The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 867: Qin Huang Han Wu

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Not long after, the fairy bell outside the hall rang, and the singing sound resounding through the fairy kingdom appeared again:

"Emperor Qin, the mortal country in the lower realm, meet the Immortal Emperor!"

"The emperor of Han in the lower realm, meet the emperor!"

"The Sui Emperor of all kingdoms in the lower realm, meet the Immortal Emperor!"

Three consecutive chants announced the arrival of Ying Zheng, Liu Che, and Yang Jian.

At present, under the Chinese civilization of Earth Star, there are still five great empires of Apocalypse, Qin, Han, Sui, and Song.

After all, the chaotic Great Jin could not stand up in front of the five great empires.

But Cheng Mu was a little curious.

Ying Zheng, Liu Che, and Yang Jian are all here, why didn't Zhao Kuangyi come?

"Xuan, the Qin Emperor, Han Emperor, and Sui Emperor of all kingdoms have an audience!"

But just when he was wondering, the three of Ying Zheng had already arrived at the gate of the palace.

It seems that in order to avoid Cheng Muchu's temporary situation, Ji Fa simply summoned Ying Zheng and the other three directly!


The heavy palace gate opened slowly.

Three figures appeared in the sight of everyone in the hall. Everyone in the hall just glanced at it, and the boundless emperor rushed towards him.


Cheng Mu released Emperor Wei to stop it.

But in the face of the imperial power of Ying Zheng, Liu Che, and Yang Jian, he could only take half a step back!

These three are too strong!

Cheng Mu thought that his imperial prestige effect was already majestic and domineering enough.

But when he saw Ying Zheng walking in the center, he realized that there was actually an emperor ten times more domineering than him!

Why did he know that this person was Ying Zheng?

That's because there is only the middle Yingzheng Kowloon Bodyguard!

That's right, at this time Ying Zheng was surrounded by nine real dragons. The power of each real dragon is comparable to the five-clawed golden dragon hovering over the Great Zhou Palace!

Nine Dragon Bodyguard, Ying Zheng's power at this time is stronger than Ji Fa on the high platform!

Cheng Mu also recognized the man on Yingzheng's left.

Isn't that sharp and martial aura the same as Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Great Han Empire?

Although Liu Che is not as aggressive as Ying Zheng, no matter how restrained he is, he can't hide his true dragon spirit.

Qianlong is in the abyss!

The man on Yingzheng's right must be Sui Wendi Yang Jian.

Compared to Ying Zheng and Liu Che, Yang Jian's aura was much weaker. Of course, he is not really weak, but hides all the edges.

It's just that the light flashed in Yang Jian's eyes, and Cheng Mu knew it was a tiger pretending to be sleeping. If anyone dares to let down their vigilance against a sleeping tiger, they will definitely be eaten up!

"Emperor Yingzheng of the Great Qin Empire! I have seen Emperor Zhou!"

"Liu Che, the lord of our Great Han Empire, see Emperor Zhou!"

"Da Sui Yang Jian, pay homage to the Immortal Emperor!"

After the three of them entered the hall, they ignored the astonishment and comments of the people around them, and paid their respects to Ji Fa first.

It's just that even though the three of them came together, their attitudes were completely different.

Ying Zheng is still domineering, on par with Ji Fa!

Although Liu Che's aura was not as sharp as Ying Zheng's, he only leaned slightly towards Ji Fa.

It was Yang Jian, who called Ji Fa the Immortal Emperor. The attitude he showed was the lowest!

Bending down and kneeling on the ground, this is also his greatest intention!


Looking at Ying Zheng and Liu Che who were standing below, and Yang Jian who was kneeling on the ground. At this moment, Ji Fa felt very lucky!

Fortunately, the three of them were not allowed to walk on the street again.

Otherwise, when facing Ying Zheng and Liu Che, the people of Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom would probably all kneel down!

If that was the case, Ji Fa would lose all face.

However, looking at Ying Zheng and Liu Che, who were domineering and neither humble nor overbearing, Ji Fa's face turned cold again.

What do these two people mean? Could it be that he still wants to learn from that Cheng Mu, who is as crazy as Cheng Mu?

Even, this Emperor Qin Yingzheng looked much more rampant than Cheng Mu.

They have all entered the Great Zhou Immortal Palace, and there are still nine real dragons wrapped around their bodies. how? Are you Yingzheng showing off your wealth?


However, for the sake of the overall situation, Ji Fa temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart.

He ordered someone to bring a stool: "Give me a seat!"

If he didn't want to grab more benefits from the earth and star countries, he would really turn his face at this time!

"Thank you Emperor Zhou!" x3

"Thank you Immortal Emperor!"

Qin Shihuang and Cheng Mu thanked Ji Fa for the seat.

The four of them are emperors, so they are eligible to be seated.

As for the dozen or so virtuous officials behind Cheng Mu, Ji Fa was not so kind!

All the courtiers under his command have to stand in the hall, how can the courtiers of Tianqi Mortal Kingdom be qualified to sit there?


Seeing that his main goals had arrived, Ji Fa did not hide anything this time.

"The demons are brutal, and the defense line outside the territory is already in jeopardy!"

"I will lead the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom to come in person, and I will protect you and wait for a year!"

He is the immortal from the upper realm that the Empress mentioned. It is true that the status of the lord of the fairy kingdom is more noble than that of ordinary immortals.

