The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 866: disrespectful! Zhuge Liang breaks through again

"Jiang Taigong..."

Looking at the white-haired but handsome Jiang Ziya, a trace of inexplicable emotion rose in Cheng Mu's heart.

In the past, when he saw Jiang Ziya, he stopped and shouted loudly, jubilantly.

Jiang Taigong is fishing, Jiang Ziya is a **** list... If you rank according to fame, Jiang Ziya can definitely be ranked first among the 5,000-year-old civil servants in China.

Who hasn't watched "Feng Shen Bang" before the earth and stars changed?

But now, the excitement in Cheng Mu's heart faded away. The Apocalypse Empire under his command has grown into a half-step fairy kingdom, and he can almost sit on an equal footing with Ji Fa. At this time, meeting Jiang Ziya again, I was really happy in my heart, but more calm.

After all, at present, the two are in different forces. The future achievements of Zhuge Liang, Xiao He, Changsun Wuji and others under Cheng Mu's command may not be lower than Jiang Ziya's.

What's more, if there is a disagreement between the two countries, it is even more likely to draw their swords against each other in the future!

At this time, there is no need to be extremely excited.

"The grandpa is so polite, Kong Ming has seen the grandpa!"

When Cheng Mu hesitated, Zhuge Liang from behind suddenly stepped forward.

Jiang Ziya is a minister, and Zhuge Liang is also a minister.

King to king, minister to minister.

Now if Jiang Ziya has anything to say, he can directly tell him Zhuge Liang!

"Fellow Daoist Zhuge!"

Jiang Ziya turned his head and glanced at Zhuge Liang, then turned around. Facing Zhuge Liang's bow, he also bowed back.

Rumble! Suddenly, thunder flashed outside the hall.

As the divine thunder roared, Zhuge Liang could only feel the energy and blood surging up all over his body, and the forces of the four branches were all rioting.

Countless blood turned into blood snakes, trying to get out through his skin.

At this time, a giant **** appeared in his mind, under the dazzling golden light, boundless power pressed towards him!

Jiang Ziya was so strong that Zhuge Liang couldn't bear his worship!


However, with Zhuge Liang's cold snort.

With a ferocious face, he suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and forcefully suppressed the surging blood pressure.

Facing the giant **** in his mind, he opened his eyes wide and straightened his waist.

'You are the phase, and I am the phase! '

‘Could it be that I, Zhuge Kongming, can’t bear your bow? ! '

A mighty determination rose in his heart. Today, he will withstand Jiang Ziya's worship!

Rumble! Rumble!

The thunder outside became more and more exposed. There was also a trace of super coercion in the entire hall, as if the power of the entire Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom was on Zhuge Liang.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Zhuge Liang has already shed blood! Cracks began to appear on the skin of his body, but the restless blood was forced back by him!

If it was Ji Fa who bowed to him, it would be his own suffering if he couldn't bear it.

But this person Jiang Ziya? Who is nobler between him and Jiang Ziya? Who is lower?

Everyone is the same!


Suddenly, a huge momentum burst out from Zhuge Liang's body.


At this moment, Zhuge Liang seemed to have released some kind of shackles. When the power of the boundless fairy surged in his body, the complexions of everyone in the hall changed suddenly.

" is it possible?"

"This mortal... What a strong mortal!"

"I heard that he is the only person in the ages, and his reputation is indeed well-deserved!"

"Breakthrough in the land of my Great Zhou, this man is so courageous!"


The noise filled the entire palace, some of the officials under Da Zhou's command were horrified and some were angry.

There are even more people who want to draw their swords.

However, Li Cunxiao, who had been preparing for a long time, stood in front of Zhuge Liang. When the majesty of the altar realm surged out, even the ministers of the Immortal Zhou Dynasty felt jealous.

So, under the circumstances of being uncertain about Li Cunxiao's combat effectiveness, they could only watch Zhuge Liang's state of mind improve and step into the fairyland of the altar.

Slowly, the expressions on their faces became even uglier!

On the contrary, everyone in Cheng Mu was delighted.

"I also have to thank Emperor Zhou of the Immortal Kingdom!"

Cheng Mu thanked Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya very much. If they shut themselves out, how can Zhuge Liang have a chance to break through? If Jiang Ziya hadn't bowed to Zhuge Liang just now, how could Zhuge Liang have broken through?

According to his prediction, it will take at least half a year for Zhuge Liang to be promoted to Shentai Tianxianjing!

But now, this mere worship has shortened Zhuge Liang's time by half a year, that is to say, Zhuge Liang has spent half a year longer than others!

If it weren't for Jiang Ziya, it would never be possible to do such a stupid thing. At this time, he wished that Jiang Ziya would worship all the officials under his command.


Seeing Zhuge Liang's breakthrough, Ji Fa's face turned blue and white on the high platform. He wanted to get angry, and angrily reprimanded Cheng Mu for disrespecting Xianwei.

He really wanted to issue a fairy order, and the important officials under his command would flatten the Apocalypse Empire.

But when he thought of the empress' instructions back then, and seeing the calm Jiang Ziya below, he finally held back the sullenness in his heart.

He, Ji Fa, is the majestic king of the fairy kingdom, how could he have the same knowledge as the mortals!

"Congratulations, fellow daoist!"

No matter how surprised and indignant the people around him were, Jiang Ziya remained the same, and said very calmly in his heart: "Please don't be impetuous, fellow Taoist, the old man is waiting for you in the palace of the gods!"

So what if Zhuge Liang stepped into the fairyland of the gods?

