The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 889: barbarian beggar army

"Your Majesty, I am determined to go to the dogs and horses!"

How could Gao Shun refuse such a heavy responsibility.

Under Cheng Mu's trust, he knelt down on the ground with a thud and was so grateful!

At the same time, Cheng Mu also arranged Chen Gong's position.

The deputy commander of the million trapped camp, military adviser, and Gao Shun's right arm.

The combination of the two will definitely bring the trapped camp to an unprecedented height.


Dajin, Xinguo.

The news of Lu Bu's death also reached Wang Mang's ears.

He was puzzled about Qin Ning's identity. But when he learned that nearly half a million remnants had entered the Apocalypse Empire, he didn't dare to say a word.

The Apocalypse Empire is too powerful.

Even at this time he accepted a gift from the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

But when he thought of the Apocalypse Empire, which could destroy the Qing, Ming, and Tang, he still felt an unrivaled power.

At this time, it happened that the army of Qin State invaded, so he rose up to resist.

If he was facing the army of the Apocalypse Empire, he would have abandoned the city and surrendered.

As an emperor, no one is a fool.

After weighing the pros and cons, after comparing the strength gap between the two countries.

Some will fight to the death and die for their country. Some people will choose to surrender to avoid domestic military disasters and protect the people.

At least for now, Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire has not spread any negative news such as the massacre of the city.

Those people under the rule of the Apocalypse Empire are all happy and healthy!

Of course, since Cheng Mu's army did not arrive, Wang Mang would also abandon the city and surrender at this time.

Lu Bu is dead, and the strongest combat force in the Jin Dynasty died in battle.

Although Wang Jian, who was also a general of the Qin Army, died together, Wang Jian is not the only general in the Great Qin Empire!

As long as Yingzheng sends another large army, the army of the Great Qin Empire can drive straight in.

If Xin Guo wants to survive now, he can only hope that Ran Min can change his fate against the sky!

Murong Ke is now stationed in Bingzhou City, facing Qin State General Meng Tian across the border.

Before Meng Tian fully recovered from his injuries, Ying Zheng chose to postpone the battle in the middle.

Ever since, all the eyes of the whole Xinguo turned to the city of Xi'an.

After Zhang Han's Lishan Army went all the way south and captured Xi'an, Ran Mincai led the begging army to arrive here.

The 500,000 begging army composed of barbarian soldiers put great pressure on Zhang Han when they first arrived.

"Spit! It's this disgusting beggar again!"

On the city wall, Zhang Han spit upon seeing Ran Min.

The other generals of the Great Qin Empire may not know Ran Min, nor do they know how to beg for a living army.

But he is familiar with Zhang Han.

Back then when Wang Mang and Lu Bu joined forces, the begging army under Ran Min's command was even braver than the trapped camp, and drove him all the way back to the Great Qin Empire.

And now, Ran Min is here again.

It was as if the begging army had become his nemesis.

"Zhang Han, get out of the city and die!"

Outside the city wall, Ran Min dared to fight alone.

At this time, he was already the king of the barbarians and the emperor of the newly built Ranwei state.

The 500,000 begging army composed of barbarian soldiers under his command became his biggest reliance in this battle.

At the beginning, under Lu Bu's command, he had already killed Zhang Han once.

Today, he will definitely kill Zhang Han here!

"Hmph! Brainless barbarians!"

Zhang Han did not fight.

He knew Ran Min's strength, and he couldn't beat him.

That being the case, it is better to wait for the news of victory here.

The news of Wang Jian's death in battle had not yet reached here, so he believed that Wang Jian and Meng Tian alone would be able to capture the entire Xinguo.

When Wang Mang in Luoyang City couldn't hold back and called for reinforcements, and when Ran Min led his army to help, then he would definitely go out of the city to chase and kill Ran Min.

To fight on three fronts is to weaken the strength of the Three Kingdoms!

Divide and annihilate them, this is the battle strategy that Wang Jian set up from the beginning.

"Don't dare to come out? You bastard!"

Seeing Zhang Han hiding in the city of Xi'an like a tortoise, Ran Min cursed: "In that case, then Xi'an City is your burial place!"

"Begging army, attack the city!"