"Thank you Immortal Emperor! Thank you Immortal Emperor!"

Ying Zheng, Liu Che, and Cheng Mu did not express their views, but at this moment Yang Jian fell to his knees again, kowtowing to thank him.

Although his Great Sui Empire was not weak, it was not comparable to Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire, Great Qin and Great Han.

So in front of Ji Fa, his posture was extremely low!

"Hehe, get up!"

Ji Fa was very satisfied. He looked at Yang Jian with admiration, this mortal is very good!

He just likes such a smart and straightforward person!

Cheng Mu, Yingzheng and Liu Che did not speak.

Cheng Mu knew the news that the demons were coming, so he was very calm.

At this time, he saw Yang Jian kneeling and kowtowing, as if he was watching a drama.

Is Yang Jian really willing to submit to Ji Fa so willingly? At present, Cheng Mu is still skeptical.

Ying Zheng and Liu Che both looked serious.

It is not good news that the extraterrestrial demons are coming early.

After this period of fighting, although they eliminated the monsters in the country.

But the huge number and powerful strength of the monsters made them feel the crisis.

If the monsters come a few more times, their country will collapse without attack!

"Immortal Emperor!"

But at this moment, Yang Jian spoke again.

He asked: "You just said that you have protected Earth Star for one year, what about after that year?"

"If there are still demons descending in a year, what should we do?"

Since Ji Fa didn't say the words "birth and death depend on heaven", this question still needs someone to ask.

Since Cheng Mu and the others did not speak or express their opinions, Yang Jian became the best microphone.

"Good question!"

The key question finally came. Ji Fa sat up straight and said persuasively: "In order to protect the safety of the earth and stars, I propose that all countries form an alliance."

"At that time, the power of the entire earth and stars will be gathered together, and we will be able to drive the demons back to the outside world!"

"If those small foreign countries are unwilling to form an alliance, then I can help you conquer them!"

Gather all the power of the earth and stars together, and then be subject to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom. This strategy was determined by Jiang Ziya before his arrival.

And the best way for Dazhou to limit the power of the Earth and Star nations is to become the leader of the Earth and Star Alliance!

At that time, the Immortal Kingdom will rely on the power of the entire earth and stars, and it will definitely be promoted to a higher level of Immortal Kingdom in one fell swoop!


Faced with Ji Fa's proposal, Yang Jian agreed without hesitation.

At this time, he turned his head and said to Cheng Mu and others: "The Immortal Emperor's proposal is excellent, don't hesitate, the three of you!"

His belief in Yang Jian is: at present, his own Great Sui Empire is not strong enough. Then as long as you can hug the big brother's thigh, then hug the thigh first. When the Great Sui Empire becomes completely stronger, it will be able to embrace even stronger thighs!

The development of a country does not necessarily require fighting and killing, but you can also hug your thighs!


Cheng Mu sneered: "Allied with you?"

He glanced at Yang Jian, and he seemed to have some grudges against him.

I heard that he was the one who bullied his little brother Song Diguo!

"I, Daqin, don't need an alliance!"

At this time, Ying Zheng also spoke.

Ying Zheng in this life is in his forties, with a round face, a medium build, a pair of sword eyebrows, and he is not angry and arrogant. Against the backdrop of the black dragon robe, he looks mysterious and powerful!

"Big man, you still need to think about it!"

Liu Che didn't agree immediately either. It's not that he doesn't want an alliance, but he has concerns.

For more than a year, he has been collecting information about the Apocalypse Empire.

The more he learned about Cheng Mu and the Tianqi Empire, the more horrified he became.

Develop with the Apocalypse Empire Alliance?

He was worried that if his big man didn't use Cheng Mu to mobilize troops, he would be annexed by the Apocalypse Empire!

Ever since the people of Mingzhou Province became loyal to the Tianqi Empire, he knew that Cheng Mu must have the means to win people's hearts!

"Hehe! Hehe!"

Hearing Ying Zheng and Liu Che's answer, Ji Fa suddenly sneered.

He didn't even need to ask Cheng Mu's attitude, then Cheng Mu would definitely refuse.

He originally wanted to persuade Ying Zheng, Liu Che, Yang Jian, and Zhao Kuangyi. As long as these four people are willing to form an alliance, then Cheng Mu has to agree if he doesn't agree.

But now, what's the use of only Yang Jian agreeing?

"Your Majesties!"

Seeing the emperor who was about to get angry again, Jiang Ziya stood up again at this time.

He seemed to make everyone have no choice: "Although I, Da Zhou, can protect you for a year, Da Zhou can also become your enemy after one year!"

If the soft ones are not good, then he will come to the hard ones.

Anyway, what Jiang Ziya said is here, if he doesn't make an alliance, don't blame him for being cruel after that year!

He is Jiang Ziya from Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, not Jiang Ziya from Earth!

Between countries, there are only interests. And the weak can only be reduced to fish in the mouth of the strong!

The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle!

"Hehe! Haha! Hahaha!"

Ying Zheng smiled.

This Jiang Ziya was the first person to threaten him.

"The widows can see that you are not really trying to protect the planet when you come here."

"Since this is the then please go back!"

The planet Earth is already in jeopardy. At this time, the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom will squeeze some more time, so is there any possibility for them to develop?

It's even a luxury for everyone to live!

"I agree too!"

Cheng Mu also nodded at this time.

"Why do the stars need your protection?"

"Everyone, please come back in a year!"


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