The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 882: Zhao Kuangyin's decision



Fan Zhongyan cursed.

If he hadn't been standing above the court, he really wanted to beat Qin Hui up and make him sober up.

"If the Apocalypse Empire is really an evil dragon, can General Yue Fei's millions of people be able to stop them?"

He has collected intelligence about the Apocalypse Empire.

At this time, Song Dynasty did not have the strength to fight against the Tianqi Empire.

In the face of absolute strength, being a vassal of the Apocalypse Empire is the best choice.

With the protection of the Apocalypse Empire, Song Dynasty can develop people's livelihood without any worries.

What he, Fan Zhongyan, wants is harmony and happiness, for the people of the Song Dynasty to live and work in peace and contentment!

"Even if you can't stop it, you have to stop it!"

Qin Hui had no intention of backing down.

In the Song Empire, he could stand in the hall and talk and argue with others.

But once his Great Song Dynasty belongs to the Apocalypse Empire, Qin Hui's official position will definitely be reduced.

That being the case, why doesn't he stay in the Song Empire and be his second-rank official with peace of mind? Even in the future, he can still be the prime minister!


Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Zhao Kuangyin stopped them irritably.

"Since you love ministers have no substantive countermeasures, let me say a few words!"

The people under his command were still unreliable, so Zhao Kuangyin decided to come by himself.

He said slowly: "The Apocalypse Empire will destroy the Qing Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty."

"Today's Apocalypse Empire has grown into a fierce tiger that our Great Song Dynasty cannot match. What is the difference between resisting and not resisting at this time?"

According to what Fan Zhongyan said at the beginning, can an army of just a million can stop Cheng Mu's iron cavalry?


The Great Tang Empire was able to overwhelm the Great Song Dynasty, but the Apocalypse Empire easily destroyed the Great Tang.

Everyone in Song Dynasty knows the gap in strength.

"The current plan."

Zhao Kuangyin thought for a long time, and finally made two decisions today: "First, surrender to the Apocalypse Empire. I will personally go to the imperial capital of the Apocalypse Empire to show my loyalty."

"If you love me, I can also recommend you to serve in the Apocalypse Empire!"

He was already lying flat and didn't want to fight anymore.

He was very tired when he saw the chattering and unsympathetic ministers below.

At the beginning, he was wary of his generals, fearing that they would also imitate his own yellow robe.

Therefore, after the release of military power with a glass of wine, the power of civil servants far exceeds that of generals.

He originally thought that scholars who were dedicated to serving the public would rapidly develop the Great Song Dynasty. But only then did he realize that although scholars are talented and capable, they spend more time attacking each other and playing with power.

Zhao Kuangyin was originally a general, and the yellow robe on his body was forcibly added by his subordinates.

He is actually the least good at controlling the emperor's power skills and controlling the ministers.

Being able to sit on the throne is only because the subordinates are loyal to the imperial power!

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

Zhao Kuangyin made the first decision, and all the officials in the hall knelt down.

"Your Majesty, please think again!"

"I swear to follow Your Majesty to the death, and please don't drive us away!"

"The loyalty of a humble official can be learned from the world!"

"Your Majesty, my humble servant is convicted!"

All kinds of words came from the mouths of the ministers, and they all looked sad and wailed and prayed.

Although some people don't mean it.

But with twenty or thirty people kneeling on the ground, who knows who has other thoughts?


Zhao Kuangyin waved his hands to let everyone stand up first.

"This is just my first attitude."

"If you all feel that the Apocalypse Empire is not strong enough, we can belong to the Immortal Kingdom!"

According to the strength on the bright side, the strength of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom will definitely be stronger than the Apocalypse Empire.

Only by being attached to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire will no longer be a threat.

What's more, once both the Great Song and the Great Sui belong to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, the war in the north will naturally end.

In this way, kill two birds with one stone!

"Your Majesty, my Great Song...How can my Great Song become a vassal of another country?"

Zhao Kuangyin's two choices made all the ministers fall into a difficult choice.

But for Wen Tianxiang, he didn't want to choose anything.

Whether it is the Apocalypse Empire or the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, they are all tigers that can eat people! Can his own Great Song Dynasty be reduced to a vassal at this time?

"I have no choice!"

Although Zhao Kuangyin didn't want to, but now he has no choice!

Rather than letting the soldiers under his command waste their lives in vain, it is better to stand in line from the beginning.

Does resistance work? Resisting again will only cause more soldiers to die on the battlefield!

There is no hope of fighting, so there is no need to fight again!

For now, he just hasn't decided who to embrace!

"His Majesty!"

Wen Tianxiang still wants to persuade.

But Zhao Kuangyin interrupted him: "If Wen Aiqing is unwilling, then resign and go home!"

The most indispensable thing in my Song Dynasty is scholars.

Although Wen Tianxiang is talented, among the many people standing in the hall at this time, who would be without talent?

"Your Majesty, please think again!"

"Your Majesty, please think again!"

Wen Tianxiang fell to his knees with a thud, begging bitterly.

On the side, Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, Ouyang Xiu and others also knelt down together.

They are loyal to Song Dynasty and don't want to see Song Dynasty perish.

Once the Song Dynasty becomes a vassal, it will completely become a part of the Apocalypse Empire or the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom within twenty years!

