The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 860: the last guardian spirit


Li Chengqian seemed to have received some kind of induction.

He suddenly woke up from a coma, and what he saw afterwards was a scene that broke his heart.

Although he didn't like Changsun Wuji just now, he thought Changsun Wuji was an old antique.

But now, when he saw Changsun Wuji's body falling from a depth of 10,000 meters, his heart was broken.

"Your Majesty! Go! Your Majesty! Go!"

Behind him, there were already ministers shouting with all their might.

Changsun Wuji is dead, but they don't want to die here.

What's more, they are still remembering Changsun Wuji's exhortation just now: Take Li Chengqian away!

Evacuating from the Han River, they might still have a chance.


The anxious shout made Li Chengqian recover from his grief. At this time, he had a grim face and roared angrily: "I will not leave! I will let these thieves be buried with my uncle!"

He still has a chance, and he still has the invincible Longmen Formation.

But in the next second, when his eyes were focused on the battlefield outside the city.

The expression on his face froze instantly!

"This... this... this is impossible! This is impossible!"

Right now, outside the city, it was like a purgatory on earth.

Under the horizontal push of Beifu Ghost Soldiers and Tianxiong Army, and under the siege of Ba Dao Army Rangers and Qingzhou Army soldiers, the originally aggressive Longmen Formation collapsed in an instant.

Ambush from all sides?

Ha ha!

So what if there are enemies all around at this time?

Under the butcher knife of the army of the Tianqi Empire, it is useless even if the strength of these Tang soldiers is promoted to the first-class super **** level.

Xie Xuan's Beifu Legion is the most powerful individual soldier!

The Tianxiong infantry under Zhang Wanlong's command, the soldiers of Wei's soldiers are at the top of their strength!

Nirvana's tyrannical sword army ranger, top-level strength!

Hundreds of thousands of Qingzhou troops? The strength of most of the soldiers has also reached the top level!

When more than two million top-level soldiers are facing an enemy army of more than five million second-rate forces, how can one fight against ten?

Guan Hai was standing in mid-air at this moment, watching the one-sided battle situation, he was sure of victory.

Xue Rengui's Longmen Formation was indeed very strong, and it also caused certain casualties to the Tianxiong Army and the Tianqi Army at the beginning.

But when millions of Beifu ghost soldiers push horizontally, such a powerful Longmen Formation is useless at all!

"Those who surrender will not be killed!"

Seeing that the [Fearless] effect left by Xue Rengui had begun to dissipate, Guan Hai decided to keep these people alive.

The Tang Empire itself is already within reach. At this time, these soldiers outside the city will also become the subjects of the Apocalypse Empire.

Of course, the most important point is that Cheng Mu has been teaching them: no matter how large the land is, it is useless, only the population is the foundation of an empire!

As long as the Apocalypse Empire has a steady stream of loyal and filial talents, then this country can truly survive forever!

"I surrender! I surrender!"

"I don't want to die, I still have a wife, children, and parents at home! Please spare my life!"

"Run! Run! Run as far as you can!"

"I surrendered, and I will serve the Apocalypse Empire in the future!"

Guan Hai's words were like life-saving straws. Most of the Tang soldiers knelt down and surrendered tremblingly after returning to normal.

Some even buried their entire heads in the ground, waiting for soldiers from the Apocalypse Empire to stab him from behind.

If you can't beat it, most people give up.

Although many people wanted to fight and die for the country during the period, they all knelt and surrendered at first glance, and when they thought of their wives and children at home...

Ever since, there was not a single resister on the entire battlefield.

The remaining more than one million Tang soldiers surrendered together, and the war ended in this instant!


On the city wall, Li Chengqian saw such a scene of qi and blood surging, and he fainted under the rage.

But before he fainted, he was still deeply unwilling.

How could such a powerful Longmen Formation fail? Xue Rengui, where did Xue Rengui go?

Is this the end of my hegemony?


"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Seeing Li Chengqian fainting again, the courtiers around were shocked.

The emperor fainted, what should I do?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering whether to retreat or surrender?

You can't run away with Li Chengqian on your shoulders, can you?


At this critical juncture, Qin Qiong's true spirit emerged from Li Chengqian's body.

Looking at the ministers of Liushen Wuzhu, he quickly issued an order: "You, you, and you, follow me to block the thieves of the Tianqi Empire!"

