The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 872: The First Battle of the Han Navy


Han Empire, Nanhai County.

Zheng Zhilong originally wanted to lead his army to continue northward, enter the Yangtze River from Guangling County, and go straight to the capital of the Han Dynasty.

But just after Jiaozhi, he met the naval fleet of the Han Empire.

Yang Pu, a famous general in the Han Dynasty.

He moved eastward to Hangu Pass, pacified South Vietnam, and conquered North Korea.

He has made outstanding military exploits all his life, and he is also the admiral of the Han Empire today.

He is here and has been waiting for Zheng Zhilong for a long time!

"This general once heard that the navy of the Apocalypse Empire is invincible, but seeing it now, it's nothing more than that!"

On the seven-story building boat, Yang Pu saw the menacing shark fleet but felt contemptuous.

That's it?

In the eyes of other countries, the Tianlong battleship driven by Zheng Zhilong's fierce shark fleet is like a giant sea monster, extremely huge.

But the [Big Wing Battleship] that Yang Pu is driving at this time is not weaker than the Tianlong Battleship at all.

With the ships of the same size, how could his servant Yang be afraid?

"General, this fleet is alone."

At this time, a sentry came to report and brought another good news to Yang Pu.

After the fierce shark fleet, within a day's journey, there was no reinforcement from the Apocalypse Empire!

"Ha ha."

After hearing the whistleblower's report, Yang Pu smiled lightly: "In this case, let them see the strength of my Han navy!"

At that time in history, the navy of the Han Empire was indeed the number one in the world.

In order to destroy South Vietnam in the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu launched a navy of nearly 40,000 people into Guangzhou Bay. When Fujian and Yue were destroyed, a navy of nearly 20,000 people was also launched. To destroy North Korea, Yang Pu led nearly 30,000 Shandong navy into the Yalu River......

Generally speaking, in terms of naval warfare, Yang Pu has never failed in his life!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

After Yang Pu gave an order, the continuous sound of drumming resounded across the sea.

Under the command of the standard-bearer, the million-dollar Han navy began to spread out.

At the same time, in order to prevent Zheng Zhilong from escaping, a million-dollar naval fleet also appeared behind.

In order to resist the navy of the Apocalypse Empire, Yang Pu had already set up a net here.

Now, although he feels that Zheng Zhilong's fish is not big enough, it's still big enough to fit between his teeth!

"Hehe, I don't know how to live or die!"

Zheng Zhilong stood on the bow of the ship.

Facing the front and back attacks of the Han navy, his face did not change color.

Indeed, the fierce shark army he led used the Tianlong battleship eliminated by the Apocalypse Empire.

But in Zheng Zhilong's heart, the Tianlong battleship is invincible. He has never piloted such a powerful warship!

Today, he was able to drive the Tianlong battleship to defend against the enemy, and he believed that he was already invincible.

At least, Zheng Zhilong was invincible when facing the Han Empire's naval fleet!

"Blast them!"

With Zheng Zhilong's order, thousands of cannons on the Tianlong battleship began to roar.

Before the catapult on the Dahanlou boat started to show its power, huge shells rained down like raindrops.


Click! Click! Click!

Under the giant cannon, one after another big Hanlou boats were smashed to pieces.

In just one wave of attacks, nearly 10,000 Han sailors were killed on the battlefield.

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

The cannons of the fierce shark fleet made Yang Pu's face change suddenly.

He observed the distance between the two sides. Several kilometers of sea area, his catapult can barely attack the enemy.

But he didn't expect that in the first wave, he lost tens of thousands of soldiers without any precautions.

revenge! He wants revenge!


The huge winch pulled the catapult to start turning, and boulders were loaded up one after another.

Facing the fierce artillery attack of the fierce shark fleet, the Dahan Navy began to counterattack.


The boulder fell.

Stones larger than a human head rushed towards the fierce shark fleet densely.

However, just as many stones flew into the air, they were shattered by shells all over the sky.

The shattered stones were like the sharp blades of a rainstorm, and they shot through many big Han building boats.

The sailors of the Han Empire on the tall ship also fell to the ground in this wave of attack!

Although the Tianlong battleship of the fierce shark fleet was also attacked.

But when the powerful stone hit the surface of the ship, it was immediately bounced away.

The stones that could have pierced through the wooden boards could not achieve any results in front of the Tianlong battleship.

If you want to penetrate fine iron with a stone, the stones of the Han Empire are not so sharp.

At the same time, the remaining boulders finally fell down.

Although a few soldiers of the Shark Army on the Tianlong battleship were crushed to death, most of the soldiers held sharp knives and chopped the menacing boulder into pieces with one blow.

A boulder fell on the Tianlong battleship, but it only left a small dent on the fine iron surface of the battleship.

The gap, this is the gap!

Although the Dahan's building boat has a size comparable to that of a Tianlong battleship.

But in terms of sturdiness, sailing speed, and attack strength, Dahan's building ships are more than ten times worse than Tianlong warships!

"Crush! Kill!"

On the flagship, looking at the boulders and shells flying in the sky, Zheng Zhilong gave the order to attack.

During the roar of the Tianlong battleship, hundreds of Dahanlou ships have been destroyed.

At this moment, he was worried about whether Yang Pu would turn around and run away!

"Impossible! Impossible!"

How could servant Yang run away?

He was just a little crazy, a little unbelievable.

He is full of hope and has absolute confidence in his fleet. But why now, his big Han building boat is so fragile in front of the fierce shark fleet?

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command have died in battle.

But under Zheng Zhilong's command, only a few hundred shark soldiers died under the boulder.

Seeing the Tianlong battleship getting closer, he, a general, couldn't help but get violent.


While waving the long sword, the huge power split the waves and rushed towards the fierce shark fleet.

Since the soldiers under his command are not strong enough, then he, the most powerful man, is going to change the situation of the battle!


But at this moment Zheng Zhilong snorted coldly.


While roaring, he punched out.


A huge dragon cry sounded.

A cyan dragon glowing with lightning roared to the battlefield. When the dragon roared, Yang Pu's sword energy was instantly shattered!


Immediately afterwards, the thunder dragon rushed towards Yang servant without any loss of power.

The powerful power carried by the giant dragon sent him flying!

Countless big Han boats on the sea were shattered, and after the thunder raged, hundreds of thousands of big Han sailors turned into charred corpses.

"Block them! Block them!"

Yang Pu's flying body shattered a building boat. UU reading

He crawled out of the hole in the wood, roaring sharply.

Although the enemy is strong, he has a numerical advantage!


When the huge horn sounded, another fleet of big Han appeared on the sea level.

Liu Che not only ambushed two million navy here.

The newly-appeared fleet, this is Yang Pu's backhand left in advance!

"Hehe, is there a lot of people?"

Seeing the densely packed enemy troops around, Zheng Zhilong's face was full of contempt.

If it is useful to have more people, then what are the princely and super god-level arms?

"This general will make you despair!"

The cold words spread throughout the battlefield, and the soldiers of the Shark Army, who were like killing gods, chose to fight on board!

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