The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 865: Cheng Mulin Fairyland


Finally, after all the important officials under his command had adapted to the increased strength, Cheng Mu looked at the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom suspended in mid-air and said, "Let's go up and have a look together!"

Strong strength drove him to explore new knowledge.

He wants to see what the legendary fairyland looks like!

"Follow His Majesty's decree!"

The important ministers stood up one after another, looking yearning.

A real fairyland? They want to see it too.


Cheng Mu soared up the clouds, while the courtiers under his command used their own moves one after another.

In an instant, more than a dozen people rose into the air. The prestige blows over their clothes, they look like real immortals!

Seeing Cheng Mu leading his ministers up, the giant bell of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom was rang.

when! when! when!

Three crisp bells rang throughout the fairyland, and hundreds of millions of immortals in the fairyland looked up together.


The huge city gate was opened, and colorful rays of light overflowed.

At this time, Cheng Mu saw a white fairyland made entirely of white fairy jade. In the fairyland, the fairy birds are flying, and the auspicious beasts are galloping.

Just outside the gate of the Immortal Kingdom, he felt the aura of immortality ten times that of the Apocalypse Empire.

This is a real fairyland, a fairyland where everyone is a fairy!

"Announcing the audience of the emperor in the mortal world!"

After the city gate was opened, the loud and clear sound resounded through the fairyland again.

It seems that the emperor of Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom has been waiting for Cheng Mu for a long time!


Cheng Mu didn't hesitate, nor did he have a trace of fear. He paced forward like a stroll in a garden, and the officials behind him also held their heads high.

Although they were shocked by the prosperity of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

But he is also a fairy, so what is there to be afraid of?

What's more, this is not a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. If the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom wanted to establish its prestige, it would not take the initiative to open the city gate.

tread! tread! tread! tread!

Cheng Mu walked forward step by step.

He has already seen the people of Immortal Kingdom standing around, how is their appearance different from ordinary people?

The only difference is that most of the people in the crowd are in the fairyland, that is, the strength of the township.

Town border?

Cheng Mu's own knife cut off countless powerful people in the country.

Earth immortals and celestial immortals were not uncommon among the crowd, but with the five great god-killing legions in hand, Cheng Mu was determined.

The so-called fairy country is just a powerful country.

And the country, that can be conquered!

The strong self-confidence made Cheng Mu raise his head high, and with the powerful emperor's prestige exuding, the people of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom next to him couldn't help but want to kneel down and pay respects.


Li Cunxiao also sneered at this time.

The people of Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom are too weak! All the worries in his heart at the beginning disappeared at this moment!

"Announcing the audience of the emperor in the mortal world!"

As if sensing Cheng Mu's imperial prestige, the new messenger became irritable.

They knew that if Cheng Mu was allowed to go on, the people of the surrounding Immortal Kingdom would really fall to their knees.

So an unknown force took Cheng Mu and everyone in.

In the blink of an eye, they had already appeared in a huge palace.

This is a vast and incomparably golden and jade palace, with real dragons and auspicious phoenixes soaring above the palace.

A gigantic white jade step ascended in the air, and sitting on the top of the step was Ji Fa, the emperor of the Immortal Kingdom of Great Zhou.

At this time, Ji Fa was sitting on the steps thousands of meters high, looking down at the people below.


The moment he saw Cheng Mu's people, Ji Fa on the high platform was surprised. Immediately, he changed his title: "You mortal immortal, why did you come here?"

He originally wanted to give Cheng Mu everyone a small blow.

But when he found that Cheng Mu's strength was not weaker than him, he could only put his mind away.

All the strategies from the beginning will be changed!

"Looking at the fairyland in the sky!"

Cheng Mu raised his head and answered Ji Fa's question.

He found that the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom gave him a favorite place, that is, there were no eunuchs.

No one stood up and told him to kneel down and pay respects to Ji Fa and the like.

"Looking up? Hehe."

Ji Fa chuckled, and immediately asked: "Since you stepped into my big week, you have walked 28 steps."

"During these twenty-eight steps, can you feel anything?"

Although he was shocked by the strength of everyone in Cheng Mu. But when he thought of having an incomparably powerful Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom behind him, he regained his composure.

"Brilliant Immortal Kingdom!"

Cheng Mu only used four words to answer.

He came here this time to pay his respects to the Immortal Kingdom. In just twenty-eight steps, he also had a preliminary understanding of the strength of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

Although Immortal Kingdom is powerful, it is not invincible.

When he decided to go to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, he also thought about the worst possible outcome.

But in the end, all the bad possibilities were ruled out by him. If the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is so tyrannical, then its arrival will only weaken the strength of Earth Star!

And according to the empress' intention, the coming of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is Earth Star's last trump card, in order to strengthen Earth Star's strength.

So, Cheng Mu is not worried!

What's more, although the Immortal Kingdom is strong, it is not so powerful that it is invincible.

If the many empires on Earth and Star join hands to create a few more god-killing armies, then the fairy kingdom can destroy it!