His own Great Song Dynasty will perish without attack?


Zhao Kuangyin was already impatient, he said coldly: "If you can figure out a countermeasure, why should I do this?"

"If you can't think of it, then there's no need to say anything!"

He knows the loyalty of his courtiers.

But loyalty cannot solve the current predicament Da Song is encountering.

"His Majesty......"

Wen Tianxiang looked sad and blamed himself.

He knew that his talent and strength were not enough to save Da Song.

Feeling guilty, he even sprayed all his blood on the palace.

He hates it!

"Okay, don't be sad, everyone."

Zhao Kuangyin restrained his cold expression, and began to say seriously: "The Tianqi Empire and the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, everyone, please choose."

This is not his own Da Song.

Although the imperial power is supreme, the power of civil servants is also very strong.


However, facing the two choices given by Zhao Kuangyin, there was no sound in the hall at this time.

No one dares to stand up and be the first to make a choice.

Qin Hui, Wang Anshi and others' minds were spinning rapidly, thinking hard about what Zhao Kuangyin meant?

If I was the first to jump out and make a choice, would I be beheaded?

"No choice?"

Seeing the hesitant and afraid ministers, Zhao Kuangyin issued an ultimatum.

"If you don't choose, dear friends, then don't blame me for arbitrary dictatorship in the future!"

I have given the ministers a chance.

Since the ministers couldn't make a choice, he, the emperor, would do it himself.

"Your Majesty, the Immortal Kingdom, the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is stronger than the Apocalypse Empire!"

Seeing that Zhao Kuangyin wanted to make his own decision, Qin Hui finally couldn't bear it and jumped out.

He doesn't want to be under the apocalypse empire.

Even if you want to surrender, you have to choose a powerful backer.

"Is it the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom?"

Zhao Kuangyin looked calm, as if he had expected this result.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

What else can the courtiers say?

At this time, the only way to keep your mouth shut and support Zhao Kuangyin's decision is the most correct.

They still remember Xin Qiji who was thrown into prison.

At the beginning, Xin Qiji was criticized by Qin Hui and others just because he praised the Tianqi Empire a few words.

So, in fact, Zhao Kuangyin already had a choice in his mind!

"it is good!"

After getting the unanimous consent of all the ministers, Zhao Kuangyin nodded: "In that case, I will personally go to the Immortal Kingdom to meet the Immortal Emperor!"

In fact, his heart is more inclined to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

Although the Apocalypse Empire is powerful, the fairyland is the fairyland!

How can the mere Apocalypse Empire be compared with the Immortal Kingdom?


Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

Ji Fa was very happy and satisfied with Zhao Kuangyin's arrival.

Especially after Zhao Kuangyin brought up the idea of ​​attachment, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hahaha, good!"

"Smart move!"

"Come on! Reward!"

He had heard the news that the Song Empire was a vassal of the Apocalypse Empire and was under the protection of the Apocalypse Empire.

Now that Zhao Kuangyin brought Da Song to his own Da Zhou, that would be a great blow to the arrogant Cheng Mu!

In Earthstar, what Ji Fa hated the most were Cheng Mu and Ying Zheng.

He was extremely happy to make Ying Zheng and Cheng Mu suffer!

"Immortal Emperor, what about the Great Sui and the Tianqi Empire?"

Zhao Kuangyin asked cautiously.

Now that he and Yang Jian are on the same side, Yang Jian can't attack him anymore.

Moreover, Cheng Mu would definitely become angry if Da Song entered Da Zhou's command.

So, he needs help!

"You don't have to worry about that!"

Ji Fa said with lofty ambitions: "From today on, you and that Yang Jian are siblings!"

"If the Heavenly Qi Empire dares to bully you, both Yang Jian and I will fully support you, Great Song!"

The current Apocalypse Empire is indeed powerful.

But Ji Fa knew that with his own support and the joint efforts of Sui and Song, the Apocalypse Empire would definitely come back!

It is even possible for Zhao Kuangyin to counterattack and destroy the Tianqi Empire!

"Thank you Immortal Emperor!"

Zhao Kuangyin knew he had come to the right place.

I'm going to lie flat anyway, why not choose a strong backer to avoid worries?

Ever since.

The Song Dynasty's war ended in a short period of time.

After Yang Jian received Ji Fa's edict immediately stopped the conquest of the Song Empire.

Even in order to establish friendship with Zhao Kuangyin, he ordered Liu Bei to donate all the territory of the former Liao Empire that he occupied to Zhao Kuangyin.

The territory of Chinese civilization is so large.

He, Yang Jian, is interested in the Great Jin and the Qin Empire above the Great Jin!

It's just that Ji Fa didn't let Yang Jian send troops to Jin Dynasty.

Wang Mang and Murong Ke have already accepted the reward from the Great Zhou, and they can be regarded as his subjects belonging to the Great Zhou.

How can one's own people attack one's own people?

In addition, in order to protect the newly conquered Song Dynasty, Ji Fa decided to let Yang Jian send troops to the Song Dynasty to jointly defend the Apocalypse Empire!

The Great Song Dynasty was rich, and the Great Sui Dynasty was strong and prosperous.

The two cooperate with each other.

With the cooperation of the two empires, Ji Fa is determined to make Cheng Mu's head bleed!

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