The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 886: The mountains and rivers are forever silent, and the sword swings through the wilderne

Rumble! Rumble!

The golden Fang Tian painted halberd had completely turned black.

A strong magic power emanated from the halberd. In an instant, there was a roar.


Under the deafening neighing, Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd turned into a black dragon!

The scale armor glowing with black cold light, the dragon claws full of sharp aura...  

After sweeping with one tail, the army soul of Qin Zhirui immediately wailed!

Under Wang Jian's command, the army soul of Qin Zhirui is a blood-colored giant dragon that is about to transform into a dragon.

But Jiao is Jiao after all.

Even though it was about to transform into a dragon, it was naturally weaker than the dragon transformed by Fang Tian's painting halberd.

This is also the reason why the Black Demon Dragon can suppress the Scarlet Flood Dragon in terms of combat power because it is also the mid-term strength of the Divine Platform Heavenly Wonderland!


At this time, scales had begun to grow on Lu Bu's body.

With his hands turned into claws, he fought Wang Jian with his bare hands.

Jingle bells! Jingle bells!

Although the long sword in Wang Jian's hand was sharp, it only made a clanging sound as it struck Lu Bu's giant claws.

Sparks splashed, and swords flew wildly!

"Damn it!"

Wang Jian no longer wanted to persuade Lu Bu.

He could tell that Lu Bu was crazy at this moment.

Coupled with the increasingly large space cracks being torn apart in the sky, he had the idea that Lu Bu was a spy of the demon clan.

Since he is a spy of the Demon Race, everyone can be punished!

In anger, the attack in his hand became more fierce.

Driven by his original power, the sharp sword was coated with a sharp breath again.

This time, the sharp sword finally cut through Lu Bu's palm.


The sword intersected with the palm, and the sword energy cut the skin of the palm. But the boiling devil blood instantly corroded a gap in Wang Jian's sharp sword.

At the same time, Lu Bu's other palm swept over.


Although Wang Jian raised his sword to block, the huge force still sent him flying.


Looking at Wang Jian's blood scattered in the sky, Wang Ben's heart in the city was like a knife.

He wanted to rush forward to help his father, but how was he different from an ant in front of Lu Bu?

"Kill all! Kill all!"

Outside the city, Gao Shun has also been possessed.

Under his leadership, tens of thousands of camp soldiers slaughtered all the way there.

Although the enemy's sharp blade can pierce their chest. But before they die, they will definitely take an enemy to be buried with them.

Slowly, the soldiers trapped in the camp seemed to be bathed in blood.

They are not only stained with the enemy's blood, but also their own blood!

"They are few, kill them all!"

However, even so, Qin Zhirui soldiers still did not flinch in the face of the devil-like soldiers trapped in the camp.

The main general Wang Jian is still fighting, and the army soul Xue Jiao is also fighting.

How can they retreat?

Although Gao Shun's 100,000 trap camp was fierce, it caused great casualties to Qin Zhirui's soldiers.

But the other hundreds of thousands of Xuanji soldiers are obviously weaker than Qin Zhirui soldiers.

Under the impact of the two armies, Lu Bu's Xuanji army has fallen into a disadvantage.

If it weren't for Lu Bu's magical power at this time, they would once again increase their strength.

Otherwise, at this moment, the army of Xuanji would be defeated!


Chen Gong, who was in the formation, saw that the battle situation was out of his control, so he could only sigh silently.

At the same time, he was also very curious, where did Lu Qiling go?

He was paying attention to the battle between Lu Qiling and Wang Ben just now.

But why did Lu Qiling disappear in the blink of an eye?

In addition to having special means to remove Wang Ben, he believes that there is still a third party on this battlefield.

That mysterious third party is staring at them now!

"How can this be done?"

Chen Gong felt helpless.

Until now, he still hasn't figured out why that mysterious man wanted to take Lu Qiling away.

Could it be that this mysterious person is a man? Have you taken a fancy to Lu Qiling's appearance?

But who dares to **** people under Lu Bu's nose, isn't that too courageous?

"Military division! Military division!"

