The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 859: Lingyan Pavilion Bloody Famous General

"Hehe, so this is the way to break the formation!"

Zhang Wanlong smiled.

There is no flaw in the powerful Longmen Formation? No, the weakness of soldiers is their biggest weakness.

The weak soldiers of the Tang Empire could not support this invincible giant formation at all.

Then Xue Rengui died in vain after all!

"Not one left!"

Nieba wiped the Ba knife in his hand.

In front of him, the more than five million Tang soldiers were lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Want to survive? Well, jump into the Han River. Let's see if the surging Han River flood can spare these people's lives.

"Beifu Legion! Kill the enemy!"

Shan Xiongxin was holding a spear with a murderous aura.

He is a strong man in the realm of ghosts and gods, and it is an honor for these ants to personally kill these second-rate ants.

If they could die in the hands of Shan Xiongxin, they would be able to hold their heads high even in the Hall of Yama!


A huge horn sounded, and the two armies began their final confrontation!

At the same time, the battle between Xie Xuan and Changsun Wuji also shocked the world.

Although Xie Xuan is very strong, Changsun Wuji only defends and does not attack.

That watertight defense made Xie Xuan unable to achieve results for so long.

The two fought from the ground to deep space.

With the collapse of the Longmen Formation, Changsun Wuji's heart became extremely impatient.

"Blood stained paint!"

He let out a roar, and the tip of his right hand began to bleed. He wanted it, and he gave it a go.

Instead of struggling to support and finally watching the overall situation collapse, it is better to fight to the death!

In the next second, he used his own blood as ink and deep space as cloth. With a wave of his wrist, a **** will come out from the deep space canvas.

"I am Qin Shubao!"

The blood-colored Qin Shubao charged towards Xie Xuan with a spear in his hand, roaring.


The golden sword collided with the blood-colored spear, and Xie Xuan's hands trembled in shock due to the tremendous power.


Feeling the super strength of Scarlet Qin Qiong, Xie Xuan was surprised for a while.

This Qin Qiong, who was drawn by Changsun Wuji, is actually as strong as a half-step altar-level powerhouse.

In this way, wouldn't this counterfeit be stronger than Qin Qiong who was alive back then?

This eldest grandson Wuji actually has such a terrifying skill.

"British Duke!"

Changsun Wuji was still painting. In just a few breaths, a lifelike figure reappeared.

This time, the one who walked out of the deep space canvas was Li Ji, the British prince.

"The thief will die!"

Bloody Li Ji let out a roar, and rushed towards Xie Xuan with his sword.


Xie Xuan knocked Qin Qiong back with one blow, and sent Li Ji flying with his backhand.

"Interesting! Interesting!"

Seeing Qin Qiong and Li Ji jointly attacking, Xie Xuan had an inexplicable smile on his face.

Neither the **** Qin Qiong nor the **** Li Ji are real people, nor do they have souls. They are completely composed of the blood essence of Changsun Wuji.

So he is looking forward to it.

After Changsun Wuji drained all the blood in his body, see if he can summon all the other twenty-three ministers of Lingyan Pavilion.

"Duke Ju!"

Changsun Wuji has completely fallen into his own state of painting.

Under his bright red blood, Tang Jian, the Duke of Ju, descended.

Tang Jian is a famous counselor. After he came, he raised his hands and carried the power of heaven and earth to press towards Xie Xuan.

Even, thick thunderclouds began to gather. Amidst the roar of thunder that filled the sky, Xie Xuan was attacked by thunder.

"Hmph! Not enough!"

I saw Xie Xuan split the thunder cloud with a sword, and the golden light overflowed.

He swept across with his sword, and Qin Qiong, Li Ji, and Tang Jian were swept away in an instant.

What if the strength of the three of them is at the half-step altar stage? In front of Xie Xuan in the Forgotten River Realm, the three people on the half-step altar were just three jumping ants.

"Lu Guogong...poof!"

Seeing that none of the three teamed up was Xie Xuan's opponent, Changsun Wuji sprayed all his heart and soul on the scroll.

In the next second, Lu Guogong Cheng Yaojin walked out of the scroll with a murderous look.

Holding a huge ax in his hand, his voice was like thunder: "Thief, die!"


With a single axe, the huge power is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top.

Xie Xuan dodged the axe.

Immediately afterwards, the giant ax bombarded the ground with unabated power.

In an instant, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty and the ghost soldiers of the Beifu who were fighting were hacked to death.

It's just that the Tang soldier was hacked to death and could not be resurrected. And even if the Beifu ghost soldiers were smashed into powder by the huge ax energy, they could still recover.

How could Cheng Yaojin's ax kill the enemy? He is killing his own people!


Taking advantage of Cheng Yaojin's miss, Xie Xuan attacked with his sword.


Cheng Yaojin wanted to block. But just one face to face, the giant ax in his hand was chopped off.

If Qin Qiong, Tang Jian, and Li Ji hadn't come to the rescue in time, Cheng Yaojin would probably turn into a pool of blood at this time.

They were originally formed by Changsun Wuji's blood essence. After they died, Changsun Wuji would not be able to take them back!


Afterwards, the four cooperated closely.

Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin are the main attackers, while Tang Jian and Li Ji are supporting.

When the four joined forces, they actually forced Xie Xuan back.

It's just that when they wanted to kill, Xie Xuan struck with another sword. Such a sharp sword forced the four of them back again.

"Is there any more?"

After forcing the four of them back, Xie Xuan quietly floated in mid-air, looking at Changsun Wuji expectantly.

There were only four of them, so there was no pressure on him at all!

As long as he wants, he can break one by one now!

Let the water go, just hope that Changsun Wuji can summon a few more people.


At this time, Changsun Wuji's breath was frivolous and his blood was dry. The originally old face became bloodless at this moment, like the face of a dead person.

He wanted to summon more Lingyan Pavilion famous generals.

But the bottomless blood in his body made it difficult for him to continue!

Of course, this is mainly because the four people summoned are too strong, and have already exhausted his strength and effort.

If he summons the important ministers under the realm of ghosts and gods, then maybe he can gather the twenty-four ministers of Lingyan Pavilion at the last moment.

But for those with low strength, what is the use of calling more?

In fact, in the final analysis, it is still his eldest grandson Wuji who is too weak.

When the four blood-colored generals who are half-stepped into the altar can't stop Xie Xuan, there is only one final path for him.

The weak, die!


Seeing the eldest grandson Wuji who looked like a useless person, Xie Xuan didn't waste any more time.


With a roar, he went to kill Cheng Yaojin who was closest to him.


With one strike of the sword, the golden light of Shattering Delusion shot straight into the sky.

The Pohuang Golden Sword in his hand was extremely fierce and split the **** Cheng Yaojin in two.

Strings of blood that were colorless and as light as drops of water fell down, and were quickly blown away by the strong wind.


Cheng Yaojin died, and Changsun Wuji spurted another burst of blood. It's just that this time, these painstaking efforts have been unable to condense into a famous Lingyan Pavilion general.

His body began to tremble, and it seemed to be difficult to stand still.


Xie Xuan struck again.


The golden gun in Qin Qiong's hand broke, and he flew upside down. When he was still in the air, his whole body also turned into bloodless drops of water and fell.

Tang Jian and Li Ji want to fight to the But facing Xie Xuan whose strength is like a gap, they can only die under the golden sword of breaking false one by one in the end.


When all four of them died in battle, Changsun Wuji fell from deep space instantly.

His vitality was rapidly dissipating, and soon his whole body turned into dry bones.

Essence and blood dried up, life lost.

Even a strong person in the altar realm cannot escape the end of death after all!


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