"Chunqiu Pen!"

The old man in the deep sky holds a pen in one hand and dyes the ink with the pen.

While waving the Spring and Autumn Brush, he repaired the broken sky bit by bit.

Although countless monsters rushed towards him during this period, they all turned into powder before he got close.

Too strong, this old man is stronger than Sun Wu.

"Come back, don't move!"

Cheng Mu stared blankly at the deep sky, Li Yuanhao, Nieba and others who wanted to continue to charge after he stopped speaking.

He saw the old man's identity.

Confucian Confucius!

With Confucius coming in person, no matter how huge the sea of ​​monsters on the earth is, it will no longer be a threat.

Even, they no longer need to take action.

In front of Confucius, they probably would have caused trouble in vain.

While his heart was throbbing, deep fear rose again in Cheng Mu's heart.

The hidden strength of this Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is too terrifying, right?

Jiang Ziya of the Divine Palace Realm, Sun Wu, the most holy military strategist, Confucius, the most holy Confucianist...

At this moment, how many 'saints' are still hidden in the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom? Cheng Mu didn't know.

But at least.

Mohism has Mozi, Legalism has Han Feizi, Taoism has Li Er...

This Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is truly terrifyingly powerful!

"Your Majesty, this old man is very strong."

Guan Hai flew back.

He couldn't feel the breath of a strong man in Confucius, as if he was facing an ordinary old man.

But it is this ordinary-looking old man who can annihilate countless monsters and repair space cracks with just raising his hand.

It was too strong, and he couldn't feel any resistance in his heart.

"He is Confucius, do you think he is strong?"

Cheng Mu's eyes were always on Confucius. If it wasn't for his lack of strength, he really wanted to **** it back.

"Kong... Confucius."


Guan Hai was so frightened that the knife in his hand fell to the ground.

Although he was born in a reckless manner, how could he not have heard of the name of Confucius?

Now that he met Confucius in person, he couldn't help kneeling down to pay homage!

"What are you panicking about?"

Cheng Mu suppressed the shock in his heart.

What about Confucius? Once the two sides become enemies, they will still be unable to escape the confrontation of swords.

It's just that what he doubts now is that Confucius is so powerful, who can match him under his command?

"Your Majesty, I am in a panic!"

Guan Hai was still scared. He trembled and said, "Isn't Kong Sheng a scholar? He probably doesn't like fighting, right?"

If Confucius wanted to kill him, he was willing to stick his head out.

"Read... a scholar?"

Cheng Muming understood Guan Hai's words in an instant.

He swept away the palpitations at the beginning, and said calmly: "That's right, how could Kong Sheng like to fight and kill?"

From the beginning to the end, Confucius did not hurt a single person after his arrival. Even the cold eyes did not fall.

His duty is to mend the cracks in the sky.

As long as Cheng Mu didn't take the initiative to provoke them, Confucius probably wouldn't attack them!

"What His Majesty said is very true, what he said is very true."

Guan Hai wiped the sweat from his forehead, his frightened heart calmed down a little.

At this time, there was a trace of admiration in the terrified expression on his face.

"Kong Sheng! I didn't expect that I, Guan Hai, would see Kong Sheng with my own eyes in my lifetime."

Most of them, as long as they have read a little, respect Confucius.

Now that Confucius is here in person, if he is not on the battlefield right now, Guan Hai really wants to pay homage to Confucius.

"Why am I not the same as you?"

Cheng Mu nodded.

Confucius' status is too special. If it was Lao Tzu who rode a bull today, the situation would be different.

In the hearts of Chinese scholars, Confucius' status is higher than that of Li Sheng.

Rumble! Rumble!

While Cheng Mu was talking with Guan Hai, most of the cracks in the sky had been repaired.

Although the devil roared and roared in the crack, he couldn't shake Confucius at all.

Slowly, only 100-meter remnants of the 10,000-meter space crack remained, and the speed of the Spring and Autumn Brush in Confucius' hand became faster.

That is, at this time, when everyone has no time to take care of it.

Outside Xuzhou City, the corpse of Yang Ye who had fallen on the ground suddenly stood up.

A monstrous magic power emanated from his body, and a pair of blood-red eyes fixedly stared at Confucius high in the sky.


While the magic was shaking, Yang Ye turned into a beam of light and flew towards Confucius.

His hands have turned into magic blades, where is there a trace of human breath in his whole body?

"Kong Sheng, be careful!"

The sudden change caught Cheng Mu's attention.

When the magic was shaking, he discovered Yang Ye's abnormality.

In the next second, he dodged in front of Yang Ye.

The Hanchi Spear in his hand abruptly blocked Yang Ye's attack.


In the blink of an eye, Cheng Mu only felt a huge force hit him. That incomparable power instantly broke the Han Chi Spear in his hand.

At a critical moment, a golden light appeared in front of him.


There was an impact ten times louder than thunder.

The magic blade in Yang Ye's hand collided with Cheng Mu's invincible shield, sweeping the entire world with its enormous power.

Click! Boom!

The originally impenetrable shield of Xuzhou City was shattered, Wang Anshi spurted out a mouthful of painstaking effort, and the whole person flew upside down.

The tall city wall of Xuzhou collapsed. The rubble fell into the room, and I don't know how many soldiers of the Yang family were buried.

