The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 888: Ying Zheng wants revenge


Jiang Ziya's words resounded in Ji Fa's mind like thunder from nine heavens.

How could he believe this result: "Then Lu Bu is not a member of the Apocalypse Empire, how could his soul return to the Apocalypse Empire?"

This is too outrageous!

I saw with my own eyes that Lu Bu died in Xinguo, and his body fell on the land of Xinguo.

If Lu Bu's soul belongs to Wang Mang's new kingdom, then he can still understand.

But the Apocalypse Empire is still thousands of kilometers away from here. How could it be possible for Lu Bu's soul to travel thousands of miles in an instant?

"His Majesty!"

Jiang Ziya was also shocked at this time.

He couldn't believe it either, but the facts **** everything else.

"Not only Lu Bu, but also the souls of Wang Jian and Wang Ben belong to the Tianqi Empire."

"Presumably, it was Qin Ning who resorted to tricks!"

Jiang Ziya can figure out Qin Ning's identity with just a simple hexagram. As for Lu Bu's soul belonging to the Apocalypse Empire, he guessed that it must have something to do with Qin Ning!

"Hmph! Bitch!"

The anger in Ji Fa's heart became more and more violent.

At this moment, he wished he could go down to earth in person and kill Cheng Mu and Qin Ning who got in the way.

How dare a mere mortal country rob someone from him?

"His Majesty!"

Seeing the sullen Ji Fa, Jiang Ziya's brows flashed with worry again.

He didn't know what happened, but his majesty was not so irritable before.

Why did Ji Fa, the domineering yet virtuous king of martial arts, become like this?

"All right, all right, I have my own measure!"

There was a flash of violence in Ji Fa's eyes, and then he suppressed all the anger in his heart.

He knew what Jiang Ziya was going to say.

But what if your personality has changed? How could this be so!

My own Ji Fa is at least a generation of immortal emperors, could it be possible that even though mortal ants bully him to the top of his head, he still has to greet him with a smile?

Ji told him that he couldn't do it!


Great Qin.

The news of Wang Jian's defeat reached Ying Zheng immediately.

When he learned that both Wang Jian and Lu Bu died at the hands of Qin Ning, he laughed and became angry: "Haha! Good!"

"Taking advantage of the fire! Adding insult to injury!"

"This Apocalypse Empire really did not disappoint everyone!"

Boundless anger dyed the sky above Xianyang City red, and the entire Great Qin Empire trembled under the imperial prestige.

Cheng Mu's move was unexpected by Ying Zheng.

He has a well-thought-out plan for the battle of Dajin, and he has a certain chance of winning. Even if the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom intervened, he was never afraid.

But it was such a person full of confidence that in the end made the soldiers under his command pay the price in blood!

Whether it was Meng Tian's Great Wall Army fighting against Murong Ke's Dayan Army, or Wang Jian's Qin Zhirui fighting against Lu Bu's Xuanji army, the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire did not gain an absolute upper hand and advantage when fighting against the Great Jin.

With such a battle situation, Ying Zheng's original firm determination was shaken a little.

In addition, now that Wang Jian died in battle, all the remaining Qin Zhirui were captured by Qin Ning and taken to the Apocalypse Empire.

Then the next battle, Yingzheng Yao is worried!

At the same time, he also had some doubts in his heart: "Da Jin is such a chaotic country, how can there be such a powerful army?"

If the Great Jin was strong, it would have been unified and expanded abroad long ago!

"Your Majesty, General Wang Jian cannot die in vain, nor can the souls of millions of warriors return home!"

Li Si in the hall was furious, and said sharply: "We must make the Tianqi Empire pay the price!"

"The price of blood!"

This revenge, the Great Qin Empire will avenge it!

If Wang Jian died at the hands of Lu Bu, then he died in battle with honor.

But it was really a shame to be attacked by Qin Ning in the end. Cheng Mu is already slapping Ying Zheng in the face!

