The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 890: Great Qin cannot be humiliated! Lishan cannot be humiliated!

"Block them! Block them!"

Zhang Han on the city wall roared angrily when he saw the soldiers of the barbarian begging army who looked like evil spirits.

The thunder crossbow can no longer attack the enemies under the city wall, so use boulders and hot oil.

Although these conventional methods of defending the city cannot kill all the enemies under the city, they can still achieve some results in the end.

"Ho! Ho! Ho!"

Under the pouring of hot oil, the barbarian soldiers under the city couldn't help screaming.

Although the thick armor can resist sharp blade arrows, it cannot resist the pervasive hot oil.

Not only that, Zhang Han also brought over a hundred fire-type rangers.

For a moment, the flames surged, and the flames raged.

Under the raging fire, no matter how powerful the barbarian soldiers were, they were buried here. The hot oil poured on them is the best combustion accelerant!

"Second echelon!"

In the rear, the raging fire couldn't stop Ran Min from attacking.

At his order, the soldiers of the second echelon of the Qihuo Army began to charge.

There are four gates in the whole city of Xi'an.

The soldiers of the first echelon had rushed under the south gate, and the task of the second echelon was to conquer the east gate.

Today, Ran Min not only wanted to break through the city of Xi'an, but also made it impossible for Zhang Han to escape!

Rumble! Rumble!

Another 100,000 troops are galloping.

This time, under the blessing of the Hu Blood Slaughter Order, the soldiers of the barbarian begging army rushed under the city wall at an extremely fast speed.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Armed with sledgehammers, they began to attack the gate of the east gate.

The sturdy hammer makes the city walls tremble with every blow.

"Block! Block!"

Inside the city gate, densely packed Lishan soldiers blocked the city gate. They were worried that the wood would not be able to support the city gate, so they simply used their own flesh and blood.

They are in the first-class peak state, and they have powerful power.

Their strength is fused together, much stronger than the wooden pegs of the city gate!

Boom! puff!

However, the attack power of the barbarian soldiers outside the city was too great.

The huge force transmitted from outside the door instantly shattered the khaki shields on the Lishan soldiers, and then shocked them to death here.

The thick iron city gate was about to be torn open by the barbarian soldiers.

On the city wall, Zhang Han's face suddenly collapsed again.

He is too tormented.

When the ordinary bows and arrows on the city wall are useless, can they only rely on the sharpness of the sword?

But at present, ordinary swords do not have much effect on these barbarian soldiers.

The heavy armor on them is too thick!

"Fight with them!"

Finally, Zhang Han made up his mind.

The power of one's own military soul will not last long.

Rather than waiting for the army soul to disappear and die in Ran Min's hands, it is better to fight to the death.

Although these top-level barbarians are powerful, the Lishan Legion under their command has an advantage in numbers.

More than fearless, Lishan prisoners are villains who are not afraid of death!


"Kill them all!"

"Brothers, fight with them!"

"What's it like to be a woman who doesn't know the barbarians?"

Although some people in the Lishan army were afraid, most of them obeyed Zhang Han's order to attack.

Everyone is a group of people full of evil! You barbarians want to kill Lao Tzu, how can I sit and wait for death?


The heavy west door opened.

Endless Lishan prisoners crowded out from the city gate, screaming and killing the barbarian soldiers with sharp knives in their hands.

These barbarian soldiers are only strong in physical strength, they are not without opportunities to fight back!


The martial artist rushed to the front, then dodged the oncoming sledgehammer, and chopped off the head of a barbarian soldier with a single blow.

The strength of these prisoners varies.

There are peerless powerhouses and second-rate powerhouses.

Their comprehensive strength is the pinnacle of the top level, and the number of peerless powerhouses is not small.

Coupled with their skilled killing skills, the barbarian soldiers suffered heavy losses in the first wave of attacks.

Although the armor on the soldiers of the barbarian begging army was hard, it was impossible for them to be covered by armor with their three-meter-high bodies.

Ran Min's Ran Wei barbarian country is not so rich now!

The huge gaps in the armor of the barbarian soldiers became an excellent target for the Lishan prisoners to attack.



"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

With the heat of the war, the Lishan prisoners on the entire battlefield became crazy.

At this time, the glimmer of hope that rose in Zhang Han's heart turned into despair again.

He saw that the Lishan prisoners, who had an absolute advantage in numbers, were at a disadvantage at this time.

Although there are quite a few prisoners in the top peerless realm, they only need one knife when facing barbarian soldiers.

They can kill barbarian soldiers with one knife, and they will also be hammered to the ground by barbarian soldiers.

The thick and heavy hammer made of refined iron is Ran Min's proud work.

Just with a weight of hundreds of catties, it can form a huge lethal force with a light wave.

Under the sledgehammer, a puddle of meat mud!

"Cavalry! Cavalry!"

Seeing that neither the infantry nor the archers had an advantage, Zhang Han on the city wall sent out the last force.

Lishan Xiongqi.

The 200,000 Lishan cavalry are solemn and solemn, their black armor and mask revealing a cold killing intent.

