The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 864: Resurrection and Legion Reorganization

Apocalypse City.

The red and majestic Hall of Valor has become a fairy temple made of white jade.

Just standing here, Cheng Mu felt the refreshing celestial spirit!

As he stepped onto the fairy temple step by step, a series of information about resurrection entered his mind.

In an instant, his heart was clear.

"Resurrect Li Xuanba!"

"Resurrect the eldest grandson Wuji!"

After two clear and majestic orders, strong national luck flew from all directions of the Apocalypse Empire.

As the power of the golden national destiny condensed, two figures appeared in front of Cheng Mu.

"Chen Xuan Ba!"

"Chen Fuji!"

"Meet Your Majesty!"

After the resurrection, Li Xuanba and Changsun Wuji maintained their original appearance. It's just that their hearts are extremely pure at this time, and they only recognize Cheng Mu as their master.

Although the Fairy Temple consumes a part of the power of national fortune when resurrecting the target.

But the advantage of using the power of national fortune as the resurrection material is that Cheng Mu doesn't have to worry about the loyalty of the resurrected.

Anyone who walks out of the fairy temple will bow down to him!

"Please get up, both of you!"

Cheng Mu helped them up.

Feeling the great fairy power in Changsun Wuji and Li Xuanba's body, he was very happy.

Faerie Shrine revived target's strength no longer resets to zero.

Although Changsun Wuji and Li Xuanba still only have the strength of the fairyland at this time. But judging from their talent and training experience, it is only a matter of time before they step into the fairyland.

"Everyone, come and meet your new fellow Taoist!"

Cheng Mu called to the courtiers outside the palace.

Since everyone is already an immortal, they can be called Daoyou Paoze.

"Welcome both of you!"

"Congratulations, fellow daoist!"

"In the future, I hope the two friends will work hard together!"

Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia and others stepped forward to congratulate him.

Although Changsun Wuji and Li Xuanba were enemies before. But now that we are standing here, we are a family!


Seeing the courtiers in a harmonious atmosphere, Cheng Mu was very pleased and said: "In the future, we will have more and more fellow Taoists, and the future of the Apocalypse Empire will be entrusted to you!"

I have only completed the second stage of the road to fairyland so far.

If you want to truly build the Apocalypse Empire into the Apocalypse Fairyland, then you are still one step away.

Hundreds of millions of immortals, true immortals come!

As long as the Apocalypse Empire can have hundreds of millions of human immortals, and another true immortal is born, the Apocalypse Empire can immediately be promoted to the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom.

This condition is very harsh compared to other empires.

But for the Apocalypse Empire, completing this task is not difficult.

The Apocalypse Empire currently has one billion people, and among the one billion people, there are 300 million young and strong men.

These more than 300 million young and strong men are the future strong men in the fairyland.

In the Apocalypse Empire, where everyone is like a real dragon, anyone who is willing can step into the fairyland.

And now that martial arts practice is prevalent in the Apocalypse Empire, Cheng Mu doesn't have to worry about the goal of hundreds of millions of immortals at all.

The most difficult thing is the arrival of the real immortal.

True Immortals are strong in the Divine Palace Realm.

When the most powerful people in the Apocalypse Empire were only in the middle stage of the gods, that is, the middle stage of the immortals, there was still an extremely long distance to go from the immortals to the real immortals.

Moreover, some people are expected to be restricted by their own qualifications and find it difficult to advance.

When the theoretical peak of a person with SSS qualification is the altar/celestial fairyland, those who can enter the palace/true fairyland are all SSRs!

At this time, even if Cheng Mu has the talent bonus of Mingjun, then SSR must be a peerless star.

Are there many peerless generals under Cheng Mu's command?

Actually not much.

Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Xie Xuan, Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Shi Dakai, Ye Xuan, Guan Zhong, Xiao He, Zheng Chenggong, plus the newly revived grandson Wuji and Li Xuanba.

With all the calculations, the Apocalypse Empire currently only has twelve SSRs.

Although Guan Hai, Zhang Shun and others are strong, their initial qualifications are too low, and it is difficult for them with SSS-level qualifications to improve their qualifications.

The three elders of heaven and earth Xuan? They are not SSRs.