"Pass on the widow's order and send Jing Ke to the Han Empire!"

"If you meet a general of the Han Dynasty fighting with the generals of the Apocalypse Empire, wait for the opportunity to kill him!"

Since you want to take revenge, you must deal with him in the same way as you did!

Cheng Mu sent his assassins to assassinate his own generals.


He, Ying Zheng, doesn't need to be so vengeful, and doesn't need to send people to Tianqi City to kill Cheng Mu.

However, the general of the Apocalypse Empire, who is fighting the Han army in the Han Empire, is not so lucky!

Reciprocity, Ying Zheng called this reciprocity!


Li Si took the order. When Ying Zheng said that he wanted revenge, the anger in his heart finally dissipated a little.

It was the well-known Jing Ke who went to carry out the mission of revenge this time.

Although Jing Ke failed in his previous life, his strength cannot be underestimated. If there were no wall pillars at that time, Shihuang Yingzheng might really have died in his hands.

And after this life came, Jing Ke also carried out an assassination.

Although it was also Jing Ke who ended in failure.

But just when Ying Zheng was about to tear him into pieces, Li Si said a word.

After Jing Ke, there may be Wang Ke, Li Ke, and Zhao Ke. Instead of worrying about it every day, why not stab back with stabs?

Recruit an assassin who belongs to Daqin and exists exclusively to protect Yingzheng.

In this way, the danger can be better suppressed.

Ying Zheng agreed to Li Si's proposal.

And Jing Ke was also ashamed of the failure of the two assassinations, so he decided that Ying Zheng was the real son of destiny.

When faced with Li Si's solicitation, he surrendered to Ying Zheng's command.

‘An emperor who even Jing Ke himself could not assassinate? That is the real Son of Heaven! '


Apocalypse Empire.

Cheng Mu was shocked when Qin Ning returned with an army of 500,000 troops.

Didn't I ask you to take the opportunity to kill Lu Bu and Wang Jian? There is actually this windfall.

Especially Chen Gong and Gao Shun who came back together, this is a complete surprise!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have brought one more person back this time."

When Cheng Mu was overjoyed after being shocked, Qin Ning released Lu Qiling again.

To her, Lu Qiling is much more important than Gao Shun and Chen Gong!

Bringing Gao Shun and Chen Gong back was completely a gift from friendship, just by the way.

"She is?"

Seeing Lu Qiling who was crying, Cheng Mu looked puzzled.

Could this Qin Ning have kidnapped someone's daughter back?

No, this woman is wearing armor...

"Report to Your Majesty!"

Qin Ning quickly cleared up the doubts of Cheng Mu: "This woman's name is Lu Qiling, and she is Lu Bu's daughter!"

"The minister saw that she was a perfect match for General Zhao Yun, so he took it upon himself to bring her back."

One expedition can bring Zhao Yun a wife back, and she believes that Zhao Yun will thank her very much.

"Oh? Lu Qiling? Lu Bu's daughter is this old?"

Cheng Mu became more and more confused.

He originally thought that Lu Bu should be like himself and Zhao Yun, a peerless warrior in his twenties.

But looking at it now, his daughter is almost twenty years old, right?

"Report to Your Majesty, the goods are genuine."

Qin Ning said slowly: "It is precisely because the humble minister kidnapped her that Lu Bu fell into a demon and fought Wang Jian to death."

At first, she was still thinking about **** Lu Bu and Wang Jian at the same time, but she didn't think it was Lu Qiling who gave her the chance.

So she loves this little girl very much.

She was on the verge of saying, 'I wouldn't have killed your father without you! '

This is a sincere thank you!


Cheng Mu understood. He sized Lu Qiling carefully, nodded and said, "It's a pretty good match!"

If you look closely, Lu Qiling's face is slightly petite.

After sensing her skeletal age, Cheng Mu knew that her real age was only sixteen or seventeen.