But just as Chen Gong was thinking carefully, Gao Shun in the battlefield let out a roar.

They fell into the encirclement of Qin Zhirui.

Even if 100,000 camp soldiers could fight to the death of one or even two Qin Zhirui soldiers, the surrounding enemies were still endless.

The Xuanji cavalry led by Lu Qiling was defeated after she disappeared.

In addition, almost all the archers on both sides have been replaced. At this time, most of the soldiers on the battlefield are Qin Zhirui.

After Wang Ben's black iron heavy cavalry smashed the Xuanji infantry again and again, the densely packed Qin Zhirui soldiers vowed to surround and kill Gao Shun and the trapped camp here.

The morale of the two armies did not collapse.

At the end of the battle, only one side can survive!

"Hold on!"

Gao Shun's dangerous situation made Chen Gong abandon all worries.

Who cares, Lu Qiling disappears as soon as she disappears. The most important thing right now is to keep the army under his command alive in this battle!

"Thunderbolt breaks the sky!"


With his roar, a huge black thundercloud flew over.

As the thunder roared, thunderbolts that were thicker than the pillars of the wall bombarded down.

Click click click! Boom!

The huge thunderbolt killed countless Qin Zhirui soldiers on the ground.

After all, Chen Gong is also a strong man in the fairyland of Shenmen.

As soon as the sky thunder breaks out, how can Qin Zhirui, a mere top-notch fighter, resist it?

Blood flood army soul?

At this time, the blood dragon's army soul could not protect itself.

Under the back and forth attacks of the black dragon and the black halberd army soul, Qin Zhirui's blood dragon army soul has shrunk by more than half.

The strength of the rapid fall made it unable to shelter the soldiers below.

Judging from the degree of solidification of the army soul, the broken and thin blood dragon army soul is about to disintegrate and collapse!


Seeing the soldiers under his command dying at the hands of Chen Gong one after another, Wang Ben in the city couldn't sit still anymore.

Regardless of the injury of his broken arm, he stood up again: "Go to hell!"

Going all out!

At this time, it is not only the desperate situation of Lu Bu and Xuanji's soldiers, but also Wang Jian, Wang Ben, and Qin Zhirui's desperate situation.

At this time, the two armies did not completely decide the outcome.

Once careless, anyone may become the party that is destroyed!


With one blow of the sword, the huge sword gang bombarded the thunderclouds in the sky.


The originally extremely thick thundercloud was split in half, and the thunderstorm raging on the battlefield was also reduced by half.


Chen Gong spat out a mouthful of blood.

Although his injury was not very serious, Tianlei Breakthrough is his innate skill.

His natural skills were destroyed, and he suffered a backlash!

"Come again!"

With a single sword, most of the thunderclouds in the sky were split, and Wang Ben was full of confidence at this time.

The sharp sword danced the sword, and a more powerful momentum condensed on the tip of his sword.

However, in the next second, before his sword was slashed out.


Thunderbolts bombarded him.

How could Chen Gong allow Wang Ben to attack him in vain? Under the sky full of thunder, Wang Ben and Chang Shancheng are perfect targets.


With a roar, Wang Ben cut off Thunder with his sword.

Although Chen Gong's offensive is powerful, but he, Wang Ben, is also a world-renowned talent!

During the battle between the sharp sword and the Thunder, he cut off the Thunder all over the sky abruptly.

Although a lot of thunder bombarded him, splitting his skin to pieces.

But after attracting Chen Gong's attention, the Qin Zhirui soldiers on the battlefield breathed a sigh of relief.


Seeing Wang Ben rushing to the front and slashing Thunder with his sword, Wang Jian in the sky showed a hint of relief.

His clothes were already stained red with blood, and a section of the long sword in his hand was broken.

Lu Bu is really strong.

The demonic Lu Bu's powerful offensive is like a tide, endless and endless.

Coupled with fearless fighting spirit and desperate fighting style, Wang Jian really couldn't stop it!

This Lu Bu is crazy, and he wants to die with him!

"Ben'er is optimistic!"

In desperation, Wang Jian also made the final decision.

