The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 923: Futu Iron Tower Town Ghost Domain

Step, step, step, step!

The sound of dense footsteps gathered from all directions.

Yang Ye was riding a bone horse, and deep blue fireworks ignited in his pale head.

He came from **** and brought endless ghost soldiers from hell.


Under his roar, the boundless **** ghost soldiers devoured the lives of the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire like sea water.

Under the white mist, the power of the army's military soul was reduced.

With a single blow from the blood knife, it only split the white mist of **** tens of meters away.

The blood-colored giant wolf roared, but its attack could not pose any threat to the ghost soldiers from hell.

Only the Iron Pagoda of the Stupa stands tall in the sky, and has not been eroded by the white mist of hell.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Guan Hai firmly guarded Cheng Mu behind him.

At this time, he looked apprehensive and patrolled his surroundings with great vigilance.

Under the white mist, the consciousness of his altar-level powerhouse was cut off!

"Your Majesty, we have to rush out!"

Li Yuanhao bared his teeth and roared angrily.

He saw with his own eyes that the wolf riders under his command were dragged into the white mist by the **** ghost soldiers, and the screams and screams were endless.

In the boundless ocean of ghost soldiers, no matter how powerful the Western Xia wolf riders were, they lost their fangs.

"Don't panic!"

Although he was deeply trapped in the white mist of hell, Cheng Mu never showed a panicked look from the beginning to the end.

He also has the hole card of black order.

No matter how bad it is, let Hei Ling tear up the white mist!

"Your Majesty, I can't stop it anymore, there are too many ghost soldiers!"

But at this moment, Nieba, who was sweating profusely, ran up to Cheng Mu to report.

The army under his command has just experienced the battle with the demons, and the battle with the Yang family army in Xuzhou City.

Before resting now, densely packed **** ghost soldiers rushed over.

Although the soldiers of the Tyrant Sword Army are powerful, if they continue to fight like this, even gods will be exhausted to death!

In fact, not only the soldiers of the Tyrant Sword Army, but also Li Yuanhao's Xixia wolf cavalry.

If it weren't for exhaustion, how could the powerful Xixia wolf rider be dragged into the mist?

"Then kill it."

Cheng Mu wanted to wait a little longer to see if there would be someone more powerful than the skeleton Yang Ye.

But so far, it seems that there is no more.

In the mist, Yang Ye, who was at the stage of gods, was the strongest among the group of ghost soldiers.

As long as Yang Ye is killed... there is no need to use the black order... These two thoughts came to Cheng Mu's mind.

Our current strength is sufficient, and there is no need for Hei Ling to take action.

If Hei Ling is allowed to restore the strength of the middle realm of the shrine, he will probably become the image of the devil again.

Although Hei Ling said that he would not lose control, there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

"I advise you not to do this."

However, just when Guan Heineba and the others were about to strike and kill Yang Ye, Ao Yinyin reminded him abruptly.

"Now this place has completely turned into a haunted realm of the underworld, and it will be a waste of effort for you to go there!"

The most frightening thing about the Yang family's seven-star withered tomb is that it can completely turn a large area of ​​the world into a haunted realm of the underworld.

In the ghost domain, the strength of the living will be reduced to the weakest!

As for **** ghost soldiers, they are immortal in the ghost domain!

"You have a way?"

Hearing Ao Yinyin's words, Cheng Mu turned around and asked.

It seems that Ao Yinyin has been studying hard during the time she has been back!

"Yes! Suppression is it!"

Ao Yinyin said slowly: "In the ghost domain, these ghost soldiers and ghost generals cannot be killed."

"They are irrational, they only know how to kill, and they will attack all living targets in the ghost domain, and they will never stop dying!"

"So the best way is to seal and suppress this ghost land!"

If you can't kill it, lock it up.

It's simple and rude, and it doesn't need to cost a single soldier!

"Seal? How to seal it?"

Cheng Mu was puzzled for a second, and then a gleam flashed in his eyes: "Do you have a baby?"

For the dragon fish clan with a big family and a big business, it is not too much to give Ao Yinyin self-defense with dozens or hundreds of treasures, right?

At this time, has Ao Yinyin turned into a rich woman?


However, the reality poured cold water on Cheng Mu.

Ao Yinyin said very vigilantly: "Isn't there a tower under your command?"

"Use the tower to put the ghost domain and ghost soldiers in, wouldn't it be suppressed?"

Cheng Mu's guess is correct, Ao Yinyin Hui has not been lazy during this time.

On the contrary, she learned a lot of knowledge and browsed a lot of dragon fish classics.

At this moment, Ao Yinyin is much more mature and sensible than when Cheng Mu first met her!

Naturally, she would not be deceived by Cheng Muyu so easily.

"You mean the Iron Pagoda?"

Cheng Mu understood.

