The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 875: Ying coup move


Yang Pu spewed out his last mouthful of blood, dying with regret.

His eyes were wide open, and he stretched out his hand, struggling to grab Zheng Zhilong and ask him for clarification.

In his heart, Zheng Zhilong, who was already in the early days of Shentai Tianxian, was the most powerful naval commander in the Tianqi Empire.

But Zheng Zhilong's last words really made him want to die!

Is the Apocalypse Empire really that powerful?

"Hehe, kill them all!"

Seeing Yang Pu's body sinking into the sea little by little, Zheng Zhilong turned around coldly.

By this time the fire at sea had been extinguished.

At that time, continue the unfinished battle!

"Kill! Kill! Kill them!"

"Revenge for my brother! Give me the power of a fierce shark!"

"Shark Army, kill the enemy!"

Under Zheng Zhilong's order, the remaining hundreds of thousands of Shark Army soldiers regained their morale and bravely killed the enemy.

With Yang Pu's death, the huge blood-colored real dragon in mid-air was also bitten to pieces by the evil shark.

The strong power of the military soul scattered and fled, but was quickly swallowed by the **** evil shark.

Under the nourishment of the soul power of the big Han sailor, the **** evil shark began to advance. On its originally ferocious head suddenly appeared a scarlet head armor cast by the power of the military soul.

In the scarlet blood-colored armor, what flows seems to be real blood!


The **** evil shark roared, and the strength of the soldiers of the fierce shark army advanced again!

Under the feeding back of the military soul, the basic strength of the soldiers of the Shark Army has officially reached the top level.

In other words, even if the **** evil shark hides its figure, the soldiers of the fierce shark army will lose the blessing of the power of the army soul.

But they are still the pinnacle of the super **** level, an army of top-level strength!

If they are blessed by the power of the army soul again later, they may have to half-step into the peerless realm, the first stage of killing gods!

"Ahhh! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Surrender, we surrender!"

"My lord, spare my life! Spare me!"

"Run! Run!"

Facing the butcher's knives of the fierce shark army officers and soldiers, the Han navy who had lost the power of the army soul collapsed instantly.

Some people knelt and surrendered, some wailed, and some jumped into the sea to win a chance.

But none of them seemed to know one thing.

The predecessor of Zheng Zhilong's Shark Army was the Shark Pirates.

Since they are pirates, they are a group of ruthless people!

Even if these people have lost their resistance, even if they have dropped their weapons and surrendered.

In the absence of Zheng Zhilong's order to recruit prisoners, there is only one ending for these people, and that is death!

"Killing one person is a crime, killing ten thousand people is a hero, and killing a million people is a hero among heroes!"

Looking at the wailing and weeping Han navy, Zheng Zhilong's face was frosty, and his heart was like a stone.

He never needed a prisoner! Only the head of the enemy can show Zheng Zhilong's prestige!

Those who dare to fight against his fierce shark army will have to die in the end!


Soon, news of the first battle between Zheng Zhilong and the Han Empire Navy reached Cheng Mu.

Seeing Zheng Zhilong's achievements, Cheng Mu was extremely satisfied.

Outside Nanhai County, Zheng Zhilong led the fierce shark army to fight against the three million elite navy of Yang Pu of the Han Empire.

After a day and night of fighting, Dahan's three million navy was wiped out.

His general, Yang Pu, even sank to the bottom of the sea.

Of course, the specific battle time is not so long, one day and one night is just the time consumed by the soldiers of the Shark Army chasing and killing the enemy.

The real battle time is only two or three hours!

It only took two or three hours to wipe out the last naval power of the Han Empire, how could Cheng Mu be dissatisfied?

Sun Quan is gone, Yang Pu is dead, what power does Liu Che have now to stop the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire from advancing?

Soon, Liu Che will experience the pain of losing the coastal defense.

"Order, tell Zheng Zhilong not to be greedy for merit!"

After receiving the good news, Cheng Mu immediately issued an order.

The death of Yang Pu will definitely make Liu Che fly into a rage.

Now two or three hundred thousand soldiers of the Shark Army have died in battle. If they encounter revenge from the Han Empire, it may be difficult to resist.

So according to Cheng Mu's intention, Zheng Zhilong should take a rest for a few days and wait for Zheng Chenggong's mad shark army to arrive.

And it's not just Zheng Chenggong's mad shark army.

After there were no enemies in the southern waters of the Apocalypse Empire, Cheng Mu was determined to let Zhang Shun lead the Tianlong Army to the north.

At the same time, the new Kyushu Fleet (Shenyu Army), the East China Sea Fleet newly formed by Guan Tianpei, and the South China Sea Fleet newly formed by Shen Baozhen, these three fleets also went north.

This time, Cheng Mu is going to blast the coastal cities of the Great Han Empire to pieces!

After feeling the mighty power of Jingu's True Wonderland, he didn't worry at all about the wounds the war had brought to the earth.

As long as he succeeds in conquering the Han Empire, that powerful force of national destiny can heal all the scars on the earth!


There are guards taking orders.

But soon, another message came from the hidden dragon envoy.

"Report to Your Majesty, the Qin army has gone south to advance!"

After Ying Zheng returned home, Qin's army finally showed their sharp fangs.

It's just that the target of Ying Zheng's attack seems to be wrong, right?


Hearing the news, Cheng Mu was shocked.

What's the meaning? The Qin army first captured the chaotic Dajin?

