The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 926: General please enter from the city gate

"Not one left!"

Li Ji sits in the middle army, his face is indifferent.

With him around, the morale of the soldiers of the Longwu Army has been rising.

In just a few rounds, the soldiers on both sides fought real fire.

Arrows roared, blades roared.

When the strongest men on both sides were fighting together, the soldiers of the Longwu Army had already rushed under the walls of Hongzhou City.

For a moment, rolling logs, rocks, and crossbow arrows neighed.

The whole barrel of scalding hot oil was poured down, desperately trying to stop the soldiers of the Longwu Army.


Under the protection of the **** dragon snake, and under the blessing of Li Jijun's divine power, how could rolling wood and rocks, hot oil and golden soup block the menacing soldiers of the Longwu army?

"Whoever climbs the city wall first will be promoted to three levels!"

There is a commander roaring and directing.

Inspired by the promotion, the soldiers of the Longwu Army under the city wall rushed up as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

The mere 30-meter-high city wall is like a stroll in the courtyard for a half-step peerless powerhouse.

The arrows on the city wall became their best point of leverage.

Swipe! Swipe!

In just a few breaths, hundreds of Longwu Army soldiers climbed onto the city wall.

Sword energy and sword light shone, and a large blank area was cleared out by them.

"Get them off, get them off!"

Shi Wansui roared sharply.

Occupy the advantage of the city. If the city wall was taken down by the Longwu army in this way, wouldn't Shi Wudi be ridiculed by future generations for the rest of his life?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The elite of the God Arm Army rushed up.

Their right fists swelled rapidly, and with one blow, a soldier of the Longwu Army in the front was sent flying.

Qilin's right arm endowed them with great strength.

"court death!"

It's just that the soldiers who can fly up the city wall in the first time are not mediocre.

Click click click click!

Everyone only heard a few knives, and the right arms of several unicorns of the God Arm Army were cut off.

As the blood gushed out, the entire city wall was dyed blood red.

"Continue to rush up and clear the field!"

After an advance team occupied the position of the city wall, a steady stream of Longwu Army soldiers rushed up.

During the period, although the arrow fire oil can cause some damage to them.

But in the end, many more people rushed to the city wall than died in battle!

In less than a quarter of an hour, thousands of people were killed on the city wall.

With their close cooperation, Shi Wansui's God's Arm Army was killed and retreated steadily.

Even if they are both half-step god-killing soldiers, there are still strengths and weaknesses.


Since the qualifications of the soldiers of the Longwu Army are higher than those of the God's Arm Army, their understanding and control of skills and moves is naturally better than that of the God's Arm Army.

This point is the origin of the strength gap between the two sides!

On the battlefield, the slightest loss is worth thousands of miles.

When Shi Wansui found out that the soldiers under his command were retreating steadily, he couldn't sit still.

"I am, invincible!"

He roared and rushed towards Li Ji full of anger.

As a commander, he can inspire the combat effectiveness of soldiers by taking the lead.

To put it simply, as long as he personally participates in the battle, the soldiers under his command can officially step into the rank of killing gods.

This is why Shi Wansui dared to call himself Shi Wudi.

There are very few god-killing junior units in the entire planet!

Originally, the god-killing class arms were unique to the Apocalypse Empire.

But when Ji Fa realized this problem, he secretly supported the development of elite armies of various empires.

After all, Ji Fa also knew that only the god-killing troops could resist the god-killing troops.

At this time, even if the Song, Sui, Qin, and Han countries unite to form hundreds of millions of overlords or princely-level arms, it will be useless.

As soon as the souls of the god-killing units come out, even the most powerful will retreat!

After analyzing the strength gap between super-god-level units and god-killing-level units, Ji Fa decided to develop several god-killing-level units for each empire.

Ten super gods are not as good as one killing god.

With the god-killing rank troops, Ji Fa still wanted to hunt and kill the most powerful of the Apocalypse Empire.

"Hehe, barbarian!"

Seeing Shi Wansui rushing towards him, Li Ji lightly raised his hand and set up thousands of obstacles.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Longwu Army under his command were also advanced under his control.

Shi Wansui's Divine Arm Army can enter the first stage of killing gods, so can his Dragon Warrior Army!

As for the duel with Shi Wansui? He is a commander, not a general.

In terms of individual combat strength, he can admit defeat to Shi Wansui!

He knows.

As long as he is not attacked and killed by Shi Wansui, the soldiers of the Longwu Army under his command can clear all the enemies in Hongzhou City!

"Shrinking turtle, come out!"

Shi Wansui was angry and angry when he found that Li Ji had not fought him for a long time.

"It's a man, let's have a hearty battle with this general!"

As long as Li Ji dares to come, he will smash Li Ji's head!


Li Ji sneered.

He has already occupied an undefeated position, so what is the difference between Shi Wansui's roar and the barking of a dog?


Click, click, click!

The battle between the soldiers of the two sides for the walls of Hongzhou City has reached a fever pitch.

After Shi Wansui gave the order to die, a steady stream of soldiers from the God's Arm Army rushed up the city wall from below the city.

Since there was no hindrance, the soldiers of the God's Arm Army who went forward successively occupied a huge numerical advantage.

Under their fearless charge, most of the soldiers of the Longwu Army on the city wall were killed.

The remaining hundreds of people can only rely on each other to hold the final position.

They are only slightly stronger than the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Gods, and it is difficult to be one against two.

If two people can be desperately killed, they are also worthy of death!

"General, I can't go up!"

Under the city, countless soldiers of the Longwu Army were filled with righteous indignation when they saw their brothers on the city wall in distress.

They wanted to rush up, but the hot oil burned the dense arrows on the wall.

Without the arrows as a point of leverage, it was already extremely difficult for the soldiers of the Longwu Army under the city to go up.

There was a rumbling sound when the city gate was hit, but it couldn't be broken open for a while!

"Bows and arrows rush to help!"

The generals who stayed in command did not change their expressions.

He didn't give the order to release arrows just now because there were quite a number of Longwu Army soldiers on the city wall.

Afraid of accidentally injuring the friendly army, that's why the densely packed armies of the gods had a chance to breathe.

Now, it's time to clear the field again!


A dense rain of arrows fell.

The soldiers of the God's Arm Army who were still showing off their might on the city wall were brutally slaughtered.

After a wave of arrows rained, there were only a few people who could stand on the city wall.

Many soldiers of the Longwu Army who survived on the city wall were also shot to But what can be done? On the battlefield, some people must be sacrificed.

If you can kill thousands of enemies at the cost of hundreds of casualties, then the sacrifice of hundreds of people is worthwhile!


When the city wall was once again filled with densely packed arrows, the general of the Longwu Army gave the order to attack again.

When they go up this time, they will have a firm foothold!

"General, General!"

Just when the army was rushing to kill, when everyone's attention was on the city wall.

A ranger from the Song Empire who turned into a spirit floated to the commander of the Longwu Army and said, "General, we will open the gate of Hongzhou City after thirty breaths."

"General please lead the army and enter from the gate of the city!"

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