The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 880: Lu Bu rushed to the rescue


The bronze cup full of fine wine hit the ground, making a crisp sound.

In fact, Ying Zheng also heard the immortal decree from the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

What do you mean Ji Fa? Openly against yourself?

As soon as he heard that Ji Fa rewarded Murong Ke with the elixir and wine, Ying Zheng felt that drinking was not good at this time.

"Your Majesty calm down!"

Li Si stepped forward in a hurry, and reported: "The Dazhou Immortal Kingdom has such a mere means, which is actually not on the table."

Wang Mang's new country is just two elixir, can a fairy tree and a pair of fairy birds be saved?

Unless the five-rank elixir can lead to the emergence of two real fairyland powerhouses in Xinguo.

Otherwise, under the iron cavalry of Daqin, Xinguo still cannot escape the end of destruction!

"The widow knows!"

What Yingzheng was angry about was not actually what Ji Fa had bestowed on Xin Guo. At this time, even if Ji Fa sent immortal soldiers to help Xin Guo fight, he would not be afraid.

What made him angry was that Ji Fa was targeting him!

How could he not understand Ji Fa's thoughts?

If Ji Fa was fair and just, without selfishness, why didn't he reward the entire earth and star kingdoms?

"Your Majesty, where is General Meng Tian?"

Li Si asked in a low voice again at this time.

The news of Meng Tian's serious injury has already come back. At first, Ying Zheng wanted to punish him for a crime of disadvantage in combat.

But now that the shameless Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom has made a move, how can he punish him again?

"Well, send some thousand-year-old ginseng over there!"

"Those soldiers who fought hard, I want to reward them well!"

In the end, Ying Zheng decided to stabilize the morale of the army first.

Your Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom has a five-turn golden elixir, and I, Yingzheng, have a thousand-year-old ginseng.

A thousand-year-old ginseng is definitely not as good as a five-rank golden pill, but Meng Tian under his command can eat ten at a time, right?

And in order to stabilize the morale of the army, he did not pursue the responsibility for the defeat.

Ying Zheng just wanted to show Ji Fa that even with the help of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, he could still conquer Xinguo! Conquer Dajin!

"It's time for you to see the strength of our Great Qin Empire!"

While pondering, Ying Zheng decided to send more soldiers.

"Order Li Xin to lead the Wei Wu army to support Meng Tian!"

Since Murong Ke is stubbornly resisting in the middle, then he will send another army to go there.

If the two armies on the West Road and the East Road also encounter obstacles, then the Great Qin Empire still has Bai Qi's Killing God Army, Ren Xiao's Lingnan Army, and Sima Cuo's Qi's Martial Arts...

Except for the Guanzhong Legion to guard Xianyang, other legions of the Great Qin Empire can be sent out.

Since Ji Fa wants to fight, let's fight!


Apocalypse Empire, Imperial Palace.

Cheng Mu, the immortal edict of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, also heard it.

"Rewarding Wang Mang and Murong Ke, could it be that they won?"

Since it would take some time for the news from the Xin Kingdom battlefield to come back, Cheng Mu felt suspicious for a moment.

Then Murong Ke, shouldn't be so strong, right?

He does not deny Murong Ke's strength, but it is not easy to defeat Meng Tian!

"Your Majesty, this should be Ji Fa's method, then Xinguo must have reached a desperate situation!"

At this time, Zhuge Liang made an analysis: "If Murong Ke has the upper hand, why should Ji Fa lower the reward?"

"Only the weak need help!"

Zhuge Liang saw through the incident at a glance.

It is not a good signal that Ji Fa intervenes in the battle between Xin Kingdom and Qin Kingdom.

On the surface, the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom does not participate in the war within the Earth and Stars, but it would be disgusting to send supplies openly and secretly.

That five-rank elixir, one can tell at a glance that it is something to enhance strength!

"Hehe, it seems that this Ji Fa has a deep resentment towards us!"