Coupled with the strength of Shenmen's fairyland and the beauty of a closed moon, Lu Qiling is worthy of Zhao Yun!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Qin Ning was very happy, this was the first time in her life to be a matchmaker.

If it works, she will definitely work hard in the future.

Not to mention that the young talents of the Apocalypse Empire have three wives and four concubines, the most basic life issues have to be resolved!

"Guan Hai!"

Qin Ning took care of Lu Qiling's affairs, and Cheng Mu didn't care about it.

He called Guan Hai and said: "The 500,000 troops brought back by Qin Ning this time, please take care of them."

"If they are willing to join the army, then put them into the army."

"If there is anyone who refuses, let him be disarmed and returned to the field!"

500,000 troops, 500,000 elite.

Even if the strength of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Xuanji Army is weak, they are still first-class strength.

As long as they belong to the Apocalypse Empire and surrender sincerely.

Then their strength will be improved immediately with the improvement of talent!

Once into the top, the top into peerless.

This is why Cheng Mu values ​​these soldiers so much.

As long as they are incorporated into the army, these 500,000 people can immediately form a fighting force!

If they won't?

Cheng Mu was not worried either.

As long as they are within the territory of the Apocalypse Empire, even if they are disarmed and return to the fields at this time, they will have a heart to serve the country in the future!

No matter how they choose, these people cannot escape the mission of fighting for the Apocalypse Empire!

"My minister obeys!"

Guan Hai nodded, also pleasantly surprised.

Now his own Apocalypse Empire is fighting against the big Han, Song and Sui on two fronts.

With an elite army of 20 million, this is also a lot of pressure for the Apocalypse Empire.

Although the Apocalypse Empire sits on the four continents of Mingzhou, Shenzhou, Qingzhou, and Tangzhou, supplemented by Manzhou and Shazhou.

This territory looks big, but the population of these states is not full.

Except for Shenzhou where Apocalypse City is located, which of the three major states of Mingzhou, Qingzhou, and Tangzhou has not experienced a war?

So in terms of population, Cheng Mu has to find a way to restore people's livelihood.

The number of soldiers under his command is not enough? Then go to other countries to grab it!

Support war with Support the Apocalypse Empire with the power of other countries!

"Chen Gongtai!"

"Gao Boping!"

After setting up the issue of 500,000 soldiers, Cheng Mu had time to deal with Chen Gong and Gao Shun.

Chen Gong, the chief counselor under Lv Bu's tent, has a straightforward temperament and resourcefulness.

Although his talent is not as good as Zhuge Liang, he is still a great talent.

Gao Shun, whose courtesy name is Boping, is a general under Lv Bu's command.

It can even be called the first soldier in the Three Kingdoms period.

Therefore, Gao Shun's talent is conspicuous.

"You, are you willing to submit to my Apocalypse Empire?"

Since they are all great talents, Cheng Mu gave him a chance to survive.

Just as Qin Ning thought at the beginning. Since everyone in the Apocalypse Empire is like a real dragon, then recruit some talents, and these talents will be the real dragons among the real dragons!

Not to mention SSR, as long as the two of them surrender, they are at least SSS-level talents!

"I will!"

How could Gao Shun and Chen Gong refuse?

After stepping into the territory of the Apocalypse Empire, they were so shocked that they couldn't say anything.

In their eyes, what is the difference between the mighty Apocalypse Empire and the Immortal Kingdom?

Then they saw that Cheng Mu was able to make such great achievements in his twenties, and they were completely convinced!

It is their honor to join the Apocalypse Empire and serve Cheng Mu!

"it is good!"

Cheng Mu nodded, and immediately ordered: "Gao Shun, I order you to form a new army of the fallen camp based on the remaining soldiers of the fallen camp!"

"Millions of soldiers, this is my order to you!"

At the beginning, Gao Shun only had 100,000 trapped soldiers under Lu Bu's command? This is too small!

Cheng Mu wants to form a trap camp, which is a complete million-strong super infantry corps.

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