"Western aliens!"

The appearance of the fairy boat and the giant dragon gave Cheng Mu a chill.

When will it be the turn of foreign races to show off their power here in their own Chinese civilization?

Even if their target may be the demon race outside the territory, this is not acceptable.

"Where did Ji Fa's people die?"

He cursed.

Once the western aliens are allowed to get rid of the descending demons, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of Chinese civilization.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that this mortal country would still have some strength."

On the golden carriage, a tall man sneered.

Shockingly, there are four pairs of golden wings behind him.

As the golden wings danced, large areas of the demons on the ground were melted by the golden light.

He is Gabriel, one of the four Seraphs under Jesus.

Jesus sent him here, and his thoughts are self-evident!

"This is the East after all, a mysterious and great place!"

And just as Gabriel finished speaking, the man on the fairy boat spoke.

I saw him holding a golden spear and wearing a golden long shield.

His name is Ares, one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, God of War!

"Hehehe, what about mystery?"

Gabriel didn't care about Ares' words at all, and his eyes became even more contemptuous: "The land that is about to be destroyed, no matter how mysterious it is, it will eventually turn into a dead land!"

The purpose of his coming together with Ares and others is naturally not just the demons outside this region.

To explore the Great Zhou and destroy the Great Zhou, this is the purpose of his visit this time.

Not only him, but the other two as well.

"Haha, I am Thor, the God of Thunder!"

Above the black dragon, a loud laugh interrupted the conversation between Gabriel and Ares.

Thor, the **** of thunder, belongs to Norse mythology, and he is the most powerful existence in Norse mythology.

Just as he was laughing, the flashing thunder behind him actually tore apart the space.

The monsters that were just about to descend turned into black dust under the ravages of the thunder.

Too strong, the strength of these three people is too strong.

If you insist on setting a realm for them, then Cheng Mu will call them the powerhouses of the Divine Palace!

With the arrival of three god-level powerhouses, the situation of the battle has changed from this moment on.

"Hmph! A group of barbarians!"

But at this moment, a cold and angry reprimand spread throughout the battlefield.

The boundless chill instantly shattered the thunder behind Thor. Even the unicorn under Gabriel's seat turned into a dead horse at this moment.

The black dragon under Ares wanted to escape.

But before it turned around, the black dragon with the strength of the **** stage lost all vitality.



"court death!"

The sudden change made Gabriel and the others furious.

They stared at the man who was getting closer and closer to the sky, and three monstrous forces began to converge.

They originally wanted to give Ji a warning. But I didn't want to be kicked out by the people of Huaxia Civilization just after I said a few words!

"Savage aliens, they don't know how to live or die!"

The black figure in the sky gradually grew larger, and everyone held their breath.

When this figure completely appeared on the battlefield, Cheng Mu, who was watching the battle below, couldn't help being shocked.

'Sun...Sun Tzu? '

He visited Sun Wu's cemetery before the catastrophe, and vaguely remembered Sun Wu's appearance in the portrait.

Now that Sun Wu's real body has come, this is completely a surprise, a surprise!

"Leave each of you, and you will not be able to intervene in the next battle!"

After Sun Wu arrived, he lowered his head and looked down at Cheng Mu and Wang Anshi, giving instructions.

The purpose of his coming today is to kill the three Gabriel who invaded.

"This is the land of China, you will die when you step into it!"

With an angry reprimand, Sun Wu actually started to attack actively!

Rumble! Rumble!

At this moment, the situation changed suddenly, and the sky and the earth were broken.

Before Cheng Mu could react, Sun Wu led Gabriel and the others into the deep space.

The formidable power of the four of them fighting tore apart the tens of thousands of meters of deep space!

"He still has backbone!"

Seeing Sun Wu's attack on Gabriel and the others without hesitation after arriving, Cheng Mu couldn't help but glance at Da Zhou Xian Guogao in his heart.

Not everyone in the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom was as annoying as Ji Fa.

"The Bing Sheng is here today, how can the people of our Apocalypse Empire retreat?"

He couldn't leave, and neither could the soldiers under his command.

Sun Wu is now fighting with other places in the west, so let these descending demons be handed over to Cheng Mu!

In front of his family and the country, and in front of the dignity of the Huaxia people, Cheng Mu can clearly distinguish which is more important.


Guan Hai and Nieba got up at the same time.

Obviously, Sun Wu's appearance inspired their fighting spirit.

At this time, they are full of ambitions and magnificent waves. If it wasn't for Cheng Mu's failure to give the order, they would have rushed to the deep space to kill foreign enemies with Sun Wu!


Rumble! Boom!

Hearing the continuous sound of fighting outside the city, Yang Yanzhao inside the city couldn't help standing up and looking into the distance.

"grown ups?"

He cautiously called Wang Anshi.

If he can also go out of the city to kill the enemy, it will be an extremely fulfilling thing.

Cheng Mu is their enemy, the demons are their enemy, and the western barbarians are also their enemy.

The only difference is that Cheng Mu is an internal enemy, and everyone's battles can only be regarded as disputes among themselves.

However, the situation is different after the emergence of the demons and the western barbarians.

In the face of big right and wrong, Yang Yanzhao can also distinguish who to kill first!

He can lose, but the Huaxia Clan can't lose!

"Reorganize the army and defend the city!"

However, literati always have to be more sensible.

Although Wang Anshi knew that he could go out of the city to kill the demons at this time. But the matter of going out of the city to eliminate demons is not of great benefit to Da Song.

After weighing the pros and cons, he chose the most favorable one.

Waiting for work with ease, defeat Cheng Mu!

In history, whether they are patriotic heroes or national heroes, their first loyalty is always the emperor.

In order for his Great Song Dynasty to defeat the Apocalypse Empire~www.readwn.com~ Wang Anshi did not hesitate to bear the eternal infamy!


Although Yang Yanzhao was unwilling, he had no choice but to obey.

'Hope you survived. '

He couldn't help Cheng Mu, he could only pray for Cheng Mu and the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire in his heart.

If Cheng Mu can survive this battle, then he doesn't mind letting Cheng Mu go.

Want to fight? Fight again in the future!


"Why so many?"

On the battlefield, Guan Hai frowned when he saw the dense crowd of monsters.

Just now he has used the knife hundreds of times, and the number of monsters who died in his hands is at least a million.

But even if his breath was exhausted, the number of monsters that descended did not decrease.

The tens of thousands of meters of space cracks are falling monsters all the time.

Layers of monsters rained down, and soon the number of monsters on the ground exceeded hundreds of millions!

"The space cracks must be repaired to solve these demons."

Cheng Mu knew the problem.

But at this time, who has the ability to fly to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters to block the space crack?

Although he, Cheng Mu, could try his best to leave, but he didn't know how to mend the crack in space.


Seeing that the crack in space is getting bigger and bigger, but at this moment, another sigh resounds through the sky.

Cheng Mu heard the reputation.

In an instant, his whole body throbbed.

Under his gaze, a carriage boy and an old man came slowly in an ox cart.

The speed of the bullock cart was very slow, but it reached the edge of deep space from the horizon in the blink of an eye.

Beside the 10,000-meter space crack.

The little car boy turned over and got out of the car, took out a pen and inkstone from his bag, and began to grind ink.

The ink is very light.

But when a steady stream of monsters were sucked into the inkstone, the originally light ink became black and bright!

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