The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 876: Danger of the New Kingdom

Great Jin.

In history, after Jin Emperor Sima Yan took the throne, he divided the entire Jin Kingdom into nineteen prefectures.

The origin of the nineteen states is actually based on the thirteen states of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Since the fall of the Jin Empire, Wang Mang has occupied most of the nineteen prefectures, Qin, Yong, Liang, Ji, Bing, You, Liang, Qi...

To put it simply, the entire northwestern land of Dajin is the territory of Xinguo.

In the beginning, Wang Mang was full of ambition.

His new country is dominating the north, and whenever the time comes, he will send his troops south.

But as the Qin army entered, Wang Mang felt that the sky was falling!

Although he has Murong Ke, a peerless general under his command, what he has to face at this time is the horizontal push of the three armies of Zhang Han, Wang Jian, and Meng Tian.

In other words, the three armies of the Great Qin Empire are all within the territory of his new country.

The first person Yingzheng wants to destroy is Wang Mang!

"Quickly invite Lu Bu and Ran Min to send troops!"

In Luoyang City, inside the imperial palace, Wang Mang anxiously sent people to Jin and Ran Wei for help.

At the beginning, the three parties were in a state of cooperation, and everyone joined forces to block Zhang Han's attack.

So at this time, under the coercion of the three armies of the Great Qin Empire, the three parties need to join forces more closely!


A guard hurried down to pass the message.

But even so, Wang Mang's impatience could not be calmed down.

With a gloomy face, he ordered again: "Order General Murong to go north to Bingzhou to resist the Qin army!"

Although he is afraid, he is not someone who just sits and waits to die.

At this time, the central army that invaded Xinguo was the Great Wall Army led by Meng Tian.

Meng Tian is a famous general in the world, but Murong Ke under his command is also a famous general.

In a one-on-one situation, Wang Mang has a glimmer of hope for this battle! My new country still has some secret weapons.

As for Wang Jian on the East Road and Zhang Han on the West Road, they need Lu Bu and Ran Min to help.

Although there are other soldiers in the new country. But what is the use of these weak ordinary soldiers on the battlefield?

"and also!"

Suddenly, Wang Mang thought of another person.

"Order that Fructose and Zhang Fei to go with him!"

In fact, there is another peerless general in Xinguo, that is Zhang Fei from Yan.

Zhang Fei believed that the ranger fructose poet was the main one, and Wang Mang tried to recruit him several times but failed.

But in the end, under his threat, Zhang Fei agreed to fight for the new country.

The condition, of course, is that the fructose poet cannot be killed! If he makes meritorious service, the fructose poet will also be promoted to a noble.

In fact, it happens from time to time that rangers are forced and threatened.

Many rangers were very lucky and recruited famous historical generals. But once there is an overlord who covets it, they will not be able to defend it.

Just like Shang Yang before.

In the beginning, Shang Yang was under the command of the ranger lord of the Qin Empire.

But under Ying Zheng's butcher's knife, Shang Yang is already working for Da Qin.

Therefore, being able to save the life of the fructose poet can be regarded as Wang Mang's compassion and kindness!

Not everyone, like Cheng Mu, has the talent of [Mingjun] to lock the loyalty of his subordinates.


Bingzhou City.

The menacing Great Wall Legion pushed horizontally all the way.

The rangers of the Great Qin Empire did not participate in the battle.

It's not that these rangers are not loyal enough, but Ying Zheng doesn't allow it!

Moreover, most of the rangers of the Great Qin Empire are still fighting against the rangers of the Han Empire.

This is the brilliance of Ying Zheng.

Like Cheng Mu, he also chose to fight on two fronts.

First use the huge number of rangers in the country to hold back the Han Empire, create opportunities for future advances, and open up the road.

Then after destroying the Dajin, decide whether to send troops to the Dahan according to the specific situation!

As long as the opportunity is always there, he doesn't have to worry about the fat around his mouth being snatched away by Cheng Mu!

What's more, the real situation is that Liu Che is not so delicious.

Let the Apocalypse Empire test the waters first.

At that time, he, the Great Qin Empire, might also be able to reap the benefits of being a fisherman!

