan must have noticed it too.

He was worried that Xie Xuan would rush over angrily.

Once he fights with Xie Xuan, the battle between the two god-level powerhouses may overturn this world!

What's more, there is no winner yet, so everything should be a little more secure.

"Demeanor? My soldiers are killing the enemy for me at this moment, and it is only right for me to cheer for them!"

"My demeanor? Let's talk about it after the battle is over!"

It's just that Li Chengqian has completely lost patience with Changsun Wuji.

He didn't even bother to listen to what Changsun Wuji said now.

At this moment, Xue Rengui is the most useful person, what about the rest? Lean aside first!

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Changsun Wuji became more and more impatient.

But no matter how much he shouted at this time, Li Chengqian pretended not to hear him.

"Kill! Kill them all!"

"Pull all these thieves here, and let him dare to invade our Great Tang Empire!"

"Hahaha! Tell that Cheng Mu that my Great Tang, my beloved general, and my Longmen Formation are invincible!"



Guan Hai frowned as he looked at the two armies at a disadvantage.

This Longmen Formation is stronger than he imagined.

When facing the Tianqi Army and the Tianxiong Army, Xue Rengui can always use his strengths to attack his own weaknesses.

What the Tianxiong Army is most afraid of is losing their speed advantage. The Tianxiong Army's biggest reliance is their heavy armor and heavy shield...

In just one hour's time, the two armies have suffered relatively large casualties.

"Nieba, you go!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Guan Hai still did not send out the Beifu Legion.

At present, he has not fully figured out this Longmen Formation.

Xue Rengui sits calmly in the battle, controlling everything? Do not! Guan Hai wanted to give it a try.

At this time, the Ba Dao Army under Nie Ba's command is also cooperating with the Qingzhou Army of hundreds of thousands.

This combined army can not only exert the executive power of a traditional army, but also exert the super combat power of a ranger army.

Even if it is the strength of the same top level.

The combat effectiveness of the ranger army is much higher than that of the aboriginal army.

Sometimes, the protagonist of heaven and earth is the protagonist of heaven and earth after all!


Nie Ba held the Ba Saber and led his army to rush over.

However, he did not choose the conventional way of entry.

The Rangers of the Ba Saber Army who rushed to the forefront shouted in unison, and in the next second, densely packed battle pets were summoned by them.

Rumble! Rumble!

Tens of thousands of war pets of all kinds roared, and they were about to break through the outermost shield wall of the Dragon Gate Formation.

However, at the moment when they were about to collide, the shield wall, which was not a formation gate, suddenly became a formation gate.

Under Xue Rengui's control, the Longmen Formation swallowed tens of thousands of pets in one gulp.


Ba Dao snorted coldly.

Without any hesitation, he followed the pace of his pets and rushed over.

It's just that when the gate opened and closed, they lost their battle pets.

At this time, there are densely packed Datang heavy cavalry around.

Hundreds of thousands of Tang heavy cavalry rushed towards them with majestic power.

Ranger is really strong, Xue Rengui realized it a long time ago. So this time, he sent heavy armored cavalry to roar before the Rangers of the Ba Saber Army could react!

Rumble! Rumble!

War riding gallops.

Nirvana was the first to respond.

At the critical moment, I saw him slash.

"Overlord Sword Chaos!"

With the light of the sword shining, the thousands of Tang heavy cavalry rushing forward turned into headless corpses in an instant.

The next second, click.

When the rolling heads fell, their bodies also disintegrated at this moment.

At this time, both the human body and the war horse were chopped into pieces by Nirvana. The bright red pieces of meat were mixed together, and for a moment it was hard to tell which ones were human and which ones were horses?

"Too much deceit!"

The ultimate move he had carefully prepared was shattered, and Xue Rengui was furious.

Originally, according to his script, hundreds of thousands of sword rangers would die under the heavy armored cavalry without any resistance.

Those pets who lost their masters will also disappear immediately.

But now Nieba has resolved all his offensives with only one person and one knife.

Moreover, one person chopped thousands of people into meat, such a fierce breath made the heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty in the rear start to feel fear.


Xue Rengui roared again.

A mouthful of bright red blood poured out on the formation eye again.

This time, it was the firm belief that gave every soldier of the Tang Dynasty the determination to fight to the death.

With the blessing of fearless skills, the heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty who were afraid and hesitant in their hearts galloped again.

With grim faces, they vowed to trample Nieba into a pulp.

"Cough cough! Cough cough!"

At the front of the formation, Xue Rengui's face was pale, and his severe cough made it difficult for him to breathe.

He has strengthened the Longmen Formation with essence and blood three times in a row, and at this time he is already exhausted.

Strong soldiers for the first time. Strong soldiers can enhance the strength of soldiers, which is given to these soldiers before the battle.

Armor-breaking for the second time, fearless for the third time.

If it wasn't for his mission, Xue Rengui would have fallen at this moment!

Longmen array is not so easy to set up.

The ten ancient famous formations brought the power of heaven and earth to raise his strength to the initial stage of the altar, but he can only bind himself here because he has no strength in the altar.

He couldn't do even a simple shot to attack the enemy.

He must use himself as the eye of the formation to jointly control the entire Longmen formation. Once there is the slightest accident, everyone will die in the battle!



Facing the oncoming heavy cavalry, Nie Ba once again raised the Ba Saber in his hand.

In the flash of the sword, thousands of Tang heavy cavalry turned into pieces of meat.

He is the strength of the late stage of the town, and he used the power of the town to kill the heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty? That is a brutal killing without any suspense.

Only this time.

Although the surrounding companions fell one after another, these heavy cavalry were not afraid.

Even the death of their companions aroused their boundless anger.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

These heavy cavalry roared, and their horses galloped even faster!


Nieba didn't make another move. The two knives just now took away most of his strength.

Under his command, the earth-type masters in the Tyrant Sword Army stood in front of the formation.


With the staff waving, the originally hard ground turned into a muddy swamp.

The two heavy armored cavalry who rushed to the front fell in with their horses, and were quickly swallowed by loose muddy water.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were continuous crashes, and the heavy cavalry were still overturning.

The swampy land ahead was an insurmountable chasm for them. At this time, even if the cavalry with superb riding skills comes, it will be damaged here.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of heavy cavalry have died here.

However, when the heavy cavalry filled the swamp with corpses, the road behind became smooth again.

In the battle of Anxi City, the Ba Dao Army killed most of the rangers.

At this time, the number of earth-type mages who played in the battle was not a complete formation.


Nieba commanded with a calm expression. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

So what if the swamp was filled with corpses?

At this time, the corpses in the swamp became excellent fuel for the sea of ​​fire.

Rumble! Rumble!

Under his command, the fire-type mages took over the position of the earth-type mages.

One by one, the fireballs and the sea of ​​flames enveloped the front.

In just a few breaths, the front of Ba Dao Army turned into an impenetrable flame forbidden zone!


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