"Your Majesty! The Xixia wolf riders request to fight together!"

After Nie Ba asked for a fight, Yuan Hao also stood up.

Now he and Cheng Mu are grasshoppers on the same rope, so what if the Tianqi Empire is besieged by various countries? He had no choice but to go to the dark one way.

"Be careful!"

Cheng Mu nodded and agreed.

As long as Xuzhou is captured, the army under his command will be able to station troops outside the city of Kaifeng.

At that time, Zhao Kuangyin's life or death is completely in his mind!


At the same time, Guan Hai was also murderous.

He stood up, staring at Yang Ye on the city wall with his blood red eyes.

The Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife in his hand made a buzzing sound.

When his fighting spirit was high, his whole body turned into a stream of blood and shot out.


A huge collision sounded.

Before everyone understood what happened, Guan Hai's Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife had already struck the shield of Xuzhou City.

That huge power shakes the whole world trembling.

Cracks appeared in the indestructible shield in a short period of time.


Yang Ye stood on the city wall with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Although the damaged city wall shield was repaired in one breath. But the trace of killing intent that penetrated in instantly beheaded hundreds of soldiers defending the city.

If Guan Hai made a few more cuts, it is estimated that he would be able to kill all the defenders in Xuzhou city without smashing the shield.

This is bad news.

Yang Ye is Yang Wudi. And an invincible, how can he watch his soldiers be killed in vain?

"Yan Zhao, protect Lord Wang!"

After exhorting his son Yang Yanzhao, Yang Yefei rushed out.

He is not fighting alone.

At this time, Wang Anshi personally sat in Xuzhou City. With Wang Anshi around, even if there are tens of thousands of enemy troops outside the city, he will have nothing to worry about!

"Son obeys!"

In fact, Yang Yanzhao also wanted to go out of the city to fight.

But when he thought of the task on his shoulders, he immediately restrained his thoughts.

Wang Anshi is the backbone of Xuzhou City. As long as Wang Anshi is here, Xuzhou City will not be broken!

Rumble! Rumble!

The heavy Xuzhou city gate opened.

The moment Yang Ye rushed out, half a million Yang family troops filed out.

This is a super heavy cavalry wearing black and red heavy armor. Every step they take makes the ground tremble.

The fearless aura of going forward made the entire battlefield turbulent again.

"Loyal and brave!"

In mid-air, Yang Ye shouted loudly.

In an instant, a powerful aura enveloped the entire Yang family army.

With the blessing of Yang Ye's loyal and brave skills, the general of the Yang family, who was originally only super god-level peak strength, stepped into the realm of killing gods at this moment.

The army of the Yang family can kill gods when they enter.

This is why Yang Ye dared to go out of the city to fight.

At the same time, the ranger soldiers who rushed over from Kaifeng Mansion became a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

"act recklessly!"

Seeing that Yang Ye led an army of 500,000 and dared to go out of the city to meet the enemy, Guan Hai, who was rubbing his blood knife, sneered.

In the next second, his figure disappeared again.


With one blow, Yang Ye flew upside down in an instant.


Looking at the shattered tiger's mouth, Yang Ye was shocked.

What Guan Hai attacked just now was the shield of Xuzhou City, and he didn't personally experience Guan Hai's strength.

But now just like this, he discovered the strength gap between the two.

As a famous general through the ages, his strength has just entered the stage of the altar.

But this Guan Hai, who was borrowed from the unknown in history, actually possessed the strength of the gods and gods at a young age.

In other words, he, Yang Ye, has lived in vain for forty or fifty years, and he is actually no better than a twenty-year-old general!

"Kneel down!"

Guan Hai took the opportunity to chase after him.

The Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife in his hand turned sideways.


Another blow.

This time, the huge force directly shattered the spear in Yang Ye's hand.

Yang Wudi of the Song Empire, how can there be any trace of invincibility at this moment?

"Too much bullying! Too much bullying!"

Being suppressed and beaten by Guan Hai, how could Yang Ye feel reconciled.

I saw him biting the tip of his tongue, and the sweet smell of blood made his whole body agitated.

"I am, invincible!"

With a roar, he started to run wild.

Rumble! Rumble!

His skin was shattered, and the gushing blood dyed him into a blood man.

Under the restless blood, a pair of sharp bone wings came out from his back.

Puff! Puff!

Yang Ye was bewitched.

In order to defeat Guan Hai, he did not hesitate to make a deal with the Demon King.

boom! boom!

The blood-red bone wings spread out, and the whole world changed color when the bone wings flapped, flying sand and rocks.

Riding the wind.


Yang Ye pulled out his spine from behind, and the blood-red bone spear transformed from the spine slammed on Guan Hai's body.

in an instant.

Guan Hai only felt restless breath all over his body.

Although he blocked the blow with the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife, the crimson bone gun was still able to **** the blood energy from him at a distance of forty or fifty centimeters.

With just one bite, the red bone gun became even more evil.

At this time, Yang Ye's strength has officially stepped into the mid-stage of the Godly Immortal Realm.

The blood energy swallowed by the red bone gun in his hand became a good medicine to nourish his body!

"Oh? Is this going to die?"

Behind the battlefield, seeing Guan Hai and Yang Ye who were fighting inextricably, Cheng Mu sighed and shook his head.

Yang Ye dedicated himself to the Demon King, which is simply asking for his own death.

Even if he defeated Guan Hai, he still had to die at the hands of the Demon King in the end.

And this Demon King is not Hei Ling, but the new Eternal Demon King.

This Yang Ye is strengthening the strength of the demons outside the territory!

"Finish him!"

Cheng Mu would not watch the new Eternal Demon King accept Yang Ye's body in vain. This Yang Wudi, he wants it!


Hei Ling understood what Cheng Mu meant.

In the next second, its sharp claws lightly clawed in the air.


Yang Ye only heard a click, and a sharp pain came from his heart.

He looked down, and four deep scratches appeared on his chest.

The indestructible breastplate is as fragile as paper in front of these scratches.

As the blood gushed out, the bone spear in his hand became even more alluring!


The severe pain made Yang Ye grit his teeth.

He stared at Hei Ling viciously, wishing he could tear Hei Ling's body into pieces.

However, the next second.


Taking advantage of his distraction, Guan Hai attacked again with the Blood Prison Severing Soul Knife.

This time, he will definitely decapitate Yang Ye!

"Get out!"

The strong death threat made Yang Ye burst into unprecedented potential. At this time, it was too late for him to block with a gun.

So, he turned slightly.

The pair of bright red bone wings behind him met Guan Hai's blood knife like sharp blades.


The second click sounded ~www.readwn.com~ One of the indestructible bone wings on Yang Ye's back was chopped off by Guan Hai under the collision.

The black blood gurgled and left behind, eroding a large area of ​​land in an instant.

"How...how is it possible?"

Seeing a bone wing fall to the ground, deep confusion and unwillingness flashed across Yang Ye's face.

His bones and wings are comparable to gold and iron, how could the gods and demons be so easily broken in Guan Hai's hands?

However, the next second.


When he was in doubt, the other bone wing behind him also fell off with a click.

Seeing his empty back and feeling the rapidly dissipating power in his body, Yang Ye's eyes turned black at this moment!


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