
The huge Tianlong battleship collided with the Dahanlou ship.

In an instant, the mighty sound shook the sky, and the earth shook.

The big Han building ships turned into powder residues during the impact, and the big Han soldiers were turned into powder and meat paste under the crushing of the Tianlong battleship!

In front of the Tianlong battleship, which is as strong as gold and iron, the Dahanlou ship is like paper.

massacre! This is a one-sided massacre!

Yang Pu really wanted to stand up and show the might of the Han Empire.

But facing the pressing Zheng Zhilong, his face was solemn.

Too strong, this man is too strong!

As soon as Zheng Zhi's power in the Heavenly Wonderland of the Dragon God's Terrace came out, an incomparable despair arose in his heart.

"Is this the strongest naval commander in the Apocalypse Empire?"

The huge Thunder Dragon struck again, his face showing bitterness. Is there such a big gap between the strongest naval general of the big man and the strongest naval general of the Apocalypse Empire?

No, he doesn't agree!

Under the desperation, the roar resounded through the sky: "The soul of the great man!"

While roaring, a huge blood-colored army soul appeared on the battlefield.

This is a giant dragon.

As the **** giant roared, it swallowed Zheng Zhilong's Thunder Dragon in one gulp.

But in the next second, boom!

A huge explosion sounded.

The thunder dragon exploded, and the blood-colored dragon also turned into pieces at this moment.

What kind of waves can be caused by a mere blood-colored dragon in the Shenmen Realm?

"Fight! Fight!"

Feeling that the soldiers under his command were rapidly disintegrating, Yang servant's eyes turned red.

Blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and he looked like a madman.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

There were continuous crashes.

Under Yang Pu's roar, the other two big Han water troops finally approached.

They also wanted to smash the Tianlong battleship into pieces.

But in the next second, a scene that horrified them appeared!

These Tianlong warships, which were harder than gold and iron, made them self-destruct one after another as if they had crashed into a mountain.

Hundreds of thousands of warships crowded together, and the shouts of killing continued.

A steady stream of big Han soldiers rushed from all directions, at this time they finally posed some threats to the soldiers of the Shark Army.

They only have first-class peak-level strength, and there are not many top-level soldiers.

Zheng Zhilong originally wanted to use this battle to train troops.

But at this time, the strength of the densely packed Han sailors around them are all second-rate princes.

in a crowded battlefield.

Under the influence of Yang Pu's madness to go to death, the remaining two million Han navy is brave and fearless.

At the same time, two huge blood-colored dragons reappeared on the battlefield.

Under Zheng Zhilong's gaze, the **** dragon merged.

In order to resist Zheng Zhilong, Yang Pu fused two blood-colored giant dragons in the Shenmen Realm into a blood-colored true dragon.

When the aura of the initial state of the altar emanated from the blood-colored true dragon, Yang Puhe finally stabilized his mind.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

With the blessing of the **** real dragon, the strength of the Han navy has reached the first-class super **** level.

The battle situation began to become uncertain at this moment.

"Hehe, I really took out all my wealth!"

Zheng Zhilong stood in mid-air unhurriedly, the two thunder dragons he just shot just made him a little bit angry and bloody.

Now that he has rested for so long, he is once again in control of the entire battle situation.

"Big deal, everyone will die together!"

Yang servant looked at him and roared angrily.

Although he can't beat Zheng Zhilong, but with the Bloody True Dragon, he is confident that Zheng Zhilong will die here.

"As long as you solve your threat, my big Han infantry will be invincible!"

Between the words, he felt a little bit of relief again.

The purpose of his coming here is to prevent the navy of the Apocalypse Empire from harassing the country.

The main force fighting against the Apocalypse Empire is still the infantry on land.

To put it simply, his servant Yang's mission is to solve the navy of the Apocalypse Empire. Even if they all die together, he will not hesitate!

"Hehe, invincible?"

Seeing Yang Pu who was still immersed in his own world, Zheng Zhilong sneered.

Although he is a navy general, he also knows that the infantry of the Apocalypse Empire is invincible.

No matter whether it is to destroy the Qing Empire, the Ming Dynasty, or the Tang Dynasty, the land infantry of the Apocalypse Empire has never lost a single defeat against the infantry of other countries!

How dare such a mere Han Empire be called invincible in front of the Apocalypse Empire?


Seeing Zheng Zhilong, who was so condescending and contemptuous of him, Yang Pu was angry and angry.

At any rate, he is also the navy of a country.

Even if your strength is not as good as yours, Zheng Zhilong, it's impossible to be so underestimated, right?

"To die together!"

In a rage, he took the initiative to attack Zheng Zhilong with his sword.

At the same time, the huge blood-colored true dragon also roared, and the huge dragon tail swept towards it!

"Oh! A group of ants!"

Seeing the murderous Yang servant and the **** real dragon, the expression on Zheng Zhilong's face finally turned cold.


With one punch from him, the mountain-like dragon tail was thrown flying by him.

The huge power generated by the collision between the giant fist and the dragon's tail instantly sent Yang Pu flying.

This is a battle between the powerhouses of the Heavenly Immortal Realm of the Shentai, how could Yang Servant from the Fairyland of the Shenmen Gate be able to intervene?

At the same time, in order to prevent the battle power from spreading to the soldiers of the Shark Army under his command, Zheng Zhilong finally inspired the spirit of the Shark Army.


A voice as cold as Jiuyou came to Yang Pu's heart.

In his frightened eyes, a terrifying and ferocious blood-colored giant shark appeared on the battlefield.

This is a blood-colored evil shark from the Heavenly Wonderland on the altar, and just one look makes the blood-colored true dragon feel like an enemy.

But what frightened Yang Pu was not the strength of the **** evil shark, but the strength of the soldiers of the fierce shark army on the battlefield.

With the blessing of the **** evil shark, the soldiers of the fierce shark army advanced one after another.

Their original strength had already reached the first-class peak state, and now they have raised their strength to the top-level state.

Among them, many soldiers in the top realm have already reached the threshold of the peerless realm.

In other words, the appearance of the blood-colored evil shark brought tens of thousands of elementary-level troops who killed the gods to the fierce shark army.

Originally, the Han sailors shortened the strength gap with the Shark Army and achieved certain results.

But now, after the appearance of the **** evil shark, this gap in strength has become wider and wider!

"Ahhh! I'm not reconciled!"

Yang Pu roared with all his strength Seeing the soldiers under his command die by the sword of the fierce shark army, his heart was bleeding.

How could this be? How can this be?

You know, he came with the determination to die. It wasn't his momentary thought to die together!

Gathered here are the three most powerful fleets of the Han Empire.

In order to resist the Apocalypse Empire, Yang Pu took out all the naval assets of the Han Empire.

As long as he can fight Zheng Zhilong's fierce shark fleet to death, he believes that he deserves to die.

But he didn't want to, when he saw the last glimmer of hope, now it turned into deep despair.

Now hundreds of thousands of giant ships are all crowded together, and three or four million naval soldiers are fighting together.

His servant Yang wanted to withdraw his troops, but that was already impossible.

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