The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 919: Sun Wu is invincible, Ao Yinyin is coming again

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty. Kong... Kong Sheng is gone?"

Guan Hai, who was sweating profusely, dared not breathe until Confucius' figure completely disappeared into the sky.

Only when he met Confucius face to face did he realize how ridiculous his previous thoughts were.

Kneel down to worship?

Do not.

In front of Confucius, he was so sluggish that he lost the ability to move.

Even if Confucius asked him to speak, he probably wouldn't be able to utter a single word.


Cheng Mu nodded, and the nervousness in his heart slowly calmed down.

At this time he was delighted. Because in Confucius, he felt any hostility.

In other words, Confucius was not on the side of Ji Fa.

If Confucius regarded Ji Fa as the main one, he would probably have turned cold eyes at Cheng Mu at this time, let alone repairing the Han Chi Spear and resurrecting his soldiers for him.

"Hello Confucius, hello Kong Sheng!"

Guan Hai nodded to himself. From Confucius, he felt the kindness of an ordinary old man.

If Confucius could have said a word to him just now, he would probably be so excited that tears filled his eyes!

"Okay, the whole army is ready to fight!"

Cheng Mu patted Guan Hai's shoulder to calm down all his restlessness.

Is their war over yet?

Although the impact just now caused them heavy losses, it also destroyed the last shelter of Xuzhou City.

At this time, Xuzhou City is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of Cheng Mu!


After restraining his emotions, Guan Hai's face once again showed a cold killing intent.

The monsters on the ground have been cleaned up long ago, and their enemy has once again become the Yang family army in Xuzhou City.

As long as Xuzhou City is captured, where else can Zhao Kuangyin of Kaifeng Mansion escape?

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The army of one million continued to move forward, approaching Xuzhou City step by step.

At the same time, the battle in deep space is drawing to a close.

The black order, which was as big as a mountain, finally no longer swelled, and its mana devoured a trace of the mana of the new Eternal Demon King.

In an instant, a pair of black magic wings grew out from Hei Ling's back.

Just the breeze formed by the slight fanning of the magic wings annihilated several mountains in the distance.

Become stronger, the strength of Hei Ling has become stronger.

After devouring a trace of the magic thoughts of the new Eternal Demon King, its own magic thoughts seemed to have broken through a bottleneck.


Cheng Mu only heard something broken.

In the next second, Heiring's entire cat's body changed.

Its forelimbs turned into magic palms, and its hind limbs turned into magic legs. The whole cat stood up on its legs like a human.

Even its head has become the real image of the devil.

If the Empress saw it at this time, she would definitely find that Hei Ling's appearance at this time was exactly the same as the huge corpse of the Eternal Demon King outside the world barrier!

"Haha, this king is unblocked!"

Hei Ling, who turned into a demon king, laughed wantonly.

The aura in its body is rising rapidly.

The middle of the altar...the back of the altar...the half-step shrine...the beginning of the shrine...the middle of the shrine.....

That incomparable aura stopped only when its strength was raised to the realm of the gods and immortals.

At this time, Hei Ling is much stronger than Cheng Mu!


Sensing the powerful power in Hei Ling's body, Cheng Mu clenched his fists.

He is a little nervous.

If Hei Ling turns his back on him and denies the Lord at this time, then he will have nothing to do.

Even if the empress came in person at this time, it would be of no avail, right?

"Haha, **** cat!"

But at this moment, the voice of a happy little girl appeared on the battlefield.

Before Cheng Mu could react, he saw a pretty figure clinging to Hei Ling's back.

It's Ao Yinyin, Ao Yinyin who I haven't seen for a long time!

"I didn't expect you to grow up, **** cat, but you look so ugly!"

Ao Yinyin pulled Hei Ling, her face was both happy and disgusted.

She still likes Hei Ling, the fluffy and comfortable black cat back then.

" careful!"

Cheng Mu's heart suddenly hung up.

At this moment, he was not sure whether Hei Ling had broken free from the restraint.

Ao Yinyin's behavior is completely playing with fire and setting herself on fire!

"Be careful? Is it possible that the **** cat has learned to bite people?"

Ao Yinyin didn't take Cheng Mu's words to heart at all.

At this time, she was riding on Hei Ling's head, beating Hei Ling's demon head with her hand.

"Change back, change back quickly!"


In the next second, a miraculous scene appeared.

Under Ao Yinyin's beating, Hei Ling, who was originally a demon king, shrank rapidly.

Soon, the familiar black cat and black order appeared.

"Yeah, yum, so cute!"

Seeing that Hei Ling had turned back into a black cat, Ao Yinyin hugged it in her arms and began to caress it affectionately.


Seeing such a scene, Cheng Mu Gaoxuan's heart finally settled down.

This black order is not out of control yet!

"Let go of me!"

It's just that Ao Yinyin hasn't hugged her for long, and Hei Ling in her arms is not happy anymore.

I saw it break free from its embrace with a face full of disgust, and jumped down.

It ran up to Cheng Mu, and said contemptuously, "Take care of this fish, or one day this king will eat her in one bite!"

Cats eat fish, of course.


Cheng Mu slapped it on the head. Just like that, Hei Ling is arrogant again?

"Come on, tell me clearly!"

He picked up Hei Ling again and asked, "Now that you have unsealed it, are the demons coming soon?"

