The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 856: Longmen array (3)


The war horse roared, and the iron cavalry galloped.

Fiery red figures rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, and rushed to the front of the Tyrannical Sword Army with an unstoppable force.

Some people turned into dry bones halfway, some rushed halfway, and some rushed over with melted weapons.

But without exception, they all died in front of the Tyrant Sword Army.

In just a few breaths, thousands of heavy cavalry died. Such a frenzied battle horrified the soldiers of the Tyrant Sword Army.

Even Nirvana, who was strategizing, was deeply moved at this time.

What kind of army is this? Could it be that Xue Rengui's 'fearless' skill is really so brave?

Inspired by fearlessness, the heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty ignored the sea of ​​flames blocking the front.

They rode their war horses, roaring and rushing out of the sea of ​​flames.

Many people were lost in the sea of ​​flames, making the already hot sea of ​​flames even more difficult to approach.


Neba hesitated.

At this moment, he didn't know whether to praise this army for being fearless, or to scold them for not knowing how to live or die.

Such a sea of ​​flames is simply not something that ordinary people can set foot on.

As long as they enter the flames, no matter whether they can rush out or not, they will die in the end!

The only difference is that some people died in the sea of ​​flames, while others died in front of the Ba Saber Army.


Xue Rengui was also terrified by the fearlessness of the heavy cavalry.

He hurriedly rotated the formation, but he couldn't let all the soldiers under his command jump into the flames.

"This general told you not to be afraid of the enemy, not to let you die in vain!"

he growled.

Are these people pigs? Or is his fearless skill too strong?

If the fight continues like this, tens of millions of soldiers will all jump into the flames and commit suicide!


The Dragon Gate Formation began to spin rapidly.

Before Nieba could see the change clearly, the heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty suddenly rushed over from behind.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill them all! No grass will grow!"

"My Great Tang is immortal!"

Xue Rengui changed their positions.

Ever since, hundreds of thousands of heavy cavalry attacked from behind the Ba Dao Army.

The crazy killing intent made the soldiers of the Tyrannical Sword Army present feel fearful.

Fighting a bunch of lunatics is terrifying.

However, the fear of the Rangers of the Ba Dao Army did not affect the more than 100,000 soldiers of the Qingzhou Army.

Their coach, Chen Liansheng, has died in battle, and nearly 90% of their comrades who used to get along day and night also died in battle.

But even so, they never took a step back. There may be fear in their hearts, but that strong belief supports them to move forward bravely.

Facing the galloping enemy heavy cavalry, more than 100,000 soldiers of the Qingzhou Army made a fighting posture.

"Shield armor!"

With a roar, thick shields stood in front of them, and sharp spears stood like thorns.

They have rich combat experience and are natural cavalry killers.

No matter how strong Datang Heavy Cavalry is, in the end they are nothing more than a group of porcupine pigs who will knock themselves to death on Chang Ge!


Facing the densely packed Chang Ge, the charging Datang Heavy Cavalry did not slow down.

They even accelerated the speed of the attack. Billows of smoke and dust were swept into the sky. Even if they die, they will drag the enemy in front of them to be buried with them!

Rumble! Boom!

In the next second, countless heavy cavalry hit the shield wall and the spear. Under the huge power and influence, people turned their backs on their backs.

The sharp Chang Ge pierced their bodies and strung them in mid-air.

There were also many heavy cavalry rushing to the shield.

The original heavy black shield of the Qingzhou Army was now engraved with countless flesh and blood and brains.

This group of Tang heavy cavalrymen went crazy.

When the weapon is broken, they use their own bodies as weapons. People are going to die, and before they die, they also drag people to be buried with them.

After a continuous crash.

The originally impenetrable shield wall of the Qingzhou army was breached, and countless Changge were also broken here.

With the accumulation of tens of thousands of heavy cavalry's lives, the Qingzhou Army's line of defense was torn apart.

The thick shield was smashed by the heavy cavalry of the Tang Dynasty with their heads!

