The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 862: Worshiping the Heaven and Coming of the Immortal Kingdom




Thunder is raging all over the sky, and the sun of blood rises.

At this time, the people of Tang Dynasty only felt a pain in their hearts, and boundless sadness welled up in their hearts. Everyone fell to their knees, bent over and wept bitterly.

They knew that their emperor had died.

In just a few days, the Tang Empire experienced the death of the emperor twice.

Many people have already passed out from crying in extreme grief!

Crash! Crash!

At the same time, continuous rain of blood fell from the sky, and boundless despair enveloped the entire country.

Qin Qiong died in battle, and Li Chengqian was buried in the Han River.

The Tang Empire will also perish at any moment. At the moment when the fortune of the Tang Dynasty disappeared, the entire Tang people were ten years older!

The weak body and the boundless sorrow in the heart tell every commoner of the Tang Dynasty: their own Tang Empire has perished!

The Great Tang Empire, which once looked down upon all heroes and stood at the pinnacle of Earth and Star Civilization, has perished!

The sky full of thunder, the sad day of blood, the pouring rain of blood...

At this very moment, the entire earth and planet are mourning the Tang Empire. This is a sad funeral song, it may be Li Chengqian's last companion on the road to Huangquan!

"Congratulations! To Your Majesty!"

Outside the city of Jinzhou, Guan Hai couldn't help but suppress his excitement, feeling that the fate of the Apocalypse Empire was pouring into this land.

In the war with the Tang Empire, after all, he was the one who won the Tianqi Empire.

During the period, although one's own side also suffered damage. But no matter how much hatred, it completely dissipated at the moment when the Tang Empire fell!

It is said that the dead are the greatest, presumably Li Shimin and Li Chengqian can sleep peacefully underground.

The people of the Great Tang Empire, the Apocalypse Empire can take good care of them!


Shadowthorn beamed with delight.

In the end, he still failed to grab Li Chengqian's head. But victory in this battle is also a great joy.

In this way, the battle of the Tang Empire has been decided, and there are still great achievements waiting for him in the land of the Great Han and the Great Qin!



Cheng Mu got the news.

When the news of the triumphant return came back to the Apocalypse Empire, the whole country rejoiced!

Everyone took to the streets excitedly, telling each other.

This is a big event that the whole country celebrates and the whole world celebrates!

At the beginning, the people of the Apocalypse Empire were also worried that their country would be jointly attacked by the Tang Dynasty and the Han Dynasty.

The huge pressure made the people pay attention to the war all the time. There are those who are loyal and concerned about the country, and even worry so much that they can't sleep at night!

But in the end, Guan Hai and the Apocalypse Legion did not disappoint them. Especially after Xie Xuan stepped into the realm of Wangchuan, he became the last straw that crushed Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian died in battle, Changsun Wuji died in battle, Qin Qiong died in battle...  

It can be said that the lone warriors of the Tang Empire fought to the last moment.

Guan Hai and others did not let them lose their dignity, but let them die on the battlefield of defending their home and country.

Everything is over, and the Apocalypse Empire will start a new journey!

Gather the power of the four states.

At this moment, Cheng Mu could confidently point his fingers at Liu Che and Ying Zheng and say, "Come together!"

Although there are not many fierce generals under his command, everyone is like a dragon.

Although the soldiers are not very strong, the soldiers of several super legions have all advanced to the peak of the super **** level.

Ordinary soldiers in the top realm, if they are pulled out casually, they will be one against one hundred!

Coupled with the huge geographical support of the four continents of the Apocalypse Empire.

As long as Cheng Mu wanted to, he could use the crowd tactics to flatten the Qin and Han Empires.

At this time, in front of the Apocalypse Empire, which owns four continents, the territory of the Great Qin and the Great Han is too small!

"Sacrifice to heaven!"

Cheng Mu couldn't wait!

He led his ministers to the Temple of Heaven to pay homage to God's protection of all the people of Tangzhou Province.

The first battle of the Tang Empire.

The Apocalypse Empire killed more than 10 million soldiers in total. Of course, most of them were killed by Li Shimin when Cheng Mu and Daming fought decisively.

In the next few battles, although the armies also suffered casualties.

But except for Di Ri's Yaman army and Lei Dun's Sand King army, the rest of the army was not completely wiped out.

To put it simply, it was easier for Cheng Mu to fight against the Great Tang Empire than it was when he first fought against Da Ming.

Without him, the Apocalypse Empire has become stronger!

"Boom! Boom!"

After Cheng Mu sacrificed to the sky, the colorful rays of light and the golden light of the national fortune that covered the sky and the sun complemented each other.

A huge golden dragon flew from the south, and immediately after rushing into the Temple of Heaven, an even bigger five-clawed golden dragon appeared.

While the five-clawed golden dragon roared, the giant dragon lifted off into the sky. That huge body is reflected in every corner of the Apocalypse Empire.

In an instant, all the people surrendered.

At this time, hundreds of millions of people in the Apocalypse Empire all fell to their knees, grateful for the gift of the Golden Dragon.

Under the golden dragon's reflection, the evil charms dissipate, and all things are reborn.

Those who have been ill for a long time will be cured immediately, and those who are strong will have a new level of strength.

The people of the Apocalypse Empire are like dragons. But under the reflection of the national fortune, they are like double dragons!


A child knocked away the giant tree in front of him with a punch.


There are also children who crack the ground three feet under one foot!

After the gift of the golden dragon, the strength of the people of the Apocalypse Empire has become even stronger!


Dazzling golden light poured into Cheng Mu's body.

