Apocalypse City.

Cheng Mu has been paying attention to the war in Dajin.

When he learned that Lv Bu had entered the country, he ordered very cautiously: "Send the fastest Tianniao, and I want to know their battle situation as soon as possible!"

"If one party falls into a dead end..."

"Qin Ning!"

At this time, he specially told Qin Ning: "You shoot and kill him!"

His own Apocalypse Empire is currently unable to intervene in the war within the Great Jin, but there is no problem in grabbing the head.

What Cheng Mu needs is to give him a chance to the Fairy Temple.

He doesn't need to participate in the battles among many famous generals, but he needs to have the right to revive them.

Whether it is Lu Bu or Ran Min, they can all become the backup force of the Apocalypse Empire.

In this way, one's own interests are maximized!


Hearing Cheng Mu's order, Qin Ning knelt down to accept the order.

Kneeling, she restrainedly covered the majestic whiteness of her chest.

Although the light and soft clothes on her body showed her uneven body to the fullest, it made people's blood agitated. But facing Cheng Mu now, how dare she be frivolous again?

Today's Cheng Mu is no longer the green young man she could wantonly charm!

"Okay, let's go quickly!"

Cheng Mu nodded, feeling calm. Although Qin Ning is enchanting, Li Shishi and Hua Mulan in the deep palace are even better.

So most of the time, he just admired Qin Ning's majesty with a hint of admiration.

"His Majesty!"

After Qin Ning left, Guan Hai stepped forward.

He reported: "Your Majesty, Zhao Kuangyin did not order Yue Fei to withdraw!"

This news is too important, so he must report it to Cheng Mu immediately.

Yue Fei's failure to withdraw his troops and go north to resist Liu Bei will have a considerable impact on the strategy of the Apocalypse Empire.

"Oh? Then Zhao Kuangyin is determined to guard against me?"

Cheng Mu's expression turned cold.

Is this Zhao Kuangyin so afraid of himself? Watching the frontal battlefield retreat steadily, and unwilling to use Yue Fei to help?

If he wants to annex the Song Empire, what is the use of a mere million Yue Family Army?

"Your Majesty, I heard that it was Qin Hui's claim."

Guan Hai replied: "Then Qin Hui once said that no matter how strong the Sui Kingdom is, it is only a tiger. But our Tianqi Empire has become a dragon in their eyes!"

Between the evil dragon and the fierce tiger, Qin Hui chose to drive away the fierce tiger first, and guard against the evil dragon by the way.

If Yue Fei is not sent to lead the army to guard, he is worried that the evil dragon of the Apocalypse Empire will take the opportunity to swallow them up!

"Huh? Evil dragon?"

Cheng Mu smiled. In fact, Qin Hui's description is not wrong, his Apocalypse Empire is an evil dragon.

Since I couldn't hide it anymore, I simply didn't hide it.

"As I ordered, if Zhao Kuangyin still abides by the covenant he signed with me at the beginning, then obediently give up the way and let Yue Fei go north to defend against the enemy!"

"Watch out for allies? What's the point?"

"Then Zhao Kuangyin is so wary of me, so wary of our Apocalypse Empire, this is an insult to us!"

"Tell Zhao Kuangyin that if Yue Fei doesn't withdraw his army after three days, I will crush his Song Empire!"

Cheng Mu had a showdown with Zhao Kuangyin.

Although openly bullying the Song Empire may be blamed by the world. But as long as you find a suitable excuse, it is a famous teacher!

Reluctantly accuse Zhao Kuangyin of violating the covenant and bullying the Tianqi Empire, and he can reluctantly say it.

Sometimes, many things don't have to be too serious.

The Immortal Kingdom has come, and all the major empires are working hard to advance to the Immortal Kingdom.

However, if the Song Empire is still fighting for power internally at this time, why not become a part of the Apocalypse Empire?


Guan Hai understood, in fact, he has always been a main fighter.

Whether you accept a younger brother or something depends on the specific situation.

Song Empire has money, so this little brother can't accept it. Steal all the younger brother's money, that's what Guan Hai wants to do.

Only when he despises those savage and desolate lands, he reluctantly allows them to exist, making it a dispensable little brother of the Apocalypse Empire!


Song Empire, Bianliang, Imperial Palace, Daqing Hall.

The noisy noise continued from morning to noon, and it still didn't end.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Zhao Kuangyin looked helplessly at the flushed ministers fighting below.

At this time, the court was divided into three or four factions, and dozens of ministers attacked each other. The senior officials of the second and third ranks also went off in person, rolled up their sleeves and almost started a fight.

Where is the court meeting here? This is obviously even more chaotic than the market in West Street outside the palace.

For a while, Zhao Kuangyin frowned even more!

"My loves! My loves!"

Seeing the courtiers who had no intention of giving up, the helpless Zhao Kuangyin could only stop him.

At this point in the debate, it should be over! He didn't want to spend the whole day just listening to the noise of his ministers.

"Dear dears, what I want is a countermeasure. After arguing for so long, what is your best solution?"

Fortunately, he was the founding emperor and was not completely suppressed by the civil servants.

So although his voice was low, the courtiers in the hall stopped arguing immediately after hearing it!

Zhao Kuangyin is different from other emperors.

Although he was born as a general, he said "Punishment is not as good as a scholar-bureaucrat", but he would still kill when he was angry.

"Report to Your Majesty!"

Qin Hui was the first to jump out and said, "As long as we call up another army, then Liu Bei will no longer be a threat!"

Since the individual strength of soldiers is not enough, why not win by numbers?

Liu Bei now has nearly two million soldiers, and the Sui Empire sent two million troops.

Four million soldiers actually want to destroy him, Da Song? dream!

You must know that the tyrannical Great Tang Empire sent five or six million troops here, but all ended in failure.

What are the mere Liu Bei and the Sui Empire?

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

However, just as Qin Hui's voice fell and Zhao Kuangyin hadn't spoken, Fan Zhongyan on the other side said directly: "Then Liu Bei and the soldiers of the Sui State are special arms, and sending ordinary soldiers there will only increase casualties!"

"My minister's idea is to use General Xin Qiji and Tiao Yuefei to go north!"

Although he, Fan Zhongyan, is a civil servant~www.readwn.com~, he is well aware of the power of special arms.

No matter how many ordinary soldiers, they will die in vain in front of special arms!


Before Fan Zhongyan finished speaking, Qin Hui immediately retorted: "Then Xin Qiji may have surrendered to the Tianqi Empire!"

"General Yue Fei, let alone transfer!"

"I heard that the emperor of the Apocalypse Empire issued an order, and the two million troops of the Apocalypse Empire are already on their way."

"The Heavenly Apocalypse Empire is an evil dragon, you can't let them enter!"

As long as Cheng Mu's claws are blocked from the gate of the country, Qin Hui and the others will still have a sense of security in their hearts.

If not.

Once the army of the Apocalypse Empire marches straight in, they are worried that they will be killed by Cheng Mu in their sleep!

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