Seeing such a scene, even the cold-hearted Qingzhou army couldn't help feeling turbulent at this moment.

How could the Great Tang Empire have such a powerful army? If the soldiers of the Tang Empire were so fearless about life and death, how could Li Shimin die in battle?

But at this moment, hundreds of thousands of Rangers of the Tyrant Sword Army rushed over. The soldiers of the Qingzhou Army have set an example for them, how can they sit idly by?

"Kill them!"

"Brothers, if we don't kill them, we will die here!"

"Kill the enemy, break the formation!"

Under the roar of each Ba Dao Ranger, the rest of Ba Dao Ranger regained their confidence.

Armed with arms, they took over the line of defense of the Cheongju Army.

Heavy cavalry?

As long as their own strength is strong enough, they can kill even divine cavalry when they come over!

"Hold on, hold on!"

Xue Rengui, who was in the formation, felt bitter when he saw the almost unstoppable Ba Saber Ranger.

How dare a mere Nirvana dare to show off his prestige? He really wanted to raise his hand and crush the ant to death.

Unfortunately, he couldn't move. The strength of the soldiers under his command is still not on the table.

But does he have other moves? there is none left.

Three consecutive blessings of essence and blood have brought this giant formation to the verge of losing control.

At this moment, he can only put all his heart on the formation to ensure that the formation will not be destroyed! If not, tens of thousands of troops will all be buried here.

"Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation!"

Seeing that the Tyrant Sword Army is already unstoppable. In order to control the overall situation, Xue Rengui simply locked up here in the Ba Dao Army.

"Wait for this general to deal with the other two armies that are in the way, and then I will deal with you!"

He chose what he thought was the best way to fight.

Kill the Tianqi army and Tianxiong soldiers who can be killed first, and wait until the other enemies in the formation are completely eliminated before he comes to clean up this Tyrant Sword Army.

At that time, Xue Rengui's strength will recover.

With his half-step altar-level strength, he can crush hundreds of thousands of ants into **** with just raising his hand!


"Kill the past! Kill the past!"

Are you a big threat? Zhang Wanlong thought he was quite big.

Although the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in the fearless state were brave, their ending did not change in any way.

He rushed up and was hacked to death by the soldiers of the Tianxiong Army under his command.

Another person rushed up and was hacked to death again.

During this period, although many soldiers of the Tianxiong Army were stabbed and died here.

But for the huge Tianxiong army, the death of only 10,000 people is not enough to break his muscles.

There are 200,000 soldiers in the Tianxiong Army who were copied by the magic eye. Even if all of them die here, just copy it again after the magic eye recovers.

In just over an hour, the Tianxiong army had already advanced more than ten kilometers.

At this time, the distance between them and Xue Rengui was very close.

"Nine-curved Yellow River Formation!"

Seeing the Tianxiong Army rushing in front of him, Xue Rengui in the formation gently raised his hand.

In an instant, Zhang Wanlong only felt that he was retreating extremely fast.

When he stabilized his figure and took a look, he actually returned to the original point. The densely packed enemies around rushed over, making all the results they obtained just now come to naught.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Wanlong was angry and furious, he wished he could rush to the formation to find Xue Rengui and fight to the death.

However, his weak strength made him give up rationally. Of course, what he gave up was to fight Xue Rengui one-on-one, and he still wanted to kill him. After confirming his position, he once again organized the army facing Xue Rengui's position.

A real man will stand up wherever he falls!

"Kill it!"

He didn't believe it, and killed all the enemies around him.

In that case, Xue Rengui would have no means to use, right?

After fighting for so long, 30% of the tens of millions of Tang soldiers in the Longmen Formation have died.

As long as they keep killing, there is a possibility of killing them all!


"Follow me!"

However, when Zhang Wanlong led the Tianxiong Army to kill the Quartet, Zhao Yun on the other side was in a difficult situation.

The densely packed light armored cavalry completely blocked the impact speed of the Celestial Cavalry.