Cheng Mu smiled and teased, "When the time comes, I will fight the big man. Kong Ming, do you think Ji Fa will secretly help Liu Che?"

If that's the case, he might as well go to war with Ji Fa directly.

"Probably not, unless Liu Che is in a desperate situation."

Zhuge Liang thought for a while, the big man is different from Wang Mang's Xinguo.

And according to Liu Che's attitude, he didn't want to belong to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

Only when Cheng Mu was about to destroy the great man, would Liu Che, who was in a desperate situation, be able to ask Liu Che for help.

But at that time, unless the divine soldiers of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom descend from the sky, the situation of the battle cannot be changed.

"Well, when the time comes, I'll take the move!"

Cheng Mu nodded.

Ji Fa's intervention this time was just a small episode.

Once Ji Fa dared to intervene in his own war, he would not be polite at all.

Who will kill who!

"Presumably that should be the case for Ying Zheng, right?"

Cheng Mu is looking forward to it, looking forward to Ying Zheng's counterattack!


New country battlefield.

The battle between the Great Qin Empire and the Xin Kingdom is not over yet.

After the reward from the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, Wang Mang instantly became confident.

With Ji Fa behind him, is he afraid of you, the Great Qin Empire?

"Send the order to Murong Ke, fight back!"

With the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom behind him, his Xin Kingdom is fearless!

At the same time, after receiving news from Wang Mang, Lu Bu and Ran Min also led their troops northward.

None of them are fools, and they know the truth of the cold lips and teeth.

Once the Xin Kingdom is destroyed, they will definitely die under the iron cavalry of the Great Qin Empire.

Three days later, Lu Bu personally led the army to Xinguo, Youzhou, and Changshan County.

He had originally led his army straight to Youzhou City.

But as Wang Jian's army changed direction, Lu Bu could only change the direction of marching.

Meng Tian was frustrated in Bingzhou City, so Wang Jian changed his course.

Even though Bai Qi led an army from the country to help him, he still wanted to avenge Meng Tian first!

Why do we need a three-way army in a small country like Xinguo?

At the beginning, Wang Jian's attitude was that the three armies gathered together and captured Luoyang City in one fell swoop.

Even if Lu Bu and Ran Min rush to help, they will be killed in Luoyang City!

The soldiers were divided into three groups, but Li Si's words moved Ying Zheng.

Push forward slowly, step by step!

"General, Lu Bu has already led the army!"

Inside the city of Changshan County, news of the arrival of Lu Bu's army came from the sentry.

In order to wait for work with ease and fight with an advantage, Wang Jian chose to defend the city and fight!

Relying on Changshan County, he occupies a certain geographical advantage. Not to say that he is really invincible, but it is true that he is undefeated at half a step.

"Okay! Let's explore again!"

Wang Jian's expression moved slightly.

Lu Bu's arrival is actually good news.

As long as Lu Bu is killed here, then Lu Bu's Little Jin Kingdom will also be in his pocket.

From the very beginning, Ying Zheng knew that Wang Mang, Lu Bu, and Ran Min would unite.

It's good to unite, lest they make long-distance raids.

As long as they are defeated in the Xin Kingdom, the entire land of the Great Jin will immediately become the territory of the Great Qin Empire!


"Great Qin Ruishi?"

Outside the city, the handsome Lu Bu was riding a red rabbit horse, looking at the Qin soldiers in Changzhou city with murderous intent.

The black battle armor covered his whole body, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand emitted a cold light.

The soldiers of the Qin army stationed on the city wall just took a look at Fang Tian's painted halberd, and their eyes were cut by the sharp gold and iron evil spirit!

You can't look directly at this man, you can't pay attention!

"Your Majesty, the last general is going to attack the city!"

Gao Shun is two meters tall, with protruding biceps exuding explosive power.

He has 100,000 trapped soldiers under his command.

After this coming, the new camp not only fought bravely, but also took into account the power of siege!

Under the trap, everything is invincible!

"Gongtai, what do you think of this Qin Zhirui?"