At this time, he even adopted the traditional title of Earth and Star, telling Zhuge Liang that he was a strong man in the real fairyland of the Jingu Palace.

How can a mere celestial being who has just entered the altar realm cause waves in his heart?

"it is good!"

Zhuge Liang's heart was surging like a sea, and he nodded with a bright expression: "When the time comes, Kong Ming must have a few more drinks with Tai Gong!"

After stepping into the Divine Altar Realm, will the Divine Palace Realm be far behind?

Although some people can't take that step in their whole life. But since the empress unsealed the restriction of heaven and earth, after the arrival of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

His Zhuge Liang's aptitude has improved again.

He used to have ssr ghost-level qualifications, but now he feels that he has been promoted. If Cheng Mu were to mark it, then Zhuge Liang would have the ur fairy-level aptitude at this time.

With the fairy as the root, how could Zhuge Liang worry about his future achievements?

Is it gratitude to Jiang Ziya? He will not thank you.

From the moment Jiang Ziya bowed to him, he knew that Jiang Ziya wanted to make him swell and die.

It's just that this little trick didn't work, and it made him a blessing in disguise to step into the altar.

Therefore, he will not eliminate this enmity because of his strength improvement.

This Jiang Ziya is not the Jiang Ziya in myths and legends, but a living existence in the history of Da Zhou.

His essence is still human, not the real immortal who transcends the mundane world!

Naturally, it is very normal for him to attack Zhuge Liang.


Facing Zhuge Liang's words, Jiang Ziya agreed.

Then he turned his gaze to Cheng Mu.

Zhuge Liang's advancement is just a small episode, and today's protagonist is still Cheng Mu.

"The emperor of every country."

He took the initiative to speak out about the responsibilities of the coming of the Immortal Kingdom: "According to the contract between my Majesty and the Empress, no matter whether the demons come in advance or not, I will bless the Earth Star for one year."

"One year later, life and death are up to God!"

When he said the last sentence, there was a hint of murder in his tone.

Ever since Cheng Mu brushed off Ji Fa's imperial face, the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom will definitely make Cheng Mu pay the corresponding price.

The emperor's face cannot be humiliated, this is the dignity of every emperor!

"One year? Good!"

However, Cheng Mu did not panic. One year later, his own Tianqi Empire will also become Tianqi Fairy Kingdom, okay?

It's just that he also has doubts: "In this year's time, what do our planets need to pay?"

It is impossible for Ji Fa to shelter Earth Star for a year in vain. Presumably, Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom also has other plans!

As for the fate of life and death after one year, then life and death are up to the sky!

"No need to pay any price!"

Jiang Ziya shook his head. In fact, it is not that there is no need to pay a price, but that the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is stronger than the Earth and Star Kingdoms.

Those who are strong will eventually be able to obtain more benefits.

Although Cheng Mu rejected Ji Fa's gift, he expressed his disdain for things from the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

But what about the other planetary nations?

At least for now, Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa still have expectations for the other emperors of Earth Star.

Looking forward to them kneeling in front of the fairy kingdom, bowing and submitting!

"So good!"

Cheng Mu was very satisfied. This trip to the fairyland has gained a lot.

Not only did he know that the earth star had a one-year free bodyguard, but he also knew that the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom would not be able to attack the earth and star kingdoms within one year.

That's easy.

A year later, maybe he will lead his army to flatten the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom?

"The emperor of all kingdoms!"

But at this time, Jiang Ziya warned again: "I also hope that Emperor Qihuang of the Fan Kingdom will not add more killings by the earth and stars within this year!"

If Cheng Mu is allowed to continue fighting, it will reduce the strength of his Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom in disguise.

After all, after the arrival, Ji Fa had already regarded Earth Star as his subordinate place.

What's more, when he saw Cheng Mu's command of heaven and earth, how could he want to see the Apocalypse Empire become stronger?

"Oh? Is this an order from the empress?"

Facing Jiang Ziya's exhortation, Cheng Mu asked back: "If so, why didn't I receive it?"

"That's not true."

Jiang Ziya still underestimated Cheng Mu's determination. Faced with Cheng Mu's questioning, he could only explain: "The cultivation of the nations can strengthen the strength of the earth and stars."

"When the demons come, you can add another life..."

"Since the empress didn't order it, that's fine!"

However, before Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Cheng Mu interrupted him.

It seems that it is Ji Fa's order not to allow wars between Earth and Star countries. What is the current status of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom on Earth and Star? Isn't it the only overlord leader?

After going back, follow the established strategy and flatten the Han Empire first!

As long as the big man is included in the territory, Cheng Mu is confident to complete the third stage of the road to the fairyland.

When the time comes, the Tianqi Immortal Kingdom will face the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, and it is still unknown who will win the battle!

After saying that, Cheng Mu turned and left.

He could see that this Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom didn't look kind, and this Martial King Ji Fa didn't have such big plans!

Immortals look down on mortals, this is their deep-rooted thinking!

"Wait! Wait!"

Seeing that Cheng Mu was about to leave, Jiang Ziya hurriedly asked to stay.

He said: "The other emperors of the mortal world are coming By then, it's not too late for everyone to discuss together before leaving!"

Cheng Mu is not the only one who wants to go to the Immortal Kingdom.

Yingzheng Liu Che, Yang Jian, Zhao Kuangyi and others also wanted to see the splendor of the Immortal Kingdom.

"Oh? Is there anyone else coming?"

As soon as Jiang Ziya said that other emperors were here, Cheng Mu immediately became interested.

He hasn't met Ying Zheng and Liu Che yet, so he wants to take a good look at them today.

Only by remembering your appearance, you will not be merciful when you meet in the future!


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