This is a heavy cavalry, Zhang Han's last force to overthrow the barbarian begging army.

"Lishan Xiongqi, kill the enemy!"

Under the leadership of the commander-in-chief, 200,000 Lishan cavalry rushed out from the north gate, then turned around and attacked the east gate.

The huge movement caught Ran Min's attention in an instant.

It's just that when he saw the menacing 200,000 Lishan heroes approaching, there was no trace of fear or worry on his face.

Instead, he smiled.

There are only 200,000 heavy armored cavalry, and you want to make waves in front of your own barbarian begging army?

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Seeing the appearance of the black cavalry, many barbarian soldiers have already started roaring.


In the final distance, Lishan Xiongqi was alone. The 200,000 cavalry charged into the formation of barbarian soldiers with unstoppable momentum.

Rumble! Boom!

In an instant, the sound of roar and impact resounded through the sky and the earth.

Under the unstoppable power of the iron cavalry, even the three-meter-high barbarian soldiers became vulnerable at this time! .

Countless barbarian soldiers were trampled under the hooves of the horses, and a huge hole was torn open in the densely packed barbarian soldiers.

At this moment, the battle situation seemed to be more favorable to the Lishan Legion.

However, this advantage did not last long.

When all the Lishan Xiongqi rushed into the formation of the Qihuo army, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Although the soldiers of the barbarian begging army were trampled under the hooves of the horses, their bodies were already tattered, like muddy flesh.

but! As long as they have breath, they are still fighting back.

Under the blessing of the Army Soul Slaughter Hu Blood Order, the soldiers of the Qihuo Army are fearless and painless!

Those pairs of blood-red eyes told everyone on the battlefield that they would die together.

A soldier held the horse's hoof with his crippled palm, and the bone spur broke the horse's leg. Some barbarians propped up their remnants and hung under the iron cavalry, biting the war horse with their mouths open. There are even barbarian soldiers wielding their sledgehammers with the remaining strength!

Their stature is simply too tall.

Like little giants, every time they attack, the Lishan army suffers heavy losses.

When the 200,000 Lishan Xiongqi were completely surrounded by the begging army, Zhang Han's face showed the final despair.

He lost.

Not only was he defeated by Ran Min in terms of strength, but his soldiers were even slaughtered by Ran Min's begging army.

The entire city of Xi'an is also on the brink of destruction!

"Hehe, this is the pain you chose yourself!"

Ran Min was expressionless.

I obviously gave Zhang Han a chance, but what can Zhang Han do if he doesn't grasp it?

Anyway, all Lishan soldiers in the city will be killed.

Under the blood slaughter order, everything will be slaughtered!

"Since that's the case, don't think about it, everyone!"

Under boundless desperation, Zhang Han's heart suddenly surged with raging anger. He represented the Great Qin Empire, and standing behind him was the mighty and domineering Ying Zheng. How could he lose the Lishan Legion?

In an instant, desperate roars resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Lishan Legion, go to death!"

Ran Min's barbarian begging army is indeed powerful, but the 500,000 people are his entire family.

He wants to destroy his Lishan Legion, so let the Qihuo Army be buried with his Lishan Legion!

Rumble! Rumble!

The solid and thick Lishan Army Soul began to exude a strange aura. Pieces of blood-colored boulders slipped from the mountain.

The boulder exploded in the colorful remaining soldiers of the Lishan Legion were dyed blood red.

The power of the huge army soul poured into their bodies, and each Lishan soldier began to grow hard armor.

This is the last mission of the Lishan army soul, and the last anger of the Lishan army under desperate circumstances!

Great Qin cannot be humiliated, and the Lishan Legion cannot be humiliated!


"A mere foreign race, how dare you act wildly on China's territory?"

"Today I die, wash away my sins!"

"The soul of Mount Li is unparalleled in this world!"


Encouraged by Zhang Han, the soldiers of the Lishan Army in the city rioted one after another.

The mutation brought to their bodies by the Lishan army soul instantly raised their strength to a half-step peerless!

At the moment of death, the potential of all people is stimulated.

This is a life-and-death battle, even if all the barbarian beggars are killed, their souls will return to the majestic Lishan Mountain!


Zhang Han's strength also improved, and he rushed towards Ran Min fearlessly.

The spear collided with the long knife, and the huge power actually pushed Ran Minzhen back several steps.

Feeling the power of despair emanating from Zhang Han's body, Ran Min cheered up.

This is Zhang Han's last battle in this life, no one can underestimate a person's fighting power before dying!

At the same time, in the face of the Lishan prisoners who risked their lives, the extremely powerful barbarian begging army also began to suffer large-scale casualties.

Now that they have no advantage in strength, their huge size makes them the living targets of Lishan prisoners!

Fighting, endless fighting.

Under the fighting of two fearless armies, the entire city of Xi'an was turned into a **** on earth.

In hell, no one is innocent, no one survives.

Everyone in the prison has only one thought in mind: hold a knife and kill the enemy!

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