During the surging golden light, Cheng Mu could only feel his strength rising rapidly.

The Middle Realm of the Divine Gate...the Back Realm of the Divine Gate...the peak of the Divine Gate!

In the blink of an eye, his strength has officially entered the peak of Shenmen. With half a foot, he has already stepped into the realm of the altar.

This is his basic strength.

And with the full blessing of the national fortune, his strength can reach the middle of the palace.

To put it simply, as long as he is in the Apocalypse Empire, what is the difference between Cheng Mu and an immortal?

Click! Click!

In the next second, Cheng Mu's armor also began to improve.

Under the tempering of the golden light of the national fortune, [Emperor Qilin God Armor] advanced to [Immortal Qilin God Armor]!

This armor that exudes dazzling golden light, just exudes a little power and makes all the officials kneel to the ground!

Supreme power! This is supreme power!


Feeling the supreme power of [Xian Qilin God Armor], Cheng Mu was in a great mood.

From the aura emanating from the divine armor, he knew that this was real fairy-level equipment.

It is the first fairy-level weapon on Earth Star.

In the past, he still needed to wear the unicorn armor, so that all the soldiers under his command could enjoy the buff effect of the armor.

But not anymore.

【Xian Qilin Divine Armor】It doesn't need to be refined at all, and it will be completely integrated with Cheng Mu as soon as it enters the body.

Under the introverted armor, ordinary people can't detect it at all.

As for the super defensive power of the Divine Armor, Cheng Mu can proudly declare that he is immune to all attacks under the Divine Palace Realm.

Even if a strong man from the Divine Palace Realm came, it would be difficult to break through the defense of the Divine Armor without using the strongest moves.

[Fairy Qilin God Armor] is a real fairy-level equipment. It is a fairy, and only a real fairy can fight against it!

In this way, Cheng Mu will not be afraid even if an immortal descends on the Apocalypse Empire.

In fact, how many immortals can there really be in this world?


But at this moment, the Han Chi Spear in Cheng Mu's hand also gave off a majestic and profound aura.

In the next second, the Han Chi Spear full of golden light flew into the air.

Under the tempering of the fate of the sky and the country, the golden real dragon on the gun body was completely engraved.

in an instant.


Boundless spirit energy burst out from the Hanchi Spear, and the Hanchi Spear was officially promoted to a fairy-level weapon at this moment.


Cheng Mu reached out and held the gun tightly.

Immediately, a huge energy poured into his body.

The half-step altar...the initial stage of the altar...the middle stage of the altar!

Under the double blessing of [Xian Qilin Divine Armor] and Han Chi Divine Spear, Cheng Mu's strength instantly advanced from the half-step divine platform to the middle stage of the divine platform.

With just that little difference, he can set foot in the background of the altar!

What is Weili? This is Weili!

Feeling the majestic power in his body, Cheng Mu felt that he could destroy the world just by raising his hand!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Zhuge Liang and others knelt down on the ground one after another.

While congratulating Cheng Mu, they are also enjoying the gift of the power of national destiny!

The strength of the Apocalypse Empire is the strength of everyone.

In just a few moments, the strength of all the ministers under Cheng Mu's command increased.

Zhuge Liang, who has lived in Tianqi City for a long time, has been promoted to a half-step altar-level powerhouse!

Guo Jia was promoted to a half-step altar-level powerhouse!

Li Cunxiao entered the stage of God!

Guan Hai is in the middle of the stage!

Xie Xuan entered the middle of the stage!

Zhang Shun entered the altar!

Qin Ning entered the altar!

Zhao Yun entered the half-step altar!

Huang Zhong entered the half-step altar!

Zheng Zhilong enters half-step altar......


Numerous promotion golden lights emerged in the Tianqi Empire, and Cheng Mu could only feel that the national destiny of the Tianqi Empire became bigger and more solid when the ministers under his command advanced!

The national fortune and the people are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.

The stronger the national strength of a country, the stronger the national destiny.

And the stronger the national destiny, the stronger the power to feed back to the people!

In fact, it is not only the strength of the ministers and generals under Cheng Mu's command that has improved.

The five armies of Apocalypse, Beifu, Feihu, Excalibur, and Moshuang advanced to the first-level God-killing army at the same time!

What is the initial stage of killing gods?

It is a group of magical soldiers whose strength has reached the peerless realm!

In front of the Apocalypse Legion at the first stage of killing gods, the powerhouses at the Divine Gate Realm are nothing but their one-shot enemies! When facing them, the strong ones in the altar realm should also make a detour!

The power of killing gods, killing the sky and cutting the gods!

Soldiers in the Peerless Realm already possessed the ability to defend against the air for a short time. In other words, the soldiers of these five legions are the real magic soldiers who can fly!


The golden light continued to shine.

But just when Cheng Mu was amazed that the colorful rays of light in the sky became more and more dazzling, a huge city appeared from the rays of light.

In an instant, the entire planet Earth trembled!

After the roar of heaven and earth, there were bursts of pleasant fairy music!

There are cranes soaring high in the sky, and fairy dews fall to the world.

When the boundless fairy spirit began to fill this Cheng Mu suddenly realized:

"Immortal Kingdom! It is the arrival of the Immortal Kingdom!"

He remembered what the Empress had said to him that day.

The demons are cruel, and the defense line outside the territory is in jeopardy. Only the coming of the fairy kingdom will be the only hope for mankind!

next second.

Immortal music resounded across the stars, and the long-lost system prompt resounded across the sky.

"The Immortal Kingdom of the Great Zhou is coming!"


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