The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 916: The return of the demons, the golden god


Hei Ling cast a contemptuous glance at Yang Ye.

Playing with the power of the demons in front of it is simply playing tricks.

In fact, there is no need for Guan Hai to make a move, it can destroy the demonized Yang Ye with one claw!


At this time, Guan Hai did not hesitate.

While Yang Ye was fainting, he slashed down fiercely with the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife in his hand.

The huge knife gang made everyone on the battlefield tremble.


Seeing Yang Ye whose life was hanging by a thread, Yang Yanyu's eyes were about to burst.

He is Erlang of the Yang family, and his duty is to protect Yang Ye.

But at this moment, seeing his father Yang Ye's life hanging by a thread, he was powerless.

Guan Hai's mighty knife gang made him feel like he couldn't support it even through the shield.

Rumble! Rumble!

Under the huge **** knife, the fragile barriers of the world have also become crumbling.

Space cracks like horned dragons tore apart the sky, and the great terror among the demons opened their blood-red eyes.


Last minute.

The huge knife gang tore Yang Ye's battle armor to pieces. Under the battle armor, the bones in Yang Ye's body were being crushed inch by inch.

Click, click.

But at this moment, the palpitating sound of devouring sounded.

Under everyone's gaze, the bone gun in Yang Ye's hand opened its mouth wide open.

Those sharp teeth started to bite Yang Ye's flesh and blood.

In just a few breaths, Yang Ye's arm was completely eaten away.


In the next second, the knife gang fell.

But a shocking scene appeared.

After the scarlet bone gun devoured Yang Ye's arm, the entire body of the gun turned into a huge bone dragon and crossed the air.

The scarlet bone armor abruptly blocked the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife.

The collision between the blood knife and the bone dragon tore apart the sky in an instant.

A space crack of tens of thousands of meters hangs in the sky, and countless monsters roar out of the crack.

"It was on purpose!"

Seeing the continuous descending monsters, Guan Hai's face suddenly turned pale.

These monsters were not released by Yang Ye, but by the bone gun in Yang Ye's hand.

In other words, this last blow was a conspiracy by Bone Spear.

After Yang Ye fainted, the bone gun in his hand was revived under the erosion of the devil.

After devouring Yang Ye's flesh and blood, the bone gun completely turned into a world-destroying demon gun.

The magic gun turned into a bone dragon and tore apart the sky!

"It's really haunting."

Seeing the dense crowd of monsters, Cheng Mu frowned.

This space crack of tens of thousands of meters sent millions of demon troops in just one second.

If no measures are taken, the entire Song Empire will be overwhelmed by monsters!

While pondering, Cheng Mu turned his gaze to Hei Ling who was at the side.

At this moment, when it is not known whether the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom will take action to resist the demons, Hei Ling has become the main force to resist the arrival of the demons.

As the former Eternal Demon King, the Black Order should have some effect, right?

"Why are you looking at me?"

Hei Ling noticed Cheng Mu's gaze, and the next moment: "What are you looking at, I still have something to do!"

After speaking, it took the initiative to fly into the air.

When the huge and obscure demon king's breath emanated from its body, the demons who had been arguing about coming suddenly stopped for a moment.

Some monsters trembled tremblingly, while others turned around and ran away.

Although they don't know the Black Order, they can perceive the magic thoughts that belong to the Eternal Demon King.

After the black order appeared, the densely packed demon clan seemed to be banned.

"It's still useful."

Seeing such a scene, Cheng Mu nodded.

From the looks of it, Hei Ling's identity as the Eternal Demon King is still unblocked within the Demon Race.

He thought about it, if he became stronger in the future, wouldn't the Black Order be able to protect the entire planet from being attacked by the demons?

As long as Hei Ling's demon king, Mo Nian, walks around the planet, all the monsters will bow down...


However, Cheng Mu's thoughts had not yet settled down, and a sinister cold snort hammered everyone's hearts like a heavy hammer.

next second.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa~

The monsters who were originally forbidden to be sluggish rushed down like a swarm of bees.

That dense quantity, no matter who saw it, the hairs stood on end.

"This is?"

That cold snort made Cheng Mu's blood surge.

Seeing the out-of-control monster sea, he knew that it was Kuro Ling's deadly enemy who had appeared.

The new Eternal Demon King once again planned this coming in order to devour the Black Order.

The descending monster sea is out of control, this is a big crisis!

That dense number is enough to swallow everyone standing here!

"Cheng Mu, I can't stand it anymore!"

Hei Ling flew back upside down.

It is just a demonic thought, without the real body of a demon king. So when facing the new Eternal Demon King, it fell into a disadvantage as soon as it met.

If it wasn't for the fact that the real body of the new Eternal Demon King couldn't come down, it would have been taken away and sucked dry at this moment!

"Order, the whole army!"

A monster had already landed on the ground, and Cheng Mu had to end the battle on the ground ahead of time.

If the fighting continues like this, everyone will die in the hands of monsters!

"Ahem. Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Yang Ye, who had lost his arm, had awakened.

Taking advantage of the fact that he still had a little strength, he also roared and withdrew his troops.

He knew that he had been tricked and fell into the trap of the devil.

But what else could he do at this moment? You can only preserve the strength of the army under your command before you die.

