The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 925: Battle of Hongzhou City

Boom boom boom boom! Boom boom boom boom!

Thousands of troops set out together.

In the final battle with the Song Empire, Cheng Mu handed over all powers to Guan Hai.

At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of this battle, he left the Black Order on the battlefield.

With the Great Demon King Hei Ling in the middle of the palace, Zhao Kuangyin must not be able to make any waves.

"Let's go."

Finally, after Cheng Mu arranged everything, he returned to Tianqi City together with Ao Yinyin.

Meeting the old man, the leader of the Dragon Fish Clan...ah bah, sir, he is looking forward to it.


Song, Jiangnan West Road, Hongzhou (Nanchang).

On Cheng Mu's way back to Tianqi City, the Battle of Hongzhou City officially began.

The God Arm Army led by Shi Wansui fought against the Tangzhou Army led by Xue Rengui.

At present, under the Tangzhou Army, there are Xue Rengui's pro-army Xue Jiajun, Li Jing's Shenwu Army, and Li Ji's Longwu Army.

Without Xue Rengui personally attacking, Li Ji's Longwu Army surrounded Hongzhou City.

At this time, Hongzhou City has become an isolated city!

"His grandma, why is Li Ji so unafraid of death!"

Historically, Shi Wansui was from the Sui Dynasty, and had never heard of Li Ji's name.

It was only after the coming of this life that he heard that there was a Longwu Army in the Tang Dynasty, and the commander Li Ji was known as the God of the Army.

Unexpectedly, after Cheng Mu destroyed the Great Tang, Li Ji became Cheng Mu's general.

"General, shall we surrender?"

On the city wall, the rangers of the Song Empire stationed here spoke out to persuade them.

They didn't read much and didn't know Shi Wansui's reputation.

The only thing they know is Li Ji and Li Jing, the gods of the Tang Dynasty.

Now not only Li Ji and Li Jing are here, but also the prestigious Xue Rengui.

In this battle, they expressed their panic.


When he heard that he was asked to surrender, Shi Wansui became angry.

He scolded: "A dignified man of seven feet, he is timid before fighting."

"If there is a next time, this general will peel off your skin!"

Who is Shi Wansui? The number one general of the Sui Dynasty, invincible in history. It is an insult to ask him to surrender!

"Today, this general will test the depth of Li Ji!"

At their level, everyone is a famous player. In the end, who will win the game, I still don't know!

"Grass, this Shi Wansui is really a second stroke!"

The ranger leader proposed just now stepped back unwillingly.

At this time, he was hiding in the corner, complaining to the ranger under his command.

"I came to join Liu Bei, but was left here."

"I am really blind!"

He was furious.

As rangers of the Song Empire, they didn't want to participate in the war between the Song Empire and the Apocalypse Empire at first.

After all, with Cheng Mu's reputation here, most people would not foolishly make enemies of Cheng Mu.

The bad thing is that Liu Bei is here.

Someone rushed into Liu Bei's command for the name of Guan Erye.

Originally, they thought they would follow Second Master Guan to eat meat and drink soup, but Liu Bei turned around and went to find Cheng Mu before fighting.

In the end, Liu Bei threw them here as abandoned sons.

At this time, they really wanted to greet Liu Bei's family in person!

"Boss, why don't we secretly contact Li Ji?"

A younger brother made a suggestion.

They are not fools.

With Shi Wansui and the weak defenders in the south of the Song Empire alone, it is impossible to defeat Li Ji.

Even if you beat Li Ji, there is still Li Jing and Xue Rengui, master and apprentice!

"Okay, let's try."

The younger brother's proposal passed the unanimous consent of everyone.

If you can't beat it, just join!


outside the city.

Li Jizhen stood like a **** of war, and the power of the half-step divine platform overwhelmed the entire city of Hongzhou.

Under his persecution, the defenders on the city wall lowered their heads one after another.

After joining Cheng Mu's command, Li Ji's strength has been greatly improved!


On the city wall, Shi Wansui was the only one with his head held high.

He is also a half-step god-level strongman, and he is not weaker than Li Ji in terms of momentum.

During the confrontation between the two powerful forces, the thick walls of Hongzhou City became crumbling.


Li Ji gave the order to attack when his personal power was equal.

All of a sudden, densely packed soldiers of the Longwu Army rushed towards the city wall.

The **** dragon snake roared, exempting the soldiers of the Longwu Army from being suppressed by Shi Wansui!

"Oh, mere worms and snakes!"

Facing the power of the blood-colored dragon snake, the army soul of the Longwu Army, Shi Wansui also inspired the army spirit of the God Arm Army at the same time.

It was a **** arm.

In the blood-colored arm, the golden blood vessels are visible to the naked eye.

The moment the **** arm appeared, the strength of the arm army stationed in the city soared, and the right arm swelled.

The huge right arm made the rangers of the Song Empire in the city couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

"Damn it, unicorn arm!"

At this time, the right arm of the soldier of the God Arm Army really looks like a unicorn arm.

Their right arms were as bright red as if soaked in fresh blood, and the blood vessels on their right arms were beating like they were alive.

Bang, bang, bang, they actually showed a half-step peerless power in one blow.

Half-step peerless, that is, half-step god-killing rank arms.

As one of the most powerful armies in the Sui Empire, Shi Wansui's God Arm Army is qualified to step into the initial stage of killing gods.


After the strength of the Divine Arm Army improved, under Shi Wansui's command, the Divine Arm Longbowmen drew their bows and arrows.

Rumble! Rumble!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The arrows in their hands ripped through the air, creating a sonic boom.

Under the tremendous power, the soldiers of the Longwu Army who rushed to the front were shot to death one after another.

Even the shields in the hands of many heavy shield soldiers were shot!

A half-step god-killing unit, so terrifying!


However, the death of hundreds of people in the area did not affect the pace of the Longwu Army's advancement at all.

Under Li Ji's command, the Longwu archers in the rear began to counterattack.


Rumble! Rumble! Crackling!

When Hongzhou City did not open the city shield, sharp arrows shattered the battlements.

The god-arm soldiers hiding behind the battlements were hit one after another, and many of them were shot through their heads and died on the spot!

Shi Wansui's God Arm Army is a half-step god-killing army, as is Li Ji's Dragon Warrior Army!


In fact, Li Ji's Longwu Army has just been formed not long ago, and this strength is not yet their strongest strength.

Once they pass the baptism of the battlefield, the Million Dragon Army can also be promoted to a true god-killing army.

This Shi Wansui's Divine Arm Army is just a stepping stone on the way to the advancement of the Longwu Army!

"Damn it, fight back! Fight back!"

Seeing that the number of casualties of soldiers under his command was a little more, Shi Wansui was furious.

He roared, and the 200,000 god-armed longbowmen above and below the city fought back together.

In an instant, dense arrows enveloped the entire sky.


In the next second when the sky was bombarded by arrows.

In the Longwu Army, there are generals in the township who hold shields, and each shield covers the whole world.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

Arrows fell all over the sky like a torrential rain.

Under the protection of the shield, the soldiers of the Longwu Army were not injured at all!

This is the case with the strongest in the army.

When there is a strongest in the enemy army, the strongest of both sides fight.

Before the two sides have dispatched the strongest, the role of the strongest is either to kill the enemy or to protect the soldiers under his command.

"kill him!"

Seeing that a strong man in the Longwu Army blocked the attack of the soldiers of Party B, Shi Wansui turned around and gave an order to the general beside him.

The most powerful is to use the most powerful to kill!

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