He never talks nonsense.

If Zhang Han can't come out, then he will attack in!

A mere city of Xi'an, he led his army to push it across!

Rumble! Rumble!

The first echelon of the begging army began to march.

The begging army only has 500,000 people, but the 500,000 barbarians are all super god-level peak troops in the top realm.

Every step he took, the barbarian begging army could shake the ground trembling.

That huge body height advantage, the fine iron hammer in his hand, and the solid heavy armor on his body...

Five hundred thousand barbarian begging army, this is the reason why Ran Min was able to escape from Lu Bu's command!

This is almost an invincible unit.


When Ran Min ordered the attack, Zhang Han on the city wall had already led the archers to counterattack.

Arrows fell all over the sky, hitting the barbarian beggars with clanging sounds.

However, the result of the arrows all over the sky is not to break the defense, not to break the skin. Even the pace of the begging army soldiers was not affected.

In front of the three-meter-high barbarian begging army, the half-meter-long arrow was like a toothpick.

Under the double protection of heavy armor and their own hard skin, no amount of arrows can hurt their fur!

"Hehe, Zhang Han, are you tickling my soldiers?"

Ran Min laughed from behind.

What about the famous Lishan Legion of the Great Qin Empire? It's just a group of prisoners who sound sinister.

Today, the Lishan Legion of the Great Qin Empire will be removed!


Seeing that waves of arrows had no effect, Zhang Han became angry. Especially Ran Min's ridicule made him furious.

Behind you is the incomparably powerful Great Qin Empire. How can you, a mere barbarian, have the right to be arrogant in front of the mighty army of the Great Qin Empire?

Since the arrows couldn't pierce the armor of the barbarian soldiers, he would go for the hard ones.

Rumble! Rumble!

One after another, the Thunderbolts were pushed onto the city wall.

There are a total of twenty thunderbolt crossbows, all of which were paid tribute by the city lord of Xi'an when he surrendered.

It just so happened that Zhang Han did not bring any defense equipment with him this time, and the twenty Thunderbolt crossbows gave him a chance to breathe.

You know, Xi'an City is one of the important cities for the Xin Kingdom to manufacture the Thunderbolt Crossbow.

As long as Zhang Han persisted, the continuous thunderbolts would move up the city wall.

Ordinary arrows can't pierce armor? Then change to a three-meter-long thunder crossbow.

Click click click!

Under the control of each soldier, the huge thunder crossbow began to rotate.

Arrows glowing with blue lightning appeared on the battlefield, and the whole world was filled with the breath of thunder.

"This is?"

At the back of the battlefield, Ran Min, who was supervising the battle, couldn't help standing up when he saw the Thunderbolt.

He is also very familiar with the Thunderbolt Crossbow.

Xinguo can resist Lu Bu's soldiers, and Murong Ke is just one of the swords under Wang Mang's command.

The other knife is the famous Thunderbolt Crossbow!

"Shield! Heavy shield!"

The moment the Thunderbolt appeared, Ran Min immediately changed his combat strategy.

He originally wanted his soldiers to go into battle lightly and quickly attack under the city wall.

Use powerful force to smash through the city wall.

But now that the Thunderbolt Crossbow has been released, it is necessary to have a heavy shield to protect one or two of the soldiers under his command.

In an instant, the barbarian soldiers who were charging slowed down.

Facing the cold and thunderous crossbow arrows, they will not die in vain.

They are just simple-minded and have low IQs, which doesn't mean they can't even perceive danger.

"Want to withdraw now? Dreaming!"

On the city wall, seeing the barbarian begging army slowing down, a sneer appeared on Zhang Han's face.

"This general is waiting for now! Shoot!"

He ordered.


Rumble! Rumble!

The attack of the thunder crossbow is like falling from the thunder.

The loud noise deafened the soldiers on the battlefield.

Although the barbarian beggars were more able to withstand the sound, the heavy armor they wore became a decoration in front of the Thunderbolt.


Under the bombardment of the Thunderbolt, the solid armor was shattered.

The scattered fragments penetrated the bodies of the barbarian soldiers, and many barbarian soldiers fell to the ground.

The raging thunder snake is also harvesting the lives of the barbarian soldiers bit by bit!