After killing hundreds of thousands of light armored cavalry, the remaining 50,000 soldiers of the Heavenly Cavalry Army were out of breath.

Their enemies are madmen.

Facing the unrivaled Celestial Cavalry, although the light armored cavalry of the Tang Dynasty died in battle, they really bit off a piece of flesh from the Celestial Cavalry before they died.

Some people want to cut off the horse's leg with a weapon, and want to kill the enemy for the country with only half of the body left.

In the face of such a fearless state of densely packed Datang Qingqi, Zhao Yun could only temporarily avoid the edge.

"Seven in and seven out!"

Under his roar, he once again inspired the super skills of the Celestial Cavalry.

The silver dragon light shone seven times.


As the silver dragon shone, the remaining 50,000-day cavalry broke through the enemy's encirclement. The boundless mighty force tore a huge gap in the shield wall of the Longmen Formation.

When the appearance of the silver dragon faded into a soldier of the Heavenly Cavalry Army, they realized that they had appeared outside the Dragon Gate Formation.

"Guan... Brother Guan Hai..."

Zhao Yun was out of breath and tried his best not to fall down.

He hadn't fully recovered from his injuries. After forcibly performing 'seven in and seven out' twice in this way, his energy has reached its limit.

At the same time, his mission has been completed!

The 80,000 Tianxiong cavalry not only rescued Zhang Wanlong's Tianxiong infantry, but also killed 50,000 to 600,000 Datang light armored cavalry.

In the end, if you can retreat with 50,000 people, the Tianqi army will become famous!

"Brother Zilong, rest well."

Guan Hai hurriedly called the guards and asked the doctors to take good care of Zhao Yun.

He reassured Zhao Yun: "Brother Zilong wakes up, this place is already the territory of Tangzhou Province of my Apocalypse Empire!"

"When the time comes, we brothers will have a good time drinking!"

He has already seen through this dragon gate formation.

Xue Rengui's strength is still weak after all. Otherwise, how could Zhao Yun break out alive at this time?

Even the Nirvana and Ba Dao Army can't kill the Quartet!

"General Xie Xuan!"

After settling Zhao Yun, Guan Hai gently called Xie Xuan.

"Please enter the Beifu Legion!"

Presumably Xie Xuan also saw Xue Rengui's moves clearly. In this battle, the commander of the Beifu Legion can break through this formation by driving straight in!


Xie Xuan nodded slightly.

In an instant, millions of Beifu ghost soldiers began to march.

Its majestic power made Xue Rengui in the formation frown again.

He felt his hands trembling. The ten small formations were almost out of his control and had to operate by themselves.

If there is another fight, he, Xue Rengui, is really going to let go!

At the same time, Changsun Wuji frowned as he watched the Beifu Legion approaching on the city wall.

"It's actually a super-god-level unit again, and it's still the top-level unit among the super-god-level units!"

He was shocked.

Xue Rengui traps the Ba Dao army with the eight-door golden lock formation, drives back the Tianxiong army with the nine-curved Yellow River formation, and repels the Tianqi army with the Five Tigers and Sheep formation.

He thought that this battle would end like this.

But he didn't want to, when the last million troops entered the battle, Xue Rengui's advantage was completely reversed.

He has already seen that Xue Rengui is struggling to support at this time. Once there are variables, there may be a tragedy of ruining the battle!

"Uncle! How can you impress the enemy?"

However, when Li Chengqian heard this, he was displeased.

How could the majestic minister of the Tang Empire praise the soldiers of the enemy country?

My own people don't support my own people, why?

For a while he wondered if Changsun Wuji still had one heart with him?

"Your Majesty, please prepare to retreat!"

But this time, Changsun Wuji did not tactfully persuade or cover up.

When the surrounding ministers were still there, and when everyone could still hear him, he said this sentence simply and decisively.

This sentence is not a request, but he is telling Li Chengqian about it.

After Xie Xuan's Beifu army enters, Xue Rengui's Longmen Formation must be broken.

They can only escape!


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