The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 887: Qin Ning reaps the benefits of the fisherman


Fang Tian's painted halberd collided with the giant sword.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and everything lost its voice!

The huge power tore a hole in the sky.

There are monsters coming out of the hole continuously, but they are all annihilated under the sword and halberd force!

On the ground, the frightened Chen Gong unleashed his most powerful moves.

"Thunder field!"

Layer after layer of thunderclouds surged into the air, and the boundless thunder formed a chain of chains.

This is not attacking, but sheltering.

Chen Gong knew that if the power of deep space was allowed to sweep across the earth, everyone here would die in hell.

They came to stop the Qin army from invading, not to die with Wang Jian!

If Lu Qiling hadn't been missing and her life and death were unknown, Lu Bu would not have gone berserk.

Click click click!

Under the tremendous power, layers of thunderclouds shattered, and the chains of thunder were broken.

At this time, even if Chen Gong exhausted all his strength, he could only block the sword gang and the halberd power for a few seconds.

Seeing that the thunder field was about to shatter, Chen Gong closed his eyes in despair.

But in the next second.

Before he closed his eyes, he suddenly saw a graceful figure appearing on the battlefield.

This figure was very fast, appearing beside Lu Bu in the blink of an eye.

Relying on the power of the mythical dagger in his hand, Qin Ning was able to walk on the ground under the overwhelming coercion.

At this moment, Lu Bu suddenly regained his senses.

He felt the breath of his daughter Lu Qiling from Qin Ning's body.


He was about to roar, but only heard a puff.

Qin Ning's dagger had pierced his heart.

Qin Ning whispered next to his ear, "Don't worry, I've already found a good family for her!"

Lu Bu, who was trying his best, was now a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and he had no resistance in her hands!

"you you...."

Feeling that his life force was rapidly draining, Lu Bu raised his hand with great difficulty to ask Qin Ning for clarification.

It's just that all his strength is above Fang Tian's painting halberd, and it's impossible to stop at this time.

In the end, Lu Bu fell down without a word.

At the moment of his death, all the magic energy and halberd power in the world also dissipated.

Wang Jian only felt that the pressure on his whole body was relieved.

The last sliver of strength left him with a glimmer of fantasy, did he survive?

But the next second.


Qin Ning's figure appeared in front of him again, and the dagger crushed his heart.


Seeing the bright smile on Qin Ning's face, Wang Jian couldn't feel the pain in his chest for a while.

Only when his body fell rapidly and the power of death enveloped his whole body did he realize that he was going to die.

After fighting hard, he did not die in the hands of Lu Bu, but in the hands of a strange woman.

"Well, it's done!"

After killing Lu Bu and Wang Jian, Qin Ning only felt a huge surge of energy pouring into his body.

Her strength directly stepped into the mid-stage of the Godly Immortal Realm at this moment.

Coupled with the mythical-level dagger in his hand, Qin Ning was finally able to come and go freely in the Heavenly Immortal Territory of the Shentai at this time!


"This is?"

On the ground, Chen Gong looked at himself with the rest of his life without a trace of joy on his face.

Although he survived, he watched his emperor die at the hands of a woman.

You must know that Lu Bu has no other heirs except Lu Qiling.

Could it be that the Little Jin Kingdom that Chen Gong worked for was about to be destroyed like this?

"Army...military division..."

Among the crowd, Gao Shun stood up with blood all over his body.

He looked at the corpses on the ground, and the corpses of Lu Bu and Wang Jian who were falling rapidly from the sky. He didn't know what to do for a while.

After experiencing the desperate situation of death just now, he has not escaped from that state at all.

Your own emperor is dead?

So what, he himself just walked through the gate of hell!

"Withdraw troops, withdraw troops!"

Chen Gong's face was pale, and he shouted with all his might.

What else can he do at this time, the only way is to withdraw the troops first and then make a conclusion.

However, he wanted to leave, but some people were not willing.

"Ahhh! You are all going to die!"

At this time, Wang Ben's eyes were **** and tearful, and he wailed and screamed while hugging the corpse of his father Wang Jian!

Although Chen Gong might have saved his life just now.

But when Wang Jian died, he wanted everyone to be buried with him!

On the battlefield at this time, Qin Zhirui still had 200,000 to 300,000 people alive, and Gao Shun's trapped camp also had tens of thousands of people surviving.

On the other hand, the Xuanji Army, not one out of ten.

In other words, Wang Ben not only wanted to kill Gao Shun and Chen Gong, but also let all enemies except Qin Zhirui be buried with his father.

If it wasn't for Lu Bu's madness, how could that woman have taken advantage of it?

The man was killed by Qin Ning, but it was inseparable from Lu Bu.

Now that Lu Bu is dead, all blood debts will be imposed on the soldiers under Lu Bu's command.


However, in the next second, Wang Ben's roar just fell.

Qin Ning's figure appeared in front of him.

With the knife in hand, Wang Ben, who hadn't understood what happened, was decapitated.

His head fell to the ground and rolled far away with a grunt.


Seeing Qin Ning showing his figure again, Chen Gong and Gao Shun looked terrified.

