"You! Presumptuous!"

On the high platform, Ji sent an angry reprimand.

in an instant.

Outside the palace, thunder and lightning flashed.


Click! Click!

The Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, which was originally peaceful and peaceful, suddenly became turbulent, the sun was dark, the wind was rumbling, and the sky was thundering.

Boundless coercion came towards Cheng Mu and others, the evil dragon and fire phoenix began to roar, and all the officials in the hall drew their swords one after another.

Cheng Mu is now standing in the palace of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, and their Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is the master.

But now, Cheng Mu, a guest, dares to overwhelm the host?

anger! Boundless anger surged into everyone's hearts!


Seeing that Zhao She and others dared to draw their swords, Li Cunxiao and others behind Cheng Mu also drew their weapons.

Bang bang bang bang.

There was the sound of weapons being unsheathed.

Not only Li Cunxiao, Guan Hai, Zhao Yun and others, but even Wang Jian Mengtian, who was behind Ying Zheng, also stood up.

The murderous aura and the aura of metal and iron began to permeate, and the entire hall was on edge!



But at the same time, two cold humming sounds sounded.

In the next second, hum!

Two huge auras burst out from the bodies of Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng. Under the powerful emperor's prestige, the entire hall became crumbling and turbulent.

The majestic aura of the emperor collided with each other, and the huge wind shattered all the murderous aura of gold and iron in the hall. The ministers who were at war just now could only support themselves.

"Too strong! Too strong!"

Although Liu Che didn't want to intervene, but the powerful Emperor Wei made him have to block it.

Rumble! Rumble!

At the moment when his emperor was afraid, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

If the palace was said to be crumbling just now, it has already begun to fall.

The real dragon and fire phoenix wailed, being bruised and bruised by the huge imperial power.


At the critical juncture, Jiang Ziya sighed softly.

In an instant, the entire hall returned to calm.

Cheng Mu only felt a mysterious force lingering around him, dissolving his imperial might into a cool breeze.

After the breeze blew past, his mind became much more stable.



Nine real dragons roared behind Ying Zheng. But seeing Jiang Ziya intervene, Ying Zheng withdrew his power.

It's not that Jiang Ziya has a big face, but that Jiang Ziya is the most powerful person in the palace!

"His Majesty!"

"Lords of all kingdoms!"

After all the dust settled, Jiang Ziya looked at Ji Fa and then at Cheng Mu and said, "Your Majesty, please be at ease. I, Da Zhou, am not your enemy."

"My Majesty came here with the request of the Empress, the purpose is to protect the Earth Star! Protect you!"

Although he has selfish intentions, even though Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom has selfish intentions.

But in the final analysis, the beneficiaries are the earth and star countries and the people of the earth and stars.

With the guidance of his Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, the earth and star kingdoms can build themselves into the most powerful immortal kingdoms.

At that time, there will be many immortal kingdoms of earth and stars, and when the demons come, it is impossible for the earth and stars to exterminate the country!

He determined that Earth Star has always been the beneficiary.

"Hehe, protect us?"

Facing Jiang Ziya's words, Ying Zheng reprimanded, "What does it mean to live and die after one year?"

"Could it be possible that your Majesty Ji Fa will send troops to kill us if we are not attached to you?"

Why do you need to depend on other countries when you own the mighty Qin Empire?

Fairyland? What about fairyland?

He, Great Qin, will also become the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom in the future!

"Hmph! As the ruler of a country, don't you know the word [利]?"

Seeing that Ying Zheng was accusing herself, Ji said angrily, "If you don't belong to my Great Zhou, what right do you have to be protected by my Great Zhou?"

Just a group of mortals.

It is a blessing that they can only cultivate in a few lifetimes for their own Da Zhou to protect them. unwilling? Then it will be destroyed by the hands of the demons!


Facing Ji Fa's eloquent words, Cheng Mu sneered at this moment: "In this way, our Tianqi Empire will not ask for your protection."

"One year later, if you dare to covet my apocalypse, then I will fight with you to the end!"

Even at this time, Ji Fa still looked aloof. It is the honor of the earth and stars to believe that the earth and star countries have been subdued.

That being the case, there is no need for more words.


After the words fell, he turned around and led the ministers away.

Ji Fa's attitude is already obvious, then go back and prepare for the big battle in a year's time!


Seeing Cheng Mu not giving her face so much, Ji was furious.

He threatened viciously: "Okay, in one year my Great Zhou Immortal Soldiers will crush your Apocalypse Empire!"

A mere mortal kingdom actually disobeyed the gift of the fairy kingdom?

Unforgivable sin!

Unforgivable sin!

"My Great Qin is also waiting for the immortal soldiers of the Zhou Kingdom!"

The indomitable Cheng Mu also made Yingzheng feel ambitious.

After uttering a harsh word, he also left with Cheng Mu.

Such a fairyland, it doesn't matter if you don't worship it!

"Liu Che, the lord of the Han Dynasty, farewell!"

Seeing Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng leave, how could Liu Che sit still?

After he cupped his fists at Ji Fa, he also left in a hurry.

The attitude of Ying Zheng and Cheng Mu made him feel bad, so he had to go back quickly.

One year later, whether it is the hegemony of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, or the rise of the Apocalypse Empire and the Great Qin Empire?

In this way, it is not good news for his Han Empire.


Yang Jian was in a dilemma at this time.

On the side of the earth and stars? He was worried that he would be wiped out by Ji Fa in a year.

Now it belongs to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom? Then he estimated that he would be wiped out by the Apocalypse Empire or the Great Qin Empire when he went back this time.


