The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 861: 0 Li Wangchuan, and Qin Qiong again!

"Go together!"

Guan Hai didn't hold back, and joined hands with Xie Xuan to attack Qin Qiong.


But before he got close, Qin Qiong raised his hand and was bombarded by thunderbolts.

This is the strongest thunder that is comparable to the Nine Heavens God Thunder, and cut off half of the surrounding hills within a few roars.


Guan Hai cut it off with a single blow.

In an instant, boom!

The magic knife shattered the space, and the blade carried all kinds of terrifying power and pressed towards Qin Qiong.

At the same time, a golden light shot out rapidly.

That was Xie Xuan and his Delusion-Breaking Golden Sword.

The golden sword appeared in front of Qin Qiong in the blink of an eye like a streamer.


In the next second, the golden sword pierced a golden shield condensed with gold-type energy, making an ear-piercing crash.


Then the golden shield turned into a giant fist, and Xie Xuan was sent flying back by accident.

And in mid-air.

The majestic blood-colored giant knife met the sky full of thunder.

Under Qin Qiong's control, the sky full of thunder turned into countless chains to bind the blood knife tightly.

Although the fierce sword energy cut off the chains of thunder one by one, the thunder that filled the sky seemed to be endless.

This is a duel between Thunderbolt and Blood Knife, and there is no winner between the two for a while!

"The general doesn't believe it!"

Xie Xuan's heart ignited with anger

He found that he had no advantage when facing this Qin Qiong.

This is not to say that he is weaker than Qin Qiong, but that his Huangquan energy is restrained by Qin Qiong.

Even the mighty Golden Sword of Breaking Delusion has been weakened.

So he roared angrily: "Wang Chuan!"

In an instant, a huge Wangchuan River was pulled from **** by him.

This was originally just a small section of the endless Wangchuan River, but it became a huge monster after it came.

The blood-yellow river water, other people's minds were shocked when they took a look at it.


Wang Chuan roared and swallowed Qin Qiong in.

Qin Qiong only felt that time and space turned, and in the next second he appeared on the side of a bridge.

At the head of the bridge stood a blood-red stone.

He fixed his eyes and saw that what was reflected on it turned out to be his entire life.

From descending to the commanding **** general, from conquering the Song Dynasty to killing demons in Leizhou, then dying in Longzhou and turning into a guardian spirit, and finally falling into Wangchuan now...

The picture on the stone changed quickly, but at this moment he felt that everything was as it was yesterday.

But just when he wanted to move on, a strange energy rushed into his mind, making him clear.

"It's actually bewitching!"

He came back to his senses and let out a roar.


With one shot from him, the rock that was replaying his life was smashed to pieces.

The Wangchuan River, which was close at hand, also disappeared in an instant.

Qin Qiong's strength is too strong, even if Xie Xuanla came to Wangchuanhe, he didn't trap him!


But at this moment, at the moment when Qin Qiong had just escaped from the Wangchuan River.

The huge blood knife roared!


Taking advantage of Xie Xuan holding Qin Qiong, Guan Hai cut off the thunder. With boundless power, the Blood Prison Severing Soul Knife slashes towards Qin Qiong!

At this moment, the world stood still.

It seems that this knife is really going to send Qin Qiong into the underworld.


At the critical moment, the remaining Golden Dragon of National Fortune roared out.

The huge Longwei instantly sent the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife flying.

Although it was defeated and fled in Anbei Protectorate Mansion. But after such a long period of cultivation, its strength has once again stepped into the realm of the altar.

The power of the fate of the country is earth-shattering!


The huge power sent Guan Hai back.

His hands were numb, and the Blood Prison Severing Soul Knife in his hand became sluggish.

The Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife is just a magic knife after all. It can restrain the power of national destiny, and at the same time, the power of national destiny can also cause double damage to it!

"Hehe! Hehe!"

Feeling the surging power in the body, seeing that Guan Hai and Xie Xuan joined forces, they couldn't break through their own defenses.

At this time, Qin Qiong finally smiled with peace of mind.

Not only was he able to block Guan Hai and Xie Xuan today, he was even able to kill them both here!

"The future of the Great Tang Empire is to be guarded by the Lord!"

While roaring sharply, he actually took the initiative to attack Xie Xuan.

At this time, the huge Golden Dragon of National Fortune was entrenched on his head and became his solid patron saint!

"court death!"

Seeing Qin Qiong approaching proactively, Xie Xuan's face revealed a frenzied killing intent.

Think you're a bully? Then give it a try!