According to Ao Yinyin's intentions, it is to use the Tiefutu's Army Soul Futu iron tower to fill this underworld haunted domain.

But the problem is, the pagoda is not permanent.

Put it in now, and release it in less than half an hour?

At present, the remaining time of Tie Futu's army soul power is only half an hour.

"Half an hour... half an hour..."

Cheng Mu murmured silently in his heart.

Half an hour later, let the underworld ghost domain reappear in the world? These ghost soldiers are irrational, they only know how to kill, and they will attack all living targets within Guigui?

In the next second, a plan came to Cheng Mu's mind.

With a big wave of his hand, he implemented Ao Yinyin's suggestion.

"Come to the Futu Pagoda!"

I saw him flying high into the sky, manipulating the Iron Pagoda to cover the whole Xuzhou.

The Buddha Pagoda, which was originally the size of a mountain, almost occupied the entire sky under his control.

At this moment, even Zhao Kuangyin in Kaifeng Mansion also noticed this vision of heaven and earth.

"This is? The Iron Buddha Army Soul of the Apocalypse Empire?"

Zhao Kuangyin had long heard that Cheng Mu had an extremely powerful pro-army, and Tie Futu was the name of this pro-army.

Now that the Iron Pagoda of the Buddha appeared, he sneered: "Are you finally going to die?"

In Zhao Kuangyin's heart, only Cheng Mu's desperation will make the guards inspire their souls to die!

"Your Majesty, the Yang family died in the right place!"

Prime Minister Zhao Pu looked aside with emotion.

On the battlefield, Yang Yansi's sentence "Seven stars withered tomb, Yang's last son" was not just talking.

Yang Ye died, the seven sons of the Yang family died, and all the remaining male members of the Yang family in Kaifeng City also died suddenly.

At this time, there are only a group of women left in the Yang family!

"After this battle, the Yang family should take the lead and rest with the country!"

Zhao Kuangyin knew the strength of the Yang family's Qixing Tomb, but he did not expect it to be so powerful.

The Yang family is really the number one loyal family in the Song Empire!

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Zhao Pu nodded, and then happily reported: "Your Majesty, a guard has come to report that General Liu Bei of the Sui Dynasty has arrived in Shouzhou."

"If there is any difference in the battle in Xuzhou City, General Liu Bei from Shouzhou can rush to help immediately!"

Liu Bei of the Sui Empire is currently a layer of insurance for the battle of Xuzhou on the side of the Song Empire.

Even if Cheng Mu can survive from the underworld by chance, he will be attacked by Liu Bei.

In this battle, it seemed that he, the Song Empire, had an absolute advantage.

"It's so good."

Zhao Kuangyin ordered: "Send an order to General Shi Wansui, telling him to block the Tangzhou Army of the Apocalypse Empire."

"As long as Cheng Mu is killed, then I will also remember his great achievements and rewards!"

Shi Wansui blocked the oncoming Tangzhou Army of the Apocalypse Empire, and Liu Bei attacked and killed Cheng Mu as the rear.

This battle has been played out ten thousand times in Zhao Kuangyin's mind, and Cheng Mu has nowhere to escape!

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty!"

A smile was already on Zhao Pu's face: "So, we just need to wait here for General Liu Bei's triumph!"



on the battlefield.

The iron tower of the pagoda that covered the sky and the sun sucked in the entire ghost land of the underworld.

During the period, the skeleton Yang Ye once led his seven sons to resist, but the characteristics of the pagoda made them unable to resist.

Slowly, the white mist of **** became less and less, and wisps of sunlight also shone down.

After the sky clears up completely, where is there still a trace of ghost soldiers on the ground?

"Your Majesty! Awesome!"

Guan Hai didn't know where he learned the word 'beautiful'. At this moment, his eyes were full of admiration, and he wished he could kneel beside Cheng Mu and praise him loudly.

They regard the underworld as a powerful enemy, UU reading www. Was taken away by Cheng Mu like this?

"Don't be too happy!"

Although the pagoda suppressed the ghost domain of the underworld. But Cheng Mu clearly felt that there was only half an hour left for the army soul of the Buddha Pagoda, and now there was only a quarter of an hour left.

In other words, after a quarter of an hour, the Army Soul of the Stupa Tower will dissipate.

He also wants to get rid of this underworld ghost domain in this quarter of an hour!

Of course, it doesn't matter. After the army soul of the Buddha Pagoda dissipated, release the ghost domain of the underworld.

"Take it!"

Cheng Mu handed the shrunken Futu Pagoda the size of a palm pagoda to Guan Hai, and ordered: "I have an errand for you."

"I heard that Liu Bei of the Sui Empire has arrived in Shouzhou, and he will arrive here soon."

"You go this time and throw the army soul of the Buddha Tower into Shouzhou City when it dissipates!"

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