The attack speed of the Thunderbolt Crossbow was so fast that the soldiers of the Beggar Army at the front were shot to death by the huge crossbow before they could hold their shields.

So while Ran Min was cursing, his whole body had already soared into the air.

"Mice, die!"

Since Zhang Han wants to rely on the advantage of the city, the advantage of crossbow arrows?


Today, he is going to smash the city with a single blow!


Huge power and influence vibrated from Ran Min's body, stirring up the whole world.

Although Ran Min's strength is inferior to Lu Bu's, he is also a freshman with a heavenly demeanor!


Zhang Han cursed. Only a few hundred soldiers under his command died, so Ran Min is going to fight himself with a knife?

Is this too short?

"Get the general's spear!"

But since Ran Min came out, how could he back down.

"The soul of Mount Li!"

In order to resist Ran Min, he needs the army soul of the Lishan Legion to help him.

This is a huge mountain, and the thick aura coming from the mountain shocked all Lishan soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, transparent light yellow shields appeared on the Lishan soldiers. Even the entire city of Xi'an has become stronger!

The soul of Lishan, a pure defense-type army soul.

With the protection of the soul of Mount Li, Zhang Han finally felt a little safe.

He didn't want to kill Ran Min, he just wanted to block Ran Min's attack.

I have captured Xi'an City, presumably Meng Tian and Wang Jian are besieging Luoyang City at this time, right?

No matter how bad it is, it won't take too long to send reinforcements from within the Great Qin Empire.

"What a shrinking turtle!"

The moment Lishan Army Soul appeared, Ran Min couldn't help frowning again.

He felt an extremely heavy aura from the Lishan Army Soul, the earth-like aura made his movements slow.


But he doesn't believe in evil, he must try the depth of this Lishan army soul.


With one slash, the huge knife aura triggered a super hurricane.

While the hurricane was raging, the long knife collided with the army soul.


There was an ear-piercing collision sound, and Ran Min only felt that he had been split on a piece of refined iron.

The huge anti-shock force almost made the big knife in his hand drop.

The defense of Lishan Army Soul is too strong. Even Ran Min, who was in the early days of Shentai Tianxianland, couldn't break through its defense for a while.


Zhang Han on the city wall was relieved to see Lishan Army Soul resisting Ran Min.

In fact, this is not surprising.

The Lishan Legion under his command is also a unit of the Super God Peak Realm, and the strength of the army soul condensed is also the early stage of the Godly Immortal Realm.

In the face of Ran Min's lack of strength, how could he break through the defense of the Lishan army soul?


Seeing Zhang Han with a relaxed smile on his face, Ran Min became angry.

Is the turtle mocking himself?

That being the case, I'm going to release my big move!

"Begging to live the soul of the army! The blood slaughter order!"

"Tear them apart!"

Under Ran Min's furious roar, the 500,000 begging army also inspired their own military spirit.

This is a **** token composed of **** power. The token made the word Tu, which was engraved like blood, just look at it and make people feel the boundless killing intent.

Under the blessing of the Hu Blood Slaughter Order, the Qihuo Army, which was originally of top-level strength, exploded with unprecedented combat effectiveness.

One of their feet has stepped into the peerless realm, and the killing intent on their bodies has also condensed into substance.

Those blood-red eyes wanted to tear apart all the enemies in front of them!


Ran Min withdrew his long knife.

He originally wanted to give Zhang Han a good time, but Zhang Han wanted pain, so how could he not be satisfied?

Although many begging soldiers died under the thunderbolt.

But just 20 thunderbolt crossbows can be filled with the lives of soldiers.

After thousands of barbarian begging army soldiers died, they finally attacked below the city wall!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a violent impact sound.

Under the sledgehammer of the barbarian begging army, the thick city gate of Xi'an began to crumble.

One by one, the wall bricks were smashed, and the Lishan prisoners on the city wall began to tremble.

They saw with their own eyes a barbarian beggar soldier shot through the eye.

As a result, the barbarian soldier just pulled out the arrow with a roar, then took his eyes off the arrow and immediately stuffed it into his mouth.

This is too scary!

How can a soldier go into battle while chewing his own eyeballs?

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