Why is this witch coming back?

"Well, and you."

Seeing the two trembling and not daring to move at all, Qin Ning briefly thought about it.

Then she asked, "Are you ready?"

Chen Gong and Gao Shun are quite talented. Although his own Apocalypse Empire is full of talents, who would think that there are too many talents.

Killing them may waste the resurrection chance of the fairy temple.

So, first ask them if they are convinced.

If not convinced? Then conquer them!


Chen Gong couldn't deny that Qin Ning was beautiful, but this kind of beauty gave him a chill.

Everyone said that femme fatales are beautiful, but this beauty Qin Ning is ten million times more vicious than femme fatales!

"Huh? Dissatisfied?"

If Chen Gong refused to accept it, then Qin Ning would immediately become interested.

"Submit! Submit!"

Under Qin Ning's threat, Chen Gong finally maintained his reason.

If he had just died, it would be over. But he didn't die, he came back alive.

After experiencing death once, he didn't want to die again.

And judging from Qin Ning's strength, he knew that Qin Ning must come from a very powerful force.

In this way, Chen Gong knew that he should still be useful!

"Yes, how about you?"

Chen Gong was convinced, Qin Ning turned to ask Gao Shun again.

This man is very proud. If it's really not possible, she doesn't mind killing Gao Shun.

Although Gao Shun's camp is a special unit, which army in the Apocalypse Empire is not a special unit?

She can give Gao Shun a chance, it depends on whether Gao Shun can grasp it!


Unexpectedly, Gao Shun chose to surrender.

He can fight to the death, but what is the meaning of the fight to the death?

Lu Bu was dead, and he and the remaining soldiers under his command couldn't stand Qin Ning's sword.

That being the case, let's live first!

"Very good!"

Qin Ning was finally satisfied, and threw two pills to Gao Shun and Chen Gong.

After the two regained their strength, she looked at the trembling soldiers on the battlefield and signaled Gao Shun to act.


Gao Shun nodded, he naturally understood.

Soon after, under his clean-up, all the remaining soldiers assembled into an army.

At this time, there were more than 500,000 soldiers left on both sides, and they did not resist after escaping from death.

In fact, Qin Ning just felt that it was a bit wasteful.

Anyway, Chen Gong and Gao Shun were all recruited, so it would be a big gain to bring back 500,000 people or soldiers for the Tianqi Empire.


Then, when the space crack in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, Qin Ning chose to leave.

Lu Qiling had already fainted from crying, but Gao Shun and Chen Gong were relieved to see her intact.

As for the coming demons?

This is not the territory of the Apocalypse Empire, so let Wang Mang and Ying Zheng worry about it!


"This bitch!"

Above the sky, Ji Fa, who witnessed everything with his own eyes, cursed.

Is the coming of the demons a headache for Wang Mang and Ying Zheng? No, it was him who had a headache.

Ji Fa can't intervene in the Earth Star Wars, but must protect the Earth Star against the demons.

To put it simply, he is going to wipe the buttocks of Lu Bu and Wang Jian now!

How could Ji Fa feel at ease when he saw Qin Ning who was making a profit?

"Your Majesty, please hurry up and order."

Jiang Ziya is not concerned about this at this time, he actually has no complaints.

Since there is an agreement with the empress, no matter how many demons come, they must fulfill their promise!

"Well, send Yang Youji there!"

Although Ji Fa has but what should be done is still to be done.

There is a mere space rift, and it is enough to send Yang Youji there alone!

"The old minister obeys!"

Jiang Ziya nodded. Since Yang Youji was going, there will be no change in this matter.

There are not many demons coming to Dajin now, and the arrow **** Yangyouji can kill them all.

But at this time, Ji Fa, who was unwilling to reconcile, asked again: "Prime Minister, although Lu Bu is dead, can I revive him?"

Lv Bu and Wang Mang united, that is also half of the people of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

Especially Lu Bu's bravery just now left a deep impression on Ji Fa.

Such a strong general, as long as he is well trained, it will also be a great help to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!

"Your Majesty, you can be resurrected!"

Jiang Ziya nodded. It is not difficult to revive a fairy from a mortal country in his imposing fairy country.

Although a certain price may be paid, the benefits that Lu Bu can bring will definitely be much more than the price paid at this time.

So under Ji Fa's expectation, Jiang Ziya began to arrange for the resurrection of Lu Bu.

As long as Lu Bu's soul still exists in the world, he can call it back.

Jingle! Jingle!

Under a series of sounds, Jiang Ziya started his own spell.

But soon, he discovered something unusual.

After stopping the movements in his hands, Jiang Ziya looked at the Apocalypse Empire in horror!

"Prime Minister? What's wrong?"

Seeing the abnormal Jiang Ziya, Ji Fa hurriedly asked.

Can't it be revived? Why did you stop again? Could it be that the Heavenly Apocalypse Empire has messed up something else?

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty."

Jiang Ziya's face showed bitterness that he hadn't seen for a long time: "Then Lu Bu's soul has already belonged to the Tianqi Empire!"

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