For him, sometimes the gap between the initial stage of the altar and the stage of the altar is not a natural gap!

"The River of Forgetfulness!"

He burned his own blood, and his strength continued to rise.

In an instant, the Wangchuan River, which had been shaken back by Qin Qiong, reappeared. Only this time, the original Wangchuan became the current Baili Wangchuan.

The breath emanating from the river made the whole world dark and sluggish.

The grass and trees are dry, and the creatures are extinct!

In the next second, Baili Wangchuan opened his **** mouth and swallowed Qin Qiong in.

At the same time, Guan Hai was also brewing his own big move.

The **** giant knife pierced the sky, and the originally broken space barrier became precarious.

Their strength is too strong.

Although they only have the strength of the initial stage of the altar, their attack power is not weaker than that of Qin Qiong in the middle stage of the altar!

At this moment, the whole world is trembling under the might of Wang Chuanhe and Xue Dao!


Qin Qiong by the Wangchuan River snorted coldly.

Looking at the familiar boulder, he shattered it with another shot.

Only this time, he didn't escape from the Wangchuan River. Instead, because of the shattering of the boulder, the evil spirits in the river roared and rushed towards him.

"A mere ghost!"

Qin Qiong swept across with the golden gun in his hand.

In an instant, hundreds of ghosts with terrifying expressions were swept away by him into debris. The black residue tried to flee, but was immediately swallowed by the roaring river.

In the next second, endless ghosts attacked again.


Realizing that he was doing useless work, Qin Qiong immediately retracted the golden gun.

He could feel that the river was devouring his blood little by little, and he could also feel that under the impact of his blood, the Wangchuan River was shrinking little by little.

As long as he stands here, this Wangchuanhe will eventually be destroyed.

However, it is impossible for Qin Qiong to sit here and wait for death.

He stepped onto a stone bridge over the river, where an old woman was cooking soup.

"Have a bowl of hot soup, you who are lost. Just drink it and you'll be out!"

The old woman bent her body, and all the wrinkles on her face were curled up together.

With a smile on her face, her expression is so ferocious and terrifying!

"Hmph! A mere ghost!"

Seeing the eerie old woman holding up the hot soup in her hand, Qin Qiong snorted coldly.


While roaring, his tiger-headed golden spear stabbed fiercely.


The golden spear pierced through the hot soup and pierced the old woman's body.

But in the next second, he only felt the scene around him turn around.

When he took a closer look, he appeared by the Wangchuan River again. The boulder, which was intact, actually played back his life again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Such a weird scene filled Qin Qiong with anger.

He shattered the boulder with another blow, and ran roaring toward the bridge.

"O people who lost their way..."

The old woman in the middle of the bridge just spoke, and before she finished speaking, a golden spear pierced her body.

However, the ending was another burst of halo circulation.

Qin Qiong was horrified to find that she had returned to the Wangchuan River. Everything around is so familiar.

"how is this possible!"

He looked astonished, and carefully observed the Wangchuan River.

After all, I am also a strong person in the middle stage of the altar, how could I be trapped by the moves of a person who is in the early stage of the altar?

While thinking about it, I saw his eyes flicker.


The golden gun in his hand drew a stream of golden light, and the golden light bombarded the Wangchuan River while shining.

This time, the mighty Wangchuan River was instantly split in two.

Xie Xuan, who was manipulating the Wangchuan River, felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and he flew out backwards after spurting out a mouthful of painstaking efforts.

The golden light continued to gallop, and soon broke away from the Wangchuan River.

Qin Qiong's fierce power became more and more terrifying!

But in the next second.


When Qin Qiong just revealed his body, a **** giant knife appeared above his head.

The close distance makes it impossible for him to avoid it!


In an instant, Qin Qiong also flew upside down. The blood knife's power remained undiminished, and the entire Jinzhou City was turned into dust with one blow.

With a **** knife on the Han River, the huge river can be cut off.

When the surging river rushed down, Li Chengqian and his subordinates who escaped by boat were instantly swallowed by the flood.


Qin Qiong, who flew upside down, let out a He wanted to fight back, but his aura fell when he was halfway through the rush.

Li Chengqian died, and the last national fortune of the Tang Empire also disappeared.

Before Qin Qiong, who had lost the blessing of the national fortune, could react, a golden sword passed through his body.



A scene like a thousand arrows piercing the heart. The spiritual body Qin Qiong, who lost the blessing of the power of national destiny, was eaten up by the joint attack of the blood knife and the golden sword.


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