"Your Majesty, it is not only Zhang Han's Lishan Army that is attacking the Great Jin this time, but also Meng Tian's Great Wall Army and Wang Jian's Qin Zhirui Army."

"These three armies are pushing down from the three roads to the south. It seems that they are going to flatten Dajin in one wave!"

The guard quickly reported.

Although he is only a small guard, he understands many truths.

If the Qin and Han Dynasties did not go to war, how could their Apocalypse Empire reap the benefits?

"It's really... considered a miss!"

Cheng Mu sighed.

He thought that after the first battle between Qin and Han, it had turned into an endless situation. The goal of Yingzheng will definitely be the Han Empire.

He also wanted to beat up Liu Che with Ying Zheng.

But now it seems that Yingzheng gave up the fierce tiger Han Empire beside him, and turned around to collect the weak Dajin first.

Although this move surprised Cheng Mu, but when he thought about it carefully, it was reasonable.

As long as the Great Jin can be annexed, the strength of the Great Qin Empire will usher in a surge.

There are soft persimmons that don't pinch and turn hard?

Although Ying Zheng is domineering, he is not that stupid.

The coming of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom put pressure on him, and the strength of the Apocalypse Empire also put pressure on him.

That being the case, why should he win the government and chase after the end?

"You, bring me all the current news about Dajin!"

Immediately, in order to better understand Da Jin, Cheng Mu ordered to send over the information about Da Jin during this period.

The national war has been going on for so long, but he actually didn't pay much attention to the news of Dajin.

First, he was busy fighting.

When the Qing Dynasty perishes, fight the Ming Dynasty. After defeating the Ming Dynasty, fight the Tang Dynasty. Now that the Great Tang has been conquered, the next target is the Great Han!

Cheng Mu wanted to take the lead in unifying the Chinese civilization before the arrival of the demons.

Therefore, he is very pressed for time.

As for the second thing, Da Jin's strength is too weak.

Lu Bu is a peerless general, Ran Min is also known as the King of Wu Mourning, and there is also Wang Mang, a traverser...

But even so, the strengths of these three parties are basically useless in front of an empire.

So for a long time, Cheng Mu didn't pay attention to Da Jin's news.

But now, since Ying Zheng is going to attack Da Jin, everything will be different.

Li Cunxiao is very fierce, Li Xuanba is very fierce, Xiang Yu is very fierce, in fact Lu Bu is also very fierce.

If Lu Bu can also be taken under his command, Cheng Mu will be able to gather together the four peerless generals!

At that time, maybe I can see Diao Chan, one of the four beauties......

Soon, a large number of 'books' appeared on Cheng Mu's dragon case.

Of course, this is not a book, but a paper densely packed with news about the Great Jin Dynasty.

Stacks and stacks of paper come together to form a book.


Afterwards, Cheng Mu's eyes glowed with gold.

At this time, his pupils were like rainbows, shining golden light, and the information on the dragon case turned pages rapidly.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

In just a few breaths, Cheng Mu went through all the information on the dragon case.

After stepping into the Immortal Realm of God Altar, he can completely see ten lines at a glance and never forget.

And what he used just now is the super advanced version of One Eye One Hundred Thousand, One Eye Ten Thousand Lines.

He only needs to spend a little power of national fortune, and he can read books with his spiritual sense.

Sometimes as long as you have enough strength, you can get twice the result with half the effort!

"I see."

After everything returned to calm, Cheng Mu was already familiar with Da Jin.

At present, there are three forces in the Great Jin Dynasty that are in a tripartite confrontation.

Wang Mang's new kingdom, Lu Bu's Jin kingdom, and Ran Min's barbarian kingdom.

Among them, Wang Mang's Xinguo is the strongest, with generals under his command, and the living standards of the people are the highest.

As expected of a man who had once been an emperor, he himself was also called a time traveler.

So in this life, Wang Mang wants to make up for the regrets of his previous life and achieve higher achievements.

Ranked second in strength is Lu Bu's Jin Kingdom.

After he forced Emperor Jin to abdicate, he ascended the throne and became the emperor of Jin.

Although this tiny version of Jin is inferior to Wang Mang in terms of people's livelihood, its emperor is Lu Bu!

With its strong military strength, the Little Jin State made Wang Mang very afraid.

As for Ran Min's Barbarian Kingdom, he had just escaped the control of Lu Bu's Xiaojin Kingdom not long ago.

In this life, Ran Min was the king of the barbarians, and he also had millions of barbarian soldiers under his command. Although he is the weakest, anyone who wants to annex him will have to pay a heavy price.

When none of the three could kill the other, the three-legged situation naturally appeared!

Of course, Cheng Mu knew that soon, this tripartite situation would be broken by the attack of the Great Qin Empire.

Xinguo, which is located in the northern border, bears the brunt.

If Wang Mang wanted to survive, he had to join forces with Lu Bu Ranming again.

"Always pay attention to the news of Dajin, and let me know all the strengths of their parties!"

In the end, Cheng Mu told Yinlong Envoy to keep an eye on the battle situation of Dajin.

At present, although Zhang Han, Wang Jian, and Meng Tian are strong.

But when they met Wang Mang, Lu Bu, and Ran Min, the three of them could not win easily.

Meng Tian's Great Wall Legion is indeed powerful, and it is estimated to be the peak super god-level army now.

But if they run into Gao Shun's camp under Lu Bu's command and the begging army of barbarian soldiers under Ran Min's command, then it's uncertain who will win and who will lose!

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