"After entering the city, anyone who dares to damage every brick and tile in the city will be dealt with by military law!"

Outside the city of Bingzhou, seeing the Lord of Bingzhou City who had abandoned the city and surrendered, Meng Tian issued an order.

From today onwards, this is Daqin's territory.


The soldiers of the Great Wall Army in the rear looked relaxed.

Along the way, they encountered no resistance at all.

There were only a few small-scale battles, and they were all weak shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

They have marched tens of kilometers on the territory of Xinguo, and there are no casualties among millions of soldiers!

Entering Bingzhou City today is actually a victory.

Win without fighting!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

But at this time, when Meng Tian led the army to enter Bingzhou City.

Suddenly, there was a sharp roar from the sentry cavalry in front.

"Hehe, enemy attack?"

"Is there another enemy coming? The knife in my hand can finally see blood!"

"It seems that in this new country, not everyone is a softie!"

"Wang Ermao, today we will kill more people than anyone else!"

Although the enemy's attack was fierce, the soldiers of the Great Wall Army looked relaxed.

Even if the enemy has tens of millions of soldiers attacking at this time, it is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

A group of miscellaneous soldiers and salted fish, what's the use of having more numbers?

call out!

However, in the next second, when the soldiers of the Great Wall Army were still smiling.

An arrow pierced the Sentinel's chest.

The huge force flew it out, and the corpse fell on the front of the army, shaking up layers of dust.


All the emotions on the faces of the soldiers of the Great Wall Corps stopped abruptly.

In the next second, boundless anger surged into their hearts.


"Those who dare to kill my Great Wall Legion, I will make them pay in blood!"

"General, order the attack!"

"Revenge! Revenge!"

The death of the sentry rider completely aroused the fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Great Wall Army.

At this time, they were full of murderous intent, staring at the red-armored soldiers attacking from afar.


Meng Tian sat on the horse and stared at the red armored soldiers for a long time.

Under the urging of the soldiers under his command, he came back to his senses and let out a cold snort.

In fact, more than one sentry cavalry was shot to death.

He sent out a total of twelve sentry riders this time.

Now that only one person has returned, it proves that the other eleven sentry riders have died in the hands of the enemy.

Is this new country finally willing to send out elites?

The sentry cavalry who can shoot and kill his top-level strength must be the commander-in-chief of Xin Guo's strongest class!


After finding out that there were only a few strong men in the red-armored army Meng Tian gave the order to attack.

Bingzhou City, after the war is over, he will go in and reward the three armies!

"Boom! Boom!"

The Great Wall Heavy Cavalry began to gallop.

Under the leadership of the main general Meng Yi, the 200,000 Great Wall heavy riders set off billowing smoke and dust.

Dust covered the sky, and the icy iron cavalry had appeared in front of the Red Armored Army.

A cruel smile appeared on Meng Yi's face.

He only needs ten breaths, and after ten breaths, the red armored army can be crushed.

Although black crossbows appeared in his eyes one after another.

But the powerful strength made him ignore these crossbow bolts.

At any rate, he is also the strength of the fairyland of Shenmen, and the strength of the soldiers under his command has all reached the top level.

With such a powerful strength, how can he be afraid of the arrows of the mortal world?

What's more, the giant crossbow Meng Yi saw was only a hundred or so. On the battlefield of millions of people, what kind of waves can a hundred crossbows create?

Click! Click! Click!

But at this moment, the huge ballista opened its firing port.

The densely packed arrows glowing with lightning from the shooting port made Meng Yi feel a chill in his heart.

what happened? Isn't this an ordinary mortal crossbow?

He is still wondering.

But the next second.


The giant crossbow began to roar.

Countless crossbow arrows occupied the sky, and the thunderous aura emanating from the arrows shocked Meng Tian who was behind the battlefield.

This is not an ordinary crossbow, but Wang Mang's newly invented Thunderbolt Crossbow!

Don't look at just a hundred ballistas, but each ballista can be loaded with hundreds of thunder arrows.

When hundreds of ballistas blared together, tens of thousands of lightning arrows were fired together!

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