Although Qin Ning and Zheng Zhilong are powerful, they are not SSRs.

Generally speaking, according to Cheng Mu's ambition, he is not satisfied with only twelve true immortals in the country.

And the only way to solve this problem is to continue to strengthen the national fortune of the Apocalypse Empire.

After resurrecting Changsun Wuji and Li Xuanba in succession, the Fairy Spirit Temple also entered a certain cooling-off period.

If you want to turn it on again, you have to restore the lost power of national destiny.

Although the fairy temple is powerful, it is impossible to revive Cheng Mu without limit.

But for Cheng Mu, he was satisfied to be able to revive a few of his favorite people.

"Eldest Sun Aiqing!"

He ordered: "I appoint you as the Governor of Tangzhou Province to take charge of all military and political affairs of Tangzhou Province!"

Changsun Wuji came out of the Fairy Temple, so Cheng Mu wasn't worried about his loyalty at all.

Compared with his talent, being the Governor of Tangzhou Province is a match for talent and virtue!

"Thank you Lord Ron!"

Changsun Wuji did not refuse, and his mission of resurrection was to serve Cheng Mu.

At this time, even if Cheng Mu asked him to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, he would not hesitate to do so!

"Li Aiqing!"

Later, Cheng Mu entrusted Li Xuanba with a heavy responsibility.

"I order you to form a new Xuanjia Divine Army."

"Don't live up to my expectations!"

Li Xuanba's Xuanjia Divine Army is a super powerful army comparable to the Apocalypse Legion. The newly formed Xuanjia Divine Army can become another trump card of the Apocalypse Empire!

This is the purpose of his resurrection of Li Xuanba.

Although Li Jing and Xue Rengui are strong.

But Li Jing's Shenwu Army is weaker than the Xuanjia Shenwu Army, and the strength of the current war commander accounts for a huge proportion of the battle situation.

Li Xuanba is the best candidate to increase the strength of the Apocalypse Empire in a short period of time.

As for Xue Rengui's Longmen Formation, although strong, it is a defensive formation.

And Cheng Mu hasn't played defensive battles for a long time!

"The last general takes orders!"

Li Xuanba's ambitions are high and his spirits are high!

The so-called join if you can't beat it!

Although he was defeated by the Apocalypse Legion before, once under Cheng Mu's command, he believed that the strength of his Xuanjia Divine Army would not lose to the Apocalypse Legion.

If he fights again, he has 50% confidence to defeat the Apocalypse Legion!

Afterwards, after Cheng Mu appointed Changsun Wuji and Li Xuanba, the Apocalypse Empire started a new round of corps rest and recruitment.

Apocalypse Legion, the coach was changed to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun, who is half a step into the real fairyland, is supplemented by the blessing of his own gentian talent. Zhao Yun is good enough to be the head coach of the Apocalypse Legion.

In order to ensure the strength of the Apocalypse Army, Cheng Mu was specially equipped with Guo Jia as an assistant.

Guo Jia and Zhao Yun, I think it will work!

As for Guan Hai? He will feel at ease as Minister of the Ministry of War.

Now that the Apocalypse Empire is so powerful and its territory is so vast, it is necessary for him to command all military affairs in the country full-time!

Li Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Legion has advanced to the Flying Tiger Army, and millions of people have peerless strength.

A million peerless, the first stage of killing gods!

Xie Xuan's Beifu Legion has not changed much.

The Beifu Legion is based on Xie Xuan's own strength. Millions of Beifu ghost soldiers are actually not really invincible, they can't be too far away from Xie Xuan, otherwise Xie Xuan's talent will not be able to bless And if Xie Xuan is seriously injured or his strength is reduced to an ordinary person, then Beifu ghost soldiers will gradually lose their immortality.

Therefore, compared with the Beifu Legion, the strength of the entire legion only comes from Xie Xuan!

Excalibur Army.

The Excalibur Army is still the Excalibur Army, with millions of swordsmen and rangers fluttering in white.

In the first battle with the Tang Empire, the sword bearers led the Excalibur Army to show their strength to the world.

Now that they have advanced to the first-level unit of killing gods, the strong at the altar level are not their enemies with a sword!


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