However, Lu Bu did not immediately agree to Gao Shun's request for the first battle. After failing once in his previous life, now he would always ask Chen Gong for his opinion.

Although he, Lu Bu, had already ascended the throne as emperor, only after he became emperor did he realize the power of an empire.

His Jin country is not yet an empire, so he naturally knows the huge gap between himself and the Great Qin Empire.

"Qin Zhirui..."

Facing Lv Bu's question, Chen Gong said slowly, "Xunzi once said: Qi's martial arts should not meet the soldiers of the Wei family; soldiers of the Wei family should not meet the sharp fighters of Qin."

"Since they are Qin Zhirui, their strength may not be inferior to any arms in the world."

"How could you, Boping (Gao Shun), take risks when you failed to find out the true strength of Qin Zhirui!"

Although Chen Gong is a strategist, he never fights uncertain battles.

What is the strength of this Qin Zhirui? Try it first.

"Beat the drums, and the archers will advance twenty paces!"

Lu Bu understood, so he ordered his archers to go first.

Swipe, swipe, swipe.

Under his order, hundreds of thousands of archers began to shoot in salvo.

At this time, he had the unique elite Xuanji under his command. Hundreds of thousands of mysterious halberd divine bows have super god-level strength, and the longbow in their hands is a big killer on the battlefield!

"Hmph, the archers go first?"

On the city wall, Wang Jian snorted coldly when he saw the incomparably sharp Xuanji Divine Bow.

You, Lu Bu, have powerful archers, so is it possible that I, Wang Jian, don't?


After he gave an order, the Daqin Ruibow on the city wall also started to fight back.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Under the rain of arrows, both sides suffered casualties.

Although the Great Qin Ruigong under Wang Jian's command relied on the strength of the city wall, he insisted on fighting.

But he underestimated the attack power of the Xuanji Divine Bow.

The densely packed arrows shot on the wall, actually shattering the hard bluestone.

When the tall wall stacks were destroyed, the big Qin Rui bow hiding behind the wall stacks became a living target!

All of a sudden, the corpses of Daqin Ruigong were piled up on the city course, Lu Bu's Xuanji Divine Bow also suffered heavy casualties.

The two sides are in a state of shooting, that is, if you shoot me to death, I can also shoot you to death.

The corpses of Great Qin Ruigong on the city wall were stacked several layers thickly, and the corpses of Xuanji Divine Bow on the ground were also stacked several layers.

Finally, Wang Jian and Lu Bu frowned at the same time.

They are all so distressed.

If the shooting continues like this, the archers under both sides will die together!

"Twenty steps back!"

Ever since, Lu Bu took the lead in ordering the withdrawal. The distance of twenty steps is actually the distance between life and death.

After retreating twenty steps, the two sides became peaceful again.

You can't shoot me, I can't shoot you!

"Your Majesty, let's attack!"

Chen Gong sighed. He could see that the strength of the two sides was evenly matched.

So, this is troublesome.

Wang Jian, who relies on the strength of the city wall, still has a certain advantage in battle after all.

Just now, for example, the Xuanji Divine Bow under his command killed hundreds more people than Wang Jian's Qin Zhirui Bow.

In the case of rushing without carrying siege equipment, it is estimated that there will be more casualties in the forced siege!

"Quick battle!"

However, in Lu Bu's heart, what are some casualties?

How can there be no casualties in a siege operation?

As long as Changzhou City is captured, Wang Jian's Qin Zhirui will be killed here.

No matter how big the casualties are, it is worth it!

I heard that Murong Ke was rewarded by the Immortal Kingdom, and that the five-rank elixir can consolidate and enhance the strength of the Shentai Heavenly Immortal Realm.

So, who wouldn't want it?

Lu Bu's pursuit is different from that of Ying Zheng and Cheng Mu.

After being the emperor for so long, he became more and more convinced that he was not made to be an emperor.

The endless trifles are not as refreshing as letting him go into battle to kill the enemy!

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