The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 928: Leak, real boss


Shi Wansui is dead.

Xue Rengui shattered his heart with a punch, annihilating all his vitality.

The dignified number one general of the Sui Dynasty died in a foreign country just like this.

After Shi Wansui's death, the remaining God's Arm Army also gave up resistance.

They were originally a broken army with a broken army, and they barely made it here because of Shi Wansui.

Now that Shi Wansui was dead, they also lost any will to resist.

Realizing that there was no hope of escape, they all chose to kneel down and surrender.

"His grandma's, this group of people will not be killed!"

Some soldiers of the Xue family army were in a panic.

"I just chopped off three heads, and this group of guys actually surrendered. It's boring, very boring!"

"What are you showing off? I didn't get a single head in this battle."

"The Longwu army took the big head of this battle. They eat meat, and we can only drink some soup."

"Next time, it will finally be my Xue Jiajun's turn to fight, right?"


The soldiers of the Xue family army hadn't killed them to their heart's content, and the war ended in a hurry.

In less than a quarter of an hour, only half of the remaining 400,000 God's Arms remained.

It is also fortunate that the battle between Xue Rengui and Shi Wansui ended early.

Otherwise, under the massacre of the Xue family army, maybe the 200,000 **** arm troops would not be left.

"Soldiers don't need to worry, there are many opportunities to expand the territory and kill the enemy to defend the country."

"In the next battle, everyone can show the demeanor of my Xue family army!"

Xue Rengui stabilized the morale of the army.

After annihilating the Armed Forces, their next goal was Kaifeng City.

There, it will be their final battle against the Song Empire.

He heard that the army of the Sui Empire was coming continuously.

In this way, the Xue family army under his command can kill the enemy to their heart's content there!

"Thank you General!"

A commander saluted and thanked them, and then ran over and asked cautiously, "General, what should we do with the 200,000 captives?"

In this battle, the Xue family army had almost no casualties.

Waiting for work with leisure, with their full morale against the remnants of the God of War Army, they overwhelmingly crushed their opponents in this battle!

"You'll know later."

Xue Rengui did not disclose too much.

Because there is no need for him to explain it in words, and the soldiers in the congregation can see it.

Not long.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

A super army appeared on the distant horizon.

When Xue Rengui felt the momentum of this army, a smile appeared on his face.

The first god-killing army in the Tangzhou Army appeared, and that was Li Ji's Longwu Army.

After the Bloody Dragon Snake devoured the army soul of the Divine Arm Army, the extremely rich power of the army soul's feedback completely pushed the soldiers of the Dragon Armed Army to a peerless state.

This is not a fake peerless world, not a peerless world that needs the blessing of Li Ji's talent skills to step into.

The Peerless Dragon Warrior Army has successfully become one of the top legions of the Apocalypse Empire.

He Xue Rengui, he Li Ji, he people from Tangzhou can finally feel proud.

The Tangzhou Legion did not lag behind other legions of the Apocalypse Empire!

"Congratulations, General Li Ji!"

Xue Rengui beamed with joy, and firmly grasped Li Ji's hands.

He said excitedly: "I thought that in the last battle of Kaifeng City, Xie Xuan's Beifu Army might also be the main force of the battle with Nieba's Basword Army."

"But I don't want to, my Tangzhou Legion can also compete for great achievements in the world today!"

Cheng Mu has already returned to Apocalypse City.

Before Cheng Mu arrived, no matter who destroyed the Song Empire, they would be sung by the people in the country.

The name will last forever, and the ancestors will be honored!

To put it simply, the Apocalypse Empire's great achievements in destroying the Qing Empire and the Ming Empire belong to Cheng Mu.

The achievement of defeating the Tang Empire belongs to Guan Hai.

And the next achievement of conquering the Song Empire is what the generals will fight for.

Under the Chinese civilization, only the four great empires of Song, Sui, Qin and Han remained.

Four copies of the merits of destroying the country are really more wolves and less meat!

"Thank you, Marshal, for fulfilling everything!"

Li Ji knew that all the credit for this time was given to him by Xue Rengui.

He issued a military order: "Old man, I will definitely not weaken the name of the Tangzhou Army!"

His Longwu Army belongs to the Tangzhou Army, so naturally he also represents the Tangzhou Army.

They walked out of the land of Tangzhou, that must be to show the demeanor of the soldiers of Tangzhou!

"You're so beautiful, old man!"

Li Jing felt a little sad.

Who doesn't want the soldiers under his command to be the strongest?

In the beginning, his Shenwu army and Longwu army were comparable in strength.

But in such a battle, the strength of Longwu Army surpassed his Shenwu Army.

In the future, although he will be able to lead his army to advance to the rank of killing gods.

But the battle that followed was not as easy as this battle of Hongzhou City.

"Haha, Brother Yao, you have to work hard!"

Li Ji patted him on the shoulder and said: "Brother Yao, when your martial arts army advances to kill the gods, then our two armies will be in one place, and I will be able to touch even the immortal generals of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom." !"

If Li Jing's Shenwu army is promoted to the first stage of killing gods, then the two armies can combine to display the combat effectiveness of intermediate stages of killing gods.

At that time, the two million townsmen and soldiers of the fairyland will unite together, and it will really be gods who block and kill gods, and Buddhas who block and kill Buddhas!

"Good to say!"

As soon as the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom was mentioned, Li Jing's heart was also ignited with a fierce fighting spirit!