Although the sharp sword in his hand was broken, half of the blade still exuded a sharp sword intent.

This is an indomitable sword, a sword that goes forward bravely.


The entire heaven and earth were already flickering with colorful lights, and Chen Gong's thick thundercloud was also wiped out under the vibration of the sword energy.

Lu Bu, who had turned into a demon, suddenly stopped attacking vigilantly.

In this ordinary sword, he felt an unprecedented threat.


The next second, he roared.

The huge black dragon turned into Fang Tian's painted halberd and flew back into his hands. How could he be afraid of the power of the enemy?


While roaring, before the sharp sword stabbed out, he decided to send Wang Jian on the road first!


The world has lost its color at this moment.

The entire world was shrouded in monstrous demon energy and fierce sword energy.

The military soul, which was extremely powerful at the beginning, also collapsed and dissipated at this time.

The soldiers on the ground fell to their knees and shivered one by one.

The boundless power is not pressing towards them. But just the trace of aura that flowed over made them feel like a mountain.

Many soldiers were crushed to death, and many war horses turned into a puddle of flesh.


Boom boom!

The chair under Chen Gong shattered, and he squatted on the ground with a thud.

Wang Ben didn't want to kneel down, but at this moment he could only sit on his knees.

At this time, Wang Jian and Lu Bu's attack is going to destroy this world!


On the hillside, the power of the sword gang and the monstrous devilish energy made Qin Ning frown.

She swiped a few times to strengthen the protection around the two of them.

Especially in order for Zhao Yun to have a living and safe wife, she did not hesitate to spend a lot of power to protect Lu Qiling firmly.

After finishing all this, she took out a dagger from her waist.

Lu Qiling was startled by the gilded color of the dagger.

"It's actually a mythical weapon?"

She couldn't see through Qin Ning's identity more and more. What was the purpose of this fairy-like sister coming here?

But the next second, the surprised expression on her face stopped abruptly.

The battle between his father Lu Bu and Wang Jian has reached the moment when the winner is about to be decided, and it is also a moment that cannot be disturbed.

At this moment, Qin Ning took out a dagger from his waist, the meaning was self-evident!

"you you...."

Lu Qiling's face already showed a look of extreme horror, she plopped down on her knees and begged again: "Please spare my father's life!"

She couldn't perceive Qin Ning's specific strength.

But to be able to stand at ease in the battle between Lu Bu and Wang Jian, Qin Ning's strength may not be weaker than her father Lu Bu!

"Don't worry, it will!"

Qin Ning turned around and touched her smooth and said slowly: "Only when your father dies, will he always be by your side!"

"Sometimes death is another kind of rebirth!"

Lu Bu died here, and Cheng Mu will resurrect him when the time comes. After all, their father and daughter will be able to meet each other again!

"No! Please! Please!"

"I promise you, I will marry the boy you mentioned right now, okay?"

"I beg you, spare my father's life!"

Lu Qiling was already in tears.

She wailed, cried, and said all the conditions she could promise.

For, just hope that Qin Ning can spare her father Lu Bu's life.

It's a pity that Qin Ning came here at the order of Cheng Mu, even if Lu Qiling knelt down and committed suicide at this time, it would be useless.

In front of her, Qin Ning had already disappeared!



The power of Sword Intent and Demon Halberd has reached its peak.

The broken sword in Wang Jian's hand has turned into a giant sword that destroys the world, and the fierce sword energy is cutting Lu Bu's body bit by bit!

In order to stop the bewitched Lu Bu, Wang Jian fought desperately for the last time.

Similarly, after Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd, his strength soared again.

The huge phantom behind him has turned into substance.

The black Fangtian painted halberd held by the phantom had also been raised high at this time.

Then Lu Bu spoke slowly, his cold voice chilled everyone on the battlefield.

"Mountains and rivers will be silent forever!"

In the next second, boom!

The magic halberd shook, this mighty blow was enough to destroy this world!

However, facing Lu Bu's most powerful move, Wang Jian slowly closed his eyes.

With the sword energy in his hand overflowing, a resolute roar resounded through the sky:

"Sword swings all over the world!"

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