The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 924: it's time to end

Shouzhou City.

Liu Bei led his army to station here.

Looking at the stormy north, Liu Bei asked Pang Tong beside him, "Military division, when are we going?"

There is still a distance of seventy or eighty kilometers to Xuzhou City. It would take more than half an hour for his army to run at high speed.

"My lord, don't worry."

Pang Tong saw the giant iron tower standing high in the sky.

He said slowly: "Wait until the iron tower disappears, then the Lord can lead the army to attack!"

The presence of the Buddha Tower proves that Cheng Mu has not been defeated.

Only after the army of the Apocalypse Empire is completely defeated can they rely on it.

Otherwise... the prestige of the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire... Pang Tong would not choose to go head-to-head.

At his level, what he is best at is analyzing the advantages of the enemy and ourselves, and weighing the pros and cons of a war.

Pang Tong would not do such a stupid thing if he contacted the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire too early!


Liu Bei believed in Pang Tong's words.

He turned around and told Ma Chao: "Meng Qi, after the Buddha Pagoda disappears, you lead your troops there immediately."

The Xiliang iron cavalry under Ma Chao's command is very fast, and it takes less than half an hour to resist Xuzhou.

Ma Chao went first, followed by him and Guan Yuhui.

"Meng Qi obeys!"

Ma Chao did not hesitate.

It was at this time that the Iron Pagoda, which they were closely watching, suddenly disappeared.

In Shouzhou City, 500,000 Xiliang iron cavalry are ready to go.

"Meng Qi, I leave it to you!"

On the city wall, Liu Bei issued the final attack order.

Rumble! Rumble!

The 500,000 cavalry moved, and every step made Shouzhou city tremble.

However, in the next second, a small iron tower emitting red light flew from a distance.

The speed of the iron tower was very fast, and when Guan Yu was about to intercept it, the iron tower had already appeared above Shouzhou City.

"what is this?"

Guan Yu slashed down with a knife.

In an instant, the small crimson pagoda turned into two pieces, revealing a dark aura.

"Do not!"

Seeing such a scene, Pang Tong turned pale with shock.

He smelled an extremely ominous breath from the broken iron tower.

"What's wrong?"

Even at this time, Liu Bei still didn't understand what happened.

He stared in surprise at the iron tower that had been cut into two pieces, and then at Pang Tong who was terrified.

How can this palm-sized iron tower be miraculous?

"My lord, be careful!"

Guan Yu also noticed the abnormality, he knew that he had caused a catastrophe with one blow.

I saw him firmly guarding Liu Bei behind him, and then closed the city gate with a single knife.

Ma Chao's Xiliang iron cavalry could not go out.

At this time, outside Shouzhou City, a white mist of **** has already emerged.

In the gloomy white mist of hell, ghost soldiers appeared one by one.

"What the **** is this?"

Ma Chao flew up to the city wall in a panic.

He was going to Xuzhou City to kill Cheng Mu, the lord of the Apocalypse Empire. Why was he imprisoned in Shouzhou City in the blink of an eye?

"This should be the Yang Family's Ghost Domain of the Yang Family!"

In the end, Pang Tong was well-informed and recognized the changes in the surrounding environment.

"What did you say? Yang's Ghost Realm?"

Liu Bei was shocked: "Then Yang's ghost domain, isn't it in Xuzhou's domain just now?"

In the blink of an eye, how could the Yang Family's Ghost Realm, transformed from the death of the Yang Family General, appear on his side?

"It's that tower, it's the Iron Pagoda!"

Pang Tong said angrily: "Then Cheng Mu used the pagoda to contain and suppress Yang's ghost domain, and then threw it over!"

He never thought that the emperor of the Apocalypse Empire would be so insidious and cunning.

He had read in ancient books that the bone army of the Yang family within the Yang family's ghost domain was irrational.

Whoever is in the ghost domain will be attacked by Yang's ghost soldiers!

"Military division, what should we do now?"

Liu Bei was extremely disturbed.

Even the Emperor of the Apocalypse Empire couldn't solve Yang's Ghost Domain, so it's possible that he still has the strength to solve it?

Or maybe, learn from Cheng Mu's practice and suppress Yang's ghost domain again?


Pang Tong said slowly: "As long as Shouzhou City is defended, the Yang family's ghost domain will be destroyed without attack!"

The ghosts of the underworld appear in the yang world, which will definitely be countered by the power of the yang world.

As long as the power of the yang world completely wipes out this underworld ghost domain, they can go out.

"How long will you stay?"

Liu Bei has no extra time to wait here.

If you have to wait for a year and a half, the war on Earth and Stars may be over by then.

"The subordinates don't know."

However, Pang Tong gave Liu Bei bad news.

When will the power of the yang world wipe out the ghost domain of the underworld, no one can say for sure.

It may be a day, it may be a year, or even ten years, a hundred years!

"Then kill it!"

Liu Bei didn't believe that nothing was invincible.

As long as he has a knife in his hand, he will kill even a monster!

"My lord."

Pang Tong really wanted to tell Liu Bei that the ghost soldiers of the Yang family were immortal within the Yang family's ghost domain.

But since Liu Bei is willing to try, let's try. After all, he didn't want to spend the rest of his life here.


The heavy gate of Shouzhou City opened again.

Ma Chao and Guan Yu led the army into the white mist.


Xuzhou city.

Looking at the bright land of Xuzhou, Cheng Mu let out a long sigh of relief.

Just now, he almost fell into the hands of the general of the Yang family.

He didn't expect that the generals of the Yang family who were in a desperate situation would burst out with such a powerful force.

From Shenmen to Shentai to the underworld ghost domain, the strength of the generals of the Yang family is really against the sky.

"The name of the general of the Yang family, after all, has been widely spread among your descendants."

"Each of them is a general, and the seven of them are united, so they will naturally display far more than seven times the fighting power!"

Ao Yinyin spoke.

The seven sons of the Yang family are not just a false name, but the real sons of the Yang family.

In addition, Yang Yansi finally sacrificed the entire Yang family, turning the lives of hundreds of Yang family men into the Yang family's ghost realm...

How can there be no reason why Yang's ghost domain is not strong?

"If you kill one hundred enemies, your entire army will be wiped out."

Hearing Ao Yinyin's explanation, Cheng Mu shook his head.

He does not approve of the Yang family's practice of killing them all.

It would be fine if he could really die with the enemy.

What if it fails, like now.

All the sons of the Yang family died, and the entire army of the Yang family was wiped out.

Even so, Cheng Mu only suffered some innocuous injuries!

Simply put, Yang Yansi's work was wasted this time.

"Your Majesty, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!"

At this time a **** streamer flew back.

Guan Hai was sweating profusely, drinking a teapot of water on the table in two gulps.

Although he is a strong person in the middle of the altar.

But if he had to reach Shouzhou City within a few breaths, he would have risked his life.

He is not proficient in this way, so it is extremely difficult to use it.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Seeing Guan Hai appearing, Cheng Mu knew that what he had just ordered was done.

"Ha ha."

I saw him laughing, and said: "There is Yang's underworld to hold Liu Bei back."

"Generals, let's go to Kaifeng Mansion!"

It's time for the Song Empire's war to end!

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