To put it simply, there are also immortals in the countries of the earth and stars. And after so many years of melee, the number of immortals who died in battle is unknown!


Ji Fa was very grateful for Cheng Mu's praise.

My own Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, full of talents and strong national strength, is the Glorious Immortal Kingdom!

"Come, reward!"

Ji Fa was very happy and ordered his subordinates to bring him a reward.

It was a piece of god-level armor, and it was a sharp weapon of the gods.

However, when Cheng Mu saw these god-level weapons and armors, he suddenly lost interest.

God-level equipment? Does your own Apocalypse Empire still lack god-level equipment now?

Although there are one or two pieces of mythical armor in this pile of god-level equipment.

But Cheng Mu, who was wearing [Xian Qilin God Armor], really didn't like these two armors.

This is the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom? It must be too stingy!

"Huh? Don't you take advantage of these?"

Seeing the indifferent Cheng Mu people, Ji Fa only thought that they had never seen so many god-level equipment, and was stunned for a moment.

What is said in the mouth is not convenient, it is just superficial rhetoric.

"I understand Emperor Zhou's wishes."

Cheng Mu shook his head. It is impossible for me to bring these junk back home, otherwise not only myself, but also Dazhou Immortal Kingdom will be ridiculed by the world.

In a majestic fairyland, use god-level equipment as a treasure?

How poor!

"Oh? Don't like it?"

Under Cheng Mu's indifferent eyes, Ji Fa finally found out the problem.

This mortal emperor actually looks down on the god-level treasures he rewarded? The emperor of the Apocalypse Empire must have too much appetite, right?

"Ahem, no reward for no merit!"

Cheng Mu didn't want to embarrass Ji Fa, so he could only find an excuse.

But to be honest, he really doesn't like these things!


Although Cheng Mu didn't say it directly, Ji Fa was determined.

Seeing that the mere mortal emperor looked down on his reward, he was sullen in body and mind. All the kindness on his face at the beginning disappeared, and he said coldly: "If that's the case, then back off!"

How dare this group of mortals dare to brush their own face!


However, Cheng Mu didn't intend to stop there. Instead, he became aggressive.

"I don't know that the kingdom of noble immortals has come, so why?"

He knew that the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom came under the arrangement of the Empress. When Ji Fa came here, he must have his own mission.

United all the forces of the earth and stars to resist the demons? Cheng Mu guessed so!

However, Ji Fa had to nod himself to confirm everything.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Facing Cheng Mu's question, Ji Fa on the high platform suddenly burst out laughing. Immediately, a piercingly cold voice came: "If it wasn't for the contract that stipulates that the emperor can't take action against you in advance, then you would be corpses at this time!"

Cheng Mu actually guessed wrong.

The Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom came to promote the development of Earth and Stars.

But no one stipulates in what way it is promoted.

It is not allowed to do anything to mortals on Earth within one year, this is the agreement made by the Empress and Ji Fa.

And within this year, although the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom cannot use force to annex other countries, it can use other methods.

According to Ji Fa's expectation, as long as he came to the throne in person.

All the countries on that earth star will bow their heads and bow their heads and recognize him as their master.

At that time, by gathering the power of the entire earth and stars, he can build his Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom even more powerful...

But for now, his guess was wrong.

Cheng Mu was the first person to enter the Immortal Kingdom, and also the first person to reject him.

As such, the omen is not auspicious.

"Since we are not corpses at this time, then everything is easy to say!"

Knowing that Ji Fa has been restricted, the last doubt in Cheng Mu's heart disappeared. There is no threat from the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom for the time being, so he can attack another country.

Although the big man is strong? But it was him who was destroyed!


But at this moment, one of the civil and military officials of Da Zhou under the stage stood up.

He yelled at Cheng Mu: "A mortal emperor, dare to be rampant in front of my Majesty?"

The man wearing a battle armor and wearing a long sword is named Zhao She, one of the eight famous generals in the Warring States Period.

The Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods were also under the rule of the Zhou Dynasty, so naturally he also became a general under Ji Fa's command.


However, Zhao She came out of the queue, and Li Cunxiao's roar was louder than him.

"Dare to run into my majesty, do you want to die?"

Zhao She is the strength of the middle realm of the divine platform/celestial fairyland, and so is Li Cunxiao.

If Zhao She dared to draw his sword, he would immediately kill him here.

Angel? Pooh! It's just nice to say, isn't it a strong person in the altar realm?

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that Li Cunxiao is still so rampant in his own home, how can the grumpy Zhao She tolerate it.

Seeing that he was about to draw his sword to face each other.

"General Zhao!"

At this time, an old and mid-spirited voice stopped it: "He who comes is a guest!"

Using the knife is not only disrespectful to Cheng Mu, the guest, but also disrespectful to his emperor Ji Fa!


Although Zhao She was furious, he stopped when he heard the voice.

He gave Li Cunxiao and Cheng Mu a hard look, and then walked back to the team.

At this time, an old man in white at the head of the team turned around.

He bowed slightly to Cheng Mu: "Jiang Shang, I have seen the mortal emperor!"


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