"A group of ants who don't know how to live or die!"

At this time, Ji Fa's cursing voice came, which made Yang Jian even more panicked.

"The Immortal Emperor calms down, the Immortal Emperor calms down!"

With a plop, he fell to his knees again, begging in horror.

He doesn't want to die.

My own Great Sui has not yet been promoted to the Great Sui Immortal Kingdom. If Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng were implicated in this matter, he would really want to cry without tears!

It was also at this time that he figured it out.

Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng didn't hug Ji Fa's thigh, so Yang Jian hugged him!

Only in this way can Ji Fa understand his loyalty.

At that time, the Great Sui Empire will climb the road of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, and won't it be a matter of course to be promoted to the Immortal Kingdom?


Ji Fa glanced at Yang Jian below.

Yang Jian's loyalty can be regarded as a comfort to him. At least, not everyone rejected his offer.

After the rage, an eager sense of revenge rose in his heart.

Let's start with the Great Sui Empire, he wants to make Cheng Mu, Ying Zheng and others regret their recklessness today!

"Come on!"

He ordered: "Reward the Great Sui Empire with immortal rice, ten thousand stones, a hundred immortal jade, ten immortal trees, and ten pairs of immortal birds!"

"Every month, thousands of talents can be sent to study in our Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!"

As long as Yang Jian is loyal and loyal, he doesn't mind turning Great Sui into the first fairyland in the true sense of Earth and Star.

When the time comes, Cheng Mu, Ying Zheng and others will definitely regret their mistakes and cry bitterly!

"Thank you Immortal Emperor! Thank you Immortal Emperor!"

Yang Jian knew he had made the right bet. This Ji Fa did not disappoint him.

Immortal rice, immortal jade, immortal tree, immortal bird.

Thousands of talents are sent to study in Xianguo every month.....

In an instant, he seemed to see the prosperity of his Great Sui Empire promoted to the Great Sui Immortal Kingdom!

As long as the Sui Dynasty is strong, the people will be happy. If the emperor himself sacrificed a little bit of dignity, what would that matter?

"and also!"

Seeing the excited Yang Jian, Ji Fa was very satisfied.

He nodded and said, "I will send a thousand immortal soldiers and several immortal generals to station in your country. As long as you are loyal, then I can promise you that I will build a great Sui immortal army for you within a year!"

He Jifa is generous to his loyal followers.

He just wanted to let Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng take a look, let the people on Earth and Star take a look: 'Look, this is the benefit of being under the command of my Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom! '

In fact, even at this time, he still couldn't understand what Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng did.

Wouldn't it be good to be attached to your own Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom?

With the support of their own fairyland, no matter it is the Tianqi Empire or the Great Qin Empire, they will definitely be able to step into the realm of the fairyland in the future.

Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng refused such a shortcut.


Thinking of this, he cursed again!

Only a stupid person can do such a stupid thing!


"Emperor Qi!"

Outside of the Immortal Kingdom, Cheng Mu hadn't flown far when there was a shout from behind.


He turned around curiously, and found several figures approaching rapidly.

It was Ying Zheng and the soldiers under his command.

"Emperor Qi, wait a moment!"

After Yingzheng approached, he looked at Cheng Mu with great admiration and said, "Emperor Qi is indeed a talented man, a heroic boy!"

He originally thought that Cheng Mu would succumb to Ji Fa's imperial prestige. But he found that this Cheng Mu was more determined than his attitude.

If it was in the past, he might think that it was young and vigorous, and Cheng Mu, a young man, did things without thinking and without thinking about the consequences.

But now that he knows the strength of the Tianqi Empire, he knows that Cheng Mu has the capital to say no to Ji Fa!

In the hands of Cheng Mu, a small and weak country could grow and develop into one of the best super empires on Earth.

This Cheng Mu should be a peerless talent! The emperor of all ages!

Even if he wins Zhengxiong, is a great talent, and is an emperor through the ages, he still has to take a high look at Cheng Mu at this time!

"Qin...Emperor Qin?"

Cheng Mu looked puzzled, and he almost called out the words Qin Shihuang.

(Qin Shihuang is what later generations call him, and it is Yingzheng's posthumous title. So for Yingzheng, he didn't know that he was called Qin Shihuang.)

"Okay, Emperor Qi will go back and make preparations. When the time comes, my Great Qin will fight Ru Tianqi!"

Ying Zheng looked at him very satisfied, then nodded and turned to leave.

From the beginning to the end, Cheng Mu only said two words.


Seeing Ying Zheng who came and left in a hurry, Cheng Mu was confused.

What's the meaning? Is this Ying Zheng here to compliment him?

can't you?

The Ying Zheng in his mind is not so clichéd.

"Your Majesty, he has just mentioned the purpose of this Emperor Qin's visit."

At this time, Zhuge Liang on the side reminded him aloud.


Under Zhuge Liang's reminder ~www.readwn.com~ Cheng Mu suddenly realized: "He prepared me well? Want to fight my Apocalypse Empire?"

"Is this? Could it be that Ying Zheng is about to make a move?"

You must know that now your own Tianqi Empire and the Great Qin Empire are directly separated by the Great Han Empire.

If you want to fight, don't you have to kill Liu Che first?

"Could it be that Ying Zheng is going to attack Liu Che?"

Amidst the confusion, a strong sense of crisis surged into Cheng Mu's heart: "No, no, no, Liu Che is mine!"

He has already reserved the Great Han Empire, and no one can **** it!

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