"You, take Your Majesty and go first!"

He is Li Chengqian's guardian spirit, and he must protect Li Chengqian's safety in times of crisis.

Now he can't go. He only hoped that he could hold Guan Hai and try his best to let Li Chengqian escape.


Facing the overwhelming coercion in Qin Qiong's body, all the officials nodded and did not dare to disobey.

Quite a number of courtiers had other thoughts in their minds: 'If you can beat them, hit them, if you can't beat them, I will do my best. '

Those who are willing to die for the Tang Empire have already died in battle. Sometimes the more knowledgeable people are, the more they know how to protect themselves wisely!

"Hehe, it's you again?"

Seeing the appearance of Qin Qiong's true spirit, Guan Hai smiled in surprise.

"It seems that you didn't die thoroughly enough at the beginning!"

To kill Qin Qiong again today, he would not find it troublesome at all.


Qin Qiong snorted angrily, and stood firmly in front of Guan Hai.

Behind him, someone had already taken Li Chengqian away. He knew that the longer he persisted, the greater the chance of Li Chengqian surviving!

"The arm of the mantis is like a car, get out!"

Guan Hai roared, and the blood knife in his hand slashed straight down.

I have already come to the battlefield in person. If Li Chengqian is allowed to escape again at this time, let alone his meritorious service in this battle, he will definitely be punished by Cheng Mu after he returns!


With one blow, Qin Qiong was instantly sent flying hundreds of meters away.

Since he was in the state of a true spirit, his peculiar form actually exempted 50% of Guan Hai's attack power.

In other words, Guan Hai's strength in front of him has been reduced by half!

"Interesting! It's really interesting!"

Guan Hai rubbed the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife in his hand, and he noticed the abnormality from the moment the blade touched Qin Qiong.

But what if it is immune to 50% of the attack power?


There was another roar, and the blood knife in his hand became even sharper.

As the blood knife neighed, a huge devouring force rushed towards Qin Qiong. To put it bluntly, Qin Qiong's true spirit state is just a mass of energy.

As long as it's energy, there's nothing the Blood Prison Soul Breaker can't eat!

"Go away!"

Facing the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife with its **** mouth open, Qin Qiong also tried his best.

While roaring, his strength is rapidly increasing.

When the remaining national destiny of the entire Great Tang Empire poured into his body, a dazzling golden light pierced into the sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

A majestic aura burst out from his body, and the blood knife that was originally aggressive was knocked back by the huge aura.

At this time, Guan Hai's expression became serious.

Qin Qiong was favored by the fortune of the Tang Empire.

After Li Shimin died in battle and Li Chengqian fell into a coma, the fate of the Tang Dynasty was finally blessed by Qin Qiong who was dedicated to protecting Li Chengqian.

Although the Tang Empire is about to be destroyed.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and the remaining power of national fortune is enough to push Qin Qiong to the **** stage.

Moreover, Qin Qiong is not an ordinary early stage god.

When the aura of the middle stage of the altar realm burst out from his body, Xie Xuan, who was far away in the deep space, also rushed to the battlefield.

"what happened?"

Seeing the majestic Qin Qiong, he was shocked.

This man is not the emperor, is he? Isn't it that the emperor can be blessed by the fortune of the country? Could it be that the Tang Empire changed its emperor again?

"Just a lucky one!"

Guan Hai's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He once heard that there was a golden dragon protecting the country in the Tang Empire. At present, Qin Qiong is blessed by the remaining Golden Dragon of Protecting the Country.

Want Li Chengqian to give Qin Qiong a bit of national fortune from his body? That is simply impossible!

"kill him!"

Xie Xuan understood, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

Why are there always some dying people jumping around? Isn't it good to go to Huangquan quietly?

He recovered the agitation he had just had when he was fighting with Changsun Wuji, and he became Although Qin Qiong was just a lucky one. But the strength of the middle stage of the altar is not empty.

If Qin Qiong still has a physical body at this time and is a living person, it will be easy to handle. The blessing of national fortune cannot fully fit the physical body after all.

But the bad thing is that this Qin Qiong is a spirit body, a beam of energy.

And the power of national destiny, in the final analysis, is also energy.

Under the blessing of the power of the Tang Dynasty, Qin Qiong's spiritual body became extremely powerful.

With just a few gestures, you can cause the world to tremble!


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