Nirvana's Ba Saber Army is powerful though.

However, after the Yang family's army officially stepped into the initial stage of killing gods, the battle situation did not show a one-sided situation.

In the case of evenly matched forces, the two armies can retreat completely.

"Huh? Want to leave?"

However, Yang Ye wanted to lead his army to retreat, but Nie Ba refused.

Even though Cheng Mu had already given the order to reorganize the army, he still wanted to charge a wave.

Just now, the Tyrant Sword Army under his command hadn't exhausted all its strength, it was just trying to lure the Yang family army into the trap.

Now that the enemy finally got into the trap, how could he just slip away with the result of the battle?


The battle has come to a decisive moment, and Nie Ba will fight hard even if he disobeys orders.



Under his command, the heavy cavalry of the Ba Saber Army who had been waiting for a long time galloped out.

At this time, the heavy cavalry of the Yang family was deeply surrounded, and it was already impossible to turn the horse's head around at this time.

Click! Click! Click!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were continuous crashes.

Although the Yang family's heavy cavalry has extremely strong defense, but facing the heavy cavalry of the tyrannical sword that controls the giant beast, this heavy armored war horse is as fragile as paper.

Under the giant beast's iron hooves, the heavy cavalry of the Yang family were crushed one by one.

The heavy armor that protected them at the beginning has now become the best coffin to bury them!

"You... poof!"

Seeing the one-sided massacre, Yang Ye, who originally had only one breath of strength, spurted out a mouthful of effort.

He could have persisted for a while, but when Nieba raised the butcher knife, he also ended his life.

"Father! No!"

Yang Yanzhao's eyes were full of blood and tears.

She really wanted to rush over to block everything for her father Yang Ye, but that damned rationality made him unable to move forward.

He went, once Wang Anshi was attacked, everything would really be over!


Yang Yanyu, Yang Yangui and others rushed out.

But before they rushed out of the city gate, they were bounced back with a bang.


A long sigh sounded.

Wang Anshi stood up with regret in his eyes, looked at Yang Yanyu and others from afar and shook his head.

Can't go out, even if these heavy cavalry of the Yang family haven't come back, they can't go out.

The demons have arrived, and their enemies are not only Cheng Mu, but also the dense crowd of monsters!

It is safest to stay in the city at this time.


"This Nirvana!"

Seeing Nie Ba who was still charging wantonly, Cheng Mu's face turned cold.

Such a greed for merit, how can he become a major event in the future?

"Your Majesty, General Nieba has no choice but to fire."

Li Yuanhao saw Cheng Mu's displeasure, and hurriedly explained for Nieba.

His enemies were all the miscellaneous soldiers of the Song Empire, and the wolf cavalry under his command defeated the enemy with a few charges.

Ever since, Nieba's every move behind was under his attention.

Show weakness and ask the enemy to enter the set, and then surround and annihilate them!

In the end, if it wasn't for the arrival of the demons, then none of the five hundred thousand Yang family heavy cavalry would be able to leave.

"The merits and demerits balance out, and the next one will not be an example!"

Cheng Mu turned around coldly.

Nirvana's speed is very fast, the battle over there is over.

Looking at the sea of ​​monsters that hadn't rushed over, Cheng Mu decided to give Nie Ba a chance.

Killed nearly 500,000 troops of the Song Empire. In this way, the strength of Ba Dao Army can be improved a little bit.

And for the upcoming monster sea, this little bit is the result of one hundred thousand million battles!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will go at the end!"

Li Yuanhao was very happy to successfully intercede for Nieba.

When he was excited, he actually led his army to rush towards the sea of ​​monsters.

Every charge of Xixia wolf cavalry can take away hundreds of thousands of monsters' lives.

In just a few minutes, the Xixia wolf riders took advantage of their speed to kill millions of monsters.

‘Hehe, hehe. '

However, the palpitating sneer has not dissipated.

What is the damage of a mere million monsters?

Under those sneers, densely packed demon birds flew out from behind.

The speed of the magic bird was very fast, and it caught up with Li Yuanhao's Xixia wolf rider in just a few hours.

Crash, clatter, clatter.

Under the attack of the magic bird, the Xixia wolf cavalry instantly fell on their backs.

Even the ground was cleaned up by the magic bird!

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

Li Yuanhao was angry.

A group of beasts actually want to run rampant in front of him?


Under his command, the restless Xixia wolf rider once again stabilized the morale of the army.

Sharp arrows shot out one after Puff! Puff! Puff!

A string of magic birds fell.

Facing such a huge number of magic birds, the wolf knight soldiers can kill two birds with one stone or even kill three or four birds with one stone without aiming.

The advancing speed of the monster sea was slowed down a little at this moment.

But just as Li Yuanhao was in full swing, several rays of light came across from the sky.

Accompanied by the melodious sound of fairy music, a golden carriage pulled by a white unicorn first appeared in the eyes of everyone.

After the golden carriage, another fairy boat made of crystal came slowly.

Don't look at the slow speed of Xianzhou, but in the blink of an eye, it is from the horizon to the distance.

And the moment after the fairy boat stopped, a black giant dragon came roaring.

On the back of the black dragon, stands a golden god-man!

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