Outside the city, Guan Hai half-kneeled holding a saber, his breath was sluggish. The gurgling blood flowed from his body, and soon gathered into a stream.

The power of the collision between the magic blade and Cheng Mu just now was enough to shake the powerhouse of the Death God Realm! Even Guan Hai, a strong man in the altar realm, lost half of his life at this time!

Crash! Crash!

Behind Guan Hai, a large group of Apocalypse Empire soldiers lost their vitality and fell to the ground.

Whether it is a Ranger soldier or an Iron Buddha soldier. Without the protection of the military soul, their bones were all shattered.

With one blow, millions of soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire were all killed here.


In mid-air, Cheng Mu looked at the broken Han Chi Spear with embarrassment.

Fortunately, he has the invincibility effect of the Moon's Shelter, otherwise he would die here at this time.

Where is Yang Ye at this time or Yang Ye? This is a monster occupied and driven by the Demon King!

In order to kill Confucius, the new Eternal Demon King did not hesitate to send a trace of evil thoughts in Yang Ye's body.

Yang Ye's body, which had obtained the demon king's evil thoughts, displayed the mighty power of the Divine Palace Realm with one blow.

"Cheng Mu!"

At this time, Hei Ling flew over tremblingly.

If it wasn't for being the Eternal Demon King itself, it would have died here at this moment!

At this time, its body was tattered, with no hair at all, and one of its eyes was blind.

When it flew over, it was full of killing intent.

"fix it!"

Cheng Mu was still fighting against Yang Ye at this time.

Yang Ye's attack power did not stop, and his invincibility effect was about to end.

If Yang Ye couldn't be dealt with, then he, Cheng Mu, would have to die here today.

In the deep sky, the new Eternal Demon King used some means to hold Confucius back.

Confucius at this time is an excellent target!

"Leave it to the king!"

Hei Ling was full of murderous aura, and he opened his mouth wide and swallowed Yang Ye in one gulp.

Even that unstoppable power was swallowed up by it.

For a moment, Hei Ling's body swelled to be bigger than the mountain. Two palpitating demonic thoughts clashed in his body, and a huge figure of a demon king appeared high above the sky.

it's dark.

At this moment, in the entire world, only Hei Ling's huge body and blood-red eyes as huge as stars, sun and moon remained.


Cheng Mu flew down from mid-air.

Looking at the Han Chi Spear that was broken into two pieces in his hand, he suddenly felt distressed.

This is a real fairy-level weapon. Without the Han Chi Spear, his Cheng Mu's strength would be greatly reduced!


But at this moment, an old sigh receded the darkness.

Under the light, Cheng Mu saw that the space crack in the deep space had been repaired.

That Confucius also came to him in a carriage at this time.

"Thank you little friend for your help!"

Confucius naturally knew what was going on.

If Cheng Mu hadn't stopped him, he would have been attacked at this time.

If the Eternal Demon King succeeds today, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Kong...Kong Sheng!"

The arrival of Confucius made Cheng Mu a little nervous. He didn't have the mind to take care of the broken cold chi at this moment.

If possible, he would like to trick Confucius into his Apocalypse Empire.

"I feel guilty for causing my little friend to break my beloved weapon."

Confucius saw the broken Chichi in Cheng Mu's hand.

He raised his hand lightly, and the Chi Chi Spear flew into his hand in the next second.

When Cheng Mu was puzzled, the boy next to him took the remaining ink from repairing the crack just now~www.readwn.com~ and brushed it a few times.

Confucius waved the spring and autumn brush, and painted several layers of ink on the fracture of the Hanchi spear.

When the black ink dissipated, Cheng Mu was surprised to find that the Han Chi Spear had been repaired.

In the place where it was originally broken, where is the trace of the break still visible at this time?

"Thank you, Kong Sheng."

Excitedly, he took the Han Chi spear, feeling in his heart that the big boss is indeed a big boss.

Even a fairy-level weapon, Confucius can actually repair it. One must know that even Ji Fa, the Immortal Sovereign, regards fairy-level weapons as treasures!

"It's up to people, and the heavy responsibility of resisting the demons in the future will still need to be entrusted to you!"

After returning the Hanchi Spear to Cheng Mu, Confucius said another sentence with profound meaning.

At the same time, I saw him flicking his sleeves lightly.

In the next second, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire who had been killed in battle crawled up from the ground again.

"Aren't I dead?"

"Resurrection, we are resurrected!"

"Amazing skills, really amazing skills."

"Thank you Kong Sheng!"

Just now, the souls of many Tyrannical Saber Rangers were left here, and they saw what happened with their own eyes.

For Confucius' means, they have already admired all five bodies at the moment.

"Thank you Kong Sheng!"

Cheng Mu was both grateful and shocked at this moment. Raising one's hand to revive millions of people, isn't that too scary?

If Confucius was on the battlefield, wouldn't it be impossible for people to die?

"See you later!"

After resurrecting the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire, the gloomy-faced Confucius did not die.

He turned around tremblingly and got into the bullock cart, then walked out.

In fact, he didn't feel good about recovering millions of people in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Confucius leave, Cheng Mu had a thousand words in his mouth. But at this moment, it was as if his mouth was sewn shut, and he couldn't speak a word.

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