Everyone knows that once the Apocalypse Empire dominates the Chinese civilization, it is very likely to go to war with the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

At that time, wouldn't it be great to come to the Immortal Kingdom and kill the Immortal God?

"Everyone, set off!"

Afterwards, after reorganizing the 200,000 God Arm Army into the Longwu Army, Xue Rengui led his army to the north.

It is also to let the Song people feel the fear from the Tang people again!


Apocalypse City.

Cheng Mu returned extremely fast.

After he arrived at the border, he took the teleportation array back to the capital.

After not coming back for a while, Apocalypse City has become more prosperous.

Now, Cheng Mu can say without humility that his Apocalypse City is the largest city on Earth Star.

Tianqi City has been extending and expanding around according to the appearance of the Bagua formation first designed by Zhuge Liang, and the whole city is a huge formation.

Once this Eight Diagrams Formation is opened, even the powerhouses from the Immortal Realm of the Divine Palace will be helpless.

Also, after several years of rapid development, Tianqi City currently has eight walls and a population of thirty million.

A huge city with a population of 30 million, even standing in the sky, it is difficult to see the edge for a while.

And here, the top and most ideal talents of the Apocalypse Empire are gathered!

"His Majesty."

Seeing Cheng Mu coming back, Zhuge Liang rushed out to welcome him.

In fact, he has already hoped to see through. Although he is the prime minister of Tianqi Empire, he is the number one under Cheng Mu's command.

But what he has to face is a hidden race boss who doesn't know how terrifying his strength is.

Now that the leader of the dragon fish clan is here, his status as Zhuge Liang is still a little lower.

"Kong Ming."

Cheng Mu nodded, and then walked towards the palace under the leadership of Zhuge Liang.

"Your Majesty, the Lord of the Dragon Fish Clan has been living in the city and visiting the country for the past few days, and he just came back yesterday."

Zhuge Liang said to Cheng Mu while leading the way: "The Lord of the Dragon Fish Clan has stayed behind closed doors since he came back yesterday."

"Weichen once sent a maid to investigate on the grounds of delivering food, and the maid said he was meditating."

Zhuge Liang didn't know what the leader of the dragon fish clan was doing shutting himself in the house, he was just revealing this information to Cheng Mu.

"My dad is thinking!"

But Zhuge Liang had just finished speaking, and Ao Yinyin replied: "My father only sits quietly when he is thinking."

The one who knows a person best is the person's daughter!

"Thinking? Your father is thinking about whether to cooperate with my Apocalypse Empire?"

Cheng Mu understood.

Probably the leader of the Arowana Clan started to think about whether to cooperate with him after detecting the strength of his Apocalypse Empire, or how to think about a way to cooperate.

"more or less."

Ao Yinyin nodded and said: "You will know when you see my father later."

What was her father thinking about, how did she know, Ao Yinyin?

"Well, how many strong people are there in your dragon fish clan?"

At the last moment of meeting with the leader of the Dragon Fish Clan, Cheng Mu couldn't help asking again.

"The Xinghe Mermaid Clan has hundreds of strong ghosts and gods, how about you?"

If the Dragon Fish Clan is half as strong as the Xinghe Mermaid Clan, then Cheng Mu is also determined to make this partner.

At present, the strength of his Apocalypse Empire is still too weak.

Those who are strong in the ghost realm can still be counted with two hands.

Although there are many strong people in the town and country.

But on the top battlefield, the strong people in the country can't really make a final decision.

In today's battlefield, it is not only about the strength of the soldiers under your command, but also the number of the most powerful ones is also very important!

"Hey, you'll know when the time comes."

Ao Yinyin played tricks and did not answer Cheng Mu's question.

Cheng Mu will know everything when he sees it himself!

Not long after, the place where the leader of the dragon fish clan lived arrived.

Before entering the main hall, Cheng Mu saw two rows of snow-white dragon girls, holding huge snow clams as lanterns in their hands.

The fist-sized pearls shine brightly in the daytime.

"My darling, isn't your family a local rich man?"

Cheng Mu roughly counted twenty dragon girls and twenty pearls the size of a fist.

What's even more outrageous is that he felt a strong fairy spirit from these pearls.

"Why do I feel that these dragon girls are much more noble than you!"

Immediately, he looked at Longnu and then at Ao Yinyin.

"Could it be that you are a messenger boy?"

No matter what Cheng Mu thinks, these twenty dragon girls are more beautiful than Ao Yinyin! The place that should be white is white, and the place that should be big is big.

The luxurious dragon breath made people's eyes shine.

"What are you talking about? Beat you!"

Ao Yinyin waved her small fist and said viciously: "You are the one who delivers the letter."

"My Highness belongs to the Dragon Clan... so does the Fifth Highness of the Dragon Fish Clan!"

She slipped up.

She wanted to hide it, but there was no need to hide her identity at this time.


Cheng Mu was startled, and then he grinned: "You really were fooling me in the first place!"

As soon as he saw Long Nu and thought of Ao Yinyin's surname, he knew that Ao Yinyin's identity was not that simple.

When she was back at sea, Ao Yinyin, who had no strength to restrain a chicken, could even subdue sea beasts in the ghost and **** realm.

How could a mere hidden race have such means?

"Alright, alright, since you already know, let's go in!"

Ao Yinyin pushed him and said, "My father is very interested in you!"

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