He remembered what the Empress said that day.

The black order can no longer be unsealed. The day the black order is unsealed again is the day the demons descend!

"How could it be so fast? Let go! Let go!"

Hei Ling struggled, gritted his teeth and said, "You still have to thank me."

"This king has swallowed a sliver of evil thoughts from that unfilial son, and at this time its control over my body is not so strong!"

"Without a year or a half, it is impossible for that unfilial son to invade the king's body again!"

Has the black order been lifted? In fact, it can only be considered half of the unblocking.

Only when its magic thoughts return to its body, can it be considered as the real release.

And at this time, Cheng Mu's imprint has been deeply imprinted in its magic thoughts.

Even if it is completely unsealed in the future and turns into a real eternal devil, Cheng Mu doesn't have to worry.

"So, the arrival of the demons has been postponed for at least half a year?"

This was a complete surprise.

Cheng Mu weighed the black order in his hand and said, "You are still useful!"

Just the matter of delaying the arrival of the demons for half a year due to the order to rush to the black is enough to offset his previous merits and demerits.

"That's natural!"

After the unblocking, the black order became even more arrogant.

It turned over and broke free from Cheng Mu's grasp, and in the next second it appeared on Pang Da's head.

At this time, Pang Da was gnawing on the bamboo vigorously, and he didn't notice the extra lump on his head at all.

"Cheng Mu!"

Ao Yinyin has come to Cheng Mu's side.

At this time, her eyes were bright and her smile was like a flower.

"Welcome back!"

Cheng Mu felt slightly excited. After not seeing Ao Yinyin for a long time, he still misses her a little.

"Cheng Mu, my royal father is here."

Ao Yinyin was very proud when she said this, with a feeling that you were going to be unlucky: "He is waiting for you in your palace!"

The Lord of the Dragon Fish Clan came to Apocalypse City in person.

And the purpose of her coming, Ao Yinyin, was to call Cheng Mu back.

Of course, it's also possible that he couldn't wait to see Cheng Mu.

"Your father?"

Hearing the news, Cheng Mu's heart skipped a beat: "No way? Could it be that your father has come to Xingshi to question him?"

If that was the case, he would have to take Hei Ling back with him.

At that time, if you do something about it, you won't suffer too much on your side.

"Where do you want to go?!"

Ao Yinyin thumped Cheng Mu and explained, "Father is just here to discuss cooperation matters with you."

The empress has issued an order that hidden races can enter the world.

Since it is joining the WTO, it is possible to find an earth star force and try to get in touch with it initially.


Hearing Ao Yinyin's explanation, Cheng Mu wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

"As long as your parents don't come to Xingshi to ask the teacher, you can talk about the rest!"

Cooperation? This is simply sending charcoal in the snow!

At this moment, he couldn't wait to find out the strength of the Dragon Fish Clan!

He once heard the mermaid princess of the galaxy say that there are hundreds of ghosts and gods in their clan.

In this case, Ao Yinyin's family must not be too far behind, right?

"Then shall we go back now?"

Ao Yinyin was also a little impatient. Being able to show the strength of her family in front of Cheng Mu, if she can see Cheng Mu's shocked appearance, she will definitely be very proud!

"Wait a minute until this battle is over."

Cheng Mu can't pat his **** and leave at this time.

The army under his command was about to march outside the city of Xuzhou, and Wang Anshi in the city planned to resist stubbornly.

In this way, it will not be too late for him to go back after killing Wang Anshi!

Rumble! Rumble!

At the same time, not only the battle in Xuzhou City, but also the battle between Sun Wu and Gabriel in the deep space will come to an end.

Click! Click!

Amid the roar of thunder, a figure fell down.


Thor's blood is golden.

At this time, his whole body was scorched and his skin was intense. With a sluggish breath, he turned around and ran with the hammer in hand.

"So cruel?"

Cheng Mu's heart skipped a beat at Thor's embarrassment, and he hurriedly raised his head to look at the sky.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, he was even more shocked when he saw it.

In the deep space, Gabriel broke one of his wings and wanted to escape.

However, the next second.


Sun Wufei landed on his back and broke his hands fiercely.

Gabriel had another wing ripped off.


While screaming, Gabriel rolled and fell from the sky.

The bright red blood of the gods fell, dyeing the whole earth with a trace of sacred aura.

"you you!"

Gabriel looked at Sun Wu with a terrified face, trembling with fear.

Too much to run, but as soon as he turns around Sun Woo will tear his wings apart.

"Alien, die!"

Sun Tzu, who is three meters tall, has bulging muscles all over his body, revealing his domineering aura.

In front of him, Gabriel is like an ant!


But at this moment, a golden spear flew over.

Ares, the **** of war, held Sun Wu with his spear for a second, and then he immediately took Gabriel and fled away in a golden light.

In the boundless deep sky, only Gabriel's screams are still echoing.


After subduing the golden spear, Sun Wu did not pursue it.

He just glanced contemptuously at the direction in which the three escaped, then turned and disappeared into the deep space.

From the beginning to the end, he did not intervene in the battle on the ground, nor did he show any hostility towards Cheng Mu.

In an instant, Cheng Mu's mind became more stable.

He probably guessed the responsibilities of Sun Tzu and Confucius, they are protecting Chinese civilization.

As for the battle within the Chinese civilization, they will not interfere.

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